
Fantasy Detective

[Do you want to solve mysteries beyond your wildest imaginations?] "Hm?" [Will you sacrifice your entire life for the unknown?] [Option selection] [Yes or No] [Yes has been selected] [Transporting Conciousness...] [Loading...] [Warning!!!] [You may lose your memories in this process] [Continue?] [Continue has been selected] [Sucess] [Welcome to the world of Fantasy, Detective]

Tsuki0029 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
13 Chs

Main Case #1: Town Hall Death 4

{Main Case #1: Town Hall Death} 4

{Case time limit: 2 days}

{Case Description:

{A little accident occurred during the Town Meeting! Figure out whodunit and catch the culprit with cold hard evidence!}


__One World stone (1/???)__

{Penalty: Death}


"Ring! Ring!" 

"Hmm...?" Chikao groggily groaned questionably. 

"Ring! Ring!" The sound of the alarm went off once again.

"5 more minutes..." Chikao asked the unknown sound.

"Ring!!! Ring!!!" The ringing began to grow gradually and started to irritate the drowsy detective.

"I'm getting up..." Chikao mumbled a little louder as he indeed was not getting up. In fact, he wasn't didn't even move an inch.

"RING!!! RING!!!"

"OKAY WHICH FUCKER IS MAKING THAT SOUND!?!" Chikao violently pulled the sheets off of himself, shouting at the irritating sound. 

[Morning to you too] The system said as the disheveled Chikao was glaring at the system window. The system held a cup of coffee in its emoji-like hand, looking down at Chikao and his messy appearance. 

[Seems like you had a good night's sleep] Chikao rolled his eyes at their response.

"I could've gotten more..." Chikao mumbled, rubbing the crust from his eyes. 


[But you would never get up]

"Eh, whatever," Chikao got up from the untidied bed and yawned. "But don't ever do that again."


[You already know my answer]

"Fuck you." Chikao playfully spat at the system while rolling his eyes. Looking around his room, now in the morning light, he could see little dust particles floating around, disappearing as they entered into the shadows. Chikao walked over toward the window to peer down at the bustling city below. Many people were hurrying around the streets avoiding carriages that were taking up most of the road. Some select few, like when Chikao first arrived, were using magic for their daily life activities. Chikao pondered on the usages of magic and its properties that allowed such abnormal powers to exist.

'Then again, this is a world created for the sole purpose of representing a real-world fantasy game.' Chikao reminded himself as he continued to look down at the people. Another group of individuals caught Chikao's eye as he looked down towards the alley area. Their behavior was abnormal but nevertheless didn't stick out too much. They whispered to each other and handled close; Some even going as far as to look around cautiously. Chikao deduced that it must be because of his little accident yesterday and the chaos that ensued afterward.

'Hopefully, I don't run into that hot-headed woman again.' With that last thought, Chikao decided to leave the window and start getting ready for another trip into town.


[So are we going to talk about-]

"Please shut up, System."

Chikao was exhaling deeply while trying to catch his breath from his previous actions. He had realized that it was already midday by the time he had awoken with the help of one annoyed system. The said system just rolled their eyes even higher (If that was even possible) while they watched Chikao scurry around his room. Tossing clothes and other random items around, the room looked like it had gone through a hurricane by the time Chikao had found all of his clothes. Despite the size of the room, Chikao somehow couldn't find his clothes. System commented a couple of times on this saying:

[How the heck were you a detective?]

[You can't even find your own clothes]


[Is this how you're going to organize evidence] 

Which went ignored by the 'detective' in question. After not being able to find the original clothes that he wore that day, he decided to go with an outfit that he found in his room. Of course, rushing always comes with a price.

"Ugh," Chikao huffed. "Why is this thing so tight?"

[It's a male button-up sleeveless shirt]

[Although it looks like a male corset]

"Wait, what!?" Chikao shouted out only to realize that people were looking at him oddly. Chikao continued to walk, trying to act normal. Once he had walked away from the premises, he continued the conversation. 'I mean wait, what?' 

