
Fairy Tail: The Oldest Profession

In a world where a woman's opportunity's for economic advancement are marriage or sex work, the sex industry is a booming business where a woman can make a name for herself in a world dominated by men. Lucy Heartfilia is an aspiring prostitute looking to carve a place for herself in one of Fiore's up and coming underdog brothels, Fairy Tail. But when she walks through the doors of her dream job, she finds so much more than just money.

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3 Chs

Moving In

Fairy Hills was the dormitory where most of the members of Fairy Tail lived. As most average brothels had their girls live in the same building where they worked, the fact that Fairy Tail had separate living quarters showed just how popular and wealthy they were compared to the other establishments in Magnolia Town. Lucy had no idea Fairy Hills even existed, which was surprising considering she basically knew everything about the brothel and its members.

Fairy Hills was located atop a grassy hill not far from the brothel. It was a surprisingly large building with five floors, though only the first two floors were occupied by brothel girls. The previous day following her evaluation, Mirajane led escorted Lucy to Fairy Hills after giving the girl her member symbol, an inerasable mark that basically identified what brothel she belonged to. She gave the new girl a tour of the place, from the lobby and bath area on the first floor to even the rec room in the basement. Lucy was taken to her apartment, where she was given the keys to her apartment and a happy congratulations from the silver haired model.

Lucy's new apartment was not too bit and not too small, with its own living room, a small kitchen a bedroom and a bathroom. It was a far cry from the luxury she was raised in, but Lucy thought it was a cute apartment that suited her humble tastes just fine. After having dinner, Lucy headed straight to bed, completely exhausted from having her brains fucked out.

The next morning, Lucy woke up with a smile on her face, memories of the previous day on her mind. Today was her first day as a member of Fairy Tail, and it all still felt like a dream to her. To think that she'd make it here after spending so many years dreaming of it.

After taking a shower and getting some breakfast, Lucy heard a knock on her door. She quickly answered it and was met by the smiling face of a young teenage girl. She had cute features framed by familiar silver hair and big blue eyes with fair skin that looked flawless. The wore a tight shirt with a low cut that showed some of her cleavage and a pair of tight shorts that clung to her wide hips and soft ass.

"Good morning, Lucy!" The girl said cheerfully, standing beside the door and politely folding her hands in front of her. "My name is Lisanna, I'm Mira's little sister. She sent me up here to help you get your day started. Did you sleep well?"

"I did. I thought I'd be too excited to sleep, but I was out as soon as I hit the bed." Lucy said.

Lisanna giggled. "That's not surprising. You were put through your paces yesterday. But hopefully your stamina is high enough for the job. Sometimes we service around six or seven clients a day."

"Do you have a lot of customers?" Lucy asked as she let Lisanna in.

"Of course! Being Mira's sister has made me a common choice for many clients, though she's pretty expensive for most men." Lisanna said.

"I can imagine." Lucy chuckled.

"Madam Mavis sent me up to get you. She wants you to meet the other girls down in the lobby before we get you started on your first day." Lisanna said. "Get to know each other a little before we all head out to get the day started."

"Is it busy in the mornings?" Lucy asked.

"No, mornings are pretty slow, so you'll have some time to get into the flow of things." Lisanna answered. "You up to go now?"

"Sure, just let me get dressed."

Lisanna waited patiently in the living room while Lucy ran back to her bedroom and got dressed in a skimpy pink tank top that hugged her large breasts and tight short shorts that didn't even reach mid-thigh. Grabbing her sandals, she hurried back to the living room with her purse.

"Okay, I'm ready!" Lucy said.

"Calm down," Lisanna smiled. "There's nothing to be worried about. The others aren't going anywhere. There's still time before work starts."

Lucy and Lisanna headed downstairs to the lobby, where several of the brothel's working girls. They were all dressed casually, just sitting around on the couch and chairs chatting while they waited for the new girl. When they saw Lucy and Lisanna entering the room, they all waved at her.

"Good morning, girls!" Lisanna said brightly. She blinked and looked around for someone. "Where's Mira and Evergreen?"

