
Fairy Tail: Natsu Twin Brother

A messed-up world needs flames to burn it down, and from the ashes, a new world can be reborn. With Phoenix Slayer Magic, I shall purify this world, bringing forth a new era.

itachi1010 · Anime & Comics
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33 Chs

Ryu Be My Husband 2

{This is the second bonus chapter for the 200 powerstones.}

"Arc Of Time?" I said while sitting in a library, holding a book on magic. I remember this magic from the plot, it had to do with time manipulation or something. Arc of Time is a type of Time Magic that involves the usage of time as a means of combat.

This Magic allows for the manipulation of the "time" of nonliving objects and materials, as well as of non-sentient life, like a tree. The user can fast-forward an object's "time" into the future, making it decay rapidly or rush to attack an opponent. This Magic can even stop an object's "time" by freezing it in midair. The user can also rewind a damaged object's "time" to restore it to its original state, like turning ice back into water. Mages who use this Magic can produce "bubbles" of time that show the various potential things the item could do and then pick one of the timelines whenever they want.

'I wonder if I could burn time with this magic?' I thought while going on to learn this magic. All I needed was to learn a few spells, before going on to try and fuse this magic with my fire magic. Thanks to my enhanced mind, I quickly learned this magic. It took a few hours, but I soon learned this magic to the degree where I could fuse it with my Phoenix Slayer Magic.

After, I went on to test my magic, and was shocked to see the time of a target being burnt. It was scary, for the target even if immune to fire, would find their time being burnt up, aging them to dust. Let's not forget while all of this is happening, the flames would be burning your mind, soul, and body. If you can defend one, that's good, but what about the rest?

"Arc of Space," I said while looking at the next form of magic, the library was huge, holding magic that only a rare few could hope to go through. It was kept guarded, and out of the reach of anyone.

This magic was almost the same as the Arc Of Time, allowing one to control space to do many things, such as teleporting, creating space blades, switching left from right, and so on.

'I wonder if this magic could be used to recreate the Limitless...' I thought while going on to learn this magic, before going on to the next spell. Hearing Magic, Refector Magic, Life Magic, Death Magic, Link Magic, Maguilty Sense, Great Tree Great, and the list went on.

There was a sea of magic I learned, and fusing them all into my magic was a huge pain, the more magic I fused, the more I needed to take a step back, get in touch with my magic, and allow them to flow together and fuse.

In the end, I had to stop when I felt like my magic could no longer improve, I felt like I hit a wall in the growth of my magic, but my magic was far stronger than ever before. 

"Interesting..." Irene said while looking at the Dark Golden Red flames covering my body, this was the color of my new flames. I breathed out lightly, before shooting the flames toward her. The flames were fast, as they were not simply moving normally, infused with space magic, time magic, enchantment magic, lightning magic, light magic, and so many more.

The speed of this fire forced Irene to quickly move, giving her no chance to dodge, and quickly waved her staff, which she spun at full speed to combat the flames. Just to find the flames phasing through her attempts. She quickly enchanted both herself and her staff, allowing them to combat the flames.

'What?' She jumped, dodging the flames that had burned her enchantment away, she was stunned as such an act wasn't simple. Before she could even land on the ground, the flames following my will turned, shooting towards her. The flames were one with my soul, mind, and spirit. So, they did as I wished.

Irene had to jump all over the place, dodging the flames to the best of her capability, until she had enough, as she landed on the ground with her palms, the whole ground turned red. I instantly went on guard while looking at the ground, expecting spikes or something to shoot out...

"I win... then again, it's not like this would have killed you," Irene said while holding her staff to my neck, leaving me confused for a moment about what just happened.

"You enchanted the world, and had teleport here?" I asked in shock, to which Irene shook her head.

"I enchanted the ground to catch your attention, while I enchanted myself to phase through space. You're so troublesome to deal with, if I fought you the whole continent would be left in chaos." Irene said while looking at me with a smile.

"Oh... why don't you just improve your enchantment capability, I'm sure you could reach a point where you could enchant space and time," I said lightly, to which Irene waved my words off.

"I'm too busy... cough, I mean, I'm too lazy. It's troublesome to train." Irene said realizing she almost said something she would have regretted. But seeing me just looking at her through my armor, she sighed in defeat.

"I'm just catching up on the work I put aside due to Dragon Slayer magic, it's nothing too big." She said, while she was working on Dragon Slayer magic, she indeed didn't have the time to do many things. She could only do the important stuff while putting the less important stuff to the side.

