
Fairy tail- Give me space

A guy dies a tragic death and is reincarnated into the fairy tail world. English is not my first language so do excuse the poor grammar

1TOUCH_ME · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
19 Chs

Chapter 15

It was currently night and I was sitting in my room with a small rubber ball in my hand to test out something.

I threw the ball onto the opposite wall and it bounced back towards my face hitting me on the forehead confirming a suspicion I had.

'Sage why can't I use 'Spatial dragon: limitless scales?''.

[You don't have the required control currently, Spatial dragon limitless scales create a barrier between you and the outside world where the distance in between is close to infinity].

'ya, that's the whole point since it will make no attacks able to reach me'.

[Ya but also nothing else can reach you as well like pressure, air for breathing, light, heat, and so much more since all of them will have to travel a distance close to infinity].

'I guess but I had it active during my fight with Zero without the issue'.

[You were in a state where you had absorbed all the knowledge and thus were in a trance, you didn't even do it right since all you did then was create a small space shield that affected His magic alone when the real thing affects everything the user wants and not just one target in specific].

'So what should I do to learn it'.

[You can do it the easy way where let everything pass through while eliminating the few things you don't want. For example, you can let everything from the outside in and deny what you don't want rather than denying everything and allowing what you want].

'Isn't the Second option safer since if I use the first option I can be poisoned or even hit with invisible attacks'.

[Yes but I do think that if you die of poison then you never had a chance in this world in the first place].

'Ya if I am weak enough to die to poison then Acnologia would curb stomp me, not that I have much of a chance if a poison resistance'.

[How do you plan on fighting him, even if I increase the amount of magic you have by 80% every Hour eventually we will hit a hard cap and Acnologia will be immune to magic and can eat all magic].

'Well I don't know for sure but I have an idea...and first, I need to grow stronger. Sage can you somehow Bring back my dragon seed?'.

[It hasn't left the body, it's dormant and I am suppressing it but I can re-cultivate it back, But are you sure? There is a huge chance that you will go berserk and it's not fun living as a dragon, Irene is the best example].

'Irene didn't go berserk as for tasteless food and sleepless nights, it's a small price to pay'.

[Irene was a Sage dragon, you on the other hand will become a Space dragon, a simple dragon and a dragon that is one of the 3 laws of the universe that isn't similar. Even Acnologia couldn't control the power of time and went berserk and the power of space is similar.].

'well if I do go berserk, cut off my magic supply'.

[Well I can't go against you so I have stimulated the seed and it will start to grow normally, I hope you don't go breserk].

'Sage why can't I eat spatial element'.

[It's hard to explain but try devouring Moonlight instead as a start, it should substitute for now].

'I guess'. I said as I fell asleep.


I was currently sitting with Hugo, going through and signing papers about my patent and several other procedural papers.

I had patented 3 things one was the Model S itself the other was the Single-phase induction motor and the 3rd was the Lacrima Battery or the battery that stored magic power in the form of electrical energy.

The room currently had 6 people excluding Sebas who was me Vesper Hugo An official from the magic council who was here as a witness and also to strike a deal with me, as well as the state attorney.

"Well this completes all the documents needed. Congratulations Master Jin Russel you have patented something that might just change the world". The attorney said.

The Patent itself wasn't different from the real world however it was also different. The Tesla Model S was a normal patent that both the Cadbury company the Magic Council and the Country itself were paying to use. The Lacrima Battery was an Open source patent, which means anyone could use it for free. The Phase Induction motor was a bit different, I had given partial rights to the council such that they could lend out the patient and use it as well however I get 30% of the discount and a say in what they use it in.

Now this was something I planned for a long while, ever since I went through the patient papers, some might think of this as a dumb move however it wasn't, in this world the most important thing was power and information, and having a say as well as being on the good side of the council would help a lot. The plan I had however would only work if Gran Doma came to power and until then I had to wait.

"Master Jin this is your entree license for the test to be a freelance mage, it will happen in a week. Please be prepared". The Magic Council officer said as he gave me an envelope.


'Hard Black Wood'. I was currently staring at the material that Hugo had delivered at my behest. I didn't know something like this existed. It was the hardest thing that Hugo could bring me currently. I punched it and a shockwave burst forth however the wood didn't even dent.

['Hard Black Wood'. A special wood created by synthetically infusing iron and Magic into the Xylem and Phloem of a 50-year-old Black Wood tree].

I kept punching and kicking it. It was something I was doing for the next week until my exam, my routine was to Work workout and let my High-speed healing do its job and strengthen my punches and kicks using the 'Hard Black Wood'.

I also practised the Spatial dragon limitless scales by throwing a bunch of small seeds and acorns up and trying to selectively stop only the seeds and acorns and so a week flew by.


Ask me questions in case you don't understand something. Also, Leave a review I need it. I will try to improve my writing so please be a little patient