
Ryu Be My Husband 1

Everything hurt. Everything was heavy. A simple thought felt like it weighed a mountain. I lay there blankly, my mind blank, and my body unmoving... that was until I suddenly remembered the war. My eyes shot wide open, just to be shocked to find myself in the castle. I struggled to get up, ignoring the fact I weighed like a mountain.

"Lay back down," A cold voice sounded, carrying the air of a command. I paused at that voice, I looked over and saw Irene, sitting on a chair next to my bed.

"I failed?" I asked, enraging Irene who was at a loss for words.

"Do you know the condition you were in? Ryu, you pushed your body and mind to levels that should never be reached. Do you know you were out for a whole month? I was sure you might never wake up." Irene said with a sigh, if I truly never woke up, the guilt would have eaten her up. 

"Don't worry about my health. I'm a Phoenix, I would recover... what is important is the mission you gave me... Is everyone alive?" I asked, I had tried my best to ensure my allies were not losing their life. but so many died, which left me depressed.

"Forget the mission, think about your life. Do you think you could just die, do you not care for those who you would live behind?" Irene asked to which I looked at her for a moment, before looking away.

"And don't say no one would miss you, I would miss you. You're my soon-to-be husband, and as things stand, one of the people I trust most. So, Ryujin Dragneel. Pull a stunt like this once more, and you shall forever be nothing to me." She said coldly, to which I opened and closed my mouth, but I just nodded.

"Good, you have lost a lot of weight." She said while pulling out some soup. I thanked her and shakingly reached out to take the food, but she slapped my hands away and went on to feed me, much to my shock.

"The least I could do is take care of you after you went through such hell all because of me... I said 7 days, yet I needed 8 days. I'm sorry." She said to which I shook my head.

"I should have been strong enough to take on the whole army, yet I'm weak," I said to which she rolled her eyes.

"I fought that dragon god, the guy is strong, he would have been able to defeat me if it was a 1 v 1," Irene said with a sigh, after gaining Dragon Slayer magic, her powers had truly improved, nearing the tier of the Dragon God. She was sure she was the strongest human, but that Dragon God was truly powerful, even without its wing, it used wind magic to fly. 

"Are you alright? You shouldn't have faced it." I said in shock, to which Irene rolled her eyes, ignoring me. She wasn't a child, plus thanks to the fact she was now a Sage Dragon Slayer, it greatly boosted her enchantment powers, while also boosting her overall capability. She summoned an asteroid from space, that was just a hint of her power.

"Don't worry, we are at a standstill with the dragons, I'm not even needed there, so I could come here and wait for the real battle." She said lightly, thousands of mages were becoming dragon slayers, all of them stepping forward to fight in the war. But the birth of Dragon Slayers, made many Dragons enraged, so even those who were standing back and watching the war stepped forward, some joining our side, and the other joining the dragon side. This war was being called the Dragon King Festival, and most dragons from the 3 continents were taking part

"Now, eat up. You will not be a good knight if you slept while I was out there fighting." She said. So, I nodded in agreement and allowed her to feed me.

"What was your past life like..." She asked to which I paused for a moment. I had moved on from my past life, I didn't even care to recall the plot anymore since I was sure I would change many things.

"Well..." I thought for a moment, before telling her of my past life, how we had no magic, yet could fly in the sky through airplanes. Something which greatly interested Irene, having me quickly tell her everything about how such a thing worked, although I didn't know much... I did know how a few things worked, like a bike and a helicopter. 

"Surely, without magic, your past life had to be more peaceful than this life." She said to which I paused for a moment, before shaking my head.

"It was peaceful because we lived in lies. I was lucky to be born in a place free from other countries mining it for resources or other such things. So my country wasn't poor. thanks to how free the news was, at any moment it was easy to just see that somewhere out there, my country was making others suffer for personal gains, but I ignored it like everyone else since it was far. We were like this until the war came to our neighborhood, where we got to see how those poor countries were suffering thanks to our government." I said lightly,

"I did nothing, so I was part of the problem, but in this life, I can make a difference... by following you," I said making Irene awkward as she didn't know how to react with such a huge goal placed on her.

"I don't know if I could," Irene said truthfully, changing the world sounded grand and all... but being realistic, that was impossible. So long as people had different ideals, conflicts would exist.

"... Truly, I don't think it's possible as well. but look at what you did to this empire, it smells so clean. the citizens are happy, hell even the homeless are living in far better conditions than those in my past life. Some freeze to death on the streets, yet here, they could at least go to special places where they could sleep in the warmth. You're amazing, even with the matter with the dragons, you didn't forget your people." I said truthfully, making Irene awkward seeing as I wasn't joking.

"Alright, get your rest," Irene said, to which I nodded while lying down to sleep. Irene sighed softly, before leaving. She walked through the halls of the castle, the words I said filling her head... she wanted to live up to the dreams of her people, but my dream was one she didn't know she could fulfill.

The next morning, I opened my eyes and was shocked to find Irene sitting next to my bed once more.

"You don't need to come see me every day, you got more important stuff to do," I said to which Irene smiled.

"Since when was it wrong for a future wife to care for her husband?" Irene asked, to which I blankly looked at her. Although Irene's sharp eyes saw the faint blush on my cheek. I had high control of myself, but as a virgin of two lives, her words had some effect.

