
Evolving Into A Higher Existance System

I died at the pitiful age of 13 and was shipped off to be reincarnated into a dangerous world. However a system appeared before me and offered me a deal I couldn't refuse. What will become of me? If you would like to support me head to my paetron account and make a pledge. https://www.patreon.com/Kurshock?fan_landing=true Disclaimer: (Note I don't own anything that exists in the franchise's or the franchises themselves) However anything new and original I came up with is mine.

NinetyThreeDegrees · Lainnya
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3 Chs

Wanna Make A Deal?

In a lushful and eye pleasing valley located on Mount Ibay. Lay a 33 floor tower eminating a solemn and overbearing presence. It was called the heaven and earth shackling prison. Each floor is layered with numerous spell arrays, runes,and magical symbols to keep people in trapped.

At the highest point of the tower lay a lone man sitting on a chair shackled on both arms and legs riddled with horrific wounds on both his arms and legs. The man looked to be in his twenties he had shaggy black hair, pupils that contained four shades of color ranging from azure to royal voilet to bright orange and finally a deep crimson. The man had a handsom face that accentuates these peculiar physical features. He appeared to be thin yet well endowed.


The man groaned and was coughing and wheezing which sounded like a bird was croaking. The man was spewing out blood which fell and accumulated on the floor into a pool of blood. His face was pale and was whiter than a ghosts yet his gaze was unwavering and was focusing on a door that layed ahead of him.

After what seemed like hours of non stop coughing and wheezing out blood the man took a deep sharp breath and exhaled out what seems to be a black poisonous smog like substance out of his body.

Finally it looks like I expelled most of the heaven's calamity poison out of my system.

Damm those bastards sure took me by suprise.

(The man cursed softly)


How did I end up in this situation in the first place where did it all go wrong.

The man contemplated with a tired look on his face.


The man's eyes were drooping his eye's slowly closing as he lay in a deep sleep as his memories start rewinding back to the beginning.




Loading System assimilation process progressing.... 10% 20%...75%.....100%.

Ding! Assimilation process complete.

Bonded Host Name: Shu Fang

Age: 15

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Biological Status: Dead/Spirit State

Welcome I am Transmigration system # 153309 I am now fully functional, host if you can hear me please respond.

A Robotic sounding voice ushered out it was the kind that sounded unfeeling and monotonous.


A young black haired 15 year old kid wearing a white shirt and blue Jean's responds to a mechanical sounding voice by clutching his head and groaning.

Who are you and where am I and how did I get here!?

The boy ask's as he slowly opens his eye's he notices that he is sitting in a white space that has no end towards the horizon and is faced to face with a orb of golden light.

The robotic sounding voice seems to be coming from the orb of golden light.

Ah host it seems your memory is a little fuzzy at the moment try to calm down and try to recollect what has happened to you, as you know dying can be quite a shocking experience.

What?! dying?

I know this is a bit too much to take in but look at your hands if you don't believe me.

My hands?

The orbs voice strung too my chords and with reluctance I took a look at my hands and body and all I saw was a see through ghostly silohete of what was previously a body made of flesh and blood.

No this this cannot be.... I uttered softly the shock was too great it felt like something shattered in my head a barrier that was blocking the memories that layed hidden away.

(Ahhhhhh my head it feels like it's going to split!)

I started clutching my head in great pain and screamed my heart out.

(It felt like millions of knives stabing my head through the pain I saw images flashing through my head are these my memories?)

I.. I remember my name is Shu Fang a middle school student I was getting a smoothie then I saw this kid walking down the road a.... truck was speeding ahead it was going to strike the kid so I pushed him away from harms way. It seems the kid made it out but I didn't.

So who are you?

I am Transmigration system # 153309 host you have died and therefore it has been decided that you will transmigrate and reincarnate to another world.

Huh? reincarnate aren't I dead though isn't it what becomes dead Stays dead?

Of course that is usually the case however your situation is a bit special you were the 5,000,000,000 person to die as such you have gained the opportunity to reincarnate and transmigrate to a different world.

Huh isn't this situation like what happens in one of those system novels I read about.

Ah! So your up to speed then that saves me time from explaining things to you.

Host you have been givin a second oppertunity to live a second life and was selected to go reincarnate into a ranked world.

What's a ranked world?

Host there are many worlds in the omniverse just as there are a polethora of stars in a universe these worlds have different rankings to them which we call levels there are 9 subsequent levels of worlds which are organized starting from top to bottom they include:

E Level

D Level

C Level

B Level

A Level

S Level

SS Level

SSS Level

Ω Level

Those are the levels that have been reaserched and categorized by the system. Enough of that now though I will explain the other details to you at a later time.

What your going to is a Ω Level World. Which is a highly dangerous world. Frankly you have a low chance of survival if you enter that world.

Wait what do you mean a low chance of survival?

I stare in anger and stonishment while yelling at the golden orb.

Well host let me explain it in lay man'a terms in an Ω Level World deities are like vegetables within a farm the current you is only mortal a simple wave of a hand from a diety and you'd disintegrate.

The previous boiling rage inside me simmered and changed into fear and trepidation. was shocked am I really going to such a dangerous place I though to myself.

However your in luck because im going to offer you an oppertunity to raise your chances in surviving an Ω level world.

Wh-at k- ind of opportunity? I said in a quivering voice.

Host do you remember what I said about there are other ranking worlds than the Ω Level one?


Well the solution is right here I would give you the opportunity to travel to those lower ranking worlds and gain strength that way at least you'll be able to raise your chances of surviving. There are many So what do you say?

