
Fairy Tail: The Oldest Profession

In a world where a woman's opportunity's for economic advancement are marriage or sex work, the sex industry is a booming business where a woman can make a name for herself in a world dominated by men. Lucy Heartfilia is an aspiring prostitute looking to carve a place for herself in one of Fiore's up and coming underdog brothels, Fairy Tail. But when she walks through the doors of her dream job, she finds so much more than just money.

Akira444 · Anime & Comics
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Welcome to Fairy Tail

Chapter 2-Welcome to Fairy Tail

Magnolia Town was a relatively unassuming town in the kingdom of Fiore that was known for producing some of the kingdom's most beautiful and vibrant flowers. It started out as a small town but grew in size over time as more and more people decided to settle down there. There wasn't anything particularly special about Magnolia aside from its famous rainbow Sakura trees that grew annually, but in the past fifty years, a new attraction had put Magnolia Town on the map—Fairy Tail.

Fairy Tail started out as a regular brothel founded by Mavis Vermillion, the youngest brothel madam at the time, and her dear friend Zera Augusta. The brothel started out small with only a handful of girls working there, but over the years it had grown in size and popularity. Fairy Tail became widely known for accepting wayward girls looking for work or just seeking a place to stay while stabilizing themselves financially. They weren't big, but the quality of their girls was something the brothel was praised for, and more men flocked to their doors.

Fairy Tail's growing popularity had attracted many people from the average adventurer to the wealthy noble willing to spend hundreds or even thousands of jewels to spend a night with them. This led to an increase in traffic that was a major boon to the town's economy, and thus Magnolia grew in size. People finally began putting it on the map as stories of Fairy Tail's stellar girls and service spread far and wide. Even wealthy nobles who commonly attended Mermaid Heel, the kingdom's first and only royal brothel, found themselves spending a few nights in Magnolia Town to get a taste of the fabled fairies.

It was noon, and the brothel wasn't as active as it would be in the evening, but the flow of clients into the building was still sizeable. Men from all over Magnolia came into the brothel, half heading to the brothel's bar area for drinks and the other half in the waiting area for their favorite girls. And the girls were hard at work making sure these horny fuckers left the brothel happy and satisfied, for Mavis always encouraged her girls to work hard no matter how slow it was.

Erza Scarlet was already hard at work servicing a client within the confines of her room, which looked more like an armory than a prostitute's room. The beautiful redhead was lying on her bed with her hands tied together and bound to her bedpost with her client pumping two fingers up her tight twat, earning a moan from her. Her client was a man in his fifties, with short grey hair and a slightly heavyset build. He was the head of a lacryma distribution company, the kind of wealthy client that Fairy Tail saw from time to time. He paid handsomely for the full service, so Erza aspired to give him what he paid for.

"I've heard tons of stories about you, Erza. About how you're so dominating in and out of the bedroom." He said grinning, pumping his fingers into her faster and using his thumb to massage her clit. Erza let out an even longer and louder moan, making him harder than he ever been before. "You're truly more than what those stories describe you as. I'm so glad I managed to catch you before those other peasants."

For the next five minutes he worked her pussy over until Erza experienced her first orgasm of the session, squirting her juices over his fingers. Withdrawing his hand from her soaked folds, he brought his fingers to his mouth and sucked her juices from them.

"You taste pretty good. Now how would you like to get a taste of me?"

Moving Erza to her knees on the floor, her client stood up in front of her and unfastened his pants. The monster that was thrust into Erza's face made her eyes grow wide and her pussy clench in anticipation. Knowing what was expected of her, Erza moved her head forward and started to slide her lips over the head, opening her mouth wide as she tried fitting more and more of his shaft into her mouth.

When she felt the large head poke the back of her throat, she just kept swallowing down more and more until her nose rested against his stomach. She felt his hands grasp her head and looked up to see that the man's head was thrown back, eyes closed in pure bliss. Erza had just swallowed all of him with no problem at all, a testament to her legendary skill. Not able to help himself, he used his grip on her head to move her back and forth on his cock, fucking her throat with small rapid thrusts, grunting with each savage lunge forward. Erza moaned as he stretched out her throat.

