
Fairy tail the eternal phoenix

A man is born into fairy tails world with the powers of marco the phoenix. Is this a simple man or is he really..........

Thomas_Hodge · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
35 Chs


A few days had gone by since Marco and the others put a stop to the dark guild eisenwald. Now it seems another presence aims their attentions towards fairy tail.

This is the magic council era.

" The eisenwald guild may have been defeated, but that is only one small victory in a much larger battle."

" The number of dark guilds is growing at quite the alarming rate."

" We have to come up with a plan to eliminate them all!"

" But how would we do that?"

" However it's done we can not allow zerefs magic to fall into the wrong hands again!" The old council man said.

" I don't understand how eisenwald was able to obtain a tool of forbidden magic in the first place." The short old man said

" I hate to say it, but the blame may extend to the highest levels." The old man who looks like a cat said

" Whatever the case, though they are usually a thorn in our side, They proved to be quite useful." The blue haired council man said

" They took down an entire guild with a handful of wizards, that is quite the feat."

" I still don't like them."

" You may not want to accept it, but that is the reality of the situation. In the end the attack on the guild masters was prevented, lives were spared, and none of us had to give up our hard earned positions to save face." The blue haired man said.

" You fool! Are you insinuating the council is somehow to blame!" One council man yelled

" Enough of this nonsense! Fairy tails good deeds are overshadowed by their reckless destruction!" The old council man yelled

" Then why don't we take the opportunity to discuss this with them!" The blue haired man said.

Natsu vs Erza!

" Oh boy todays the day huh? Well let's go see how natsu loses today." Marco said as he got out of his bed to get ready for the day. As marco entered the shower his mind took a trip down memory lane. He began thinking of the life he left behind, His greatest achievements..... And his greatest failures.


"Yasakani no magatama!" The man dressed in a yellow suit yelled as millions of tiny balls of hard light shot out from his hands Traveling towards an old man as marco flew into the attack stopping it.

" What the he stopped the admirals attack! There in the flames.

" You can't Just.....go straight for..... The king you know!" Marco said looking at his foe in the sky. " Yeaaaarh!" Marco yelled as he transformed into a phoenix and rushed towards the admiral.

" I've never seen a bird like that before." The man said sarcastically once again launching his attack, However the attack just passes through marco as he gets closer to the man.

" Yaaaah!" Marco yelled as he brought his leg down on the mans arm.

" Ohhhh this certainly does hurt." The man taunted.

" Don't lie!" Marco yelled as he overpowered the man sending him flying down towards a building causing him to crash in a ball of light.

Flashback end.

" Why are you thinking about that day now marco? Damn it!" He said as he leaned his head against the shower wall. Marco finished washing and now began getting dressed. he continued thinking back to the old days.


" STRAW HAAAAT!" The man of magma yelled attacking the boy wearing a straw hat.

However before he could connect he was stopped by a sudden burst of blur flames. Emerging from the flames was Marco.

" I won't let you kill him! Take ace's brother and run Jimbei!" Marco said to the fishman. " The fight.... Isn't over yet! Straw hat's survival was aces final wish!" Marco said beginning to rally the troops. " We will absolutely protect him in aces place! If we let him die, IT WILL BE THE WHITEBEARD PIRATES GREATEST SHAME!" Marco yelled

"RAAAAAAAAAAH!" The whitebeard pirates yelled raising their blades ready to fight.

Flashback end.

" Damn today's supposed to be a fun day. I shouldn't be sulking on events long since passed." Marco said finishing redressing and tending to his hygiene. " Alright let's go!" Marco said as he left his apartment.

Making his way to the guild hall marco is greeted by the sight of the entire guild outside cheering as natsu and erza stare each other down.

" Yo gray! Mira! Lucy! Are they about to start yet?" Marco asked as he approached the group

" Oh hey Marco!" Mira said with a smile earing a blush from marco.

" Yeah looks like it!" Gray said as Erza began to change her armor.

" REQUIP!" Erza shouted as her armor changed

" Whoa that's flame empress armor! a good choice against fire magic." Macao said

" So now natsus flames will only be half as effective!" Laki said

" Come on erza at least give the kid a fighting chance!" Wakaba said

" Put me down for erza in the first round." Happy said handing cana money.

" You're betting against your own best friend?" Lucy asked happy shocked

" Damn happy that's rough buddy." Marco said laughing at the little blue cat. " Put me down for erza as well!" Marco said also giving cana money.

" Why are you guys picking sides? I don't want either of them to lose." Lucy yelled

" Get into the spirit lucy." Gray said

" Wow flame empress armor huh! Good news for me, it means I can turn up the heat as much as I want to." Natsu said engulfing his fists in fire.

