
Evolving Into A Higher Existance System

I died at the pitiful age of 13 and was shipped off to be reincarnated into a dangerous world. However a system appeared before me and offered me a deal I couldn't refuse. What will become of me? If you would like to support me head to my paetron account and make a pledge. https://www.patreon.com/Kurshock?fan_landing=true Disclaimer: (Note I don't own anything that exists in the franchise's or the franchises themselves) However anything new and original I came up with is mine.

NinetyThreeDegrees · Lainnya
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3 Chs

A Series Of Blackouts




Host Wake Up!

I groaned and open my eyes my vision was a bit blurry. As my eyes adjusted to the light the blurryness faded little by little until I could Gradually see my surroundings. I saw that I was in the middle of what appears to be a huge street crossing right in front of me. Surrounded by tall buildings two of which have gigantic screens on them like those in times square. A bunch people walk past me but they don't even notice me.


Yes host.

Where are we? I ask in a confused tone.

I have no clue host. The Dimensional Traveling World Cards take you to a destination that you need not one you want.

What do you mean by destination you need?

Well for example it chooses a world based on necessity. From what I can gather so far based on the card. This world is a low ranking one and second of all the world it seems the world was choosen with your current situation in mind.

My situation?

Have you forgotten host your dead. This world was chosen I assume because it has a function which allows the dead to be resurrected.

Hmmm.... so the thats the case huh. I seem to get it so that means whenever I use the cards it will open a gate that leads to a world that I may need to travel to.

Correct! That is the function of the cards. Honestly host i'm supprised your so quick on the uptake.

I smiled faintly and replied:

Well someone has to I need to be quick on my feet if I'm ever going to survive in this world.

Well that's good to know remember your fate and mine are both intertwined if you perish so do I.

I know that anyhow where did

Well then i'll be sure to get through this so we can both survive.

As I get up from the concrete i'm assulted with a sudden feeling of nausea, it feels as if the world's been turned upside down.

I lurch and got down on my knees and nearly hurled though in a minute the feeling left as fast as it came.

That was weird system what's going on?

That host is something normal it the after effects of transmigrating into another world give it a minute you'll feel better.

After a couple of trips you'll get used to it.

I dont think i'll ever get used to that.

Anyhow it seems my head is a still bit disoriented hahaha I scratch my head in embarrassment.

Hold on a tick I noticed that my hands aren't see through anymore in fact my entire body isn't see through anymore and I got cloths. A white shirt, blue jeans, and sneakers.

Woah system im not see through anymore does this mean im resurrected already?

Host I hate to burst your bubble but I advise to check your status.

My Status hmmm... alright.


Name: Shu Fang

Age: 15

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Biological Status: Dead/Temporary Living

Spirit State

My Status has changed what is this Temporary Living Spirit State?

Host this world seems to have a unique system it seems that those in spirit states can temporarily posses a living body.

You mentioned that but what is a spirit state?

It means that a living being is currently a soul form with no body.

I think I get that but, it says temporary meaning its not permanent how long do I have?

Host from what I can assess from the looks of it judging from your previous condition i'd say 2 months would be your limit. Oh and by the by, if we don't get you resurrected your soul will slowly dissipate so you got to finish up fast.

2 months!!! We don't even know where we landed what if took years to reconstruct my body what then and we don't even now the method to do so!! I shouted in frustration.

Calm down host lets survey our surroundings for now and gather information.

Haaa you right. This area though does seem familiar to me though I can't put my finger on it.


Nope can't remember its in the tip of my tongue oh well its better to ask the locals of whats going on.

I see two girls chatting around they look like there easy to approach lets see if I could find out where I am by asking them.

I walked towards the two of them and hear them talking.




Wait is that Japanese the heck I don't know Japanese how am I supposed to communicate with them.

Host if I may I have a solution to that.

What is it system?

I suggest opening the Item menu and selecting one of the Items I snagged it will be a great help for your situation.

Oh all right.

