
Evolution of universe:Omni-manipulation power.

VoidTime · Fantasy
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12 Chs

2.Parallel world and unexpected events(part 2)

the telekinesis power or mind power he have can be said to be vary comprehensive.he can control object as he wish or make mind wall or control others mind or can read and talk to in the mind.well in the last life he could use even less power then in this world.he could most suspend a bed or two in mid air by using his power.

after he reincarnated his power sims to grow more and more as the days pass and he even practice his power by many means in remote places.so his power is growing bigger day by day.zero don't usually use power in front of everyone because he don't want to be a experiment subject.

so for self protection he excercise his power more and because he is in parallel world.he was also a game software engineer so he also know about those transmigration heros and now it seems he was right some supernatural events are beginning to happening.it seems to be a new era is coming.

when zero was thinking about those think in the outside world some big changes are taking place in some places and it is getting bigger and bigger like some earthquake or strom and many natural events.

in the classroom where zero is now.he was looking outside when the full school seems to be vibrating and the air seems to become heavy.all the students in class and in full school are being to be afraid.some of them even ran outside the room annunciation the earthquake.some people are afraid to move some people can't even tell what is going on.

at this time zero was also a little panic but not afraid after all he has supernatural powers if the building dose fell apart he can save them..all so he was ready for anything.but just when he was going to do something the earthquake stop and an unknown silence regained supreme.

zero was thinking what is going on when a sudden pain attack him and sound of painful screams are coming to his ears from other students.he can tell that they are also suffering from the sudden pain.

this pain that come suddenly also go away suddenly and an unknown cold and hot fillings that is cool began to spears in hole body.zero who has super power can even feel that he was sealed jast before the pain but after the pain it seems to be that some seals have been broken free of some kind of low.

at the same time a blue screen suddenly come in fornt of him.he was shocked and he could tell that others are the same as him looking at something but he can only look at his screen not others.so zero look at his screen that look like this.

ding.after infinite universe wills to evolve reached akasik record.it is evolving the many unevolved planet in the universe.

ding.for the first time akasik record will help you open youe carecter screen.


name:zero lio



hp:200(construction 1=10 hp)

mp:2000(magic 1=10 mp)







unique innate power: Omni-manipulation power(unique)

super power:none

Omni-manipulation power(unique)=It can manipulate anything and everything - be it physical (matter, energy, the fabric of space-time, etc); or metaphysical (soul, mind, life, death, logic, aspects of reality, and even concepts). The entity has complete control and precision over absolutely everything and whatever is beyond.

zero who was looking at his screen seems to understand all his attributes because of his supernatural power he is stronger than normal people from childhood.so he was not shocked when he saw his screen but he was shoked when he saw his power discription.

he always thought that like some people in the last life his pawer is also mind power.he thought he could only control things to move or control others mind etc that is why he never try to do anything outside of those things.but now this discription totally make him blank.he can't even began to fathom the total use of his power.he was just using his power at most 1% or more.

well zeros power is more powerful than that but because of insufficient knowledge and insufficient energy even if he know his power he couldn't use it more than that.but now it is definitely possible because he knows that he is now level 0 if he keeps leveling he will be able to use his power truly in the future.

what zero don't know is his power before the arrival of akasik record could not be use properly even if he has enough energy because he was bound by law of universal.but now with the universe will to evolve and with the help of akasik record he has maka a revolutionary breakthrough in his body,mind,and sprit and the law of the universe have evolved.

others in classroom are also discussing abot this.some people say that he has 8 strength some say he has 10 construction etc.but none have any inner super power.but at this moment the sound ding sounded again in my mind.

ding.for beging a unique innate super power user you gain a title (unique innate power).

(unique innate power)=(every attributes are doble and super power you will get will be higer level than you got.you will be able to understand super power better)(unique=only one power)

after the tittle zero look at his screen.

name:zero lio











unique innate power: Omni-manipulation power(unique)

super power:none

tittle:unique innate power.

after seeing this zero was a little shoked his attributes before was monsters but now super evil.