[It doesn't look bad on you though] The system commented on Chikao's new outfit. Although the outfit was definitely out of his norm, Chikao had to admit it was quite comfortable despite the 'male corset' as the system called it. His slightly cropped jacket was exchanged with a much darker colored longer jacket with a hood and a lighter feel than his previous clothing. Under said midnight black 'corset', was a plain black shirt with some ruffles added. The pants were similar to his regular but with a darker shade of brown. His boots, which were previously short, reached up to the higher part of his calf and had a little higher heel lift. A necklace hung low that was embedded with a beautiful round clear crystal. Lastly, a dark thin cloth covered a big portion of his face from the middle of his cheek up to his nose (System commented on how it looked like a belly dancer mask, but Chikao ignored them).

'Is this some kind of traditional wear? Where did this outfit come from?'

[Actually] The system pushed his emoji glasses on his face upwards like a nerd.

'Please don't do that.' Chikao looked away like when Aoi yelled in public for Ayuka.

[Oh please]

[I could do much worse] The system snickered. Not wanting to know what the system was planning, Chikao ignored the system's stupidity.

'But where did the outfit come from?'

[To answer the first question] The system's emoji turned back into its silhouette form, discarding the glasses (Chikao took a second to sigh of relief).

[This outfit is not really traditional wear but is more like an adventurer type of clothes. The cloth mask is what most assassin-type adventurers wear, but the rest of your outfit aligns with official wear. Although not exactly the outfit of a certified officer of the Royal Guard]

'So I look like a well-dressed adventurer?' Chikao asked pointing at himself.

[Pretty much]

[If you added one of the officer's badges, you would probably look like a royal officer though] The system commented. Chikao smirked slightly.

'So you're saying all I have to do is put a badge on and I can act as a police officer?' 

[Royal officer] System corrected.

[But to answer the question, yes] 

'Alright, alright...' Chikao thought to himself, leaving the system to infer his intentions. Chikao added after a few moments.

'Oh yeah, about the second question. Where did these clothes come from?'

[Well...umm...] Chikao raised an eyebrow at the System's hesitation.

'From your reaction, imma take a guess that either someone came into the room while you were offline and put it there, or you somehow spawned it without me knowing.'

[I mean....]

'What? Spit it out.' Chikao demanded, pressuring the system.

[Detective Skills]

[Level 1 -> Level 2]


'Is that for real or are you just trying to get out of answering.'


[Detective Skills]

[Level 2 -> Level 3] 


'Okay, okay,' Chikao ushered the system. 'Pretend I never asked.' Afterward rolled his eyes after the system repetitively amount of avoiding the question. In his head, he already had a feeling that the system wanted him to wear the clothes so he decided to just drop it. On that note, Chikao felt his clothes rub against his skin roughly, reminding him of the tight belt-like corset.

'I still feel a little overdressed.' Chikao pulled a bit at his clothes, examining the fabrics and taking a couple of notes on the weapon pockets and other pocket locations.

[Well that's good to know that you also feel well dressed like to how you actually appear] The system complemented the 'detective'

[Either way]

[What were your plans for the day?] The system asked as Chikao took a peek at the system window before responding.

'Well since I'm wanted right now, I probably shouldn't be showing my face to anyone. Although,' Chikao extended the 'ou'. 'I think I have someone in mind who would know quite a lot more info to help get me out of this situation.'

[And who would that be?] The system raised an eyebrow, wondering who would dismiss someone who is currently suspected of murder. Hardly anyone if you have your head screwed on correctly (The system is quite sure that is not the case for a certain and only 'detective' in this world if you get the hint).

'You'll see.' Chikao told the system leaving them stumped as to the identity of the described individual and honestly quite puzzled at Chikao's thinking process. Unfortunately for the system, they wouldn't know until later as even Chikao's thoughts could not give a solid answer as to who this person may be. 


[You've got to be kidding me] The system left one singular window open with the said text typed across. With the amount of things System has seen/done, they were pretty sure that they wouldn't be left speechless by something so simple as to turn up at school. Although obviously there was much more than just a 'twist'. 