"Mirajane's helping set things up in the brothel lobby for the day." Said a beautiful red haired woman. Lucy recognized her as Erza Scarlet, one of the most popular girls in Fairy Tail, clad in a tight fitting blouse and a short black skirt with black boots. "As for Evergreen…you know."

Lisanna rolled her eyes and shook her head. "Honestly, that woman needs to learn some manners."

"Aren't you gonna introduce us to our new friend here, Lisanna?" Asked a brown haired young woman who sported only a skimpy green bikini and tight jeans that hugged her large hips like second skin.

"Right! Girls, this is Lucy, she just joined us yesterday." Lisanna motioned to Lucy, who blushed and bowed to them.

"H-Hello." She said, suddenly feeling very shy.

Erza stepped forward and shook Lucy's hand. "Welcome to Fairy Tail, Lucy. We're glad to have you."

"You already know Erza Scarlet, one of our best girls and a part-time bouncer here at the brothel. She's the one who handles any unruly customers.��� Lisanna said. "Girls, introduce yourselves."

The first to introduce herself was a petite blue haired girl wearing a short orange dress that stopped at her plump thighs. She wasn't as busty as the other girls, but she made up for it with her plump behind and soft looking legs.

"I'm Levy McGarden. Please to meet you." Levy greeted Lucy happily.

The girl sitting next to Levy had long lavender colored hair and brown eyes with round glasses, clad in a short black skirt, white boots and a sleeveless blouse that showcased her ample cleavage. "I'm Laki. Don't touch any of the books in the basement and we'll alone fine."

"Laki…" Levy whined at the girl's rudeness.

The next one was the skimpy brown haired drunk who was one-handing a bottle of beer while she gave Lucy a wave, making her full breasts jiggle in her bikini top.

"Name's Cana. Hope you're not a lightweight." Cana grinned before taking a swig of her bottle. Erza rolled her eyes at the sight.

"Cana, it's too early to be drinking. Could you at least rein it in for Lucy here?" Erza frowned.

"Nope." Cana grinned.

Up next was a mature woman with long green hair and soft dark eyes whose curvaceous body was showcased by her leather frilled top and a short cowgirl skirt that and cowboy boots. "I'm Bisca. Happy to have you on board, Lucy. You'll get used to Cana soon."

Lucy smiled at her and turned to the other girl sitting on the edge of the couch. She was Lucy's age, with long blue hair that reached down her back and wore a dark blue dress coat with slits along the sides of her skirt that exposed her soft legs which were wearing brown boots. The girl gave Lucy a glare before looking away with a huff.

"That's Juvia. Before you got here, Juvia was our most recent member. She's been working here for about a year now." Lisanna said. "Don't mind her. She's just jealous she's not going to be the center of attention for newcomers anymore."

"Juvia is not jealous." Juvia pouted, crossing her arms under her ample chest. "She's just not fond of babysitting the new girl."

"Sure you are." Lisanna shook her head and looked at Erza. "Where's Evergreen?"

"Where do you think? Getting prettied up at the brothel." Cana sighed. "I gave her a heads up about Lucy last night, but I guess she wasn't in the mood."

"She's never in the mood." Levy remarked.

"Evergreen is one of our older girls." Erza explained to a confused Lucy. "In every brothel you'll sometimes run into a girl who's a bit prickly and standoffish to work with. Evergreen is that girl."

"How bad is she?" Lucy asked. She dealt with mean girls back at the VCS, so she knew what to expect.

"She'll probably treat you like a peasant because you're new and expect to kiss her needlessly expensive shoes because she's more experienced." Cana drawled. "She thinks she's hot shit in the brothel even though she's, like, third or fourth in the popularity polls."

"Fourth. She got surpassed by Lisanna two days ago." Levy said.

"Really?" Cana grinned and sat back on the couch. "That explains the enraged shouting I heard above me last night."

"Cana, please don't try to antagonize Evergreen today. It's too early for that." Erza scolded.