"Item Menu"

The Screen Popped up in front of me showing me what I currently owned in the system.

Dimensional Traveling World Cards (SSS Rank)

Heavenly Anatomy Manual (S Rank)

Heaven and Earth Planet (??? Rank)

Pill of Rejuvenation (S Rank)

Immortal Cleansing Pill (S Rank)

Basic Languages Book (D Rank)

I see i'm guessing you want me to take out the basic Languages Book.

That right host.

How is that going to help me?

Host let me explain another function of the system to you any books, manuels, that you come across can be learned instantly through the system. The Information will be sent to your head.

Amazing so if I click on this basic languages book i'll be able to learn Japanese!

That right but it isn't just that there are other languages stored in that book that you'll be able to learn. It has over a 1000 languages stored inside that will suffice for any world that we can come across for now.

Cool so how do I use it?

Just click on the book.

Alright then.

I clicked on the book and it materialized in front of me on my hand. It was a golden book with silver ingravings on top. The book had a dazling sheen I could see my reflection on it.

Next a screen with two options popped up before me.

Would you like to learn Basic Languages?


I clicked on yes and, the book quivered and transformed into a ray of brilliant light. Under the binding radiance the ray entered my forehead and all the knowledge that it contained now layed in my mind.

Before I could say anything a sudden bout of dizziness struck me and I blacked out once more.


After what seemed to be an eternity I awoke with a migraine getting up I realize that the two girls weren't here anymore more and that time has passed. I seemed to be laying on a white plastic table with a blanket on my back.


I sat straight and rubbed my eyes to get rid of the sleepiness as I did so my vision got clearer I was stunned.

Where am I?

I ask in a somewhat bewildered voice. This wasn't the area I was in before from what I can see I seem to be in a cafe there's a poster of a guy with a bushy stash wearing glasses at the bottom of the poster there was a name don.

As I was looking around I heard a voice call out to me.

You okay there kiddo?

I turned my head towards the direction the voice came from and there stood a 30 year old looking barista wearing a white long sleeved shirt and a black vest on top.

He was sporting black sunglasses and had a watch strapped on his left wrist he was also wearing black sandals to boot. In addition to the stubble he had made him look like a guy who was down to earth.

You Took Quite a fall back there Kiddo lying down on the streets like that.

As he says that he places a mug filled with what seems to be soup.

Here have some this kiddo it seems like your hungry.

Um sorry sir i'm not hungry.....


As I said so my stomach made the biggest grumbling sound I've ever heard.

Never mind thank you for the food.

I thanked him and took the mug of soup and started drinking.

This is... great the soups got a hint of sweetness to it and its creamy. My compliments to the chef.

Aw Kiddo you making me blush its just something simple I whipped up.

No its great I never had such a good soup before thank you mister...um....


Sanae Hanekoma

Thank you Mr. Hanekoma.

You got a name kiddo.

Its Fang

Shu Fang

Dont Sweat it.

So Kiddo what were you doing passing out in the scramble like that?

The Scramble what's that?

Its the area where you were passed out at kiddo. Gotta say its almost if you don't know were you are right now.

Ehehehe um... you kinda hit it right on the money would you mind telling me where I am right now?

The guy raises his eyebrows raises his eyebrows as though he was intrigued by my question.

Well kiddo your in Shibuya Japan.


Im in Shibuya?

[What's going on system I though the cards were supposed to take me to another world im just back in my own world what's going on ?]

[ Host this may resemble your world but it most certainly is not the world you were in. ]

[ There are an infinite number of parallel dimensions each containing its own planet earth. ]

[ Each other containing civilizations, technology and, powers vastly different from your own while they seem similar here and there are similarities mind you but more than a few differences too. ]

(As I was discussing this with the system a hand waves in front of me.)

Hello Shu earth to Shu are you there.

Oh sorry about that Mr. Hanekoma I kinda spaced out there for a sec.

No problem there Kiddo so you got anywhere to go.

No sir I didn't even know where I was. I don't even have a dime to my name. As I said so I koticed that the sun's gone down and its night time.

