
Evolution of universe:Omni-manipulation power.

VoidTime · Fantasi
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12 Chs

3.power awakening and monsters and zombies

zero was checking his profile when anather ding sound come to his mind and before him come a screen panel.looking at others others also got this thing.so zero look at the panel.

ding.for evolving this world for the first time akasik record will help you awaken one super power for the upcoming crisis and for your sefty.individual will get different super power depending on there talents.


super power.

1.wind manipulation.

2.super strength.

3.sword master.

4.space manipulation.

5.immortal body.

upon seeing his options zero was shoked.he thought that he even has Omni-manipulation power(unique)

power so his super power option would be super good but upon seeing the option he don't even know what to say.

but he was a man with deep mantal fortitude so he regain his composure.after careful thiking he thought he can basically manipulat anything even space-time so he don't want them and destroy one opportunity.so was thinking what to choose but upon seeing 5 th option he don't think about anything else and chose 5th because he died in his last life because he was ill and his power couldn't do anything to stop it.

after making the disition the same ding sound sounded again and the discription came to his eyes.

immortal body(5th grade)=stop ageing and become more parfect,stamina and mp recharge faster, heals from any injury under 50% instantly it can be soul or body beyond 50% will take time to heal.unabel to be ill.(evolveable)(it is possible to be immortal in the final evaluation of the immortal body)

use=under 50% need total 10% mp(instent).beyond that 1%helth needs 2% mp.(broken body can regrow)(passive)

upon gaining this power his body began to rapidly change.from 5.10 to 6f long and from good body to a more parfect body his hair grow more and more long like girls and face become more parfect and handsome.his muscles are more lined and toned and powerful his hair is long and black and eyes are also black now anybody can say that zero is a parfect man.and after all this happened he didn't even feel any pain just feel power in his body.after all his body has beed perfected.

upon seeing this zero was so happy he can't express himself.even thought he can't be immortal now he has a chance in the future.and he has atleast have healing ability.

he was worried when the announcement that said to be able to protect us they are giving us ability.but now with his Omni-manipulation power and immortal body he has attack and healing powers and atlast check his profile.

name:zero lio











unique innate power: Omni-manipulation power.(unique)

super power: immortal body.(5th grade)

title: unique innate supar power.

because of immortal body transformation his mind,soul,body, have totally changed and attributes are more parfect.

after zeros transformation many students look at him at total shok he was vary handsome before but now he is totaly a beautiful man no one can compare.some girls can't even look other ways but with his transformation others also began to chose there power and began to change some people change there body some don't change but create fire out of thin air.some use wind etc.

but at this moment there are also students who suddenly began to tremble

and began to fell down.at last 15 student fell down and began to twist others are at first shoked but began to aproch them slowly.seeing this zero remamber his past life zombi manga and shouted.

Leon don't go there.they might hart you.

they don't look normal.said zero to a approaching student who was going to a student who fell down.

upon hearing this he stop but at this time a female student has already aproch a fell down studen and touch him.at the same time he bigan to stop twist and slowly stand up but none of the students who saw this standing students was joyful but thay are horrified.

because the student who standup his eyes full became white and his body bigan to resemble the zombies we see in movie. after standing this zombi jump upon the female student who wake him up.the girl become horrified and put her hand in front her and a shaped ball that is made of like water were slowly condensed in her hand and she throw it to the zombi.

well the water ball didn't hart the zombi but it successfully knock the zombi down.upon seeing this everyone in the class seems to have seen a ghost.they began to scream and run but moro and more fallen students who have turned into zombis are standing up and attack the students.some use there new gaind power to resist some began to flee from classroom.

zero who saw this understand what happened it is like those manga those students how couldn't withstand the pawer that was given to them began to turn into zombis.