"I make no promises." Cana said.

"Long story short, if you see Evergreen, just watch yourself." Lisanna said, clapping her hands. "Now come on, girls. It's almost opening time and we've got to get ready."

As the girls got up to head over to the brothel, Lisanna took Lucy's hand. "Lucy, you can come with me. I'll show you how things work in the brothel and take you to your room so you can begin your shift."

"Okay! That sounds great!" Lucy said excitedly. Today was her first day, and she wanted to make a good impression.


As the other girls got ready to start their day, Lisanna led Lucy to the room on the second floor of the brothel. All girls were assigned different rooms throughout the building, cycling through the two main floors at least once. Lisanna led Lucy to her assigned room in the middle of the first floor, which was mostly used by the younger or newer members.

Lisanna showed Lucy a rack of colorful clothes, all of them able to be defined by a single word: slutty. G-strings, tank tops that barely cover anything, tassels, and even a few outfits that looked like they were made entirely of leather. Sitting beside the rack of clothes were a box filled to the brim with shoes and boots, all for her accessorizing needs.

"Here we are." Lisanna smiled and gestured to the slutty wardrobe offered to Lucy. "Once you're more settled and we have an idea for your tastes, you'll be given a fully stocked wardrobe. Every week new articles will be added that fit your style, to replace those that are…torn off in a fit of passion."

The girls giggled and Lisanna plucked a bikini and g-string combination from the rack. Bright pink with stars on the front of the tits and squarely over the pussy. She handed it to Lucy sweetly, as if it wasn't the sluttiest thing the woman would ever be asked to wear. "Try this on. Don't be shy."

Lucy took a deep breath as she reached out a hand, taking the outfit and giving a nervous swallow. She knew she looked good naked, but in something like this. Partly she was afraid of looking silly, but another glance at Lisanna's cleavage bearing shirt and booty shorts seemed to give her a bit of courage. This was a place that sold sex, so why should she feel embarrassed about walking around mostly naked?

With a renewed resolve Lucy took the slutty outfit and slithered right into it, stepping into the g-string and gasping as the thread at the back slide squarely between the sides of her rear. She had a similar issue with the string bikini top; she was used to wearing revealing clothes, but some of this was on a whole new level! Thankfully, Lisanna stepped behind her to assist in tying it, her nimble fingers working gently to loop the pink threads against one another.

"I can already tell this suits you." Lisanna smiled, and Lucy did her best to tuck her large tits into the cups of the bikini. It felt like she was about to pop out at any moment—but that was most certainly the idea. "You're looking like a bimbo slut already!"

"Thanks, I guess?" Lucy couldn't help but laugh, and glanced at her reflection in the mirror. She bounced her tits in her tiny top, noting how it barely covered anything more than her nipples at this point. And the g-string looked like dental floss between her asscheeks, though she supposed that was its main purpose.

"Your shift will start in twenty minutes, and once the bell rings, that means your client will be heading to your room." Lisanna explained. "It won't be anything major to start with, we're having a few reliable clients of ours sent up to your first to ease you into the flow of things. They're known for enjoying first timers the most, and are always quite gentle with them. Until then, just relax and prepare yourself. And most of all, have fun. It makes the day go faster."

"I will, thanks a bunch!" Lucy smiled and gave Lisanna a hug, pressing their ample tits together. Lisanna hugged her back, lowering her hands to squeeze Lucy's ass—far, far harder than one might've expected from a girl Lisanna's size.

"Well, I'm off to get ready for my shift." Lisanna said, heading to the door. "Knock 'em dead, Lucy!"

With that, Lisanna slipped from the door and closed it behind her, leaving Lucy alone. Lucy gazed at the mirror once more and studied her figure wrapped in the pink bikini, and even spun to see her ass in the g-string. She looked good, she looked sexy, but most of all, she felt amazing and ready to go.

It was time to be a proud whore of Fairy Tail!


