

Intalru followed by Sha Na gets as far as he possibly can into the muck before he scans the top of the water. "Hmmm 'search'" as soon as the skill left his scaley lips a city worth of glowing red lights appear flitting about just below the waters surface.

"Are you ready to learn?" Intalru looks over to his sister with a somewhat cocky expression since he's teaching her for once. "Food first then lesson" Sha Na replied instantly as she stared intently at the waters surface.

Hnng! Intalru threw his shoddy spear with all the force he could muster and grabbed hold of the loose vine tied to the end of it. Splash! "Bullseye!" Intalru shouted in Glee, he would have jumped but his scaley three toed feet are stuck in the mud.

"What is a bull? is that a type of fish? did you hit a bull fish in the eye?" This.. this is going to get very tiresome. "Ahem uh no sorry I was excited so I just made some noise that didn't mean anything."

Sha Na simply nodded and watched as her brother pulled a fish half their size from the water. Mmmm.. bubbly, Intalru kept these words in his heart just in case Sha Na asked him to define something else.

Ding! Ding! Ding! gathering skill 'Spear Fishing' has reached level 1. Active skill 'Spear toss' has reached level 1. Passive skill 'Acting' comprehension has raised to level 1.

Oh your sweet melodious voice how I love it soo. While Intalru was day dreaming of his perfect bride Sha Na started eating. Before he realized it all that was left was the head and bones...

"I saved you the best part!" Sha Na says as she hands the head to her brother with a reptilian smile plastered across her face. "No no I insist you should have it, I'll catch another fish and.." Puki! Sha Na plunged her clawed fingers into the eye of the fish and pushed deeper until half of her forearm was hidden by fish skull.

While she rooted around as if she was looking for something important it took Intalru all he could muster to keep from gagging as the skull made random squelching and squishing noises under Sha Na's.. investigation.

Fortunately just before Intalru lost his rat rabbit combo meal she removed her arms to show him a strange bloody bead, that she obviously just took from Mr fish's skull.

After giving Intalru the 'bead' Sha Na made quick work of what was left inside Mr fish's skull. Trying to distract himself from the slurping and crunching noises Intalru rolled the bead between is clawed fingers. Strangely it was smooth as glass and gave off a slightly cool feeling after closer inspection Italru noticed something. "Hmm 'appraise'?"..


Name: Mana stone

Type: Water (Small)

Description: A stone naturally formed inside of monsters as they age. The type of stone formed is dictated by environment, diet, and elemental affinity of the monster. Stone size is in direct correlation with age of the monster and it's Mana density.

Possible uses: ??? (Appraisal skill level is too low to see this information)


.. Soo it's a magical kidney stone?

"Thank you sister, I will try to catch a few more." After hearing her brothers promise Sha Na's eyes squinted like a gecko enjoying a nice sun bath. "I believe in you brother, let us eat until there aren't any left."

... That would take FOREVER!! Intalru screamed in his mind before picking up his spear and started fishing again. Several hours and fishies later. "Spear toss!" I don't know if it's psychological but I've noticed that shouting a skill while using it seems to make the skill more effective.

Splash! crrrk! "Whoa!! this one's a fighter!" While I'm struggling trying to pull what I'm assuming is a freaking whale out of the water Sha Na takes up as much of a fighting stance as she can being knee deep in mud and fish bones...

"Do not worry brother I will fight this beast to death once it is ashore." Sha Na says while I'm trying my d*mn*dest to keep a hold of the vines before.. Schloop! "F*****ck!" I got pulled out of the mud and into the water. I hope this body can swim.

Splash! splash! gurgle gurgle... Ding! Passive skill 'swimming' has reached level 1. Normally I would praise you but right now I'm more focused on survival.. as I doggie paddle err I mean lizard paddle back to shore something clamps down on my tail!

"ack! let goooooo!!! Help me sis!" "Hold fast brother I will assist you!" Sha Na yells while fighting her way through the mud with a renewed vigor. I would laugh at her struggle if I wasn't in danger of drowning...

Splash! as I was pulled under water I turn around to see my assailant. A giant catfish! I could eat for days if I can kill it.. why are the letters over it's head red? "bubble bubble" yeah I tried saying appraise underwater but it worked!.



Race: River monster (Mud variant mutation)



Age:2 years

H.P: 85/100

M.P: 30/30

Status: Bleeding


F*ck me! do I look like Jeremy Wade! I don't wanna start a fishing show so please let me go Mr fish!!

As I struggle internally the river monster drags me deeper and deeper into the river. While struggling for air I accidentally kicked Mr fish in the whiskers. I think their pretty sensitive because he let me go for a second.

Splash! sweet sweet air how I missed you, I know we were only apart for a minute but it felt like eternity. Ding! active skill 'Kick' has reached level 1. "Thank you beautiful I'm gonna have to give you a name eventually.." Italru started running his mouth as usual the moment he could breathe.

"Brother catch!" "Huh?" thunk! "ouch!" Sha Na threw one of my fishing Spears at me, thankfully she was thinking when she threw it blunt side first but D*mnit that hurt! Intalru flailed around in the water as Sha Na pulled him to shore.

Just as I managed to stand up in the mud Mr fish made his appearance at the waters edge. "Sorry fishy but no lizard snack today!" "I don't believe he can understand you brother.." Sha Na replied while giving me a dubious look.

Hiiss! Before I could retort my sister's remark the river monster started sucking in air... this can't be good "Look out!" I shout while pushing Sha Na out of the way and rolling in the opposite direction.

Ding! Passive skill 'danger sense' has reached level 2. Level 2? how did I skip a... Booooooom! Holy F*ck! our fishy friend just blew out an air bubble with so much force it made a new channel into the muddy river bank leading straight to solid dirt.

"Sha Na run!! he's six levels over us" as I was shouting a warning to my sister.. Hiiss! Cr*p! I start struggling in the mud trying to make as much distance a possible before he kills me. Booom! I barely dodged it but I think he's getting weaker this time he only made a five foot channel. "Appraise!"


Name: ???

Race: River monster (Mud variant mutation)

Sex: Male

Level: 8

Age: 2 years

H.P: 60/100

M.P: -20/30

Status: Bleeding, Mana down


hmm looks like my spear is still doing some damage, how did his Mana go into the negative? Before I could answer my own thoughts I noticed that Mr fish looks like he's drunk, swaying to and fro while giving me a dirty look.

"Hit him with another spear! I think we can take him" Puchi! "Bullseye!" Sha Na shouted after the spear embedded itself about a foot into the poor creatures left eye.. "Great throw!" I give Sha Na a thumbs up before I jump onto the creatures back.

Now I used to do a little junior championship bull riding when I was a kid back on Earth and I gotta tell you.. I prefer bulls!! this b*st*ard started barrel rolling and splashing about as soon as I landed on it.

After a few seconds I realized he could drag me back under again any moment! I frantically start twisting the spear in his eye hoping to reach it's brain before he starts using it again.

Ding! Congratulations for reaching level 4 you have 10 unused attribute points would you like to.. Before the pretty lady in my head could finish her sentence I invested 8 points into wisdom and the other 2 into constitution.

As I was enjoying what I decided will be called a 'leveling high' from this point on another announcement went off in my head. Ding! For slaying a creature four times your level you will be given 2 bonus attribute points on the next level up and you will be given the title 'Prodigy' would you like to equip it now?

While me and Sha Na used the new channel our now dead fishy foe made for us to bring his lifeless carcass ashore I turned to my sister and asked "Hey what do titles do?"

thank you for reading my work so far

Sum12hatecreators' thoughts