
Still skeptical

In the corner of her eyes she saw him wiping his hand across his face.Was he really going to wait for her? What was he typing since morning? She wondered. At about to eight, Diane started preparing to leave for work. She couldn't go out with a stranger many things are happening this days. Technically he wasn't a stranger and he couldn't be a kidnapper,Mrs B knew him. Maybe she should leave unnoticed through the back door. Her head was throbbing and her feet hurt, she wasn't in the mood to make small talks with anyone what she really wanted was to crawl into her bed and sleep. She saw him glancing at his watch and returning back to his work. He seemed like a workaholic.

Axel looked up and caught her biting her lips as she focused on the computer. He was struck by her beauty, the way her hair cascaded down, her shapely breasts, tiny waists and voluptuous hips that could a man go mad with desire.She was so beautiful, her skin was white like milk. What did him in was her eyes, they were very blue, it looked like one was looking into the oceans. No one was allowed to be created perfectly. The blush that spread on her cheeks when she discovered that her buttons were open was so enchanting. He saw the flare of anger in her beautiful eyes when his friends were messing with her before she masked it. Her nails were well trimmed. Her voice was so soft and angelic. Never had he felt such connection with any woman.

What had prompted him to ask her to eat with them? He thought, it was always the girls coming onto him.Callum and Sawyer were surprised at his interaction with her. He knew he wasn't hideous, he was blessed with good genes so he was confused as to why she didn't want to look at him and wasn't enthusiastic about sitting with him. He looked forward to meeting her when she closed from work, she seemed interesting. It was eight and she was biting on her nails thinking of how to send him off without being rude. She went into the changing room to pick her bags, brought out her phone and texted Ashley.

Diane: Hey, he wants me to eat with him after work, what do I do?

Ashley: (sends kissing emoji) I think you should go.

Diane: Really? I wanted to leave through the back. Could you help me tell him I have an emergency?

Ashley: Why would you do that? He has waited since twelve pm for you. It would be rude.

Diane: I don't want to talk to him

Ashley: Just go, what's the worst that could happen

Diane: Okay

Coming out of the room, she found out that he was gone. Disappointment filled her heart and she walked outside morosely. Bidding Ashley and Tim goodbye, she proceeded outside, she saw him leaning on his sports car, pressing his phone with his legs crossed. So he didn't leave, she smiled inwardly. The clicking if her heels on the tiled floor must have alerted him as he looked up at her. Her breath caught. He smiled, putting his straight set of white teeth on visible display, looked at her and put his phone in his pocket.

He moved to where she was standing and stretched his hand "Hi I'm Axel, you promised to eat with me, I would like to take you to dinner" He said playfully with bit of arrogance. Really? Such a wack opening statement she thought. "I'm sorry for keeping you waiting this long, but I don't go out with strangers" She replied. He arched one of his brows in surprise and nodded, she had a weakness for people who could do that perfectly, she looked stupid whenever she attempted that. "That's fair, but... if you go out to dinner with me, then we wouldn't be strangers anymore" He said playfully he noticed her looking at him apprehensively and he understood why."don't worry I don't bite, you can report me to Mrs B" He said in mock conspiracy, blessing her with another blinding smile. Seeing her trying to come up with another excuse, he cut her short "Just say yes" he says with a pout, which was really good on him making her forget what she was going to say. Wasn't he a CEO? Why was he behaving childishly?

"Okay but I leave by 9pm" she said with a sigh.

"Ok ma'am" he replied and walked her to the passengers seat and opened the door for her before walking to the other side.

It was silent in the car as she studied the car in wonder. The interior of the car smelt so good plus his cologne filled the car. It had a barricade that seperated the driver from the owner. Breaking the silence "Where would you like to go?" He asked, dayum his breath was fresh. "I would like to go downtown" she replied, it was easier to get a bus, she really needed to rest. "Downtown it is then" he said, speaking into a small bell. His Adam apple bobbed as he spoke and her eyes were automatically drawn to it. Sensing her gaze on him, he turned and gave her a boyish smile. To which she blinked and quickly averted her eyes. She watched the streets through the tinted window, taking in the scenery.

She didn't know why she was so drawn to this man and was considering a relationship with him even when she knew they didn't stand a chance. He watched her as she stared at the streets lovingly, he didn't want to interrupt the moment she was having so he continued tapping on his phone.

She wondered if he wasn't he going to say anything, he was acting playful few minutes ago though talking was the last thing on her mind, she had a sick mother and a possible eviction to worry about but it would have been nice if he made effort to talk to her after all it was he who wanted her to go out with him. Her phone dinged cutting her thoughts short, she looked at the screen and grimaced, it was a message from her landlord in capital letters which read "PAY BEFORE THE END OF THIS WEEK OR GET EVICTED." Axel watched as her beautiful face contorted into worry and he knew something was wrong. "Is there a problem?" He asked quietly. She jerked in response "No, everything is fine" she replied with a calm voice giving him a forced smile. He didn't buy her answer one bit the twitch of her eye gave her away but he didn't want to invade her privacy. She tried to remain calm but she wrung her hands nervously, touched her temple and looked at her phone again. "Was she in trouble with her boyfriend?" He wondered she did say she didn't want to go out to dinner with him. Maybe he should just take her home. "I can take you home,we can do this some other time if you want, you don't look fine" he said looking at her with tenderly. She looked at him in surprise, he was a nice fellow she thought, refusing to go to dinner with Bryan could have incured his wrath."Thank you sir, I'm sorry for how this turned out. She said in a rush with appreciation written all over her face. He waved it off "Please call me Axel, can I drop you off at home?" He asked.

She wanted to say no at first but gave it a second thought and nodded, giving him the directions which he communicated with the driver. It would be easier than having to go on the bus.