
Evolving Into A Higher Existance System

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What is Evolving Into A Higher Existance System

Read ‘Evolving Into A Higher Existance System’ Online for Free, written by the author NinetyThreeDegrees, This book is a others Fanfic, covering REINCARNATION Fanfiction, SYSTEM Fan Fiction, CULTIVATION Fanfiction Net, and the synopsis is: I died at the pitiful age of 13 and was shipped off to be reincarnated into a dangerous world. However a system appeared...


I died at the pitiful age of 13 and was shipped off to be reincarnated into a dangerous world. However a system appeared before me and offered me a deal I couldn't refuse. What will become of me? If you would like to support me head to my paetron account and make a pledge. https://www.patreon.com/Kurshock?fan_landing=true Disclaimer: (Note I don't own anything that exists in the franchise's or the franchises themselves) However anything new and original I came up with is mine.

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AmazingGalaxy1996 · History
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Looks like a good book got a nice feel to it and looking forward to the next upcoming chapters the update though is so slow which the author should speed it up.


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