
Fate DxD:Archer Reborn

Archer Emiya has reborn as his alternate self in a world of that mix fate kaleid liner and dxd what he will do in this world with his new life as a part of Rias peerage?

Raylight25 · Komik
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216 Chs

Chapter 39 - The Meeting

Sona Sitri was sitting in the Student Council Room, right now there is some situation that made her feel very stressed.

In the afternoon right after school, she received a call from the Vatican. They told her that 3 Exorcists would come to Kuoh to chase a thief that stole the 4 pieces of holy sword Excalibur. And that was are one of the two thing made Sona stressed, she had to take care of a lot of paperwork so that the Exorcists could enter Kuoh.

Sona also has to contact the Tohsaka family who are the Second Owners of Kuoh City regarding the arrival of the Excorcists. Kuoh city was basically under the rule of the Tohsaka family who joined the Clock Tower magic organization which had a bad relationship with the Underworld.

Previously, Sona felt a bit strange and ridiculous when Tohsaka Rin, who was the Second Owner of Kuoh, asked permission from Rias and herself to do the task of the Clock Tower in Kuoh. Isn't Tohsaka Rin the Second Owner of Kuoh why would she ask permission from herself and Rias? It doesn't make sense! Is she asking permission so that she and Rias stay out of the Clock Tower business? May be. Rias didn't want to interfere with the Exorcist who want to meeting her, Rin and Sona. And Rias who feels lazy about it, leaving everything to Sona, fortunately Akeno who is far more diligent than Rias forces Rias to come meet the Exorcists with Sona. Sona was really relieved by Akeno, who was able to force Rias to do her duty properly. In contrast to Rias who is a spoiled lady who had all her wishes granted by her parents. Sona, although spoiled by her parents and older sister, doesn't want to rely on her parents to get the things she wants.

She prefers to try on her own to get the things that she wants. That's why Sona is far more independent and mature than Rias.

And the second thing that makes Sona even more stressed. When Sona checks the new student registration documents sent by Irisviel von Einzbern, the mother of Emiya Shirou, Rias crush and peerage member, when Sona read the document and she saw Arturia Von Einzbern name, Sona immediately felt strange.

Arturia is the female name of King Arthur and at the same time 3 Exorcists from the Vatican came to chase the thief of Excalibur who ran to Kuoh. Excalibur and the girl who had the same name as King Arthur appearing at the same time? Isn't this too strange to be called coincidence?

Sona senses that something bad will happen because of that strange coincidence.


Caren Hortensia school nurse from Kuoh Gakuen Elementary School. Was sitting in her office looking at the data from the three Exorcists who had come from the Vatican sent by Clock Tower. Currently Caren Hortensia is only told to supervise it and is asked not to interfere unless the condition is very serious. Because Caren's main task is to keep an eye on Rin and Luvia. Whatever happened to the devils that living in Kuoh city which was basically the territory of the Clock Tower was not her business.

"Let Emiya Shirou take care of the Excalibur problems," Caren said with an emotionless face. "Because it was Emiya Shirou task."

After that Caren decided to put the document on her desk and sleep on the bed in the room. Helping the Exorcists who came from the Vatican goes against the very principle of her life which is "being lazy."


That morning in Shirou's room, another cliché thing has appened. Once again Shirou woke up with Saber asleep together with himself on the left side of his bed, although this time Saber slept wearing pajamas and was not completely naked like before.

But this time Kuro and Illya hugged both of his legs and added Rin who somehow could fall asleep on his right side wearing a see-through lingerie. Shirou can not move at all because his arms are held by Saber and Rin, while his legs are held by Illya and Kuro.

Shirou sighed, he wanted to scream to make the four girls who were currently on his bed wake up.

But Shirou didn't want to make Sella angry with him anymore. Shirou knew that in terms of physical strength, prana and combat experience he was at the level far beyond anyone in the Emiya residence. But Shirou still has respect for Sella who takes care of everything in the Emiya Residence, that's why Shirou doesn't want to upset Sella at all because Sella is stressed enough with all her responsibilities at the Emiya Residence.

So Shirou could only wait for the four girls who were currently holding his body to wake up.

And it wasn't long before Saber opened his eyes for the first time and greeted Shirou, "Mmm Morning Shirou."

"Morning Saber," Shirou said. "Why did you sleeping in my bed? Aren't my mom already give you the vacant room across my room for you to sleep. "

"I can't sleep without you beside me, Shirou," Saber is smiling, she really happy she can live with her true love once more. "So I decided to sneak out to your room and sleep beside you!"

But then Saber saw Rin in Shirou right side, and Illya and Kuro hugging both of Shirou leg.

"Shirou why did Rin, Illya and Chloe are sleeping on your bed!"

"That's what I want to know too, Saber," Shirou sighing once more. He really wanted all the problem he was currently facing would be resolved.

