
Fate as an Alchemist

FMA Alchemy in Nasuverse. Mc is one year younger than Waver Velvet and will participate in the Fourth Holy Grail War. There are elements from Kara no Kyoukai, especially during volume 1 and 3, but not much and everything is explained. The mc is both an alchemist and a magus so don't expect him to be a hero. All the FMA alchemies are based on the 2009 anime. Ignore any knowledge or info you may have on the 2003 one.

Vitamin_F · Komik
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97 Chs

I shall make an explosion out of you

[ 11 years old ]


"Good job young master."

"Thanks." I reply with a smile on my face.

Finally having 'explosion' alchemy is nice. While it doesn't increase my overall attack capabilities by much since it basically does the same as my right Mystic Eye and can doesn't have as much range as my 'fire' alchemy (Mustang's alchemy), it is still a nice addition, mainly because of how cost-efficient it is and the fact that it can be used to surprise enemies.

What it does is destabilise the molecular state of an object or living creature which causes it to explode.



"You have improved at archery master."

"Yeah, it isn't too hard using 'memory partition' and 'thought acceleration's calculate things like the distance at which I am shooting the arrows and the strength required. Honestly if I knew this two spells were so amazing I would have learnt them as soon as I got here instead of waiting for so long. It makes sense for them to be the considered as the proof of someone being an alchemist, they are just so useful that any alchemist without them is an idiot." I explain.

Anyway, I figured it wouldn't hurt anyone to have me using explosion alchemy on arrows and throwing them... okey it would actually hurt everyone but that is not the point.

"Sigh, I got bored." I say while looking at my butler.

"Do you have anything in mind you wish to do?" he replies.

"Nah, I have already read enough about bio-alchemy to upgrade the homunculi I had designed, so I should be working on that, but all the materials I requested will arrive in a week so I need."

I know how to create a homunculi of this universe, I also know how to create a homunculi from the FMA universe using the philosopher's stone as base, what I need to do now is understand how to combine the best aspect of both of them.

"I really wanted to avoid this but there seems to be no other way... I will have to ask her for help, which means classes will start now..." I say slightly depressed. It's not that I don't want to ask my mother for help because I don't like her, its just...


[ 6 months later ]


"And that is how you put two hearts on the same human. It won't live long because the body isn't meant to have two hearts, but the operation itself was a success since you managed to keep it alive and make the features of the wolf's heart you put in it not affect it's state." says my mother with a small and proud smile.

"Yeah... I still don't like doing this but it was very useful."

"P-Please... kill me." says the man.

"Hey stop talking." says my mom slightly angry. "He still needs to close you up before proving that everything was a success so shut up and don't interrupt."

Yeah, the man currently lying in the table is not just alive and awake... he is also cut open, his hearts, lungs and organs are in display, creating a pretty grotesque view.

"Sigh, I will get on with it then." I say as I start closing him up by combining bio-alchemy techniques and a bit of sewing I had to learn for this.

Once I am done, I look at my mom and asked her what to do with him.

"Don't you have anything else you want to test using it? It wont work for bio-alchemy experiments anymore since it is contaminated with the new heart, but maybe it is useful for something else."

"Hmmm, I don't have much experience with my fire alchemy yet so I guess he could be a good target." since he will die anyway, might as well use him to try and improve my accuracy with fire alchemy. Mustang was able to blow up the liquid inside eyeballs and, while I do not have that level of experience yet, with 'thought acceleration' it shouldn't take me more than a few years of practice to get there.




"Hmm, that looks painful. It appears you alchemy has improved, good job." saiys my mom.

"Thanks." I reply, looking away from the screaming and burning man to look at my mom. It is nice to get complimented, I would rather receive compliments for things other than painfully burning a man alive but I will take what I get I guess.

"Have you made up your mind about going to the clocktower?" asked my mom.

"Yes, I will leave next year if everything goes well. I want to first finish my experiments about homunculi so it won't be too soon either." I answer.

"I see." she says before telling the maid that was waiting at the door to clean up the room.



[ 12 years old ]

"Young master... are you sure don't want to go to the party? It is your goodbye party after all..." he asks me with concern on his voice.

"Of course not! I have successfully avoided going to any party after the first one, I won't attend one at the end and break the streak! I will just go say goodbye to Director Eltnam and Kurogiri. Now that he finally started acting more human instead of an empty doll I need to see if he will get emotional while saying goodbye to his best and only friend or not." I answer my butler.

"I understand, I will tell the rest of the family and guests that you are getting your affairs in order before leaving and thus have no time to attend."

"Nice! Short and believable explanation. Good job on that one."

Making my way to where Kurogiri was waiting for me, I see him looking at the sky with a hint of nostalgia.

"I understand that having your best friend leave will make you sad, but you should cheer up a bit you know?" I say in a jokingly manner.

"I wish for a world in which everyone can do as they please, and I also wish for eternity." he says out of nowhere while looking at me.

I give him a confused stare for a moment, waiting for him to explain why that is relevant right now.

"I read that friends are supposed to trust each other with their dreams and secrets, so I told you my dream. What is yours?" well... wasn't expecting this.

I smile widely before speaking. "Good good, it seems you finally admitted that I am your best friend."

"I only said friends, not best friends. I am still not sure of what distinguishes a friend form a best friends so I can't say you are my best friend."

"Don't mind the useless details. Very well, since you told me your dream I will tell you mine... I want to try every pleasure in the world! I want to fulfil my every desire and act upon my every whim!" I tell him excitedly.

"As expected... we are quite different. I want everything to remain intact to be internal, yet you want to consume everything to please yourself..."

"Exactly! I am just me, so I will just act for myself." I tell him.

"I see... I will have to give that some thought."