
Good feeling

When they got to the her house, he instructed that she stay put in the car as he alighted. He moved to her side of the door and opened it wordlessly. He was chivalrous and wasn't much a talker, she loved that he didn't try to force her to talk for she loved her peace and quietness. She alighted and he walked her to her door. She removed the keys from her bag and tried to open the door but her hands shook nervously."Can you hand over the keys?" He asked as he moved closer. He smelled so deliciously. What was wrong with her? She nodded and stretched the key to him,their hands brushed and a bolt of electricity shot through her. She looked sharply at him to see if he also felt it but he inserted the key calmly and it opened immediately. She knew something was wrong with her tonight. When did opening her door become a difficult task? Maybe she was coming down with a fever. She turned to thank him "Thank you so much for today, I'll make it up to you someday" She promised solemnly. "I'll hold you unto that" He replied as he waited for her to get in before he walked away. She snuck a look at his retreating figure and for some reason missed his company. Her head resumed the pounding as if it was reminding her. She went to her room and took an Advil. She brushed her teeth and took a shower before changing to her nightie. She felt her a bit warm.

As she finished saying her prayers, her phone rang. It was an unknown caller she answered the phone warily "Hey" a familiar husky voice spoke "Hi" she replied "I hope this is not a bad time, I just wanted to check on you, how's your headache?." The person asked again. Oh so it was Axel, what wouldn't she give to sound so posh like him? "It's fine now" she replied instinctively touching her head. She figured he must have gotten her number from Mrs B.

"I got your number from Mrs Bradford, I'm so sorry for invading your privacy" He apologized. Listening to his voice was heavenly. What did she sound like compared to him? She wondered. Now she was self conscious "It's no problem, thanks for checking up on me" she said trying to cut the conversation short.

"It's my pleasure" he replied. It seemed like he wanted to say something else but he decided against it. "Okay, thanks again" she replied and he hung up.

She switched off the bedside lamp and covered herself and slept.

Axel moved to his study to clear some record but he discovered that his mind drifted to Diane. He was worried for her health. It looked like she had a migraine by the way she was rubbed her temples. He needed to take her to see Dr Ben, his family doctor tomorrow, but he didn't want to rush her. She didn't know him and he didn't want her to back away from him. Her

fidgeting earlier spoke of something deeper than shyness but he didn't know what it was. And he'd be damned if something happened to his Diane. His Diane? He smiled. It was funny how he was thinking of a woman, who he just met few hours ago, consumed with need to shelter her from any harm in this world. Maybe it was her eyes or her good curves that did him in? No, he thought, he had met women with sparking eyes and banging body but no one ever made him feel this way. That couldn't possibly be the reason.

He stretched himself and pressed his hands to his temple as he felt himself almost getting a headache and yawned loudly as he looked at the mount of paperwork that he hadn't touched. He decided that since they were going to meet again, he still had time to figure it out.

And with that he stood up, his muscles protesting at the movement and took a second glance at the paperwork, marched tiredly to his room and collapsed on his bed from exhaustion. He didn't even bother to remove his shoes. Marie would come in to clean tomorrow. She would scold him alright but he was too tired to the bone to care about her scolding. He smiled as he imagined her face. He received a disturbing call from his head of security that there was a fire outbreak in the branch of his company in Argentina, a lot of workers were injured and three died. He didn't need such stress now that he had a lot on his plate, with his father hounding him to get a wife before January and give him a heir so that the family line can continue or kiss the company and his inheritance goodbye because according to his father, he was an eligible bachelor and his father wondered why any lady in her right senses wouldn't want to be with him, this is August for crying out loud and his mother who was hell bent on setting him up with every single young lady among her friends' daughters. He set his sights on Diane but she didn't seem interested. Now he had to fly out early tomorrow morning to go see the extent of the damage. That was one of the baggages that came with being a boss, one is responsible for a lot of employees, he rolled his eyes they look up to him as if he was some god, failing to realize that he's only human. After tossing and turning, he finally got some sleep by 2am.

At 5am his alarm rang, he sat up with a groan, looking at the it with malicious intent. He put a call quickly to his P.A to book a flight and meet him before 7am as they were going to be leaving for Argentina together by 8am. He didn't know the extent of the damage and how long was required of him to stay there so he packed a small bag containing change of clothes and some essential supplies. He chose a grey Armani suit and wore his Italian shoes, his black aviator glasses and his wristwatch and a black leather briefcase. It was 6:15am when he buzzed the driver who came in to take his bags to the car. He entered into his Rolls Royce and the driver drove him to the airport. He made some calls on the way to the FBI department an an investigation case was opened. This was the second time this was happening, it couldn't possibly be an accident. He wanted to call Diane but he figured a text would be better. How hard could it be to text a lady he thought, he had typed and deleted a lot of messages before settling for this simple one "Good morning, I trust your night went well? How are you feeling now? I have an emergency and I would be going out of town for some days. Stay safe."and he pressed the send button. It was 6:30am now so he closed his eyes to catch some sleep, his phone beeped and he saw a message from his P.A which read that he was already at the airport.

Meanwhile, Diane's alarm woke her up, she was feeling a little better than yesterday, the headache had subsided a bit, but she still felt tired

After saying a little prayer, she decided to check her phone and saw a message from Axel.