
Fate / Lost Avian (anime multiverse)

The Megaverse is where different multiverses exist and form, along with many colorful and different stories such as heroes fighting villains to protect life or characters reincarnated from this world. Going to another world with special abilities, or life and death battles to achieve desired desires, or simply just interesting adventures, everything will still happen very normally and diversely and the universes will have nothing to do with each other...until a mysterious force appears to invade and destroy the multiverse, then MC Khanh Minh an ordinary person accidentally Caught up in this war because of a mysterious incident, he was fortunately found by MST (Multiverse Security Team), an organization that brings together characters from different multiverses whose mission is to protect the multiverse, and from there he, along with them and the Servants in the Nasuverse fought against that mysterious force.

Lotus_8171 · Komik
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49 Chs

Chapter 40: You are my Special (meme Itadori cries)

In the sky above the town of Trifas, after the destruction of the consciousness, the aerial fortress displayed only fragments falling to the ground, and near the forest a flash of light appeared and from within Khanh Minh and Ruler were seen. Teleport to avoid the explosion.

"Wow! Luckily I teleported in time! If I had been a little slower, I would have been killed by my move!"

Right at the moment when the magic weapon had just exploded, I quickly grabbed Ruler's hand and teleported to this place in time, before the explosion affected both of us and while I was still breathing heavily from being Exhausted, he stayed next to Ruler and came over to play with me.

"Hey Khanh Minh."


"How should I say it?...thank you for helping me even though we were enemies before."

"Oh! And I have a question: why does the holy grail know that I'm an outsider and not from here?"

I looked at Ruler with curious and probing eyes, and Ruler silently thought for a moment before answering my question about why she attacked me.

"How should I put it?...it's because you've touched and absorbed almost the root cause of being a person from no other world, and that's why you're considered a dangerous landfaller, and This world fell into destruction and the Holy Grail could only sense you here, so the Holy Grail summoned me to not only maintain the fairness of the war but also destroy you."

"That's it! Anyway, I'm tired now so I'm going back to Trifas town."

After listening to what she said, I started to stand up and leave to go back to Trifas town, but I had lost so much mana that even walking was tiring, accompanied by injuries after running out of energy. to maintain limitless energy, but I lost my footing and fell, but Ruler was next to me to catch me.

"You have to be more careful, if I hadn't caught you in time, you probably would have fallen straight to the ground."

"Thank you, so can you take me a bit?"

"Okay! As a thank you for your help."

Then Ruler helped Khanh Minh move forward towards Trifas town, and while they were walking, they talked a little to each other.

"Hey Ruler."

"What is up?."

"Well, are you going to come after me from now on? After what happened?"

"I can't say this, but if you are not a threat then I will ignore it, but if you are a threat then I will definitely kill you."

"Ha...ha, rest assured I will be a good citizen so you can rest assured."

"Hmm...I hope so, but I still haven't forgotten you daring to kiss my cheek."

Ruler glanced at Khanh Minh with a rather scary look, but there was still something a little different when looking at him, and Khanh Minh was a little worried when he looked at him.

"Oh Shit! I knew I shouldn't have done that, just with the thought that because at that time I was an enemy and after the mission I wouldn't see her again, and she looked exactly like Jeanne." The original Ruler is more accurate, but I want to try something I've never done before and tease her."

While Ruler was still helping me walk, from afar I vaguely saw Jeanne wandering around doing something, but definitely looking for me and I knew that when these two girls met, they would definitely If something bad happens, if I don't let it happen, I have to take action.

"Ah okay Ruler, let me go from this part."

"What's wrong? With your current condition, it's difficult for you to go to Trifas pharmacy town."

"It's okay, just let me go on my own."

"No, I have to take you back to town. I can't leave you alone, injured like that, and I'll repay you, so if that doesn't work, I'll still have to take you."

Ruler held Khanh Minh even tighter.

"According to this situation, it's not good at all. I have to use a trick to make her let me go."

"Hey Rulwr I have a deal with you."

"What deal?"

"Ah, please let me stay here, I can go home by myself, and at 2 o'clock two days later at the cafe where you and I met last time, at that time I will reveal to you some secret that you must hear."

"Secret! What do you mean?"

"Then you just do as I say and when the time comes, I will tell you."

Ruler thought for a while about this proposal and then she decided.

"Okay, I'll leave you here, but remember that at 2 p.m., you have to tell me those secrets."

"Okay do not worry."

After that, Ruler let me hold the battlefield and move on, while I watched her row away and go to Jeanne like that, tonight's battle was over.

At the same time, somewhere on the battlefield Sieg was walking heavily and lifelessly, facing the events that had happened to him and his near failure to help the other Homoculus. Most of them had to die, not only that but they couldn't even protect Rider, but he had to be forced to kill the Homoculus, and he could only watch helplessly as it all happened.

"Damn!! Damn!!."

Sieg knelt down on the ground and repeatedly hit the ground with his hands even in torment and pain. Despite the pain, he scratched the ground with his hesitant hands and bled profusely, tears kept falling. cease.

"You're so useless! How can you be so useless, Sieg? If you were stronger, things wouldn't have turned out like this! The other Homoculus wouldn't have died and Rider wouldn't have been forced to do so! That's because you! It's because of you because you're so weak Sieg! It's all your fault..."

Sieg cursed himself for his uselessness and weakness, and a moment after injuring himself he curled up his whole body, keeping the cold battlefield with no one around him alone.

