
Fairy tail- Give me space

A guy dies a tragic death and is reincarnated into the fairy tail world. English is not my first language so do excuse the poor grammar

1TOUCH_ME · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
19 Chs

Chapter 6

[Jin POV].

My training with Brain continued as usual with him torturing me in the name of making me stronger. I wasn't getting stronger and it was making me despair, it wasn't the best feeling.

I was nonetheless determined to get stronger even if I had to endure extreme levels of pain however a voice at the back of my head always said that i wasn't using my abilities correctly.

As for brain, he was a bit agitated, so far my magic was powerful However according to him my rate of growth was slowing down each day.

However he simply blames that I was probably a late bloomer and needed time to adjust to my powers...time that he was happy to fill with my torment.

I still hadn't figured out what sort of abilities my powers had and i for some reason couldn't use most of them properly.

The good part though was that due to thought acceleration and Brains training inwas learning hand to hand combat pretty fast and I was even better than Brain however i for some reason couldn't leave any permanent damage due to his defences.

Brain increased the power of his attacks more and more each day and nowadays he would break me to the point that if not healed i would be dead.

"Six months and still your lousy magic hasn't evolved. To think that this is a magic capable of killing dragons, i didn't believe that you were taught this magic by a dragon and now I am sure of it..what you have is just book knowledge and not experience". Brain said as he looked at me down on the ground."let's hope the new subject 009 is better".

I glared at him. Beaten and broken.

"Your magic however is vast and is increasing which surprises me,You pick up hand to hand combat in six months and are able to hit me... something that most can't do and certainly a 9 year old shouldn't be able to do. It's almost like you are both a genius and a waste of space at the same time".

"What can I say I aim to impress". I said as i stayed their broken and bruised but with a smile on my face.

"Ho..to think you can still talk.. however it was best to keep shut". He said as he blasted me with another attack.

"I wanted you as one of the prayers but i guess I will gift you to him". Brain said as a dark grin appeared on his face.

Suddenly it was like time paused and I felt dizzy before I was standing on green grass in a white space.

"Where is this...Intern is this you?". I yelled but no answer came for a minute.

"Turn around". A voice called from behind me. I turned to see old man Rob.

The voice was filled with warmth, something that i didn't feel from anyone,not even my parents.

It was welcoming and quite appealing...made me want to listen to him.

"What is this?". I asked confused.

"I am Sage..i have taken this form so that we can talk...and before we continue this is inside your head".

"My head..how?".

"Head space.One of the application of your ability, I simply made use of your Spacial powers and recreated the concept of an inner world. You should know after all when natsu was about to die he was dragged into his own one as well.

"But you said you created it.. isn't this a liminal space..inside my head..How does that work?".

"Brain was right about one thing..all you have is book knowledge..it was my mistake as all I did was supply you with the spells and nothing related to the concept it self".

"I don't get it".

"Hmm..think of it like this..you have all the knowledge of colours in the world to its very minuit details.. however your eyes can only see in black and white...to use your magic effectively what you need isn't information but eyes that see colours as there is a world of difference between the two".

"I see". I said understanding what Sage was going on about.

"It's also my fault..i wasn't evolved enough".

"Wait you evolved..When?".

"I evolve as you grow little by little.. although we don't gain new subject abilities, abilities that we already have get better..for example the current parallel thinking allows 1 second to be equal to 120 seconds of thinking".

"What..but I didn't feel any difference?".

"It seems that it doesn't work unless you are conscious of it..it's correctly working as we speak, i only have 5 minutes before brain reaches the door which is around 600 minutes in here" Sage said.

"There are 3 problems with you currently that's the reason why despite having all the tools to completly eradicate zero you aren't able to do it". Sage continued and I listened

"Now you know all about your spells however you are using them wrong..what you are doing is simply pushing an on/off button on a machine without knowing how it works or what it does. Currently this is the first problem

"Second you don't understand what makes Spatial magic different from something like fire or air..you think you do but you don't ".

"Third you aren't using your magic power properly. However before all that you need to know what space is...Here is the ground breaking revelation..Space is a semi tangible element.Dum-Dum-Dum". Sage said as if she was looking at an idiot.

"What do you mean..i knew that".

"Oh ya then tell me genius why haven't you eaten it yet?". She asked rhetoricaly

"I haven't met anyone that can use sp-..Oh". I stated angrily but then a realisation hit me

"Ya it's all around you, dumb-ass". Sage said

"So all this time i could be consuming space..But why though?". I asked

"Well for starters it would have helped gain a new perspective.. But that's beside the point for now let's focuse on your other three problems.

"Ya let's ..i hope this gives me a powerup".


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