"Your throat's so fucking tight! I can't take it!" His hips became a blur as he fucked her throat even faster until the combination of her tight throat and vibrating moans sent him over the edge.

Burying himself completely down her throat on the last thrust, he grunted as he blew his throat down Erza's heavenly throat. Erza relished the huge blasts of cum that was forced down her throat, and focused on guzzling down the massive amounts of jizz being pumped into her stomach. She was mostly successful save for about a cup's worth that came back up her throat and spilled out between her stretched lips. As the flow tapered off, she pulled her head back and out of her client's grip, sucking on the cock the entire way to ensure she got all of his delicious cum. Letting the head pop out of her lips, she smiled up at him.

"That was a lot. I see you've taken our fertility pills." Erza commented. "You've had a lot saved up, sir."

"And I have more to give before this is over." He breathed, his cock still rock hard and throbbing.

Erza found herself pushed onto her back once again, except this time, he was settled between her spread legs and started rubbing his engorged cockhead between her pink folds before pushing himself into her. Erza couldn't take her eyes off the eleven inch cunt pounder currently stretching her to the limits. Her eyes rolled into the back of her head when her client grabbed her hips and, with a savage thrust, shoved himself fully into her, stretching her out and pushing all the way to her womb.

Moving his hands from her hips, he hooked his hands behind Erza's knees and placed his hands on either side of her, leaving her spread and helpless beneath him. Erza looked up at him with wide eyes as he started up a deep, hard fucking. Her breasts bounced freely as he kept hammering into her, and she began to gasp and moan from the rough pounding her used cunt was getting.

Erza threw her head back when he suddenly buried himself completely inside her and started to grind his prick in the deepest parts of her pussy. She loved it when men took the brothel's patented fertility pill, it made them livelier and more amorous, and allowed them to keep going several times over.

Erza's orgasm hit her like a freight train, causing her back to arch and her toes to curl as she let out a sexy squeal. Her client kept thrusting and grinding his prick into her as she came her brains out. As she came down from her high, she noticed that the man had pulled out before she saw him stand above her facing her pussy. Reaching down he grabbed a hold of her hips and pulled them up until only Erza's head, neck and shoulders were left on the bed. Positioning himself at her cunt once again, he drove his cock down into her.

This new position allowed him to plunder her pussy in new and pleasurable ways. Erza could only stare wide eyed at the ceiling in a daze as her cunt was pounded mercilessly and his massive balls clapped against her firm asscheeks. Stuck in this position, she was fucked into a mind numbing orgasm, which seemed to last forever. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity of getting fucked senseless, Erza felt his cock expand before he buried himself fully into her one last time. Grunting, the man started to pump massive amounts of jizz directly into Erza's womb, causing it to swell from the sudden over-stuffing.

Erza's eyes rolled back into her head as she felt him jerk his hips in short thrusts, fucking his load into her cream-filled cunt. Some of his cum was forced out and splattered against her thighs and lower abdomen. His head fell back in pure bliss and he kept cumming into her until he pumped the last of his load into the stuffed woman. Panting heavily, he withdrew his spent dick from Erza and allowed her lower body to fall back to the bed. He left Erza panting on the bed, cum leaking from her used pussy as he slid off the bed to get dressed.

"That was great, Erza. You certainly live up to your reputation as the Fairy Queen." He said smiling. He laid some jewels on the nightstand next to her bed. "Here's a tip for your service. I'll make sure to come again and order you when I have the time."

Erza managed to give him a tired smile and thanked him for his patronage. She recovered her strength as he got dressed and gave him a goodbye kiss as he left the room. After taking a few more minutes to catch her breath, Erza sat up and slowly got to her feet, her legs trembling as cum spilled from her stuffed cunt and stained her toned thighs wet with cream. Ignoring the cummy mess on her legs, Erza grabbed a robe and put it one without tying it, exiting her room to head down the hall to get cleaned up.