"Then allow me to work so you can have a break. Say your orders, all you should be doing is sitting back and relaxing while I do everything on your behalf." I said to which Irene rolled her eyes, but knowing that I wouldn't give up unless she gave in, she had me do a few tasks on her behalf. But they had nothing to do with combat.

The first task was going to the Great Man Empire to start weapon trade with them, it was something she had personally wanted to do, but knowing that this task could take weeks if not more, she put it aside.

The second task was going to the Giant Empire to build connections and start trade with their empire. The giants were rich with tools and many other things, they also held the biggest land to date amongst the empire. If they could give us the waste of their resources, it would be good enough thanks to how small humans were compared to the giants. 

There were many more tasks, all spread out and could take months. Irene looked at me, expecting me to give up seeing that this wasn't my strong suit, but to her shock, I accepted all of the task.

"Ryu, this isn't something you can fight about. I will handle it." Irene said to which I smiled lightly.

"Allow me to try," I said to which Irene frowned for some time, before unwillingly nodding and giving me all of the information I needed. After I left, my hands turned into a phoenix before I burst into the sky at such speeds it was crazy.

Irene was left feeling more stressed out than ever, but since she had a rare moment to relax, she went to train. When was the last time she trained? That was years ago, she was lucky to be born with a high amount of magical power to the point her body couldn't handle it, she had been a freak of nature growing up. But now she was training again, and she couldn't help but remember my words on enchanting space and time.

'That might be too far... I should first see if I could enchant an item and give it life.' She thought while going on to firstfully study some magic on the subject of life.

"Why did The Queen Of Dragon send you here, Scarlet Knight?" The King Of the Great Man Empire asked while meeting me in the throne room.

"My empire would like to buy the weapon from your Empire," I said calmly, making the King frown at those words. If this was a few months ago before the whole dragon war, he would have to agree to sell his weapon without a heavy price tag, all he would have wanted was dragon scales... but now, well, Dragon scales are not that rare.

"Deal... but I want your flame as the price." He said calmly, the chance to live forever was a good chance. Although the phoenix flames wouldn't allow him to live forever, the fact they could purify him and make him live longer and make him stronger... well, that was an opportunity too good to pass up.

"... how would that work? My flames don't burn forever." I lied since time no longer affected my flames. But he didn't need to know that, although I hated lying, for my queen... this was nothing.

"I know... we will keep the fire burning. If we need you, we will call you. I want this to be signed, and sworn upon." He said to which I nodded without a second thought. The King was happy, having me stay for the knight, which I agreed to out of kindness before I left the next day for the Giant Empire.

The Giants although had long lifespans also wanted my flames, wanting to use them to purify the resources they had when blacksmithing, or anything else. I agreed and moved on to the next empire, then the next, and the next.

All of them wanted to use my flame in some way shape or form, but by the end of the week, I returned to the unease Irene who was unable to get any real training done.

"I have returned," I said while showing her the papers from all of the empires I came from. Irene was speechless, not understanding what happened. But seeing the deals that were made, she was speechless for a moment before she burst out laughing at how simple everything was.

"Thank you. We lost nothing in these trades..." She said gratefully, to which I frowned.

"Don't thank me, as your knight, this is the least I can do for my empire," I said calmly. Irene smiled lightly before she got ready to head to sleep. She had little sleep the past week, but after a good night's rest, she planned to train... and she did just that, and I joined her, improving my capability alongside her.

When she learned to enchant items and give them life, I also learned to use my fire to give life to items. Hell, Irene even learned to switch bodies with a target. People of this world's imagination weren't as free as mine, so she liked hearing me speak on ways she could enchant stuff, and she tried to make it into a reality. 

"Okay, you're saying there are 8 limiters in the body, and if I can enchant them, to remove them or something, I could be far stronger... although that would risk death?" Irene asked while looking at the books that had my idea, and to her words, I nodded.

"That's going on maybe. Okay, let's see the list. Number 1, is potential Enchantment, number 2 is Sight Enchantment, 3 is Energy Enchantment, 4th is instinct enchantment, 5th is matter enchantment, 6th Thought Enchantment, and lastly Space time Enchantment." She said lightly, looking at the list of forms of enchantment she wanted to create.

Potential enchantment would not only draw out her full potential but even strengthen it.

Sight Enchantment would allow her to enchant her sight, allowing her to sense the past or future.

