
Fantasy Detective

[Do you want to solve mysteries beyond your wildest imaginations?] "Hm?" [Will you sacrifice your entire life for the unknown?] [Option selection] [Yes or No] [Yes has been selected] [Transporting Conciousness...] [Loading...] [Warning!!!] [You may lose your memories in this process] [Continue?] [Continue has been selected] [Sucess] [Welcome to the world of Fantasy, Detective]

Tsuki0029 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
13 Chs

Main Case #1: Town Hall Death 3

{Main Case #1: Town Hall Death} 

{Case time limit: 2 days}

{Case Description:

{A little accident occurred during the Town Meeting! Figure out whodunit and catch the culprit with cold hard evidence!}


__One World stone (1/???)__

{Penalty: Death}


Chikao walked down the furnished wooden steps of the stairs into the lightened gathering room. The room was lit the same as before, prior to when he visited, but the light illuminated the walls without any sunlight from the outside. He could feel that the gatherings around were buzzing with gossip and talk. From afar, Chikao could see the bar that he had once sat at. It was quite empty at the time with no sight of Ayuka. Instead of sitting at the empty bar, Chikao took his time to sit at a table behind a large group. Despite the size of the group, they weren't as joyful as the other groups. They all sat at the table -five people in total- with the table bare. They were...quiet. Although it hadn't registered to Chikao, the group did seem familiar in such a way that he could've sworn that he had seen them somewhere. 

"Did they identify the body yet?" A girl with short buns on each side of her head asked but was met with a moment of silence. 

"Jeez...What's up with them?" Chikao thought to himself, taking a glance at the other group.

A male interrupted the silence with an answer that appeared none of the group members liked. 

"Yes, they have." The male avoided eye contact with the rest of the group, pulling at the collar of his shirt slightly. A silent understanding went through the group as the group stayed silent.

 "I see..." The girl responded in a demotivated tone that spoke for the rest of the group. Everyone except one who couldn't accept it.

"I can't believe Taijo actually did it," One of the taller males of the group said out loud mumbling. "That fucking asshole." The guy was clearly pissed. One of the smaller males of the group saw this and tried to calm him down. 

"He probably didn't have another choice you know? You know how he's been doing Buro. He's been pretty on edge. Maybe another type of coping mechanism?"

"What kind of dying is a coping mechanism?!?" The male named Buro shouted out in frustration. "You're supposed to be smart, Hiroku!" The smaller male flinched.

"I'm just trying to help-" Hiroku tried to say but was cut off by one of the females in the group.

"Whatever happened, has already happened. We can't change the past," Buro tried to interrupt, but failed. "So let's calm down and try to figure out what happened." The entire group went silent at the quiet voice of one of the males at the table. 

'So the man that died was...Taijo?' Chikao thought, processing what he had heard from the group. 'What was he doing on the roof?'

"Hey...guys? Do you remember that one person that Taijo kept on talking about?" The smaller of the two females asked.

"Not really," Hiroku sighed. "But I do remember him mentioning that it was one of the higher-ups."

Buro responded, clearly irritated by the comment. "What do you mean, 'One of the higher-ups'. That could be anyone."

[Sounds like a you problem] System sarcastically responded to the other party's distress.

'Shut up System. I'm trying to listen to this (italics) conversation that they are having to gain information, unlike your lazy ass.' Emphasizing the word conversation and rolling his eyes, Chikao sassily thought in response to the system's dramatics. 


[We don't need to worry about that] 

[We have the iPad, dumbass] As Chikao read this, the IPad came out from nowhere and appeared in front of the detective.


Before Chikao could respond, the iPad glowed a familiar blue light. The iPad screen slowly retracted the light and changed its screen into a new tab. 

{Main Case #1: Town Hall Death} 

{Case time limit: 2 days}

{Case Description:

{A little accident occurred during the Town Meeting! Figure out whodunit and catch the culprit with cold hard evidence!}


__One World stone (1/???)__

{Penalty: Death}


Clues Found: 

{Victim: Taijo Yuzuru}

{Death Placement: Town Hall}

{Suspects: ?Higher ups?}


'You expect me to be able to work with this?' Chikao asked the system mentally, obviously doubting the system that this would work out.


[You're a detective]

[You can figure this out on your own] The system shrugged, leaving Chikao to continue on with what he was doing. Chikao, rolling his eyes proceeded to scroll through the rest of the tabs shown on the tablet.

'Nothing too different from what I saw before-" Chikao paused on a familiar name that he remembered before, but wasn't on the tabs prior. 'Hang on. Was there a tab for Taijo before?' Chikao asked the system whose memory surprisingly was good.