Like all brothels, Fairy Tail had rooms where the girls lived and worked. They were all moderately spaced and personalized to the girls' tastes. With the brothel being as big as it is, two of its floors were reserved for the working girls. On the first floor was where the lobby was located, where the customers could wait until their chosen girls were free for them. There was also the dining room where the girls ate in private and the baths, which were always open.

Erza made her way downstairs and down the hall that was thankfully away from the main lobby where tons of customers were waiting. The last thing she needed was to be held up by dozens of horny men that got a glimpse of her half-naked body, despite as welcome as their attentions would be.

She opened the door and was greeted by the thick heat of the hot bathhouse, making her sweat. She shed her robe and was making her way to the showers, where she ran into a voluptuous young woman with long silver hair and kind blue eyes.

"Erza! Fancy meeting you here." Mirajane Strauss said in her usual bubbly tone. She was clad in only a tower that was wrapped around her lovely form and only reached mid-thigh, barely covering her breasts and leaving her creamy thighs mostly bare. "I thought you'd be finished a few minutes ago."

"My client took his time with me. He wanted to get the full experience before going back to work." Erza said. "As you can see, he was very thorough with getting his money's worth."

"I can see that." Mirajane grinned and reached out to rub at the still fresh cum from Erza's leaking pussy. The redhead grunted as her fellow whore's fingers dug into her folds for just a moment before scooping out a thick clump of jizz. Mirajane moaned as she licked the cum off her fingers and moaned. "Tasty."

"Mira, please, I've got to clean up." Erza scolded her and went over to the showers. "I've still got a few more clients to service before my shift is over."

Switching the water on, Erza sighed as hot water bathed her form. She let the water run through her long red hair before detaching the nozzle from the wall and extending it so that she could better clean her cum stained thighs and pussy. This was a useful function for girls who had to clean up any creampies in between sessions. Mirajane stood next to her, the humidity of the showers making her beautiful skin glisten.

"Did you hear? Madame Mavis says that Zera is coming back with a potential new member. Apparently she was the heiress to some fancy transportation company that got her license when she turned sixteen." Mirajane said.

"A new member? We haven't had someone new around here since Juvia." Erza said. "What's her name?"

"Lucy Heartfilia. She's a hot blond with a lot of enthusiasm for the job. Zera just rescued her from Duke Hans the other day when she missed their meeting."

"Of course it's Duke Hans. That man is going to get arrested for interfering with official business." Erza grumbled. She had a few run-ins with Hans himself and put the fear of god into the man when he started fooling around with the brothel's recruitment drive. Apparently the man hadn't learned his lesson.

"If their travel continues uninterrupted, then they should be here by this evening. The madame is having me meet the new girl later to see how she works." Mirajane said. She handed Erza a towel as the woman got out of the shower to dry herself off. "You want to come?"

"Can't. I've got guard duty in the lobby. The evening rush is always when it gets a bit crazy." Erza replied, making sure that she was completely dry and left no wet spots unattended. Even the way she dried herself down was arousing. "I need to make sure our customers behave themselves…and to keep Evergreen from doing something stupid again like stripping in the lobby."

Mirajane giggled at the frustrated pout Erza gave. The red haired woman was both a working girl and a bouncer of sorts, ensuring that the peace was kept in the chaos of sorting the men to their respective prostitutes and keeping them in line. It was rare to find a girl acting as something other than a sex worker, married wife or some receptionist profession, but Erza was a skilled fighter with an intimidating aura when she was angry. These days, most clients knew not to start trouble in the brothel unless they wanted to get a fairy punch from the Titania herself.

"Well, I'm off. I've got at least three more clients left before I have my break." Erza sighed in relief as she wrapping the towel around herself. Like Mirajane's, the towel barely covered her large bust and her curvaceous but toned lower body. Unlike most of the girls in the brothel, Erza's body was a perfect blend of muscle and plumpness that was the result of her daily exercises. "What about you?"