Because Saber's voice was too loud, Rin, Illya and Kuro woke up and they immediately greeted Shirou without noticing the presence of Saber who was on Shirou's left side.

"Emiya-kun morning," Rin said while kissing Shirou cheek.

"Onii-chan! Good morning!" illya and Kuro said while hugging Shirou body.

Seeing her 'Shirou' is kissing and hugging by another girl Saber feel really angry. And shouted to Rin, Illya and Kuro.

"Rin! How dare you kissing Shirou cheek! And Illya, Kuro you how brave the two of you hugging my Shirou! And why the three of you sleeping in Shirou bed! "

"You're noisy Saber! Emiya-kun is my fiancee so is natural for me to kissing him and sleeping beside him!" Rin doesn't care about Saber anger to her at all.

Because the night before when she decide to spend the night in Emiya residence, Rin already planned to sleep beside Shirou. "Because of that you doesn't have the right to angry at me, I the one who suppose to be angry to you Saber! Because you dare to sleep beside my fiancee!"

"The two of us have the right to sleep in Onii-chan bed because we both are his little sister!" Illya and Kuro said. "So shut up Saber!"

"The three of you has just declared a war to me!" Saber said. "So be it! I will not give Shirou to any of you!"

"So you want a war huh Saber!" Rin said. "Okay I accept it! Emiya-kun is mine and mine alone! I will not give him to anyone!"

"Both of us also accept the war!" Illya and Kuro said. "We will not lose to both of you!"

The heat situation between the four girl continues until the time to go to school.

What Shirou really want is a peace in his morning, why did he always have a girl trouble since he reincarnated in this new world!

Irisviel feel happy because Shirou are so popular, Luvia feels really angry because the girl sleeping with Shirou. Asia pouting her face because she is left behind, Zelretch mocking him and said how lucky he is and Shirou can only say his favorite phrase: "Damn my E rank luck and Damn my Harem Protagonist fate!"


During lunch break in the ORC Room.

"Emiya-kun! Why didn't you come to school yesterday!" Rias was annoyed because yesterday morning when she was about to go together with Shirou to school. Rias couldn't enter the Emiya residence at all because of the Bounded Field that Irisviel had set up. that's why she gave up going to school with Shirou and decided to wait for Shirou at school. But unfortunately because of Saber's appearance, Shirou couldn't come to school at all.

"I and all my family members woke up late yesterday Rias-buchou," said Shirou. "There are guests who suddenly came in the middle of the night so my family and I stayed up late last night until 2 am."

"Oooh," Rias really felt embarrassed because she was angry at Shirou without asking first. Her face turned red and she immediately placed Shirou's face on her cleavage. "Forgive me, Shirou-kun I didn't know you have a sleep trouble! Come here sleep in my breast! So you can feel calm and sleep well!"

"Ara ara Rias you make me feel jealous," said Akeno. "I also want to do the same thing with Emiya-kun!"

"You never should!" Rias shouted hugging Shirou even tighter for fear that Akeno would take Shirou away from her. "He's mine! If you want someone to hug, just hug Issei!"

"Issei-kun was absent from school because of a fever," said Akeno. "Besides, I can get some itching and bumps if I hug a super perverted and not cute guy like Issei-kun, I just want to hug a man who is handsome, kind and caring like Emiya-kun!"

"Ummph ummph!" Shirou couldn't breathe at all because his head was in Rias cleavage, his face turned blue and he felt that he was going to die. Luckily the smartphone in his pocket sounded very loud. Makes Rias feel a little surprised and let go of her hug to Shirou.

Shirou now can breathe a sigh of relief, grabs his smartphone and takes the call that called him.

"Hello, mum?"

Shirou who got a call from Irisviel decided to leave the old school building to meet Irisviel. Makes Akeno and Rias feel disappointed.


ORC room in the old school building.

Rin, Sona and Rias sat next to each other and on the sofa opposite them sat the three Exorcists from the Vatican. And behind the sofa occupied by Rin, Sona and Rias, stood Luvia, Akeno, Koneko and Tsubaki.

"So my name is Sister Griselda Quarta and the two girls beside me are Irina Shidou and Xenovia Quarta my junior," Sister Griselda tried to introduce herself as politely as possible so as not to offend the three girls sitting opposite her.

"My name is Sona Sitri, the successor of the Sitri family," said Sona.

"My name is Rias Gremory, the successor of the House of Gremory," said Rias.

"My name is Tohsaka Rin the successor of the Tohsaka clan, and the Second Owner of Kuoh city," Rin said. "Can you tell me what the purpose of the three of you Exorcists from the Vatican in Kuoh?"

"The three of us are chasing the thief that stole the 4 pieces of holy sword Excalibur who ran to Kuoh," said Griselda. "Although we currently don't know where the thief is, but we are sure that the thief will appear soon as we brought two other Excaliburs along with us."