Energy enchantment could allow her to strengthen her magical energy while being immune to all magic. I even told her how she could enchant kinetic energy, making her immune to even physical damage.

Instinct enchantment would allow her to let her instincts take over, giving her something like Ultra Instinct, 

matter Enchantment would allow her to take all forms of matter and reshape it to any form she wishes. She could even create butterflies from attacks, making her an enemy immune to all matter-based attacks.

Thought Enchantment would allow her to give her thought unique powers, for example, a thought to kill someone would kill someone. A thought to heal would heal, and so on.

Lastly, if she could enchant space-time, she would have the power to rewrite space and time to whatever she likes. 

Enchantment magic was overpowered, it just needed a push to be as overpowered as it should be.

"You have a bright mind, is this all because in your past life, there was no magic? I find it interesting how the lack of something, can birth the imagination for something." Irene said lightly,

"It's my pleasure to help," I said to which Irene sighed, not knowing how she could get through to me.

"come, sit down, and let's eat. Stop being so respectful, if you must, at least do it before others and not when we are alone." She said helplessly, to which I paused for a moment before speaking.

"My queen, I don't think it's a good idea for me to marry you," I said stunning Irene who looked at me with a weird look.

"I'm sorry, but as the days passed, I found myself falling in love with you. Adding everything that had happened, I can't help but wonder if I'm taking advantage of the fact I'm your knight. I try to cut off all feelings, but I find it harder and harder to do so with you being so... open." I said with a sigh,

"So, you don't want to marry me because you love me?" She asked with a strange look, leaving me speechless when she put it that way... but that seemed to be it.

"Y-yes, If I love you, I fear I might lose track of my goal," I said uneasily, to which Irene looked at me for a second, before speaking.

"Then I should marry Rung." She asked, causing to air to grow still for a moment. She looked at my bold up hands, which made her smirk.

"... I can kill him? I'm strong enough to erase the whole empire" I said unsure, which Left Irene speechless.

"Oh? How would peace be gained by you killing him? Is this old Ryu?" She asked with an amused smile, I opened and closed my mouth, not sure what to say. But Irene's smile slowly grew into a happy smile,

"I didn't think I would see the day." She said while standing up, and walking over to me, where she removed my helmet, and looked me in the eyes. What she had just seen made her happy, as she knew she hadn't chosen the wrong man to marry, for my thoughts for her were indeed pure.

"Ryu, you're my knight. With that comes many heavy responsibilities you must carry. Protecting your queen from marrying someone she doesn't like is one of them, right?" She asked to which I uneasily nodded.

"But you don't like me... you should marry someone you like. I don't want to use the moment to try and marry you," I said to which Irene's smile grew.

"Yet I find myself loving you more, the more you speak. But since you only listen to orders, let me give you a few." She said while holding my hands,

"Ryujin Dragneel, your first order is to love me. Your second order is to never lose your goal, and bring the peace you wish onto this world. Just don't become the thing you hate in the process." She said while my heart raced.

"order number 3, always be my faithful and loyal knight. Order 4, Become My Friend, stop being so loyal around me. We can be friends, right? Lastly, order 5, be my loyal and faithful husband." She said leaving me opening and closing my mouth, at a loss for words at the moment. Irene smiled lightly, before kissing my cheek, which caused my face to redden.

"That's an order," She said to which I snapped back to reality, and nodded lightly. 

"Than... Ryu, be my Husband, the 5th order is the only Order you're free to combat. I will not force you." Irene said lightly, I looked at her for some time, before I cleared my mind, and looked her straight in the eyes.

"My queen, it would be my honor to be your husband. I shall have and hold this day dear to my heart, looking forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love you and to cherish you, till death breaks us apart." I said seriously, 

"Lady Irene! Bad news!" A cry sounded as a guard came rushing in, before he had even got to see anything, Irene had pushed me away, not wanting anyone to see something so embarrassing. 

"What is it?" She asked with the air of the queen.

"A dragon slayer is running around, slaughtering both sides of the army. He is devouring the flesh of dragons he is killing to grow stronger. This has caused many more dragons to take part in the war against us." He said making Irene's heart drop.

"Stop him at all cost, we don't need every dragon alive taking part in this war," Irene said in annoyance, before looking towards me.

"Let's head off to the battlefield." She said to which I nodded. Although Irene wanted to get stronger, the battlefield just got hundreds of times worse thanks to this news.