Not only did Chikao not attend this school, but it was also highly regarded as one of the best classes to take to become a royal mage/swordmaster.

This also included to best place to go for training to become a royal officer. 

In other words, (Or some may call game terms) this was a spawn point for police.

And to give it any more of a definition that would perhaps knock some sense into Chikao (System wished this was the case), this was the worst place to go if you are a wanted criminal. 

Of course that ended up with Chikao standing in front of the gates of the Academy of Mages and Knights.

[Of all the places you could've gone...] System started.

[YOU DECIDED TO COME HERE?!?] System finished with pure irritation with every digital letter. 

'Oh, come on,' Chikao chuckled at the system's reaction. 'How bad can it be?'

[I don't know...]

[Perhaps the worst!?!] The system yelled once again at the 'detective' he presumed to now be considered stupid.

[You are literally walking into a jail as a wanted criminal!]

[It's like if a gazelle walked into a lion cave!]

[In both cases, it's going to be a bad result]

[How dense can you be?] The system windows continued to ping without hesitation or a sign of stopping so Chikao tried to calm them down by putting his hands up in defense.

'Don't worry too much, System. All I'm going to do is have a little quick convo with Professor Yukihara...' Chikao put on a hesitant smile and closed his eyes, hoping for the best. But As far as luck goes for Chikao, he'd be better off gambling at a rigged casino.

[So you are a complete idiot?] The system responded with a single window.

"I wouldn't say a complete idiot..." Chikao mumbled to himself.

[Have you lost your mind?!?] System questioned with the last sanity that was keeping themselves together.

'Perhaps.' Chikao unconsciously thought to himself, forgetting for a second about his thought situation. To his disappointment, that led to even more angry system windows than before. Chikao would estimate to be at least 100 in a mere minute.

'Damn, what is his words per minute?' Chikao asked himself and got a quite rude response from the system.

[Are you even listening?!?] At this point, the system had fire coming from their eyes as a sign of rage.

[You know what?]

[I'm going to take a break from your denseness]

[System has logged off] This caught Chikao off guard.

'Did they actually log off?' Chikao asked himself after the last system window started to vanish.

"..." A moment went by before Chikao decided to test the system. 

'Does that mean I can kill myself and end the game?' Chikao questioned the system mentally in his thoughts. Luckily enough for the system (unfortunately for Chikao), there wasn't much around to do said action, but that didn't mean Chikao could find a way. After all, a detective should be able to cause death as easily as they can find death.

[NOPE] System window pinged in Chikao's face, prohibiting him from doing his intended actions.

'Yay!' Chikao mentally celebrated. 'I win!'


[But only because I'm not allowed to let you die] System sighed through his emoji.

[At least from certain causes] System added on.

'So you're saying I could-' Chikao began, but was cut off by the system window appearing in his face again.


'Alright, fine.' Chikao fanned away the system window from his face. In that same moment, Chikao's hand froze mid-fanning.

"Excuse me?" A familiar voice approached the startled male.

"What the fu-," Chikao had turned around to see the individual before composing himself quickly. "Hello, professor."

"Why hello," The professor paused, seemingly observing the person in front of them before responding. "Are you perhaps a new student?" Chikao held his breath for a moment.

'Do they really not recognize me?' Chikao asked himself but got a response from the system instead.

[Just go with it or you're going to get caught] The system warned the hesitant male.

'Okay.' Chikao kept making eye contact with the professor with only a slight inaccuracy in peering at the system window. 

"Your uniform...is it from the other academy district? Are you sure you're a student from this school?" The professor asked, leaving Chikao to panic slightly. Wasting no time in responding (And ignoring a couple of system windows) Chikao spoke up his best lie so far.

"Actually, yes. I am a student from this school as of today," The professor still seemed to be questioning the reliability of what Chikao said, so he continued on. "My registration papers were sent quite late as I do say so myself, but my uniform and other academic supplies were supposed to be collected on a later date. As a student of another district, it is extremely difficult for my school to communicate with this one, so they supposed that I be introduced to the school days prior to my first day." Chikao finished the lie, trying to make it not obvious that he was holding his breath quite a lot. The professor seemed to be reassured that he was a student, so they began to introduce themselves (although this would be their second time).