" Round 1 start!" Makarov said

Natsu rushed erza swinging his fist at her as erza returned the favor with her sword, causing natsu to dodge as well. This continued back and forth until natsu used his breath attack to cause erza to fall back.

" See it's a good fight huh?" Elfman asks lucy.

" This fight sucks!" Gray said

" What this is awesome man look at those two!" Marco said to gray.

As natsu and erza were going to clash with each other a frog clapped her hands together drawing everyone's attention.

" This fight is over. May I have your attention please. I have come here on behalf of the magic council." The frog lady said

" No way!" Levi said

" Seriously! why would the council send her here?" Droy said

" Am I the only one who noticed she's a frog?" Lucy asked alarmed.

" " As a result of the eisenwald incident, Two members of your guild have been charged with eleven counts of criminal property damage. Erza scarlet! Marco! You two are under arrest!" The lady finished.

" Huh! You're putting them under a what?" Natsu said

" LIKE HELL I AM!" Marco roared in fury Igniting his flames allowing his bloodlust to leak out scaring everyone around him.

" Marco! calm down and go with the lady." Makarov said

" But master!" Marco retorted.

" JUST DO IT!" Makarov yelled.

The frog lady approached both marco and erza with hand cuffs.


" MARCO!" Makarov said with a glare.

Everyone held their heads down seeing the pained and angry expression on Marcos face.

" Fine!" Marco said relenting and allowing the frog to cuff him and erza. Loading the two onto the transport they made their way to the Fiore branch of the magic council.


This is fiores branch of the magic council. currently being walked down the hall to his trial is Marco.

" This courtroom will now come to order. Before us is the defendant Marco! Please take the stand marco." The frog lady said

" Marco! You stand before the council to answer for charges stemming from the incident involving the dark guild eisenwald. These charges Include extensive damage to oshibana station." The lead council man spoke before being cut off.

" Oi! Oi! I'm gonna stop right there you bastard!" Marco said heinously as he ripped his hands free of the magic canceling hand cuffs Shocking everyone in the room.

" But how those cuffs were supposed to be canceling his power, how did he break free." Someone on the council said.

" I'm not a weakling like you bastards that's why. You think I don't realize what's going on?" Marco said looking at the council with rage. " You guys are trying to use me and erza as scapegoats. I'll let you know this! I only came here today because master makarov asked me to play nice. This isn't my first time dealing with a government who thinks they are untouchable. I'll let you have your way this time, but know this if you ever try a stunt like this again. There will be consequences!" Marco said glaring at the council men as a burst of energy rocked the room Scaring every single one of them, as even though they weren't there physically their spirits still were.

The magic council only shook their heads as they had marco escorted back to his cell without restraining him, knowing not only would it be useless, but that it would only serve to anger him more. As Marco returned to his cell he heard an explosion from above.

" There's only one Idiot I can think of that would do something like this at a time like this." Marco said face palming himself." NATSUUUUUU!" Marco yelled.

As marco sat in his cell he watched as erza and natsu were put in the cell with him.

" You idiot come here so I can wring you neck!" Marco yelled

" Ahhh! I'm sorry!" Natsu yelled in pain

" You idiot! Ughh, anyway how was your trial erza?"

" About what you'd expect, but I must ask what did you do during yours that caused the magic council to be so afraid?" Erza asked marco.

" I made it very clear where we stood with each other." Marco simply responded. " Anyway we're gonna be here a while might as well get comfortable." Marco said as he went to sleep.


" WHO WOULD"VE THOUGHT FRESS AIR WOULD SMELL SO SWEET! I'm gonna breathe it in all day!" Natsu yelled earning annoyance from his guild mates.

" Isn't he precious when he get's all excited!" Mira said

" I can't believe that stupid arrest and trial were just for show. All the worrying for nothing." Lucy said dejectedly.

" So they weren't sacrificial lambs, but scape goats!" Gray joked.

" You must be one hell of an ice wizard cause even your jokes leave me cold." Elfman said to gray. " Hey natsu you gonna finish your man to man with erza.

" Oh yeah i forgot about that. So what do ya say wanna pick up where we left off." Natsu yelled excitedly

However there was someone in the guild hall who really wasn't in the mood for all the jokes.

" Hey mira?" Marco getting the girls attention. " Can you fill me up again." Marco said asking for more booze.

" But that's your 22nd one!" Mira said worried. " Are you ok? I think you should stop."

" I'm fine, just fill it up please."