As previously stated before, Mirajane was one of Fairy Tail's most popular girls. She possessed a natural allure combined with a sweet and kind demeanor that melted the hearts of any man lucky enough to meet her. As such, she was usually busy with clients, to the point that dozens of men book her in advance due to how many people wanted to wet their cocks in her pussy.

Furthermore, in addition to being a top prostitute, she was also the receptionist who managed the flow of customers and available girls in Zera's place. It was sort of an unofficial position she inherited as she helped organized the chaos with astounding efficiency. Thanks to her surprisingly large set of skills, Mirajane was asked to help out every once in a while.

Today was already going to be a busy day considering it was Friday. When the brothel officially opened up for business, and Mirajane and Zera were working faster than normal to manage the influx of customers. Things wouldn't pick up until at least in the afternoon, but half of their girls were already booked for the day, including Erza. Many of the men wanted a go at the new girl who was advertised but it will be some time before Lucy was allowed to be fully put out on the market.

Despite the large amount of customers, Mirajane still pulled through. She already had several clients of her own who had called ahead of time to set up appointments with her. The process was always the same at the beginning of every week for Fairy Tail's most popular. Her first client of the day was one of her regulars, the son of a noble named Jason who was a huge fan of her works as a model and porn star. He had more than enough money to spend on her weekly and did not waste a moment going to her to drain his balls whenever he felt like it. Like this morning.

Sunlight shone through the window as Mirajane went up and down, her slender yet toned arms crossed behind her silver hair, the muscles in her back shifting and flexing as she rode Jason's fat cock. Her plump ass lurched up and down, striking ferociously at the large balls hanging beneath the young man's large schlong. Wet, meaty claps sounded every time she dropped her hips down, followed by wet squelches emitting from her wet pussy.

"S-Shit, Mira!" Jason grunted, wincing as Mirajane tightened her muscles around his cock to give it a nice, wet massage as she bounced on his lap. "Y-You feel so good!"

"I know." Mirajane smiled and pitched forwards to kiss him deeply. She grasped Jason's shoulders as she rode him, her light breathing the only signs that she was giving any exertion. She slapped her ass down on the young man's thighs, taking every inch of his enormity over and over again.

Mirajane bit her lip, hugging his head into her breasts while resting her chin on his head, moaning as she pumped her hips into overdrive. Her pace increased and her ass rippled from her aggressive bouncing. Jason didn't need to do a thing; he was busy sucking and nibbling on Mirajane's tits while she did all the work.

Mirajane tensed as Jason raised a trembling hand over her bouncing asscheeks. Then it struck down and drove a powerful slap into the woman's doughy rump. Mirajane howled in bliss and doubled down, mashing her sopping wet cunt all the way to Jason's balls and holding herself there, rocking her hips in slow circles, giving them both a chance to come down from their high so they could continue for the rest of the hour.

Jason panted into her tits, still nibbling on her pink nipples while his cock throbbed into her core. He clamped both hands down on her asscheeks, guiding her hips up and down. She hummed and clenched her teeth, then resumed her up-down motions, slowly this time, nursing his cock with her folds rather than riding it.

It was a teasing motion, her tight cunt was already on the verge cumming due to the friction, and Jason wasn't having any of it. He pressed his face deep into Mirajane's cleavage and gripped her ass hard, lifting her up slightly with what strength he had left. She squealed as he began to thrust—harder than she had ridden him. His balls spanked her rump firmly and repeatedly, almost a foot of cock emerging from her sopping pussy only to ram back inside with every thrust.

They huffed and moaned against each other, eyes blurry with bliss, sweat dripping from their bodies. Jason clamped tighter as he climbed toward his limit, sinking as much of its tit into his mouth as possible. Mirajane's plump flesh bounced deliciously in time with Jason's thrusts, until finally, he sucked in a large breath and groaned in ecstasy.

Mirajane's eyes shot open and she gasped as she felt thick globs of cum shoot straight into her womb. She could feel his cock pulsate within her folds and felt a backwash of jizz explode from her pussy that splattered against her sheets and the floor. She bit her lip as Jason held her tight onto him, bottoming out as his cock continued to pump load after thick, creamy load into her already stuffed cunt.