'Are you kidding me?' 

[Fine fine] 

[Give me one sec] The system closed all prior glowing blue windows with a single pop. Suddenly, the iPad glowed a dim blue that illuminated Chikao's surroundings slightly and his soft brown eyes. With one slight gush of wind that flowed past Chikao's fluffy hair, the iPad lay on the table, unmoving. Appearing next to the last tab on the original list, a dark green shape with the name of the deceased man was available. Chikao's mouth was slightly agape as he stared at the new screen and its contents. Hesitating for a moment, Chikao moved his hand from his side to the dark green tab. Pressing firmly on the screen, the light became dark and it showed a blank screen fading out into a singular sentence. Chikao squinted his eyes to read:

[Didn't feel like it]

Chikao stared at the unfinished profile with blank eyes. 

'Hey System...' Chikao turns to where the system normally appears. "Where is the information on Taijo?" He waits for a second before a dim blue screen pops out. 

[It's just as the screen reads] Systems responds nonchalantly while Chikao double-taps the iPad over and over again.

'Well, aren't you supposed to do something about it?' Chikao raised an eyebrow, inquiring about the system iPad.

[Idk what you want me to do]

[I haven't started work on it yet] The system shrugged at the impatient detective who -at the time- was still pressing the screen although losing any motivation to do so in the first place. 

'If you don't do it, who will?' Chikao asked the system. 'Wait.'

[What happened?] System questioned the detective who seemed to be thinking profoundly. 

'How about I just add it myself?' 


[Can not do] The System immediately shut down Chikao who responded in confusion.

'Why not?' 

[Everything on this iPad has to be true]

[If anything is false, then the iPad rejects the user and restarts] System pushed their fake glasses on their emoji up.

'When you say restarts-'

[The information gets reset]

'Oh, that's great.'

[Ik right?] 

[*Insert the smiling face with open mouth]


'Never mind.'

[That's what I thought] System typed, feeling a sense of cockiness sprout from his little interaction with his favorite detective (Not like they had a selection in the first place).

[Nevertheless, I should get you some information]

[But don't expect much] 

[The system web is a piece of sh*t sometimes] System said, censoring his little curse word out. Chikao, noticing this, took note as it appeared to him that the system had got to work adding slight amounts of basic information.

Taijo Yuzuru:


Name: Taijo Yuzuru

Nickname: ???

Age: 26

Position: ???

Hair color: Pantone 448c

Hair Style: He had a clean undercut and slightly fluff hair, slicked back to reveal the forehead, but still somewhat loose.

Eye color: Dark Dark Blue

Height: 5'6

Body type: Average weight

Skin Color: Little tanned 


- A normal t-shirt 

- Normal Brown pants

- Brown belt

Trauma Severity: ???

Trauma/Backstory: ???


- Hiroku Temu (Friend)

- Hifuru Sara (Friend)

- Buro Nagayaki (Friend)

- Lifuya Ario (Friend)

- Charlotte Magoro (Friend)


'...Did you just look at a picture of Taijo?' Chikao asked the system. 


[Either way]

[You should get going] 

'What about the iPad?' Chikao asked the system with a hint of confusion following his thoughts.

[Dw about it] In a flash, the iPad had dissappeared from the table the moment that Chikao took to blink. Chikao took a second blink before realizing the iPad had dissappeared and was out of sight. He only paused for a moment before getting up from his seat at the empty table. 

'I don't think they're going to give me anything useful.' Chikao thought before leaving the premise and Taijo's friends in the tavern. Walking back up the stairs, he still didn't remember the main objective of his trip. Luckily for him, someone ran into him as he ascended up the stair. Looking up, Chikao reconized the female in front of him to be Ayuka.

"Hey, what are you doing down here?" Ayuka asked curiously. "And why are you wearing that sad exuse for a mask?"

"Hi Ayuka- hey! The mask isn't that bad!" Chikao turned around to be met with Ayuka with an 'Are you kidding me face'.

"Okay maybe it doesn't cover much, but what do you need?"

"Please, anyone can tell you haven't eaten since the last time we spoke." Chikao took a look at himself before asking.


"No dumbass," Chikao looked offended before Ayuka interrupted. "You don't have any money. Where would you buy food?" 

"Oh." Chikao's mouth formed a small 'o'.

"On that note," Ayuka continued ignoring Chikao's stupidity. "I dropped your food off at your room already. I knocked a couple of times when you didn't answer so I left it at the door. The same will happen in the morning except I have a meeting. Instead, someone else will drop off your food tomorrow."