" but Marco You shouldn't." Mira started

" I"M FINE JUST FILL IT UP!" Marco yelled causing everyone who was laughing at erza knocking natsu out to instantly stop and look at marco. Mira, however looked sad and refilled his mug.

" I'm sorry for yelling mira." Marco said to the girl as he downed his drink.

Mira simply nodded her head and responded to the man. " It's ok marco! I understand." She said causing the man to simply hang his head in shame for his angry outburst.

The guild hall grew uneasily quite as Makarov looked like he was starting to doze off.

" Sir is something wrong?" Mira asked makarov

" I'm fine, just sleepy. He's coming!" Makarov says as mira begins falling asleep.

" The hell! Hey mira watch out!" Marco yelled catching the woman as she fell..

Soon everyone began falling over sleep, even erza was on her knees struggling to stay awake.

" Master what's going on!" Marco asks as a man enters fairy tails guild hall.

The man entering the guild hall is a strange one. Dressed in dark blue robes, pants, and bandages coupled together with his many magic staffs and a mask this mans name is

" Mystogan!" Makarov says.

" Mystogan?" marco asks.

" You're new to the guild and you're strong enough to be unaffected by my magic. It looks like the guild has been in good hands while I was gone. Welcome my friend." Mystogan said to marco

" Likewise mystogan!" Marco replied.

Mystogan nodded and made his way to the request board taking a job and handing it to the master. " I sahll return." He said to makarov.

" No wait lift, Lift your sleeping spell before you leave." Makarov said

" 5. 4. 3. 2. 1." Mystogan said as he counted down his steps on releasing the spell.

Suddenly everyone in the guild hall, woke up except natsu.

" Oh man was mystogan here?" Jet asked

" What a jerk!" Droy said.

" Does he have to put us to sleep every time he comes here!" Levy said

" I didn't fall asleep!" Marco said shocking everyone as even erza was nearly knocked out by mystogan.

" Who's this mystogan guy?" Lucy asked

" For one he's a contender for fairy tails strongest wizard." Elfman answered

" Really!?" Lucy said.

" Yeah! and for some reason he doesn't want anyone to see what he looks like. So whenever he comes here to take a job he casts a sleeping spell." Gray said informing lucy.

" That's kind of creepy!" Lucy said.

" Master makarov is the only one here who's seen what his face looks like under his mask."

" That's not true, I've seen him before!" A blonde man says laughing.

" Laxus!" Elfman said

" Talk about rare!" Macao says

" You're never here!" Wakaba also chimes in.

" And here's another contender. Gray says to lucy.

" Mystogan is just a little shy you should all respect his privacy." Laxus says causing natsu to wake up

" Alright laxus! You and me right now!" Natsu yells

" getting you're butt kicked once today wasn't enough!" Gray asks natsu.

" Yeah pal if you can't even win against the red head, why bother with me?" Laxus asks taunting both natsu and erza.

" What are you trying to say?" Erza asks laxus angrily.

" No need to get all worked up erza." Gray says.

" I'm saying I'm the guild strongest wizard!" Laxus taunts Earning Natsu, erza, and Marcos ire.

" Then come down here and prove it!" Natsu says to laxus.

" You come to me little man!"

" With pleasure!" Natsu yells running to the stairs before getting smashed down by makarov.

" You're not allowed on the second floor natsu, at least not yet." Makarov says sternly

" Heh Think you made him grumpy." Laxus taunts earning a shut up from natsu.

" That's enough out of you laxus!" makarov says

" The most powerful one in the guild isn't a chick or some hooded weirdo, you wanna know what the strongest wizard looks like? You're looking right at him." said Laxus.

" Is that right? I mean it's hard for me to tell! ever since you got here all you've done is run your smart ass mouth. The Weakest losers are the ones who talk the most, so either get down here and fight or stay quiet loser." Marco said to laxus making the man angry. " I thought so." Marco said as he turned his back on laxus.

This action certainly angered laxus a great deal, as marco turned his back laxus shot an bolt of lighting from his hand towards marco. However before it hit, Marco spun around launching his own attack back at laxus. The two attacks colliding caused an explosion that rocked the very foundation of the guild and startled all of magnolia.

" Ahaha! You're a strong one aren't you new guy?"

" Heh! I'm actually impressed. It looks to me like you're bite is at least as strong as your bark." Marco said grinning at laxus.

Natsu, Gray, Erza, Mira, and makarov all looked at Marco stunned as they knew very well just how powerful laxus really was. Even though he is arrogant he can more than back up is trash talking. For marco to have been able to not only counter attack laxus, but also stop his attack completely, Marco definitely had to have the strength of an S-class Wizard.