"Wow," Mirajane huffed, her orgasm dying down even as his cock still continued to pump into her. "You must have been really backed up."

Jason grunted, his hot breath making her tis glisten with sweat. She giggled and ran a hand through his short hair, grinding her cum stuffed pussy on his shaft, which was finally starting to lose its flow.

"We still have forty minutes left." She whispered into his ear. "Ready for another round?"

"I can't." The teen groaned, rubbing his face into her breasts. "I have to take horse riding lessons in an hour, followed by those stupid piano practice sessions. This was the only opening in my schedule to have with you."

"It's okay. Let me at least clean you up before you head out." Mirajane slowly slid off his cock, his meaty length popping out of her pussy. A flood of cum spilled out of her cunt, splattering across her inner thighs and pooling on the floor.

Mirajane paid no attention to the mess as she got to her knees and took his cock in hand, pushing her lips, mouth and throat around it, never looking away from his eyes. She sucked on his hilt for a long moment before drawing back and licking around his head. Her tongue was long, and agile as hell. Jason's cock was already hardening from the sensation of her throat, and when she coiled her tongue all the way around his shaft—his favorite trick—he groaned and pawed the edge of her sheet.

Mirajane wasn't just popular because she was beautiful, kind and hard working. She was a woman who knew how to use her body to give her clients the pleasure they came for, and was thoughtful enough to even give them a little goodbye present if they were good boys.


In another part of the brothel, Lucy was hard at work servicing her first client of the day. Still wearing her pink bikini and g-string set, she was on her knees before her client, a slender man with an athlete's build, whose cock she was nuzzling her face against.

"Thank you for choosing me, sir." Lucy purred, looking up at him past the massive cock sitting on her face. Her client groaned when she started to slurp down his cock, sliding slowly toward his balls. Finally, she buried her face in his musky nutsack and started to lick and suck all around it, thrusting her tits between his thighs as she filled her lungs with his musk.

The man could only clench his fists and try to endure the pleasure, his heavy cock bouncing up and down with each clench of his pelvic muscles. Lucy kept a close eye on his reactions as she rose from his sack and kissed a trail up his shaft, feeling more and more of its weight resting on her face the higher she got. When she finally squeezed his cockhead between her teeth, her client gasped and spurted a thick jet of precum into the back of her mouth. Lucy moaned and slurped lovingly on his cockhead for more.

She mercilessly gulped down his precum and lathered his cock with her mouth and tongue, her loud and lewd sucking noises audible even through the wall (making Levy blush as she rode her client to completion). When she forced her head down to the point where his cockhead pressed against the back of her throat, the man couldn't hold it any longer as he hit a fierce orgasm.

Lucy gagged as he erupted cum down her throat. She gulped and gulped, but she would have lost purchase on his dick if not for her client seizing her hair and forcing her mouth down on his cock, smashing his glands up against her tonsils so he could fire his guttering blasts down her throat. Her cheeks bulged with jizz, but she held tight, eyes wavering, looking up at her client with lusty resolve. Suddenly she was cumming, jerking her hips back and forth, squirting like crazy. Bliss washed over and through her, and when he pulled his cockhead from her mouth, she remained there, her blushing cheeks bulging with cum, a huge rope of jizz connecting her lips to his twitching cockhead.

Intending to make a show of herself, Lucy leaned forward and slurped up that thick rope of semen and planted one more kiss to the tip of her client's cock before giving a huge swallow. Feeling that thick liquid slide down her throat, Lucy sighed and opened her mouth wide to show that she had gulped down every last drop of his seed.

"H-Holy shit." He gasped. That was so hot.

A few minutes later, her client had moved back further onto the bed and pulled her on top of him. She mounted his cock and whimpered as it entered her pussy, sliding inside with less difficulty than she imagined. She swayed back and forth on his tip and held his gaze, feeling his eyes roam over her sweat glazed body. She slowly lowered her hips, wincing as she took him deeper, almost going cross-eyed when the stretching sensation grew too strong.