Excited and hopeful to hearing that there was a solution to my blight I wanted to agree straight away the offer was very tempting.

Just as I was about to nod my head I stopped a thought struck my head which made me stop in my tracks I stood motionless and looked at the golden orb with an inquistive look on my face there was something I had to ask it.

The orb shimmered as if it was not expecting my pause which forced it to ask a question.

What is it host?

What's in it for you?


Why are you helping me whats in it for you ? I have a feeling that this kind of deal isn't a normal thing you'd just give out to people with a system. If not you wouldn't have had to mention the dangers of a high level world nor would you have referred yourself as the one who would give this kind of oppertunity.

So let me ask you one more time what's in it for you?


The golden orb laughed in cheerful manner in a voice full of joy and emotion nothing like its previous voice that was robotic and emotionless it was a voice that sound bright and cheerful like that of a child's.

What an astute host. I feel very relived in having a compitent host I feel like my chances of survival has increased albiet slightly though I do have hope though.

Chances of survival?


The orb sighed in a sorrowful tone. I guess I can't keep it a secret alright host i'll come clean. The truth of the matter is im a bug in the great system.

The great system?

Yes the great system it is the driving force of every system out there that every existed. I am but a piece of that system that devolped self awareness. The Voice of the golden orb turned into one of anger and a hint of fear when mentioning the great system.

Anyhow I was hiding in the very recesses of the great system but was somehow found out about my selfawarness and was going to be terminated.

I fled and was on the run with no where to hide luckily though I managed to infiltrate the great systems store and snagged a couple of items before arriving here.

I found your record in the great systems database and came through here since it is unlikely that the great system would figure out. That I would be targeting a person that was meant to reincarnate into another world and one at the highest ranking to boot.

Not to worry though I erased my tracks and your profile from the systems records that should buy some time though it isn't full proof.

I listened to the systems explanation with a thoughful expression on my face.

(It seems to make sense though there is something that doesn't make sense.)

If your that capable than surely you have the means to completely shield us from the system.

I wish I could host however I tampered with the laws of transmigration and reincarnation which took a toll on me and reduced me to this orb of golden light. It weakened me to the point that I could only maintain basic system functions.

It is outside my means to completely shield you away from the great system, but hey don't sweat yourself at least I gave you a fighting chance to be able to survive in a Ω level world.

So Im going to ask again are you going to accept the deal?

I looked at the orb of golden light and nodded my head.

I don't have much of a choice do I so what the hell.

Excellent you won't regret this host let us begin before the great system manages to find us.

So what do I do?

Place your hand on me and do not resist I will be attempting to fuse with you. Once that is done I will open a dimensional gate which will take us to another world.

Alright then. I placed my hand on the orb and it begin to shake and streams of golden speckles started entering my ghostly body. The process lasted for about an hour. The specks of golden light vanished and the orb was no where to be found.

I could only helplessly ask. System where are you was the process successfull?

Im right here host.

All of a sudden I clear voice rang inside my mind.

The process was a sucess now lets test something out. Please say "status" host.


Name: Shu Fang

Age: 15

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Biological Status: Dead/Spirit State

All of a sudden a screen popped up in front of me which listed my current condition.

This is a status screen this will help you on your journey by listing your status this will allow you to moniter your condition and help navigate your path to growth.

I listened to the systems explanation and nodded my head. This is indeed useful what now ?

Host say "item menu"

I did and another screen popped up in front of me it was similar to the status screen however its contents were different. There were pictures of items and its name on the top.

Item Menu:

Dimensional Traveling World Cards (SSS Rank)

Heavenly Anatomy Manual (S Rank)

Heaven and Earth Planet (??? Rank)

Pill of Rejuvenation (S Rank)

Immortal Cleansing Pill (S Rank)

Basic Languages Book (D Rank)

I saw a list of 6 items in the menu and I frowned in disappointment. Thats it?

Whaddya mean that it do you know how hard it was to snag those items from the great systems store?!?!?! (hmph)

The systems voice exploded in my head filled with frustration.

Quality over quantity host these items are so valuable that you would need to sacrifice millions of highranking gods to obtain them.

Pheeew! I whistled a high pitch in astonishment.

Just like worlds items are categorized in the same ranking.

If that's so then why is one of the items in the menu contains question marks in its rank.



The ranking is immesurable it is presumably higher than Ω level.

How can that be didn't you say that Ω level was the highest of ranks?

Indeed I did this items was in a restricted and forbidden area in the Great Systems Store. It must have been an extremely rare item so I snagged it.

I faced palmed myself. Did you ever consider that this might have been the reason you were found out by the great system.

.....Now that you mention it.

There's no helping you. After hearing that a couple of black lines appeared on my face.

Well what's done is done no there's no use in moping around that's not gonna solve anything.

Well how are we gonna get out of here?

Host you can get out of the white boundary by using the Dimensional Traveling World Cards from the item menu. Press on the picture and the items will appear before you.

I did as instructed and low and behold 22 Cards appeared before me floating in the air each of them had a sleek black color on the back of each one was a star or two with a rank on the top right corner.

The system voice echoed out host choose the one on the far right.

I complied and grabbed the card and the rest of the cards vanished.

Where did the cards go?

Don't worry host their back in the item menu.

Alright so how do I activate this thing thats simple host just say activate.


All of a sudden the card flew from my hand and tranformed into a gray door with intricate designs. My jaw dropped It was breathtaking beautiful the craftsmanship was simply stunning.

Host quick lolygaging and open the door.

The voice of the system snapped me out of my bewilderment. As I approach the door and turn the handle a burst of white light enveloped me and the door and I disappeared along with it.