
Fate / Lost Avian (anime multiverse)

The Megaverse is where different multiverses exist and form, along with many colorful and different stories such as heroes fighting villains to protect life or characters reincarnated from this world. Going to another world with special abilities, or life and death battles to achieve desired desires, or simply just interesting adventures, everything will still happen very normally and diversely and the universes will have nothing to do with each other...until a mysterious force appears to invade and destroy the multiverse, then MC Khanh Minh an ordinary person accidentally Caught up in this war because of a mysterious incident, he was fortunately found by MST (Multiverse Security Team), an organization that brings together characters from different multiverses whose mission is to protect the multiverse, and from there he, along with them and the Servants in the Nasuverse fought against that mysterious force.

Lotus_8171 · Komik
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49 Chs

Chapter 24: Code Quest “Apocryphal”: launch

At a corner of the canteen table, Jeanne and I were sitting across from each other, I looked on with a serious face and Jeanne was a little nervous.

"Hey Master, do you have something to tell me?"

"Yeah that's right, I wanted to talk to you about if you could practice with me later?"

"Practice? So that's why you wanted to talk to me? You don't know what you mean, and FA I wouldn't be too surprised."

"This little one."

I was startled repeatedly with that arrogant and condescending attitude that made me quite self-deprecating.

"Oh, so you're scared?"

"Am I scared? It's silly that I'm not easily fooled by your provocations."

With that arrogant declaration, I smiled and said a sentence.

"Horrible? You don't look like someone who can beat me so I'll train with Artoria or Saber then, the two of them seem to be better at fighting than you?"

I used a trick of indirectly complimenting others and drowning the listener, she turned from arrogance to anger and glared at me.

"You mean I'm weaker than those two?"

"Depends, I haven't fought you so I don't know and I've fought with them so I know, and you don't want to duel so that's for sure."

She got even more angry and approached me with her eyes as if she wanted to eat me alive, and then she decided to accept.

"Fine! You and I will go to the scrum to see who's stronger than me or those women? And you too I'll show you how strong I am."

"Then let's wait until we're done eating."


In order to quickly determine the winner, we both finished our meal as quickly as possible, then as soon as we finished eating, we cleared the table and went to the practice room where I fought the puppet, when inside I saw the puppet. The puppets had been stashed away in the carriage room, so it was empty. Jeanne immediately summoned the combat gear.

"Okay, now let's start containing the Master?"

"Of course, I'll give it a try and see how my new strength turns out."

"Then let's see?"

She immediately approached me with high speed swinging her sword at my neck, but with her the sword almost stopped in mid-air at the same time my eyes turned blue, Not giving up on her continued swinging her sword but it was useless since she couldn't touch me, causing her to grumble.

"Fuck what? What's the point of playing like that? I don't touch you, how can I hit you?"

"Is that so? Okay, I'll turn it off and use this."


"You turn on your shield because this attack is quite powerful."


When she was confused, I gathered the reaction force: red, a red bubble appeared in front of my two fingers and fired.

"Technique Reversal: Red."


When I shoot Jeanne immediately turns on shield and defense, with the power of my attack when and touching the shield broke it and created a shock river that damaged the room but not too heavy, and she was I was knocked off and lying on the floor saw that I immediately went to her and helped her up.

"Hey, are you okay!?."

"I'm fine, but are you trying to kill me or something like that?"

"Sorry I didn't expect it to be so powerful, next time I'll try to limit its power."

"Then you must bear this punishment first!"

She said while angry, she punched me and I was helpless to block it with her right hand, seeing that it wasn't enough, she pinched my cheek.

"What are you doing!?."

"Then pay me back for what you did to me!"

She pulled my cheek harder, with her doing it made me a little uncomfortable and painful, I also fattened her cheeks the same way she pulled mine.

"How dare you Master!."

"Who told you to pinch my cheek?"

"Then it's because of you, ask, I'll pinch your cheek harder."

My cheeks are pinched again with a stronger force than before, don't lose I am also fat when with the same green as she is fat me, both of us cupped each other's cheeks until we turned our faces and from behind a voice came out. for the two of us to look back.

"You two are having a lot of fun, aren't you?"

The one who appeared was Artoria, she was looking at us with fat cheeks.

"Not fun!."

We immediately denied it and released our hands, leaving our cheeks flushed red from being pulled, at the same time another person approached.

"Found you! Newcomer."

We looked back and forth to find the speaker but didn't see anyone to ask.

"Who's that?."

"I'm here these kids!"

The person's voice was quite angry, and then we looked down at Artoria's feet where the sound was coming from, and there was a little person mixed with a frog that looked like an alien.

"Who are you?."

Artoria stepped back and asked him.

"I'm Azmuth the scientist here, and I'm here to deliver the finished version of the armor you wore."

As he said that, he immediately summoned the arc reactor to come and give it to me.

"Are you done fixing it?"

"It's not about fixing it, it's about unlocking it, and let alone you know it has 4 forms, the one you used last time was the strongest Hyper Mutenki, but since we restricted it, you just It's only 10%, but now you can use as much as you want."

"Ah yes, thank you."

"It's nothing, I'm leaving now and there's also the sword I gave you."

Before he left he gave me a white sword with a gear or something like that on the blade part, the blade has 7 rainbow colors and the hilt has a trigger like a gun and has a red rim, when giving it me he left.

[Author: It's the DonZenkai sword from Movie Don Brother x Zenkaiger.]

"Why is this sword so colorful? It suits your color-loving personality, Master."

Jeanne mocked the sword for being so colorful and took the opportunity to smack me, which annoyed me quite a bit, and then I looked over at Artoria.