"Oh alright." Chikao thanked Ayuka for the food before ascending the stairs slightly. 

"By the way, you should expect to be awoken quite early tomorrow," Ayuka said as she reached the end of the stairs with a smirk on her face.

"Why?" Chikao asked, but Ayuka had already left the premises of the stairs and was already out of sight. Without an answer, Chikao reached the top of the stairs and started to his room.


"Dwis fwod iw rweawy gwod!" 

[Maybe you should chew before you eat] The system suggested to the detective whose mouth was currently filled with a light brown kind of meat. Chikao gulped down his food before responding to the system.

"But this food is really good!" Chikao's eyes sparkled at the rest of the food placed on the tray while he sat on the floor along with it.

[A second ago you were complaining that the food looked weird] The system emoji raised an eyebrow and Chikao rolled his eyes.

"You can't blame me! The food looks undercooked." 

[And yet it is somehow delicious]

"It's probably the cause I'm from Earth or whatever," Chikao was chewing the rest of the meat in his mouth. "Plus, when was the last time I ate?"

[Fine, fine]


[But you should check the iPad] As the system window popped in front of Chikao's face, the iPad lay on the empty table. Chikao picked up a cup of the green-colored liquid before chugging it down and finishing up his meal. Going over to the table, Chikao sat on the wooden chair, scooting himself in, and turning on the iPad with a slight tap. The iPad reacted and started to glow with a familiar blue light. The screen slowly retracted the blue light to reveal the words:

[Welcome to Librum]

"Hey, system?" Chikao pointed at the last word. "What's that?"

[Oh yeah]

[That's the name of the iPad]

"But what does it mean?" Chikao hadn't moved his hand from the undefined word.

[It's not an English word that I know] Chikao opens his mouth only to eventually close it.

[Either way] 

[You might want to check Ayuka's profile]


[Just do it] Feeling too tired and too full to care, Chikao decided to just follow the system's instructions and open Ayuka's tabs on Librum and scroll.

Masako Ayuka:


Name: Masako Ayuka 

Nickname: Sako (Aoi)

Age: : ???

Occupation: Owner of Eclipse Tavern

Hair Color: Red

Hair Style: Her hair is short in the back with two longer strand at the front

Eye Color: Yellow 

Height: 5'2

Skin Color: Slightly tanned 


- [ ] Long sleeve white shirt + Leath along sleeves/shoulders

- [ ] Long skirt that reaches to her shoes

- [ ] Long dark red gloves

- [ ] Short dress shoes

Trauma severity: ???

Trauma/Backstory: ???


- [ ] Kuruma Aoi (Best friend)

- [ ] Taro Yamada (Friend)

- [ ] Zack Ryuute (Friend)

- [ ] Chikao Katsunori (Friend)

Extra Details:

- [ ] Burn scar near neck


"Wait," Chikao stopped to look at the past system window that was floating to his side. "Is it what I think it is?"


[Unless you are thinking about something stupid then we should be thinking about the same thing] Chikao had to stop himself from rolling his eyes.

"Obviously it isn't stupid." 

"This," Pointing at his own name. "Was not there before." 

[You mean the fact that you are a friend?]

[Oh yeah that changed] 

[Is that a big deal though?]

"I mean," Chikao emphasized the meaning with his hands. "It's Ayuka. Obviously, it's a pretty big deal." 


"Don't 'Ig' me." 

[*Shrugs*] The system typed their action beyond the screen. Chikao, defeated by the various typing options that the system had, decided to look back at the Librum.

'Who else is on here?' Chikao asked, picking through the tabs of different people he had met that day.

[ ] Chikao Katsunori

[ ] System

[ ] Taro Yamada

[ ] Masako Ayuka 

[ ] Raiden Shinsaku

[ ] Akinobu Makoto

[ ] Kuruma Aoi 

[ ] Hinata Yukihara

[ ] Hiroku Temu

[ ] Hifuru Sara

[ ] Buro Nagayaki

[ ] Lifuya Ario

[ ] Charlotte Magoro 

[ ] Ishimaru Hagakure

[ ] Leon Hagakure

[ ] Zack Ryuute 

[ ] Ichigo Hidetaka

[ ] King Hidetaka

[ ] Queen Hidetaka

[ ] Asuna Pyro 

[ ] Shizu Cryo

[ ] Taijo Yuzuru 

"That's a lot of people," Chikao scrolled from the top to the bottom of the list repetitively. "Did we really meet that many people?"

[Tbh yeah] 

"It's only been a day." 


[It's like your first day of school]

[You're bound to meet plenty of new people whether you like it or not]

"I mean you're not wrong-" system's cockiness cut off Chikao.

