
Familiar: The Laen Chronicles

After a brutal accident that causes him to lose his memory, Ian's life takes a strange turn. He sees things that aren't there and keeps having these strange dreams of the days leading up to his accident. That is until everything he thinks he knows about the world is turned upside down. After all, magic is real and always has been. In a world where everything is unknown, follow Ian as he grows his strength and comes into contact with the various forces ruling this new world. The Laen, an organization that seems to want to rule everything magical, and the Fasurus, spirit-like creatures who have been suppressed far too long. Side note: The beginning chapters of the story are a bit slow, but if you can keep reading to chapter 18, or at least 8, I think the chance you will enjoy the story greatly increases. Anyway, happy reading. I********************************************************************I This book will be posted on RoyalRoad.com by Liwl Nakam RoyalRoad Profile: https://www.royalroad.com/profile/297210/fictions

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171 Chs

The Mission Begins (2)

They nod as they agree to the plan and we spend the next few minutes fine-tuning the details. Once we are done we act. Ruan is the first to leave the canopy of trees, moving quickly into the house and dispatching the three guards without raising any alarms.

We follow after him, making sure we are careful so as not to trigger any traps. We move quickly through the house, making absolutely no noise and returning wherever we pass to the way it was before we were there. Using my second sight we quickly find the room where the five people are gathered. We don't go to it, choosing instead to get into a room near, but a bit far away from it, after Ruan confirms that it is clean.

In the room, Emma and I sit down on the floor and close our eyes as we enhance our hearing. A second later I can hear what they saying in the room as clearly as if they were standing in front of me.

"...Tomorrow morning to get it." I hear a strange voice say with a small bit of static. Probably someone is on the phone. The beep that follows confirms my theory.

I hear someone sigh. "The tickets are ready, we can get them tomorrow morning." A deep male voice.

"So there are no available flights this night?" A whiny voice, also male, says. "Great, just great. We might as well turn in ourselves to the Laen, why did I agree to this?"

"Relax Don." the deep voice says chuckling.

"Relax? You, want me to relax? Jesus, we are going to get caught and you want me to relax? This is all your fault you know, you told us we would be able to get away yesterday, yester-freaking day, and yet here we are, and you want me to relax? The Laen are probably on their way here, you know that right? And yet you tell me to relax."

"Don," the deep voice says. "Relax. The Laen will be here, yes, but we didn't use too much magic then so they'll probably think we're weak and send those Protectors. With 'them' here, if we're not able to take on a bunch of kids, then we deserve to get caught."

"Besides Don," another voice says coolly, "There's nothing we can do about it. The flight is taking off tomorrow morning so we're stuck here until then. If we are meant to get caught, then we will so quit your whining, it getting on my nerves."

"Oh don't mind him. He always gets overly anxious when things don't go according to the plans he makes in his head. When we are away tomorrow with our reward, he'll forget all this ever happened."

There's silence for some moments before the whiny voice asks. "Did Arnold tell you whether the ritual was successful?"

"Yes, he regained a portion of his strength. Why are you so concerned about them anyway? Still thinking about her hmm?"

The whiny voice doesn't reply immediately. "You…"

The deep voice says. "So you're flipping me off. Real mature. You know I'm getting tired of your shit, I'm going to bed. See you guys tomorrow." Immediately after he said that he begins walking.

"Drew," I hear Emma say and open my eyes to see the frown on her face. "Something's wrong. I think they know we're here."

Ruan acts immediately, dashing outside the room and we follow as best as we could. If there's one thing we've learned over the years, it is to trust Emma's intuition. Especially when it comes to human beings. She's a genius, but when it comes to human behavior, her knowledge is just plain scary.

We run towards the room the people are in just as Ruan slips inside without anyone knowing. Chaos breaks out and I know Ruan has already begun attacking the Fasurus. I ready myself as I burst into the room, my second sight activated so I could see the Fasurus. In less than a second I take everything in and act, releasing a burst of telekinetic energy which slams all the men in the room against the walls before pinning them with furniture, giving them no room to resist.

I can see four Fasurus with Ruan fighting one of them. He has probably taken care of the fifth. The remaining three Fasurus waste no time slipping into the bodies of three of the men and Fusing with them.

With a burst of power, those three break out of my hold, the edges of their eyes shining with a green light as they suddenly gain magic. They waste no time in attacking, all three rushing at me.

I move my head to the side as a curved knife connected to a chain passes right by my cheek, heading straight for the head of the man directly in front of me. His eye narrow as he dashes to the side, causing the knife to miss him and stick to the wall with a thud.

I see Emma move towards the second man, just as three really long needles appear between her fingers in each hand. I leave him to her as I focus on the third person, who is in the middle of throwing a punch at me. "Bastard!" he shouts just as the punch is about to hit me.

I smile as time slows down just before his punch hits me. I move gently to the side and slowly raise my hand. I recognize him from his voice. He is the man with the deep voice who doesn't think too highly of Protectors. Today, I will show him just how powerful 'kids' can be.

I hit him on the chest with my palm, releasing a burst of telekinetic power as I do so, causing him to fly back through the wall and into the other room. I follow after him, leaving Lathia and Daniel to take care of the other two people. They aren't fused to any Fasuru so they shouldn't pose much of a problem.

As I walk into the other room, I spot two roes - orbs of compressed Uua - flying at me. At that moment I know I underestimated the man. I had surprised him, which was why I could dodge and counter-attack so easily. His roe shows that he is in no way weak. The Fasuru that Fused with him should be about level twenty-six.

I create a shield in front of me and the roe explodes on contact with it, blinding me for a moment. Once I regain my vision I see the man right in front of me, in the middle of another punch.

Fast, I think as I Leap to the other side of the room. I raise my hand and a ring of energy, taller than me shoots out just as the man rushes to attack me again. He unwittingly falls into my trap, passing through the middle of the ring just before his body goes completely stiff. The disadvantage of too much speed: sometimes you run into things you shouldn't.

I waste no time in running up to him and punching him in the jaw with enhanced strength. The spell I had cast on him won't last for too long. A few seconds at most, it would be best to make use of it while I still can.

I follow up with two other punches, before one last punch with all my strength which causes the floor beneath him to break, dropping him to the floor below. Once again I follow.