"Very well then. My name is Hinata Yukihara. You may address me as Professor Yukihara. I am the current Principal of the Academy of Magic and Knights. I grant you a warm welcome. As for your name?" Professor Yukihara bowed once before questioning the supposed 'new student'.

'System! Fake name please!' Chikao quickly asked the system mentally for help.

[Give me a sec] A beeping noise came from the system window as a name and other info came from the glowing screen.

[Kuroo Katasuki]


[Belongs to a commoner family, but has strong levels of academic success] Chikao thanked the system before responding.

"I thank you for your kind welcome and introduction. My name is Kuroo Katasuki and I am a first year from my other district. I come from a commoner family, but have various academic success over the course of my studies." Chikao once again held his breath, hoping that these lies would work in his favor.

"Well then, I will give you a quick tour of the school, but first, allow me to meet you in my office for uniform and school supplies." As the professor said this, they turned to open the gates. Without even touching it, the gates flung open as an invisible force had propelled it open. Using their backhand, the professor ushered Chikao to follow, which he of course did.

'I can't believe that worked!' Chikao thought, smiling ever so slightly.

[I...actually can't believe that worked either] The system agreed hesitantly, not believing the sequence of actions as if they could only happen in a fairytale.

'Now I can ask Professor Yukihara questions, and they won't question me about it!' Chikao celebrated again. 

[I guess you are giving yourself more opportunity to gather evidence]

[An impressive strategy of most detectives to pull off] The System complimented what they deemed a growing detective.

'Now, all I've gotta do is get some good information out of them and I'll be on my way!'

[Now how exactly do you plan on getting that info?]

'Just acting like a curious student who is curious about the events that have been happening around the area.' Chikao held his chin up high, telling the system exactly how confident he was in the first place.

[You make this sound like a walk in the park] System typed, seemingly doubting Chikao's confidence.

'I'll just make small talk, it'll be fine!' Chikao thought with a greater smile on his face.

[If you say so...] System doubted Chikao's confidence one last time before Chikao turned the other way to focus on his surroundings. Sure this entire operation seemed to be risky, but what else could he do. He was a detective, at least that what the system told him, and if so, he had to go out and investigate. Not only was it his job in this other reality, but it was also his own interests that alined with this case. Who would commit a murder in the middle of a town meeting that everyone in the area had to attend. Could the answer be the one given to him, or was someone else pulling the strings? 

Chikao didn't want to dwell on the murder and instead pulled himself out of his thoughts to take a look around the area surrounding himself. Taking a even a second of a glance led to the detective to be in awe.

"Woah." Chikao voiced out loud while looking at the castle like school. 

Of course Chikao expected the famous school for training royal mages and knights to be grand, but he didn't really expect such an enormous building to be the premise for teaching adolesence. 

Not only were the gates much farther than Chikao expected, but the building was exdrodinarily big for a school. From afar, the academy seemed to be about half the size of the town hall building although that could not be farther from the truth. The structure had 6 main buildings that created a hexagon like shape around the main building in the middle. Each point of the hexagon had a building that connected to the next one to either side. Twin buildings were at the front, completely identical to each others exterior; One on each end of the sturdy front gate. The next parts of the hexagon were perfectly parallel to each other, but were the complete oppisite it design, color, and building shape. The one on the right side from the front had a flag with two swords clashing; Most likely representing the knight part of the academy. The exterior made it clear with dark and light shade of silver that this part of the campus was for knights in training. On the other hand the oppisite structure had colors representing four elements; Red, grey, blue, and green. Their flag was split into four with each element in one part to represent magic. The last parts of the hexagon had two parts at the end of the campus which seemed to be less used. One seemed to be more lively with a house like exterior while the other seemed to be quite dead or unused for some time. 