Once she was firmly planted, Lucy started to ride him properly, bouncing up and down, causing her massive tits to cascade, gasping and hissing in bliss as she stretched her cunt around the adventurer's cock. The harder she bounced, the deeper he went, and she fought the urge to roll her eyes back in a slutty ahegao and failing miserably. She took his cock past the halfway point, but that was her limit.

But her client took matters into his own hands. He surprised Lucy by grabbing her hips and flipping her onto her back. His eyes were filled with a desperate desire to get his entire cock wet, and he lifted her thighs up in a mating press before ramming into her. Lucy's mouth fell open, her eyes rolling back in another teary ahegao as the man started to slam her into the bed. Her plump flesh wobbled and jiggled under him, gushing slick juices all over his pounding cock. His balls smacked her ass with every thrust, and those thrusts grew more frantic as he worked himself into a state of blind ecstasy.

Knowing that his time was going to be up soon, Lucy's client pitched forth and started to truly ram her cunt, smashing his hips down into her pelvis and making the flesh of her doughy thighs and tits jiggle. Her insides were tight enough that each thrust in and out of her felt like her inner walls were jerking him off, and he increased his thrusts, slamming against her cervix and hosing precum into her womb with every thrust. He took out his lust on the squealing blond until the dam burst, and they came in tandem as he filled her belly with cum. Lucy felt her insides suck in his warm goo and gurgled in bliss, squirting all over his cock and balls.

An outside viewer would have been shocked to see Lucy's body all but vanish beneath her client's larger form, her round asscheeks pancaked under his crashing hips, her sweat glossed tits and belly revealed only for a brief moment when he lifted his rear—only to vanish once more, driven deep into the bedsheets by another powerful thrust. His balls kept pounding her asscheeks, making her second hole clench under a trail of seed trickling from her cunt.

Throughout it all, Lucy stared blankly at the ceiling, panting and sweating as she processed the euphoric feelings that rammed into her like a steam train. Her first client at Fairy Tail, and with more to come. This was going to be a great day.


Mirajane was already working on her third client of the day, a very important client who reserved her for the entire hour. It was the mayor of Magnolia Town, a portly fellow with an award winning smile, a bright disposition, and a well-known love for the whores of Fairy Tail that put his town on the map.

It was almost noon when Mirajane welcomed the mayor to her room and began servicing him. Clad in only a thin white sleeveless shirt that stopped halfway down her midriff and a light blue thong, Mirajane was quick to get to her knees and fish out his rapidly growing erection before nuzzling her face against it.

"It's been a while since your last visit. Two weeks, right?" Mirajane said. "I imagine you're a little pent up right now."

Without waiting for a reply, Mirajane gave a long, slow lick from base to tip before returning to the base of the mayor's prick and giving a loving kiss to each of his large balls. Continuing, Mirajane gave the thick shaft little kisses all the way up the right side, ignoring his cockhead. When a large dollop of precum oozed out, she quickly licked it off before finally giving kiss to the head. But before she could remove her lips, the mayor grabbed her head and started pushing down, forcing his cockhead past her lips and into her throat from the strength he applied. Caught off guard, Mirajane gagged on the huge chunk of meat being forced down her throat; she prided herself on her sexual abilities, especially her skill at cocksucking, so her gagging on even a big dick was nearly unheard of.

"You're right, I am pent up. I haven't had sex since our last session, and I even refrained from jacking off to save every last drop of cum for you. I'm sorry for rushing through your famous fellatio, but I'm impatient here." The mayor said. Grabbing a handful of hair and grasping her below the jaw, he fucked Mirajane's face onto his dick, trying desperately to cum as soon as possible.

The obscene sounds coming from Mirajane's cock-stuffed throat were music to the mayor's ears as he continued to stretch her jaw and throat to the limits; all Mirajane could do was grip his knees and try to hold on. Mirajane wasn't used to losing control of the situation like this; he really wasn't kidding when he said he was pent up. Her eyes widened when she felt his cock swell before she felt cum being pumped right down her throat, seven huge blasts filling her stomach before he pulled out of her throat. He shot four more thick globs onto her face and tits, staining her shirt and leaving Mirajane a creamy dazed mess.