"I'm working the front end." Mirajane also sighed. Though this was more in exasperation than joy. "Not the most riveting part of my duties, but with Zera gone someone has to pick up the slack."

Erza nodded. "True. Not like the madame will be on top of things." She remarked. "Honestly, that girl acts like a hyperactive child sometimes."

"Madame Mavis is no child…though she is close to one as someone in our line of work can get." Mirajane giggled. "But that's what we love about her."

In her private study, a young blond girl clad in a sheer white dress that was practically see through gave a cute little sneeze. She wrinkled her nose a bit before looking around.

"Is someone talking about me?"


Ever since she first heard about Fairy Tail, the underdogs of the sex industry, Lucy had wanted to join them since she first signed up at the VCS. She had been inspired by their tale of rising through the ranks and becoming Fiore's second most popular brothel guild. The girls employed were all friendly and sexy, the service was top notch, and there were rumors that the brothel's madame, Mavis Vermillion, and her assistant Zera were both blessed by the God King, Eros, himself!

It was because of Fairy Tail that Lucy had found the will to rebel against her father and become a sex worker in training. She had never went against her father's wishes until now, and boy did it feel liberating! Sure, she would have been well off being married off to some older man and becoming a housewife living in the lap of luxury, but it would've felt hollow considering she did nothing to deserve it. Lucy wanted to work for her wealth and happiness, and the sex industry was the best way to do it.

After spending the night at a hotel, Lucy and Zera took a carriage to Magnolia Town, which they finally arrived at around noon. Lucy looked out the window in awe at how big the town was. There were so many people, and a surprising amount of small-time brothels too.

"Not everyone can afford to spend time at Fairy Tail. Mavis usually supports the smaller and less popular brothel guilds by sending customers to them. It's her idea to help the other brothels out a little considering we used to work at places like them." Zera said.

"Wow." Lucy smiled. The madame sounded like such a wonderful person! "That's sweet. I've only heard about rival brothels in the same town going up against each other."

"Competition is healthy and all, but some guilds take it too far." Zera replied. "At the end of the day, our sole purpose is to please our customers as members of society the only way we girls can. It's not rare for a Madame and her girls to get caught up in being the alpha females and all that."

They talked for a couple more minutes before the carriage finally arrived at the Fairy Tail guild. Zera smirked at Lucy's awestruck but excited expression. It never got old seeing new girls marvel at the building for the first time.

The brothel looked like a castle, or at least a smaller version of a noble's castle. The main building was surrounded by a metal fence, with the main gate opened to allow customers (who were a large crowd of men coming and going to the brothel) inside. Judging from the windows, Lucy deduced that the brothel must have about three floors, a lot of room for both prostitutes and clients. The brothel was located near the river that ran through the middle of town, and had a perfect view of the port on the other side. The atmosphere was lively, the scenery was amazing, and Lucy was having the time of her life!

"We'll be taking the side entrance for today." Zera said as the carriage circled around the building to the side. "I want to get you inside without any hassle, and it's also a secondary entrance for employees only that you can use on busy days or when you just don't want to deal with rowdy customers."

The carriage pulled to a stop and the girls exited the vehicle. Lucy looked up at the building, which was larger up close, and took a deep breath. Zera nudged her with an elbow and smiled.

"Come on, Mavis is a busy girl so it's best not to keep her waiting."


Mavis Vermillion was credited as being the youngest brothel madam in history. She made a name for herself for being extremely intelligent and business savvy, as well as being incredibly cute and endearing to her fanbase. Mavis was a walking contradiction of childish immaturity and adult maturity, yet somehow she made it work to her advantage. Mavis and Zera made Fairy Tail out of nothing, back in a time when prostitution wasn't as orderly or regulated as it was now, and were the guild's first prostitutes before hiring new girls. Together they made Fairy Tail into the icon it was now, and provided and happy and safe environment for their girls.