Irina shows Excalibur Mimicry which she turned into a bracelet.

Meanwhile Xenovia displayed her Excalibur Destruction.

'If Saber finds out and sees Excalibur her is beloved sword, became a fragments something bad can be happen,' Rin had an unpleasant feeling when she saw the fragment of Excalibur.

"The three of us already know that from the documents sent by the Vatican," said Sona with a sigh. "So why do you three want to see us?"

"We just want the Tohsaka family who are Second Owners in Kuoh and the Gremory clan as well as the Sitri clan in charge of eradicating the stray devils from Kuoh city not to interfere with Vatican affairs unless circumstances require assistance from all of you," said Griselda.

"That's okay to me," Rin said. "How about you Rias, Sona?"

"Same for me," said Rias. "Nor do I want to interfere with Vatican affairs."

"I agree with Rias," said Sona. "As long as the three of you are willing to take responsibility for all the damage you will cause when you fight that Excalibur thief."

"Okay, we can accept the conditions you put forward on the three of us," said Griselda. "We thank to the three of you for receiving us well in Kuoh."

"Well, since the three of you came to Kuoh city with complete documents, and polite behavior without a suspicious behaviour at all. Then of course the three of us can receive you well," Rin said.

"Then we'll excuse me," said Griselda. "We must immediately find where the Excalibur thief Valper Galilei is hiding."

In front of the door of the ORC room, Kiba who just arrived at the old school building after finishing his class picket assignment.

And when Kiba was about to open the door to the ORC room, he heard a conversation regarding Excalibur. His anger exploded and Kiba opened the door to the ORC room quickly and loudly and shouted loudly.

"You three can't go! Because I will destroy the Excalibur you brought!"


Arturia alias Saber comes to Kuoh Gakuen together with Irisviel to measure the uniform she will wear when she goes to Kuoh Gakuen school later.

Saber wearing the proper unifrom make Irisviel feel sad, but she doesn't have choices on this thing, when they both finished Irisviel still had to take care of additional documents for Saber to the principal's office so that Saber was not suspected by anyone. That's why Irisviel called Shirou who was in the ORC room and asked him to accompany Saber on a tour of the school while she finished Saber's enrollment at Kuoh Gakuen.

Shirou, who feels grateful to be free from Rias's embrace, which almost killed him, without thinking immediately runs out of the old school building and goes to the front of the new school building to meet Irisviel and Saber.


Griselda was surprised because there was still someone left from the Holy Sword Project, Kiba who is currently Rias's Knight, because what she knew was that terrible project involving so many children without parents created by Valper Galilei did not leave a single child that use for the experiment alive. Griselda feels bad for Kiba, because of the mistake the Vatican did to Kiba.

Whereas Xenovia happily accepted Kiba's challenge, because all she had in mind was fighting against a strong enemy.

Kiba who is usually very calm in every battle directly attacks Xenovia blindly.

Kiba used the Holy Eraser which was his flagship sword to fight the holy swords.

The same as Xenovia who is basically a berserker and fights without ever using any special tactics or techniques. Because all Xenovia was thinking about was the pleasure she felt when she fought.

Kiba and Xenovia fought quite evenly, after fighting for a while Kiba's mind finally calmed down quite a bit after he remembered his teacher's words. When in a fight he must always be calm and level-headed. That's why Kiba who excels in the ability to use sword techniques starts to push against Xenovia. But because Excalibur Destruction had such strong destructive power, Xenovia was able to quickly turn things around.

When Shirou and Saber who were walking around Kuoh Gakuen arrived in front of the old school building, they could both see Xenovia and Kiba who were fighting fiercely. and when Saber heard the conversation between Griselda and Rias about Excalibur being divided into 7 parts tremendous anger immediately arose in her heart.


Saber, who came to the old school building together with Shirou, gave off an enormous aura of anger when she heard Excalibur, her proud sword separated into seven pieces. Even though Saber knew that the Excalibur that was broken to 7 was not her Excalibur.

But still Saber could feel the cry from the Excalibur shards that were being held by Xenovia and Irina.

The Excalibur Shards shouted at Saber, asking Saber so that they can return to being one complete sword. The Excalibur shard immediately recognized Saber who was King Arthur when Saber appeared together with Shirou.

An intense aura of anger immediately surged from Saber's body. She was annoyed to see Excalibur being divided into seven different swords. The aura that Saber exuded was so large and suppressing that it made almost everyone in front of the old school building except Shirou feel suffocated and couldn't breathe.

"Why did Excalibur split into 7 pieces!" Shouted Saber.

author Note: Next Chapter the detail of Kiba fight and Irina is kidnapped by the Valper Galilei. I remove Shirou confusion act from this chapter cause a lot of protest.