
Fairy tail: Magic General

John Osborne is your average teenager that loves anime and novels. Unfortunately? or Fortunately? He got run over by the truck himself truck-kun, Reincarnating him in the world of fairy tail with a cheat and a non-mainstream magic. All the characters here except my OC are the property of Hiro Mashima and all related franchises. Discord Link: https://discord.gg/ENhyK5Ff Image is not mine, just found it on internet

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109 Chs

It is time

'The hell, just a number tag for waiting already costs 1 million?! And this one million doesn't even let you meet the blacksmith immediately, it could be tomorrow or one could be waiting for years!'

John thought with black lines on his forehead, 'But, I need to buy one anyway, I don't know any other great blacksmith in Fiore, and this one was already the most famous.'

'I just hope that this Ornn guy will be worthy of his fame and name, after all, he has the same name as a legend in runeterra the forging god of freljord, Ornn.'

Then John took out a million Jewels from his space, good thing he carries at least 5 million Jewels on him every time he went out, or else he wouldn't be able to pay for this number tag at all.

Anna took the money with a smile as she took out a number tag from under the desk and handed it to John as she said.

"Here's your number tag, the time that you may get called on will depend on your luck, if it's good you may be called tomorrow, if it's bad you will have to wait for at most a month to be called."

Hearing that, John heaved a sigh of relief, at least the situation of waiting for years didn't come true, John was curious how does this shop select the one to be called for it to be like this.

So, John asked about this, but all Anna did was smile mysteriously as she said. "You'll know when you get picked."

John has no choice but to leave the shop and started to tour Crocus hoping to bump into Cana and the others, meanwhile he took the time to take a look at his number tag.

The number tag given by the shop was a true masterpiece, a sight to behold. Its intricate design was etched with the utmost care, and every line and curve had been meticulously crafted to perfection.

John suspected that the tag was made by Ornn himself since the tag has so made so exquisitely and paid attention to many fine details.

The tag was made of the finest metal, polished until it shone like a star in the night sky. The surface was adorned with a myriad of symbols and patterns, each one telling a story of the blacksmith's skill and craftsmanship.

At the center of the tag, a large number was emblazoned in gold, standing out against the dark background like a beacon, 17, that's the number John obtained from the shop.

Judging from these alone, it could be seen the masterful attainments Ornn had in the art of crafting, so maybe he lived up to the name of that great figure.

John continued to walk as he put the number tag on the desk on the third floor of the Puppet Pagoda, then John saw a big sign with a templar cross and a downward line of the cross having a heart-shaped end, with the words 'Heart Kreuz'.

John knows of this brand because most of the clothes worn by Lucy in the anime are from this brand and it's a popular brand among young females.

If there's a place that Cana and the others would be, it would be this place, because the one leading the team is Ur.

And just as he guessed, after he walked inside the store and looked for a while he found Cana, Ur, and Ultear testing out clothes in a section of the store with Gray and Lyon sitting on chairs with exhausted looks on their faces.

"John!" The two eyes lit up when they saw John as if they were looking at their lord-savior, and John already guessed what happened just from their looks alone.

"It's great that you are finally here John. Cana and Ur-sensei dragged us to this store to shop and it's been 6 hours since then and they are still trying out clothes except for the time to eat lunch."

"And they are not even buying anything, they are just trying on the clothes, in the past 6 hours they have nearly tried all the clothes inside the store, you can surely stop them right?"

John wryly smiled at their words and he thought, no matter the world women will always be unable to stop themselves from trying on all the good-looking clothes they see, he then quickly turned around and did not involve himself with this.

But, it was already too late as Cana already saw him and she shouted with bright eyes. "John! You are here, quick come and see if this dress suits me or not."

After saying that she twirled around in her white dress filled with frills, looking extremely cute inside it.

"You look cute in this dress Cana, it suits you well." John said with a smile as he looked at the twirling Cana.

"Hahaha, I know right? Sadly I can't afford too many of the dresses that I liked here, but, since you liked this one, I'll buy it." Cana said as she smiled cutely.

"How many dresses do you like anyway?"

"Ah, I liked 13 dresses from this store since they are all so cute." Cana said as she pulled John and showed him all the dresses that she liked, all the dresses are in different colors but filled with frills like the first one.

" That's all? Alright, let's check out." After saying that, John took all the dresses that Cana liked and placed them on the counter of the shop and asked.

"How much for all of this?"

"632,000 Jewels for all, would you like me to pack it all up sir?" The saleswoman said as she calculated the price of all the dresses.

"Yes pack it all up, keep the change." John said as he placed 650,000 Jewels on the counter while he watched the woman pack the things.

"Tsk, Tsk, you sure are rich kid, isn't this great Cana you can have all the dresses you liked." Ur said as she placed her's and Ultear's clothes on the counter next to John's and paid for them with her money.

Cana blushed as she hugged John and whispered in his ear. "Thank you, John. I'll cherish these gifts and make sure to pay you back."

After that, she kissed him on the left cheek, and before John could react she retreated and hid behind Ur with a red face.

"This girl is so sneaky." John mumbled feeling the leftover warmth on his cheek, he looked over to see Ur and the others looking at him with teasing smiles.

"What are you looking at? Do you want me to blast you?!" John said as he took out a Lynx from his space and pointed it to them.

"Hey, calm down alright, we're just teasing you." Gray quickly said as he didn't want to be blasted by the puppet's beam attack.

" That's what I thought, let's go and continue to explore the city of Crocus." He said as he withdrew the puppet back to his space, then walked out of the store as he stored the dresses in his space.

The others nodded as they went out to tour around Crocus buying things they liked or eating food they find interesting.

And just like that two days passed and while they were playing around in an amusement park, the number tag tied to John's waist lit up in a red light.

John showed an excited smile as he picked up the number tag and said. " It took two days, it seems that my luck is not bad."