What was even more incredible about the two girls was that despite having founded the guild fifty years ago, they still looked like pre-teen girls. It was something that many people, including the scholars and clerics from Fiore's capital, believed to be attributed to the blessings of the supreme god king, Eros. They were eternally young, eternally cute, and eternally tight. There were princes who paid half their fortunes just for a night with these two blessed girls.

Walking through the colorful halls of the guild, Lucy couldn't keep her nerves down despite Zera's assurances that everything will be fine. It just sank in that she had met one of the guild's founders, and she was going to meet the other girl who ran the whole operation. Someone who made more money than even her father on a monthly basis.

"Look, I'm not going to tell you to calm down, because we both know that's not going to happen. Just keep in mind that if you can handle Mavis, then you can handle anyone." Zera said. "Just be yourself, answer any questions to the best of your ability and don't offer her any candy."

"Why—" Lucy began to ask, but Zera cut her off.

"Because that would be cheating, and Fairy Tail doesn't accept cheaters." She said. "Here we are!"

They stopped in front of a door at the end of the hall on the third floor. Zera knocked on it once. "Mavis? It's me, Zera, and I've got the girl with me."

"Come in!"

Zera opened the door and allowed Lucy to go inside first before entering after her. Mavis's office looked like a mix between a study and a little girl's bedroom. The room itself looked like it could definitely pass for an office, with two large bookcases on both sides of the room, and a large mahogany desk positioned in front of a large window. On the other hand there were at least a dozen stuffed animals lying on the floor or seated in the dark emerald green plush couch on the side of the room. There were also a few boxes of candy and sweets sitting on the desk.

"Hello there!" The room's sole occupant, the famous Madam Mavis Vermillion, greeted Lucy with a big smile and a cheerful wave. "You must be Lucy Heartfilia, yes?"

"Uh, y-yes." Lucy nodded and bowed to the young girl fast enough to make her breasts jiggle slightly. "Thank you for meeting with me, madam."

"None of that formal stuff! Here in Fairy Tail we don't put so much stock into the whole 'pecking order' garbage other brothels use." Mavis smiled.

Lucy looked up and felt her heart flutter at the bight look on the madam's face. How was this girl who didn't even look old enough to join the VSC the founder of the number two guild in Fiore?

Mavis looked to be the same age as Zera, though anyone who was anyone knew she was significantly older than she looked. She had long yellow-blonde hair that fell down to her feet and had deep green eyes and cute little wing-like adornments around her ears. Mavis wore a frilly pink layered robe that looked a bit expensive, simple but elegant and perfect at denoting her status within the guild.

Lucy took a seat at the desk while Zera went to stand by Mavis. "So you want to join Fairy Tail." Mavis began. "Surely we haven't been your first choice on the list."

"You were. Ever since I joined the VCS, I wanted to join Fairy Tail." Lucy admitted. "Some of the other noble girls looking for work chose Mermaid Heel, but I've always been enchanted with stories of how your workers treat each other respectfully without all the usual brothel politics common in other guilds."

"Yes, here in Fairy Tail we do treat each other as family and friends. In fact, a lot of the girls working here grew up with each other. All the backstabbing and one-upping each other in other guilds only serves to distract us from our jobs." Mavis said. Despite looking rather comical sitting behind the large desk that dwarfed her little body, Mavis gave off a mature air about her. "Our purpose is to service the men who come into our brothel looking for either a good time or to relieve stress. There's not a lot of job opportunities for women like us, and this industry is the perfect field for women to show what they've got."

Lucy nodded, hanging on every word Mavis said. The sex industry grew into the economic giant it was today because of women who sought to earn lots of money for their natural beauty, sexual prowess, or other skills they wanted to capitalize on. Lucy herself was already being set up to marry a boy her age when she ran away to join the VCS. Her father was absolutely livid with her but couldn't legally do anything, as sex workers were licensed members of the work force.

