
Chapter 40 - The Fight

Kiba Pov

I feel so angry, when I hear about Excalibur in front of the club room! That damned cursed holy sword that makes me and my friend life at the church miserable. When Rias-buchou save me that day in the chilly winter night, I swear to myself to destroy that damned sword! And now there are two pieces of Excalibur in front of me, this was really a good chance to destroy it. I didn't want to miss this chance!

So I challenge the Exorcist to fight me, so I can destroy that cursed sword!

"So you want to challenge us, huh it might be interesting to test the strength of Rias Gremory's servants. "

Xenovia, one of the Exorcist who have blue hair accepted my challenge. That's good I will enjoy my time destroying her self confident!

Apparently Sister Griselda, her superior understood my anger after Rias-buchou explained to her why I became so angry.

So Buchou and Sister Griselda made a deal with her that I and Xenovia will not fight with our life on bet. i can agree with that, what I want is to destroy the Excalibur no the wielder of it.

The location of the fight, was field in front of old school building. To avoid unnecessary damage and getting noticed by others, Akeno-fuku-buchou put up a bounded field for us. with this we could fight without concern.

… "Even if it's just a match, but please be careful Kiba!" Rias-buchou warned me, and like she said of course I will be careful.

"Okay buchou," I replied to her.

A little cut from a holy sword will akin to a poison for a devil like me.

i activated my Sacred gear and made my trump card to destroy the holy sword, Holy Eraser.

"You know, your smile is really creepy," Xenovia my enemy said a very disturbing word to me. A smile that made the atmosphere cold. Well so if my smile was creepy. Because righy now I fell very happy.

"The thing I wanted to defeat and destroy appeared right in front of me. Of course I'm happy and smiling!"

"Well you have your reason to be angry, but your Sacred Gear is" Sword Birth ", huh. A Sacred Gear that can create any demonic-sword they imagine in their headit's unique among the Demonic-sword Sacred Gear, this will be interesting fight! "

It look like Xenovia the Exorcist that I will fight, is a battle maniac and a girl who think with her muscles, huh. Well let's fight her.

CLASH! I went on slashing towards Xenovia. the holy-sword and my demonic-sword made sparks. Xenovia smirked after blocking my strike. She look like enjoying the clash beetwen us.

"The power in my slash is made by the weight of my comrades' hatred, who were killed while filled with regret! i will beat you the wielder of Excalibur with this power, and then I will destroy that Excalibur! "

I made a vowed the get revenge for my death comrade that were killed by the Holy Sword Project.

I attacking with Xenovia with my god speed. but Xenovia can follow the speed of my attack, even after I attack her from all directions, with the minimum movement.

"Your attack is good but you are too naïve!"

KACHING! With a single swing of Xenovia sword she turned my Holy eraser to dust. "...…!" i feel so speechless right now because my sword was destroyed with a single swing. That Excalibur have a great destructive power!

"My sword have a power to destroy anything!" Xenovia swirled around her sword. She then pointed it upwards then thrust it into the ground!


The ground where I was standing shook and the ground was rumbling! I lost my balance and kneeled on the ground. I couldn't stand! There were clouds of dust in my surroundings!

Excalibur Destruction really up to it name. It will be really hard for me to defeat her. after I see the power of Excalibur Destruction, I start to remember, the words of my mentor.

"You must not let you wish for revenge, cloud you judgment in fight, Kiba. Your must fight with a clear heart and calm mind or you can fight with your full power."

Before I let my revenge fill up my mind so I can fight with my full capabilities, but now I learn my mistakes. I will fight Xenovia with all I got.


From what I see, Xenovia doesn't have any techniques that can be called sword techniques. She only relied on the brutal strength and devastating power of the Excalibur Destructiom to corner me. And that was a weakness of her that I will use to defeat her!

I moved cautiously avoiding every slash that she use at me and I gradually began to slowly press her with all the sword techniques I had learned.

And sure enough just as I thought, Xenovia really didn't have a swordsmanship tehnique. She can withstand my attacks because of her fighting experience. But when I used a more complicated technique to attack her, Xenovia unable to keep up with my attacks and having a hard time defending herself.

But once again Xenovia was able to turn things around thanks to the destructive power of the Excalibur Destruction which destroyed the Holy Eraser in an instant, when Xenovia decided to attack again while I was pushing her by doing the wide forward slash that she did by utilizing the power of Excalibur Destruction which she maximized its destructive power.

Xenovia's slash almost hit me, luckily I'm still a little bit faster than Xenovia. So I can avoid the terrible slash that she made.

But now I can see that Xenovia was really exhausted from the slash she did just now, I guess maximizing the destructive power of Excalibur Destruction make Xenovia exhausted.

I can also be said to be in the same state as her, even though no slash from Xenovia hit me, but since I also used up a lot of stamina when I made Holy Eraser many times because the Holy Eraser was destroyed by Xenovia, my situation wasn't that different from her. My next attack will determine who will win this battle. But when Xenovia and I haven't had the chance to make the final attack, I suddenly can feel an enormous amount aura of anger is pressing on my body. I felt very short of breath and couldn't maintain my consciousness. And I can see that Rias-Buchou, Akeno-san, Koneko-chan, Sona-kaichou, and and Tsubaki-Fuku-Kaichou are also in the same state as me. Likewise the Exorcists from the Vatican they all felt short of breath and seemed to be losing consciousness. Ukkkh I can't maintain my consciousness, actually who is emitting such an oppressive anger aura like this.