[When am I not wrong] System typed with a smirking emoji.

"Never mind," Chikao mumbled before turning to the screen to push on the next section. Unlike the prior section, this one didn't consist of people's names, but rather what seemed like item names. 

[ ] Investigator's stone (Purple) 

[ ] Reverstone (Blue) 

"That's it?" Chikao asked no one.

[I mean] 

[How many items do you have in your inventitory]

[Speaking of] System paused typing for a sec.

"Hm?" Chikao questioned.

[You can put your items in the iPad]

"Excuse me, what?!?" Chikao yelped out before shushing himself, not knowing if anyone could hear him. 


[The Librum can absorb your items] 

[Sorta like an inventory]

"Wait," Chikao paused looking both ways before whispering. "So that means I can pull a sword out like a main character?" Chikao eyed the system window with slight sparkles in his eyes.


[Rate this game!]



"Are you kidding me?"

[That's what I'm saying!]

"You're an asshole."

[That's what I'm saying!]

'Fuck this.' 

[Yeah] The system window popped up straight in Chikao's face.

"Shit!" Chikao flinched. "Sometimes I forget you can read my thoughts."

[Sometimes I forget how much of an idiot you are despite being a detective] 

"Hey," Chikao's expression read offended. "I'm a detective without memories. You can't judge me on that."

[Just saying] 


[You should hurry up and absorb the items]

[The Librum has a battery] After reading this, Chikao looked at the Librum screen, searching for the so-called battery percentage.

"Where is it?" Chikao's sight grazed over the top right of the Librum before spotting a rectangle-like shape. "Oh is that it?"


[And it looks like it's at 10%] Chikao perked up at the system's words.

"Oh shit!" Chikao hurriedly grabbed the iPad, pressing the highlighted button on the screen. The screen lit up slightly but dimmed quickly.

"What happened?"

[You gotta have the items in hand when you push the buttons] Checking around him, Chikao looked back and forth and all around. "Crap! Where the hell did I put them!?!"

[Where did you put them last?] The system asked the panicked Chikao.

"Shouldn't you know?" Chikao paused his search to look at the system.

[Why would I know?]

"I don't know!? Normally you know everything!" Chikao shouted at the system's window.

[First off, thank you]

[Second, check your pockets] Chikao hurriedly followed the instructions of the system and pulled out a brown bag that was hanging from his belt. It was light, but Chikao could feel matter inside. The bag opened smoothly to reveal two gem-like objects that were different in color.


[Put the bag of stones in your hand and push the button at the same time] Chikao held a firm grip on the bag before pushing the button for a second time. Unlike the first time, the dimmed light started to glow causing Chikao to blink a couple of times before his vision regained full clarity. Chikao could feel a loss of weight in his hands.

"Wait," Chikao turned to the system. "Is that it?"


[You should hurry up and get to bed] Chikao looked over at the window to his right to see the sun had already set and it was quite dark out.

"I guess," Chikao responded and then pushed himself away from the table in his chair. Standing up, Chikao went to the bathroom and got ready to go to bed. 

Once done, Chikao pulled the sheets to cover himself in bed.

[Good night]

"Good night System." 


{Main Case #1: Town Hall Death} 3

{Case time limit: 2 days}

{Case Description:

{A little accident occurred during the Town Meeting! Figure out whodunit and catch the culprit with cold hard evidence!}


__One World stone (1/???)__

{Penalty: Death}


Extra Scene: Where Ayuka was

"Sako! Please!" 

"No Ruma." Ayuka crossed her arms and looked away from her blond friend.

"But Sako," Aoi insisted again and hugged Ayuka around the middle. "Pleaseeee! I promise I'll do extra while hunting! I'll even bring double if you let me call you Sako in public!

"Ruma..." Ayuka looked into Aoi's eyes; that was a big mistake. Aoi was pleading with puppy eyes and holding Ayuka tightly. Her purple eyes gleamed in the dim lights of the room along with her untied blond hair flowing down her back.


"OH MY DRAGON!!! THANK YOU SAKO!!!" Aoi shouted joyfully to Ayuka who was trying to hide an incoming smile. On the other hand, Aoi was smiling like a little child with a huge lollipop and her cheeks were a nice rosy red. 

"You're welcome," Ayuka paused and made eye contact with Aoi. "Ruma."

Hello readers! I apologize for the HUGE delay in chapters. I have been quite busy with school and also got sick multiple times over the course of trying to get back into writing. I hope you enjoy the newest chapter and slightly different writing style!

Tsuki0029creators' thoughts