"Smile more, what would I do if I didn't have an emotional husband to vent to?" She said while pulling my cheek upwards to make a smile, leading to the birth of the world most ugliest smile, which caused Irene to laugh, forcing me to look away to hide the smile and blush which I couldn't control in time.

"Alright, eat up." She said while pooling out a bowl of soup, which I ate while listening to her just talk about her day. More like her venting about her troublesome week, but she avoided anything about the war, which left me displeased... but found myself relaxing around her even more compared to the past.

"Sorry... you always listen to me run my mouth off." She said realizing that I had finished the soup. She had always told me her annoyance and frustration with the nobles and the things around her. This wasn't anything new, this was just the most notable. 

"No, it's my pleasure to be your ear," I said making Irene smile happily, before pausing while looking at me.

"how do I know you're not just saying this because you're a knight?" She asked, to which I paused for a moment,

"Odd... I find I can lay here all day listening to you just speak... I mean no disrespect, I'm not trying to say you should stay here all the time or anything like that." I said to which Irene looked at me with a blank look, seeing me losing control. She looked at me for some time, before she burst out laughing while I turned away, swallowed in embarrassment. I didn't sign up for this,

The next day, I opened my eyes and the first thing I saw was breasts. I froze for a moment as my eyes locked on them, before realizing they were Irene. Irene's clothing was a bit too revealing. They didn't get in the way of her movement, but it allowed people to see too much, so she always wore a scarf that covered her from the breast up to her neck... but her scarf was off at the moment.

"I didn't know you were also a pervert." Irene sighed while putting on her scarf, and at those words, a part of me died inside. ignoring my heavy body, I quickly sat up, trying my best to explain I was just caught off guard, only to freeze seeing that she was joking with me. I almost cried, I hadn't been that scared in a long time. Did she not know how scary it was to call a man a pervert or something like that?

"Haha, I don't mind for that stuff. I never really put so much importance onto the body, I care more for the mind." Irene said with a smile, to which I pouted while lying down,

"Come on, I was just playing with you." She said while pulling on my puffed-up cheeks, which left me feeling awkward. How could I stay angry at her? Although I tried my best, it was like my control over myself was meaningless before her, as a smile couldn't control itself but slowly appeared.

"There is the smile," She laughed, while I just looked away, quickly regaining control, and calmly looked at her. This made Irene pout, but she shrugged while giving me my soup. I looked at the soup, annoyed that I was eating the same food every day. But I wouldn't say anything, 

"Your body has only eaten fire and other elements for the past 8 days at the battlefield. Adding the fact you adapt fast, this soup is to help your body remember how to break down food. That's a side effect of your overpowered recovery capability." She said to which I nodded lightly,

"I could feed myself," I said while holding my hands out, to which Irene smirked.

"You say that like you don't enjoy it," She said, to which my eyeballs rolled to the side, avoiding eye contact. Irene laughed while feeding me, although I was more embarrassed knowing that she knew, but I didn't show it...

"oh, you up," Irene said seeing me up and currently stretching my body. 

"Yes, I should be ready to go to the battlefield," I said calmly, ignoring the fact I was skinny to the bone. This caused Irene to give me a deadpan look, and I just looked at her, as if I didn't see the problem.

"Until I see you are up to health, you are not going anywhere. but now, I can't feed you. how did it feel being fed by the queen?" She asked with a smile, to which my body flashed with my scarlet armor before I bowed.

"it was an honor," I said, to which Irene clicked her tongue seeing me fleeing to my armor to hide any shameful reactions. Irene said nothing, leaving. But watching her leaving back, I looked towards the ground, touching my chest for a moment... I was falling in love, well this wasn't shocking. I had looked up to Irene for so long, and now her being down to earth and playing around with me... but I crushed such thoughts, for my story wasn't a love story. This was a story of a knight bringing forth world peace.

I went on to go outside to train, I needed to fuse all of my magic into one. I wasn't going to force it, simply gave it a small push towards the magic I wanted. I wanted the strongest form of fire, and thanks to the countless minds I devoured, I had a sea of God Slayer magic under my wing.

"Oh, I heard you were fusing magic with your fire... go into the library and get some magic to fuse together. You also need a reward for the huge amount of work you did, so tell me what you want later." Irene said seeing me starting to train.

"Thank you," I said to which Irene gave me a frown,

"I accept you as the future king, this is your right," Irene said before walking off, leaving me standing there, at a loss for words, not understanding why Irene's personality seemed to have changed. I also didn't like this, as I felt like I was using the fact I was her knight to take advantage of her.

Irene walked off, closing her eyes as she remembered the sight she found me in when she arrived at the battlefield. Irene was currently on bad terms with Erza as she told Erza to inform her of my condition, yet Erza didn't, knowing that they needed me there. But the condition I was in, broke her heart. But once again, it made her wake up to the fact of how serious I was about following her... that only made her guilty of responsibility, so she tried opening up to her future husband.

This wasn't out of love, this was only better than a political marriage because she got to pick who she married. She rather it be me, than someone like Rung... plus, she did see me as someone she could fall in love with, she had to just get me to see her as a friend, and not as a queen because she wanted to at least be friends before we got married, 

{A/N: Help, I need one ability for the strongest flames. I can't simply burn everything, that sounds basic. Also, the magic MC would start using would be called Sovereign Fire Phoenix Slayer Magic, if you have a better name please say it.}