" Whoa no way he stopped laxus's attack!" One guild member said as the room began to fill with murmuring on what had just happened.

" No way Laxus is an S-class wizard, and he's definitely one of fairy tails strongest. Yet Marco was able to stop his attack like it was nothing.

" Heh!" I wouldn't say like nothing. I had to actually use armament haki with that attack, and Had I not used observation haki he definitely would have hit me there. I don't want to admit it, but he's definitely as strong as I am. If we were to fight there's no telling what might happen. Marco thought to himself.

" That's enough you two!" Makarov said ending the clash between the two wizards. Hmmm Marco, I knew he was strong, but to be able to stop laxus. It's clear he's already as strong as an S-class wizard. "Alright let's clean this mess up!" Makarov said as everyone started cleaning up.


" Hey mirajane. Let me ask you something. What was the master talking about earlier? Why can't we go up to the second floor?" Lucy asked mira

" You know I wanted to know that too!" Marco said sitting down next to lucy.

" Oh That area is reserved for advanced members of the guild. The jobs that are listed on the request board up there make the ones listed down here look like childs play in comparison. They are called S-class Quests." Mira said

" S-class?" lucy asked.

" They are jobs so dangerous one wrong move could be your last, but with that risk comes a higher reward." Mira said.

" Is that right sounds like a blast!" Marco said.

" Master makarov hand picks the wizards he thinks are capable of handling these jobs. There are only 5 people in the entire guild who are considered S-class. That includes laxus, mystogan , and erza." Mira continued. " I wouldn't worry about it you two. In my opinion there's no amount of money worth risking your life over." Mira finished with

" Yeah no kidding!" Lucy said

" What that's lame!" Marco said dejectedly. causing mira to laugh, which incidentally caused marco to blush.

As Marco finished his last mug of alcohol lucy decides it's time to turn in for the night. After she leaves Marco decides to hang out with mira for a little longer.

" So mira I know you said there were 5 S-class wizards, 3 of them being Erza. laxus, and mystogan. Who are the last two?" Marco asked.

" Oh one of them is a man named Gildarts! It's commonly said that laxus or mystogan are the strongest men in fairy tail, however if we're being honest Gildarts is without a doubt the definitive strongest."

" Is that right? What's so special about him?"

" He is the only wizard in fairy tail to take on a quest above the s class."

" What! Above the s-class quests!?" Marco asked shocked

" Yes! Above the s class quests are ss- class quests, 10 year quests, and above those are 100 year quests. Gildarts is currently on a 100 year quest." Mira said to marco who was shocked by such a declaration.

" Wow he's taking on a job that not even laxus or mystogan would. I can only imagine how powerful he really is. Ok so who's the last one?" Marco asks

" I am!" Mira says smiling at marco. The declaration causing marco to fall over face first.

" WHAT! Sweet innocent mira. You're an s-class wizard?" Marco said to the girl even more shocked than before.

" Yeah! Erza and I have used to have a big rivalry going. I have some pictures back then I can show you if you'd like."

" I'd love to see them!" Marco says excitedly. that is until he actually sees the pictures. " What the ! Who is that." Marco says pointing to the flat chested girl dressed in all black with a devilish grin on her face.

" Why that's me silly!" Mira says to marco smiling.

" Huh!" How did that happen marco thought to himself. " Oh man I can't believe how much you seem to have changed, but one thing I have to admit you've always been beautiful mira." Marco said with a bright smile causing Mira to blush.

" You ready to go mira!" Elfman yells as he approaches his sister, noticing how she and marco are hitting it off. " Hey Mira!"

" Yes Elfman! Are you ready to go?" Mira asked.

" No I got something I need to take care of first. Hey Marco you mind walking my sister home for me?"

" Sure big guy I'd love too." Marco said

" Alright! Thanks man. You have a good night you two." Elfman said leaving the two alone.

" Alright mira! you ready to go?" Marco asked

" Yes I'm ready marco." Mira answered as the two began walking towards Mira and elfmans house.

Once arriving Mira bid Marco farewell with a smile. " Thank you for walking me home marco!" She said

" Oi Oi don't mention it after all, hoe could I let my favorite lady get hurt?" Marco said with a slight chuckle. His words bringing another blush to miras face. " Goodnight mirajane!"

" Goodnight marco! stay safe ok?"

" You as well!" Marco nodded and left.

As marco headed home, Mira closed the door and began blushing again.

" Huh! Why is my heart beating so fast?" Mira questioned. not knowing that a certainly blondie was thinking the same thing.