"Zera called ahead and told me how well you serviced that deplorable Duke Hans. She said that you were a natural for the duke to take such a strong liking to you, and looking at you now, I can see why." Mavis said. "Since we've got plenty of time today, I'm going to allow you a chance to show what kind of skills you've got by undergoing a little trial period. I'll have one of our regulars come to you and you'll service him to the best of your ability. Should he find your services satisfactory, then you will be accepted into the guild. How's that sound?"

"That sounds great, madam!" Lucy happily said. She was practically jumping in her seat.

"Great. Zera, could you show Lucy to her room? I'll have Mirajane send up the client."

"Sure thing, Mav." Zera said and led the squealing blonde out of the office. Mavis waved goodbye to Lucy and smiled.

It was such a treat welcoming new faces into her guild!


Lucy got started right away on servicing the client that Mavis had set up for her. She was excited to finally show what her stuff, but as expected of the legendary madam, it wasn't going to be easy.

The client Mavis had set up for her was a miner named Bruno, who had a body that could have been chiseled out of stone. He was tall, around seven feet, with broad shoulders and a very muscular body with short black hair, narrow eyes and a finely curled mustache. All he had on were a pair of dark green cargo pants, leaving his sweaty rock hard chest bare and glistening in the sunlight. Lucy hadn't heard him say a word since meeting him, but she was sure he knew what she was supposed to do, and she got to work immediately.

Lucy sat on her knees between Bruno's spread thighs, her mouth stretched wide as she gently sucked upon his massive thirteen inch erection. She had to draw upon months of blowjob techniques to keep from gagging as she serviced his cock with her mouth, and from the tensing of his leg muscles, it appeared she was doing a good job. His face stoic, Bruno still enjoyed the feeling of her mouth on his shaft, and he reached down to grab Lucy's head in both hands.

'Huh?' Lucy blinked minutes before Bruno used his hold on her head to cram the last five inches of dick down her gullet. Greatly enjoying the tightness, Bruno decided he wanted to dump his first load down her throat. He proceeded to use his hold on her to bob her head up and down his throbbing dick. Bruno was impressed by Lucy's willpower to remain calm, not once gagging on the massive prick despite the rough treatment.

As he forced her head down to his balls, Lucy showcased her deepthroating skills by grabbing hold of his hips to keep him in place and kept his dick completely encased in her throat before she proceeded to swallow upon it as hard and fast as she could. Bruno audibly grunted and felt his balls tighten and his cock expand down her throat.

'Here it comes!' Lucy thought excitedly and withdrew the cock from her throat until just the massive head rested in her mouth, wanting to taste his creamy discharge. Bruno grunted again as he fired his first cup sized shot, completely filling Lucy's mouth and causing her cheeks to bloat out.

Swallowing desperately, Lucy tried to get the first thick load down before the second one filled her mouth, but she failed. The second shot filled her mouth to overflowing, forcing cum to shoot out from between her overly stretched lips. Not giving up however, Lucy kept trying to choke down Bruno's massive load. For the next two minutes she valiantly tried to swallow as much as she could, but it was becoming a losing battle. Finally Bruno's orgasm wound down and Lucy pulled back, still gulping down cum, her face a mess from the cum that escaped from between her lips and the upper slopes of her large tits, coating them in a thick glaze of jizz.

Lucy took a moment to swallow down the cum still in her throat, scooping some of the cream on her tits to shovel into her mouth like a greedy little child devouring cake batter. Once she was done with that, she stood up and slid down her lace panties, still wearing her blouse and skirt. Lucy climbed upon the man's lap and straddled him, putting her right above his cock. Grasping the oversized member, she placed it at the entrance to her soaked cunt and proceeded to pop the head into her pink folds.

"Now it's time for the main event. I hope you're ready sir, because I'm going to drain these big balls dry." Lucy promised, wide eyes full of lust.