Nevertheless, the building in the middle was most defintely astonishing. Being twice the size of all the other buildings, this towering structure glowed with many colors. Mixing the elements of the parallel buildings, this one resembled the town hall more than ever with a huge wooden double-door at the front and two grand balcanies on either side. In the front, there was a giant fountain spewing clear water that glared beautifully in the beaming sunlight.

"Woah," Chikao's mouth was left agape as he continued mumble and look around the campus. "This place is so cool..."

"What was that, Mr. Katasuki?" Proffessor Yukihara questioned Chikao's muttering as his fake name rolled off their toungue with ease. 

"Ah...um..." Chikao hesitated, forgeting about his composure and character.

[Hurry up!] System warned Chikao that the professor may get suspicous of him.

"Ahem," Chikao cleared his throut. "Ah yes. I was just amazed by the designs and um...Beauty! This is, without a doubt one of the greatest campus Wortic has seen!" Chikao tried to cover his prior mistakes.

[Wortac idiot!] System correctly quickly.

"I mean the best that Wortac has ever seen." Chikao added to cover his slight mistake. Luckily, the principal didn't seem to notice, or at least acted as such as they walked up the stairs into the giant center building. Opening the doors with what seemed like the same magic, the professor ushered 'Kuroo Katasuki' into the warm meeting hall. 

"This building here is where assemblies and such take place. It is formally called the Community hall, but it seems that your soon to be called peers like to call it the 'ASAK' or abbrieviated for Assembly of Sorcerors and Knights." The proffessor hinted before walking up yet another staircase to the right. Chikao followed behind like a lost puppy, trying to keep up with the pace of the person in front of him.

'How the hell does anyone walk this fast with high heels on?' Chikao asked himself keeping a slightly slower pace. Leading up the stairs, Proffesor Yukihara walked up to the only door at the top of the stairs. Opening it, the proffessor led Chikao into a bright office with it's windows open and the wind blowing papers partially off their stack. Professor Yukihara walked around the broad desk and pulled a chair from behind the desk. After taking a seat, they pointed at the other chair in the room.

"Would you care to take a seat..." The proffessor dragged on their words.

"Ah yes. Thank y-"

"Mr. Katsunori?" Chikao had froze at the professor's words. Having one hand extended to take the seat, his hand floated in mid-air as his eyes stayed in the direction it was before. Unable to make eye contact, Chikao tried to fix the situation.

"I'm sorry proffessor, but I'm quite sure you have gotten the wrong name. My name is Kuroo Kat-"

"-Tsunori," The proffessor interupted Chikao for a second time. "Chikao Katsunori. How could I forget the face of someone I had only met a day prior?"

"Please, you've got the wrong person." Chikao insisted, but to no avail.

"Mr. Katsunori. Is it perhaps the reason that you hide your identity is the same as to why you took off from the town meeting in such an inconvient way?" Proffessor Yukihara glared down at Chikao with their hands folded on their desk and their eyes unwavering with certainty.

[Oh you're screwed] System said to Chikao.

'You think?' Chikao retorted back at the irritating system windows. Chikao took a deep breath before debating his next move. Slowly moving to the seat in front of him, Chikao sat down, feat connected with the floor flat, and made eye contact with his head hung slightly lower than the threatening Principal in front of him. 

"If this were perhaps the case," Chikao's voice rasped as he tilted his head so his eyes were no longer covered by his bangs and questioned in a stern and direct voice. "What are you going to do about it?"


{Main Case #1: Town Hall Death} 4

{Case time limit: 2 days}

{Case Description:

{A little accident occurred during the Town Meeting! Figure out whodunit and catch the culprit with cold hard evidence!}


__One World stone (1/???)__

{Penalty: Death}

Hello Readers! I have been getting more chapters posted recently, but I truly want to get on a schedule. So hopefully, after this chapter, I will get more consistent. I'm almost at 3k views as of this chapter's release, so I may or may not make a chapter dedicated to celebrating. It's most likely just to be an extremely long chapter. Based on how I have been writing so far, it will most likely be at least 5k plus words, but for now, I'm not sure. Either way, for those who have been reading this consistently, thank you!

Tsuki0029creators' thoughts