Xenovia Pov

I didn't expect that I, who was able to made Kiba Yuuto the knight from Rias Gremory Peerage feel frustrated, was being pushed back. Because all of a sudden the sword technique he was using was really hard to avoid.

Abd again he who used to fight full of anger, now battles more calmly. Shit I should have listened to Sister Griselda's words to practice sword techniques instead of just training my muscles! Now my laziness backfires me, due to my laziness to practices the sword techniques. Right now I absolutely can avoid the complicated sword technique Kiba used to attack me.

The only way to turn things around is to use the ultimate attack I made based on the power of Excalibur Destruction and Durandal. I concentrated all my strength on the Excalibur Destruction and made a wide slash forward. The power released from the Excalibur Destruction managed to make Kiba's complicated attack to stop.

But after that I became weak and a little exhausted. I was too desperate to use the ultimate move like that, but I had no other choice. The only way so I don't lose is to use that ultimate move.

But suddenly I felt an intense aura of anger pressure to the point that I felt short of breath and choked I couldn't move and slowly I started to lose my consciousness. It's just that before my consciousness completely disappeared, I had a chance to see a red haired man and a blonde haired woman standing not far from where Kiba and I were fighting. I couldn't see their faces clearly because I was about to pass out, but I could feel that the blonde haired girl was the source of the aura of anger I felt. And strangely I can feel that Excalibur Destruction was about to slip out of my hand and fly towards the girl. I was afraid that the Excalibur Destruction I used would be taken by that girl, so with the remaining strength I have, I opened my Pocket dimension and put the Excalibur Destruction back inside it. And after that I completely passed out.


Shirou Pov

The aura of anger that Saber gave off almost made everyone in front of the old school building faint, I still managed to save Rin and Luvia so they didn't lose their consciousness. But not with Rias-buchou, Akeno, Koneko-chan, Kiba, Sona-kaichou, Tsubaki-Fuku-kaichou, and the three women who if my guess was right were the Excorcists from the Vatican they all fainted because they couldn't bear the pressure they felt from the aura of anger that Saber was letting out.

Saber also fainted immediately after she let out an enormous amount aura of anger, it seems that Saber's new body still can't be used to do something excessive like what Saber did before. I walked towards Saber and carried her body, I could feel Saber's body heating up. My guess is right, Saber's new body still can't be used for anything superfluous.

"Emiya-kun, what has happened? Why did everyone suddenly faint?"

Rin who still looks limp, walks up to me and asks about what caused everyone who was in front of the old school building to faint. Behind Rin, Luvia who still looks giddy also walked towards me.

"Saber felt very angry when she heard Rias and the nun from Vatican talking about Excalibur in this dimension which was divided into seven parts, that's why she gave off such a huge amount aura of anger. It made everyone here fainted except from you and Luvia."

"If that's the reason, I shouldn't be surprised, though. Because Excalibur is something very important to Saber." Rin said to me.

"But Shero, why is Saber also passed out?" Luvia asked me.

"Luvia is right, Emiya-kun, why Saber who are the one emitting the aura of anger, also fainted?"

"Saber's new body still can't be used to overdo things that's why Saber also fainted."

"So Emiya-kun what do you want to do next?"

"I'll bring Saber Rin home, so she can rest."

"Then Shero what about the devil and exorcists from the Vatican they are all still unconscious."

"Just let them sleep over there Luvia, after all there won't be anyone who wants to do something bad to all of them in Kuoh Gakuen which is managed by the Gremory and Sitri families, if anything happens to them I will be the who responsible. "

"Your actions is so irresponsible Emiya-kun, it doesn't seem like you."

"I'm still me, Rin and you know it. I just don't want to be the naive Emiya Shirou who still try to become a hero of justice who wants to save everyone. Saving everyone is impossible because of that I will only be a hero for the people who is important to me." Uuh I said embarrassing things to Rin !I really want to get my head under the pillow!

"Emiya-kun, are I and Luvia is important to you?"

"You already know the answer, Rin. If you and Luvia is not important for me, I will not save you and Luvia from Saber angry aura before!"

Rin and Luvia face became really red after I answered Rin question. Well that was a cliche reaction, after that I, Rin, Saber and Luvia meet my mum and go home together.


Shortly after Shirou, Saber, Rin and Luvia going home with Irisviel.

Valper Galilei who came to Kuoh Gakuen secretly to oversee the devil in Kuoh Gakuen. He was shocked when he saw the three Exorcists from Vatican and all the devil from Kuoh lying unconscious in front of the old school building. And Valper suddenly remembered that two of the three people who had come from the Vatican to look for him were Excalibur users. First he checked Xenovia's body but he couldn't find Excalibur Destruction at all, feeling disappointed he then examined Irina. And he found the Excalibur Mimicry that was transformed into a bracelet on Irina's right arm, Valper was finally happy because he found one of the Excaliburs he was looking for. Unfortunately when he tried to take the Excalibur Mimicry from Irina's arm, the Excalibur Mimicry couldn't be let go at all. Feeling that he couldn't spend too much time in Kuoh Gakuen, Valper decided to bring Irina along with him so he could release the Excalibur Mimicry from Irina's body at his secret base later.

Author Note: Next is the meeting beetwen Xenovia and Shirou, and Kokabiel will attack Kuoh Gakuen.

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