"No I have to keep fighting...if I keep like this then I'll be nothing more than a murderer, there are still other Homoculus who have escaped and Rider too...wait for me Rider and everyone I will rescue everyone from this war."

With his last will, he stood up with eyes full of determination, and at the same time, Anos's words kept echoing in his head when he asked the question about freedom and desire, "you should remember that if you want something, it's not just determination, it's also strength", his face was filled with murderous intent which even he himself recognized.

"I have to get stronger so I can help everyone and defeat that Master."

I continued walking to return to the residence of Anos, who was hiding his identity without him knowing, and currently he was somewhere in a large empty room like a saint. but there was no cross or statue of God but a statue of an unknown woman, a gate opened and there were Astolfo and his Master, waiting there were Anos and the Servants. standing there waiting.

"So you're here already?"

"Yes! I've arrived. I've done what you asked me to do when I was undercover in the black team!"

Anos went to welcome her and the black Rider's Master immediately smiled and knelt down respectfully to him. The black Rider immediately realized that the Servants of the red team also included black Caster.

"Black Caster, why are you here?! And why are the red team Servants here?"

"Oh it's the black Rider? And your Master too so did she betray the black team too?"

"Betrayal? What do you mean Black Caster?"

Astolfo was surprised and didn't understand what was going on. Atalanta explained it to him on behalf of Black Caster, and after hearing it, Astolfo was quite angry but regained his composure.

"So you Master of the Red Caster of all people is the one behind this war?"

"That's right, is that me?"

"Nothing...I just don't like people like you."

"Oh really? Okay, now you go back to your room to rest, Celenike, and take your Servant with you."


Then she left the room, taking Astolfo with her.

"So now you guys just rest and do whatever you want, I'm leaving now and you too Mihawk."

"Well then I'll go get some sleep."

Mihawk stood up from his chair and was about to leave but was stopped by Karna.

"Wait Mihawk."

"What's wrong, Karna?"

"That's right, it's about our previous war that hasn't ended yet."

"Oh so you want to fight me again, Karna?"

"Exactly! But it's not time yet."

Then Karna turned to look at Anos and asked him.

"So Master, do you agree with me challenging Mihawk to a duel?"

"Okay but the main question is whether Mihawk agrees or not?"

"I agree, when you want we will fight again."

Mihawk then left and Karna also transformed back into his spirit form and left, then one by one they left for Black Caster, Atlanta and only Red Caster and Anos remained.

"So, Master, what are you planning to do next? And that Homoculus boy too? I'm quite curious."

"You'll know soon enough and that boy Homoculus will be the main character of my yard, Caster."

"Oh really? Then I'm really looking forward to it, especially that boy."

Then he also left, leaving Anos alone, and after everyone left, an orb immediately appeared in which was the image of Sieg, who was walking closer to Anos's house.

"So this kid is back? Look how pitiful he is, that weak and helpless face and expression are exactly like the kid Itadori Yuji said in Shibuya that Sukuna said, now I should go in." Such a kind man."

Then he also disappeared, and where Sieg walked to the front of the house and rang the bell, and a moment later Anos opened the door to welcome Sieg.

"Oh you're back already?"

"Yes, I've bothered you again."

While those things were happening, at Fiore castle Chiron's Master was listening to Chiron's account of everything that happened on the fortress, and now understood roughly what happened.

"So Mr. Danic is dead. Not only that, the Master of Red Caster is such a dangerous person, but from what I see, he doesn't kill much like someone from our artillery guild."

"Even though I don't know, I'm sure that Anos is an extremely dangerous person that even if we teamed up we could defeat him."

"You don't have to blame yourself, no matter what, it's an unexpected and heavy thing. Ruler's Master, according to you, seems to be very strong and also has some connection with him in the sense of being human." enemy."

"Yes, but I don't know if they're still alive? But with that purple explosion, it's unlikely they'll survive."

"That's right, I don't know who did it, but luckily I called you back in time without being killed by the explosion, otherwise you would be like the black team and we wouldn't have any more Servnat."

"Isn't it Master's idea that Rider is also dead?"

Chiron was surprised by the news that the black team was now left with only him and Frankenstein, and Fiore also explained about Astolfo's Master's betrayal.

"I didn't expect things to be this bad."

"That's right! So now we have to find the whereabouts of the black Master Assasin, to force that person to hand over Assasin to us, but if we keep like this, Yggdmilennia will lose! Tomorrow I will ask my younger brother to search."

"If Master says so, then I have no further comments."

"Okay, you should rest. From now on until they do something, we'll just focus on rebuilding our forces, and if the Ruler and her Master are still alive, and the Red Saber's Master too." We need more allies to be ready to counterattack."


After Fiore's words, Chiron understood and left, leaving her sitting looking at the window.

"It seems like things are getting worse and more out of control."

And somewhere in a room there were two people sitting at the table eating together, including a woman with light green-brown hair, and a white-haired girl with a scar on her left eye and stitches on her right cheek and That girl was the black Assassin Jack the ripper, and on the table the woman was eating delicious soup and the girl had a human heart on her plate, which she devoured deliciously.

"Hey mom, what should we do next?"

"Ara! You don't have to be in such a hurry Jack, soon we will take action and the next target will be the Yggdmilennia family."

"Yes, I'm really looking forward to it, mama!"

"Good girl."

To Be Continued.