Tell you what Shu there's a spare bed upstairs at the cafe if you want you can crash there in the meantime.

Oh thank you Mr. Hanekoma I'd love to take you on that offer but won't the owner get disagree?

Don't worry about that kiddo I own the place now follow me.

As he beckoned me to do so I get up from the chair and follow him to the counter.

[Host what are you doing !?]

[Your not a five year old even children have more sense than you do. Didn't they teach you not to follow a stranger.]

[System if he wanted to do something to me he would have done so while I was incapacitated I believe there's no harm in taking his offer besides what choice do I have.]

[No food, no money, no roof over my head before my soul dissipates I'll die from the cold,and hunger.]

[Alright host you make a solid argument but this guy seems suspicious.]

As I was conversing with system Mr. Hanekoma entered a door that was behind the register I entered with him to find a flight of stairs on the left side. He walked up and I followed as we reached to the top I found myself in a hall with 4 doors on all sides.

Mr. Hanekoma Walked towards the door that was to the left he opened it and there layed a room that was generously spacious the floor had wooden boarding. There was a mural on the right side of the wall of the grim reaper holding a scythe. On the side of the wall was a queen sized bed that had white furnishings, and a small wooden table with a wooden chair.

This is where you'll be sleeping Shu the bathroom is on the other side of the door i'll be sleeping on the other side of the room he points towards the front door. The back doors my work space its where I do my work in.

After Mr. Henekoma finishes his introductions to the place he gives me blue folded PJ's and and a night cap.

Here you go kiddo change into something a bit more comfortable so you can sleep in.

Thank you Mr. Hanekoma.

Well then good night Shu.

As he said this Mr.Hanekoma opens the front door and closes it.

Well then its time to hit the hay I go to the room and close the door and change my cloths I folded them neatly and placed them on the table.

As I did so I couldn't help but glance at the mural on the wall for some reason the mural seemed very captivating the more I stared into it the more I felt elevated its as if my outlook was expanding somehow.


As Shu was staring at the mural Sanae Hanekoma opens the door and trudges downstairs to the cafe making rounds and making himself a cup of Joe. He sists down and drinks the cup of coffee seemingly enjoying rhe aroma and bitter flavor of the thing. Hanekoma stares out the door as if waiting for someone to come in.

As he looks down and drinks his coffe he notices a shadow hanging above his head he looks up and there stood a man in his early 20s surrounded by light.

Is he asleep?

The man asked ?

Probably its a strange sight to see a human from another plane arrive to our world and tuned his vibe to the UG.

For now we'll continue to monitor him we don't know what his agenda is or how he ended up in Shibuya.

Roger that, the higher plane is also aware of the situation and tasked me with invistigating Shu.


His name its Shu Fang.

Hmmm... so that's his name interesting.

The man lets out a small chuckle over it.

Quite a strange one that kiddo clairvoyance doesn't work on him which just adds another mystery to him for now i'll continue to monitor him.

Great thanks Mr.H update me with anything new you find.

As the man says so he walks out of the bar.

You got J.

The man then glows and transformes into a blue ball of light and whisks away into the distance.

Now then Its time for me to head back to work.





Whuat what's going on did something happen system?

HOST there is definitely sonething wrong with you you've been staring at that mural for hours its nearly midnight get some sleep.

Oh ok that's weird I must have been to engrosed in the mural that I lost track of time.


Welp its time to hit the hay then gotta get some sleep to get energized and ready for a new day.

I walk toward the bed and opened the cover's and crept right in. The moment settled into the bed I felt a incredibly soft sensation its as if i was sitting in the clouds the bed was very soft. The pillows even softer.

Ahhhhhh these must have been made with an angels feathers there sooooo soft this must be what living in heaven feels like.

Good night system.

As I close my eyes I allow myself to soak in this blissful sensation allowing Morpheus to take me away in the land of dreams.....

[Huh thats strange that rate of his soul dissipating has decreased how very strange could it be.....]