Slowly Lucy lowered herself down so as not to hurt herself. She wasn't used to taking dicks this big and still had to acclimate to the stretching, despite the extreme pleasure she felt from it. As she reached the six inch mark, Lucy stopped her descent and lifted herself up, before pushing herself down again, this time cramming nine inches up her cunt. Lucy slowly pumped herself up and down, getting more and more of his thick girth into her pussy, grasping his shoulders tightly.

However to Bruno, Lucy was going a bit too slow for him. So when she raised her hips to finally take all of him inside, he grasped her hips and pulled her down. Lucy's head reared back, her mouth falling open in a silent scream, all thirteen inches driving into her. She experienced a massive orgasm as her juices squirted out, coating Bruno's cock and balls. As she recovered, Lucy quickly got back to work, fucking her hips up and down his cock. Anyone behind her would have seen her plump asscheeks bouncing hypnotically up and down, clapping against his thighs.

As the blonde bounced on his cock, Bruno's gaze was drawn to her bouncing tits, which were still hidden behind her blouse. He roughly pulled her blouse up over her chest to expose her soft breasts and his head shot forward to capture one of Lucy's pink nipples in his mouth. Lucy gasped as he began to suck hungrily upon her breast, biting at her nipple while his other hand grasped her other tit. He licked and sucked on her breasts as he started to thrust his cock up as she brought her hips down. Caught off guard by the maneuver, she wrapped her arms around his neck and started screaming in pleasure.

Bruno had taken over thrusting upwards into Lucy as she stopped due to her climax robing her of her basic motor functions. His deep, hard thrusts and the stretching of her cunt drove her mad and she couldn't get enough of it. Lucy was broken out of her thoughts when Bruno lifted her off his cock and spun her around, throwing her face first onto the bed. Before she could recover, he lifted her ass and thrust right back into her sore cunt, making her squeal. Bruno was not gentle with her this time, burying his shaft deep into her until his balls were pressed firmly against her clit.

Lucy's eyes rolled upwards and her tongue hung out of her mouth from the continued string of mini-orgasms the man forced upon her. Reaching forward, Bruno gathered her hair in one hand and pulled back hard, using her hair as reins to force himself even deeper into her. Keeping up this furious pace for ten minutes, the sensations eventually became too much for the man. Pulling harder on Lucy's hair, Bruno buried himself as deeply as possible up her cunt and with a primal roar emptied a truly massive load into the fucked silly girl. For the next five minutes he filled the novice whore with his thick cream, filling her womb from the sheer volume of it.

Finally spent, Bruno slowly withdrew his softening prick from Lucy's gaping pussy. As the head popped out, the cum he deposited started pouring out of the girl's stretching folds. Giving her ass one last slap, Bruno got off the bed and got dressed, leaving the room without another word.


Lucy had no idea how long she lay on her bed, sweaty, cum filled and thoroughly used, but eventually Zera came into her room and helped her over to the showers to clean herself up. The girl surprisingly stayed with her, though not out of the goodness of her own heart. Zera pushed Lucy against the wall and ate her out vigorously, devouring the excess cum that coated Lucy's thighs and cunt. That led to Lucy having yet another orgasm that completely drained her.

Thankfully Zera showed her mercy and stopped after she nearly collapsed from her latest orgasm. Zera helped her over to the baths and sat the taller woman into the hot water, sliding in next to her.

"Now that we've got that out of the way, it's time for your results." Zera said. She smirked when she saw Lucy perk up at that. "That got your attention, didn't it? Now, according to Bruno, you were very attentive to his needs and not once did you complain when he got rough with you. That's a good start, as we have to be somewhat subservient to our clients when they want to treat us roughly. Just keep in mind that if they get too violent, you can say no. You also managed not to pass out when he got really into it, which is an achievement in itself. All in all, he gave you a good score and positive review. Mavis is impressed."

Lucy already knew what she was going to say next, but that didn't stop her from feeling giddy with anticipation when Zera gave her a smile.

"You already know what I'm going to say, but I'll say it anyway. Welcome to Fairy Tail, Lucy Heartfilia. Happy to have you on board riding cocks for a living."