
Evolution into a monster

An old man died in the hospital . Some unknown phenomenon made his soul to travel into a new planet far away from his own world. Mc Got reincarnated into a 4 leg creature. Started his new life in this world where he will evolve in something else. Also Mc will be going to be a believer in fate. ------------------------------------------------------- Give power stones and support this novel in contest.

SaviorWrestle · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
5 Chs

New Knowledge(A New World)

Next Day

"Ahn aa Anh aa Anh aa" sounds like a baby sought with his throat.

"It's hard to speak even hard to say a single word "

He was bored by the repeating cycle of hunger, sucking milk and then going to sleep.

But he was still not able to control his body and fell asleep whenever he drank the milk.

3rd day

"Ah!" he was in pain and than thought

"this light is tearing my eyes"

"What!! my eyes are opened. 'Ish' But it's too bright"

He turned in the opposite direction from where the light came and put his face under her mother's warm fur.

After some time while focusing his sight on her mother's one leg before him, he was able to focus and see a colorful ;light violet fur with light red color patches on the leg.

"Finally I can see. Even though my eyes are not fully opened, I still Want to see my new mother right now."

He was full of joy when he thought he could see his new mother. Also he was curious about his species.

When he turned towards his mother's face he was stunned by the colorful fur and cat face of her mother

"Wow!" He thought in his mind

But than his new mother looked towards him


She has scary red eyes and two small red horns on her head with violet fur. Her face was similar to a cat but she was as big as two lions. The muscular body having a dark red hairy fur on her chest. Only things which are more odd than the colors is a strong thick tail with pointed end, two big ears and wide claws having two small and a big nail. The third nail is big and strong, looking more like a big knife as it was sharp from the bottom.

A small stretch came to her lips while seeing her child looking at her.


"She smiled at me" a huge joy filled his mind. He jumped instinctively to show his happiness.

After a moment he got back his mind and thought

"Why am I behaving in this way?"

Realization came as soon as he put the question

"I think it's normal as she is my mother and I am just her little cub, so attraction will always be there between us".

When the big scary mother saw her child jumping she stood up and stretched her body then moved to his 3 day cub and started liking him by patting his back with one of her wide claws.

After she was done with the patting, she stopped licking and put her head near the head of her cub.


When the head of his mother touched his forehead, his body became cold from inside and he could feel the energy collecting in his lower abdomen that started circulating in his body.

Before completing the first cycle this energy enters the brain and starts accumulating there when this process is completed his whole body starts warming up by each cycle of energy circulation.

"What is going on in my body it's Like all the muscles in my body are working and bones are expanding up till the body is tired and becomes stronger then again tired and become more strong. I can feel something liquid flowing in my body from head to toe with a feeling of warmth in my abdomen and brain".


---------------------------- Some time Passed --------------------------

"What are these lines, are they letters, why can I read these weird lines? I not know I learned any language with these weird letters"

He was feeling sleepy so he closed his eyes. But then he started to see some lines while his eyes were closed, which were floating like it's written on moving water.


(I am giving a readable version of these weird lines here)


Lcatuser Satruder

Osfouliat sesame >:^^^#*

Drac__ osaf_** loritas olrira +_++ asetdjhjc +_++ dgyyxb +_++ shxi_djj +_++ ****fknxoon #%&iibiibP&%#





He was able to read them and see the meaning in them which is more like

(This is what he readed and we are going to show this version only in later chapters)


Lcatuser Satruder

Species infant Ice Cat

First form : Evolution : Ice cat -> Glacial cat -> Ice Blizzard cat -> Crystal Blizzard cat -> Complete Transformation Form : Crystal Raiser(Ability Unlock Ice Chains)

Second form : Unavailable

Third form : Unavailable



"What is this"

His mind started to decipher new knowledge and he started to understand some new things. In between he fell asleep due to exhaustion.


---------------------------- Mother ----------------------

When she touched her child's forehead. hair started floating on her body like a strong wind passed through them.

After some time

She stood before her sleeping child and looked towards him with her scary eyes which are looking gentle while looking at him. and a smile stretched on her face.

Then she slept beside him.


---------------------------------- At night --------------------------------


"I am feeling refreshed like I get to bed after a long meeting".

"OK!, so it is evolution and transformation. What it means that I can become powerful with my experiences. While approaching the limit of my current form I will transform to a higher tier beast".

"I like this thing. I always wanted to go on adventures but the business and family responsibilities from a young age did not give me the chance to do so. But now I will do adventure here on this planet. From my knowledge till now of this world I know it is not the one I lived before. But it does not matter, I will travel through all lands present on this planet in search of adventures of my own.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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