"As far as I can tell, she's right, it suits you."

"You're all right!."

"See, I told you, it suits you so well hahaha!!"

"These two little ones."

While I was still angry, an announcement was made.

"Notify all staff tomorrow at 10 am, those who are directed to participate in the Apocryphal mission will go to the quantum tunnel room, including Jeanne Alter, Artoria Alter, Khanh Minh all three must be present by tomorrow. ."

Then the notification went off, leaving the three of us quite surprised because we had to go on a mission tomorrow.

"So fast! Tomorrow is so boring! I want to fight the game all day."

I sighed wearily.

"Do you have to go tomorrow?"

And Jeanne looked depressed as if she didn't want to go.

"Can you bear with me? We've already worked with them anyway, so we'll have to prepare tomorrow."

Artoria seemed quite normal without complaining, I also had to accept the fact that I had to go on a mission tomorrow so I told the two of you to go back to your room.

"Well, let's go back to our room, tomorrow at 10 o'clock we will gather in the quantum tunnel room, so remember to go to bed early or set that alarm."

"Rest assured I am a punctual person who is never late-."

"Let's go, Master."


Ignoring her, Artoria and I went to our rooms, despite her being quite surprised and shouting at us.

"Where are you two going, come back and see!! Damn it, I'll go to my room."

Then she also returned to her room with a rather bitter mood, when I got to my room, I immediately took a shower to prepare for the battle game before leaving.

"Wow! Now I should have a little fun before the quest, it's not dark anyway so it should be fine, let's see what game we can play...hey it! Final Fantasy 16, I haven't played it yet! it's been since I bought it the night before the isekai day, if you ignore that, now it's okay."

The next day, all the participants of this campaign had gathered at the quantum tunneling station, in the center of the room there was a circular machine and right above it there were a series of small glass panels connected to the ceiling by A device.

[Author: It's like the quantum machine in the Avenger endgame.]

The staff were working and checking the parameters, coordinates, discussing the transport of equipment to make the machine run smoothly, the door of the room opened and there were 4 people entering it, Jeanne and Artoria. , Saber and Acher captured their shadow Paradox and went to inquire.

"Looks like everyone is here! Where's Khanh Minh?"

"He is! I thought he had to come and contain him, didn't he come yet?"

Acher was surprised that I wasn't here, Saber also became worried about me.

"Did he run into something?"

Only Jeanne and Artoria know why I'm not here.

"He's probably still sleeping on the bed, but that's okay, he'll be here anyway."

"Honestly, why is Master up so late, knowing that I went to his room to wake him up."

Jeanne looked normal and Artoria looked disheartened, causing the three of Acher Saber and Paradox to look rather confused, at the same time I ran up from behind the doors with a rather hurried look.

"It's too late now!."

"You're here, Master! I thought you were sleeping again."

"Because I play games too much, I wake up late, but it's fine as long as I can."

I also didn't want to argue with Jeanne much, so I just talked about it in general, Acher reminded me again.

"If you're a man, don't be late, that's a sign of respect for others."


While we were talking to each other, at the same time a notification came out.

"Announcement that the quantum tunneling machine has been activated, please Khanh Minh, Jeanne Alter and Artoria Alter board the machine to go into virtual space, please."

"Listen, the machine has been activated, now invite the three of you to board the machine."

"Um, I got on right away."

"May the three of you complete the mission well."


Before leaving, Saber wished us well, and Paradox immediately put us on the quantum machine, I looked at it like a quantum machine in Avenger, and some staff came to give it to me. the three of us one arm.

"This is...?."

"Ah yes, this is a bracelet that functions both as a space-time locator and as a protective suit for the wearer when entering the virtual digital world."

"So that is!."

Then the staff member left, let the car prepare to work, and Paradox also reminded us a bit.

"If you encounter too strong a opponent, use that bracelet to call us, so that we will send reinforcements to help."

"Thank you, sir."

"Then be careful, three of you."

He walked away to where everyone was looking at us from behind, including Acher and Saber and a few other people and people in the meeting, and then two people walked up to the console it was a guy in two shoes. blue and red,

and the little man yesterday.

"Okay, all three of you press the bracelet."


All three of us answered in unison and followed suit and from there a protective suit wrapped around us.

"Okay, activate the machine!."


The staff obeyed the instructions to activate the machine, I nervously watched the glass panels above move and rotate clockwise, I looked at both Jeanne and Artoria, who were also looking at me nervously.

"Master this is my first time experiencing that so-called quantum travel."

"Me too, my body is Tran full of suspense and excitement."

Both of them are nervous but also very happy to experience, I am also happy and nervous with them when I look at them.

"I'm no different from the two of you! I'm excited about this too."


An announcement immediately sounded.

"Three will travel in 3..2..1, starting!."

Under the glass the inside of the grease machine released a beam of light that drew all three inside, we were shrunk to the quantum level and navigated by the suit to the mission step coordinates.

When I was going some distance, I saw a silhouette of a heavy armored vehicle moving in this space.

While I was still looking, the suit moved to the coordinates, immediately our bodies returned to normal in the middle of a new field near a town.

"This is..."

While Jeanne and Artoria were still confused, I quickly grasped the situation and spoke.

"So we've arrived, the Apocryphal mission officially begins."

In the virtual space of the Shadow Border ship where Fujimaru's group is temporarily taking refuge, Da Vinci, who is in charge of the ship's control, detects three energy fluctuations near the ship.

"What is this? That's right, there's another source of energy appearing and disappearing near the ship? Are they chasing it? No if thats the case, the ship has already been attacked, so three sources What's the bouncing energy?"

To Be Continued.