Before Mirajane could work on cleaning herself up, the mayor grabbed hold of her and she suddenly found herself bent over the dresser with his still hard cock sliding between her asscheeks. "I'm sorry, Mira, but I'm still a bit pent up. As much as I want to have your cunt, I've been wanting to try out your second hole for a while now."

Mirajane's eyes widened when she realized what he intended to do. The girl was no stranger to anal sex, but it was rarely done by her clients as they were more into giving her a traditional creampie instead. She reached out and grabbed the edges of the dresser as she felt the mayor press his cock against her asshole, and her grip nearly broke the edges when he popped his cockhead into her. Grabbing her hips firmly the mayor proceeded to slowly fuck inch after belly stuffing inch into Mirajane's ass. The mayor's eyes rolled up from how tight her ass was. Sinking every inch into her tight hole was a chore to accomplish, but he soldiered onward.

It was nearly ten minutes before Mirajane finally felt the mayor's pelvis press up against her ass signaling that his entire cock was stuffed into her. He slowly pulled back out until his cockhead remained lodged up her ass before slowly pushing his entire length back in; he repeated this motion four times to loosen her up and the fifth time he withdrew his cock he went still. Mirajane looked back at him over her shoulder and tried to push her hips back, but his grip on her waist prevented her from moving. When she gave a sexy little whine, the mayor couldn't hold back any longer, reaching forward to grab her forearms and pull her back towards him while simultaneously thrusting forward to bury himself balls deep into her incredibly tight ass.

The mayor started hammering into Mirajane's ass as hard as he could, thrusting forward with all his might while pulling her back by the arms. Mirajane's eyes rolled to the back of her head as she was pounded like a bitch in heat while her semi-coherent mind registered the thick girth spreading her insides. The white haired girl was quickly fucked stupid, orgasm after orgasm ripping through her as the mayor kept driving his cock into her while his large balls slapped her clit repeatedly, prolonging each mind-numbing orgasm.

For the next half hour the mayor fucked Mirajane like a machine until he felt his balls tighten up, her tight ass finally proving too much for him. Letting go of her sore arms, the mayor reached around Mirajane's body to grasp her large tits under her thin shirt as he increased the speed of his thrusts, not even stopping to take a breath until his dick started to pulse and twitch. Burying his shaft into Mirajane one final time, the mayor let loose and started to pump massive amounts of cum deep into Mirajane's bowels, pulling her flush against his body with his hold on her chest.

Mirajane's head fell back onto the mayor's shoulder as she experienced one more massive orgasm, her tongue lolling out of her mouth and eventually blacking out for just a few seconds. When she came to, she was lying on her side, facing the mayor who was now getting dressed, looking very sweaty and exhausted, but also satisfied.

"Thank you for that, my dear. You truly live up to your reputation." He praised. "You are such a hardworking girl."

It honestly astonished a lot of people that Mirajane was able to make things work with so many duties assigned to her. Popular whores were often ordered frequently, making them very busy, and Mirajane was no exception. And on top of that she managed the front desk and clients who were here for their favorite girls. She did this all without having one hair out of place or losing any sleep either. Evergreen thought she was taking steroids, but the self-proclaimed Fairy Queen had an excuse for anyone who was better than her at something.

Mirajane's work load was something that even the most veteran whores would have trouble maintaining, even those ladies skilled in multitasking. She was truly one of the best whores in Fairy Tail, and the praise and coin thrown her way was well-deserved.

Mirajane giggled and weakly lifted herself up. "You say that every time you visit me, sir. I'm just doing my job the best I can!"

While the mayor was the biggest client of her day, she still had a lot of work to do before her shift was over. Lots of cocks to ride and lots of clients to sort out for her fellow prostitutes. Being popular in a brothel was hard work, but Mirajane wouldn't trade it for anything in the world.