
Evolution: Awakening SSS Talents

In a twist of fate, the bustling campus of Alan Fisher's university, along with its students and faculty, is inexplicably whisked away from Earth and transported to a mysterious realm filled with dangers. Through an unforeseen activation, Alan Fisher awakened his SSS Talents: Devour - The ability to absorb all forms of energy and Analyze - Granting insight into all things Now, Alan and his companions find themselves embarking on a perilous journey for survival and and what exactly brought them here.

Chizihn · Fantasi
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13 Chs

2. Promotion to Three-Star Black Iron Warrior

As time passed, Alan single-handedly eliminated dozens of green-skinned beasts, leaving a trail of lifeless bodies in his wake. The remaining beasts, sensing their impending doom, scattered in fear, fleeing from his overwhelming power.


Tossing aside the wooden stick he had wielded with such proficiency, Alan delivered a final, devastating blow to the last escaping green-skinned beast, ending its existence in an instant.


The energy of more than twenty green-skinned beasts surged into his body, assimilating into his being and fueling his abilities.

[Congratulations, your strength has significantly improved through devouring the green-skinned beasts.]

[Congratulations, your speed has increased through devouring the green-skinned beasts.]

[Congratulations, your defense has been greatly enhanced through devouring the green-skinned beasts.]

[Congratulations, you have advanced to the rank of a Three-Star Black Iron Warrior.]

[Congratulations, you have acquired a special ability: Telepathy.]

Telepathy allows him to anticipate potential dangers and gain insights into the inner workings of other creatures. It bears a resemblance to Spiderman's Danger Sense, granting him heightened awareness.

Suddenly, Alan felt a surge of power. He ceased his devouring, sensing an eruption of energy coursing through his veins. It felt as if he could vanquish any enemy with a single punch.

A Three-Star Black Iron Warrior possessed combat prowess that stood at the peak of the Black Iron World, representing the highest level of primary combat power.

Many creatures spent years striving to reach this level, yet Alan had ascended from an ordinary person to a Three-Star Black Iron Warrior in just half an hour. It showcased the terrifying potential of his SSS talent.

Previously, devouring a single green-skinned beast had elevated him to a Two-Star Black Iron Warrior. Now, devouring over twenty of them had propelled his rank even higher. It seemed that as his level increased, the path to advancement as a Black Iron Warrior became more arduous.

Nevertheless, Alan remained undaunted. Possessing the SSS talent allowed him to devour infinitely. Given enough time, he could become an immortal presence in this world.

Silence enveloped the arena as students gazed at Alan in astonishment, disbelief etched on their faces.

"Is this the Alan Fisher we knew?"

"When did he become so powerful?"

"He defeated more than twenty monsters, surpassing even Victor from the school basketball team!"

"This must be dreaming!!."

They found it hard to believe. On ordinary days, Alan had been synonymous with insignificance. Yet, in this extraordinary moment, he had transformed into a hero who saved them all.

The image of him single-handedly slaying more than twenty green-skinned beasts became an indelible memory for every student present.

All eyes were fixed on Alan. Males who had once overlooked him now regarded him with admiration, while females began to fantasize about having a boyfriend with such explosive strength by their side.

"Alan, thank you for saving us!"

"You're welcome. It was my duty."

Alan's response made Sofia's heart skip a beat. No man had ever received her gratitude so nonchalantly. Alan was the first. In that moment, Sofia realized she had developed an inexplicable fondness for the boy before her.

The green-skinned beasts had breached the school grounds through a gap in the iron fence. Under the guidance of the teachers, some students had already blocked the opening, preventing the beasts from reentering.

Others gazed upon the lifeless bodies strewn about, mourning the loss of their familiar classmates, and tears began to flow. Soon, the cries grew louder, echoing throughout the school.

"Do not weep!"

The director stood up, his voice cutting through the lamentations.

"What good does crying do now? It only drains your energy. If you have the energy, why not direct it towards finding answers?"

The students' eyes lit up, and their tears subsided.

"The director is right. We must work together to unravel this mystery!"

The Dean spoke up this time. A middle-aged, bald-headed man known for his disciplinary measures.

Following the director's lead, everyone collected the bodies of the fallen students, piling up the green-skinned beast corpses in a corner of the arena, awaiting the arrival of the authorities to handle the situation.

The director reached for his cellphone, intending to call for help, but to his dismay, he discovered there was no signal.

He inquired with the other teachers, only to find that they faced the same predicament—their phones were devoid of any signal. It seemed as though the entire school had been thrust into a signal dead zone.

At the director's suggestion, several male students ascended to the highest floor of the school and peered through the laboratory's telescope to survey their surroundings.

The results left the director aghast.

"It's impossible! We're not in the same city anymore. We're surrounded by an unfamiliar environment of endless mountains and forests. The city we once knew has vanished!"

The dean refused to accept this revelation, exclaiming, "How can a city as vast as ours simply disappear without a trace?"

Yet, when the dean climbed to the top of the tall building and witnessed the surrounding scene firsthand, he stood frozen in shock. The familiar city had indeed vanished.

In the infirmary, the lights flickered momentarily before stabilizing.

The school doctor tended to the wounds of injured students, with Sofia—trained in first aid—assisting him.

"The school's electrical supply is unstable. We may not have power for much longer."

"I heard that the dean led a group of students to investigate, but I don't know if they have returned."

"Sofia, could you pass me the gauze?"

"Of course."

Sofia hurriedly handed over the gauze to the doctor, her gaze momentarily shifting toward Alan, who sat nearby.

For some reason, she felt different. Alan, seated in that chair, said nothing, yet exuded an extraordinary magnetism. His face lacked excessive handsomeness, yet carried an indescribable allure.

His slender frame contained explosive power unlike anything she had witnessed before.

Footsteps echoed through the room as several female students entered the infirmary, their attention immediately drawn to Alan resting in the chair.

"Hello, Alan. My name is Olivia Quinn. We met in the library once, do you remember?"

"Olivia Quinn? I'm sorry, it doesn't ring a bell."

"I'm Olivia Quinn."

As Olivia extended her slender hand, Alan appeared taken aback.

He hesitated for a moment, unsure whether to reciprocate. In his three years of college, no girl had ever approached him so boldly. Olivia was the first.

"Hello, I'm Alan Fisher from the Junior Civil Engineering Department."

Under Olivia's expectant gaze, Alan reached out his right hand.

Her touch felt soft and delicate, smooth as if holding a piece of fine silk, evoking a sense of tenderness. However, Alan quickly withdrew his hand, not wanting others to perceive him as a playboy.

Olivia smiled, writing a sentence in a paper before discreetly passing it to Alan.

"See you tonight~"

Her seductive voice lingered in his ears, leaving a lingering sensation that played on his mind for several moments.