
Evil Dragon and The Dragon Princess

In a kingdom riven by rivalry, Princess Lucia, defeated in her bid for the throne, fled her vengeful sister's coup. Before her escape, a dark mage cursed her, transforming Lucia into a dragon. Hunted by her sister's griffon-riding minions, she was captured by Lance, a formidable evil dragon with mysterious intentions. Initially fearing for her life, Lucia discovered that Lance's intentions might be more personal than predatory. As they grew closer, Lucia discovered he looked at weirdly. As she noted in her diary with trembling hand that Lance began to regard her not just as a protégé but as something more intimate, perhaps even as his wife. Meanwhile, Lance harbored his own peculiar obsession. He had recently rescued a young dragon, whom he intended to raise with a paternal affection. However, this dragon, none other than Lucia herself, who harbored grand ambitions of her own, dreaming of ascending to power once more. Despite her dreams, all Lance desired was to hear a single word from her: "Dad." #EVILDRAGON #PRINCESS #FUNNY #CAPTIVE #DRAGON

GothChick · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
80 Chs

Underage Dragon.

I had always assumed that the fair-skinned, towering young man was Grandpa Lance's grandson. However, in a twist of fate, it was Grandpa Lance himself who had embarked on a miraculous second youth.

Before his departure from the esteemed Bronze Guild, Grandpa Lance, despite his venerable age, would often regale us with tales of his unique potion-mixing talents, boldly claiming that he might just live a second life through his alchemical concoctions.

True to his words, the old sage did indeed rejuvenate, transforming into someone much younger than any of us could have anticipated.

Our group was too frightened to flee, fully aware of Grandpa Lance's formidable powers. He wasn't just a master potion mixer; he had a fearsome ability to flatten those who crossed him into literal paper men. Even more terrifying, he ensured these paper beings remained painfully conscious, a fate none of us desired. We had witnessed him, with a mere flick of his wrist, transform would-be robbers into paper, adhering them to trees like grotesque decorations.

The fear of becoming yet another 'real portrait' on the walls of Grandpa Lance's abode was palpable among us.

"Grandpa Lance, please forgive our ignorance," we pleaded in unison. "We had no idea the medicine was a gift from you."

Coughing to clear his throat, Dalton added nervously, "We truly didn't recognize the boon you bestowed upon us. To think you've achieved such youth, it's only a matter of time before you ascend to the status of a [God-level] extraordinary pharmacist."

Louis, sensing the urgency, quickly tugged at Dalton's sleeve to hush him. The presence of Joanna, the dignified lady from the City Lord's Mansion, complicated matters. She remained oblivious to the fact that the scroll of sword intent was from Grandpa Lance, and letting her harbor resentment towards us seemed a safer bet.

"Oh, truly, Grandpa, you look too young now! It feels odd calling you that. Perhaps 'Brother Lance' would suit better?" suggested Louis, trying to lighten the mood.

"The potion's side effects are minimal," Grandpa Lance reassured us. "Drink it, process your discharge, and you can return home."

"And how minimal are these side effects?" I probed, seeking some reassurance.

"As long as you're alive after drinking it, consider the side effects minimal," Grandpa Lance quipped with a hint of dry humor.

"They'll dissipate within ten days," he added with a nod.

"Really?" I asked, skepticism lacing my tone.

"Absolutely," he confirmed with a chuckle.

With great reluctance, Louis, Dalton, and I reached for the liquid medicine that had been collecting dust atop the cabinet for three days. Grandpa Lance's assurance that it could heal our injuries was the only thread of trust we clung to.

"The side effects are negligible," he had said, though his laughter suggested we take his words with a grain of salt.

If not for his sudden appearance in the infirmary, who knows how much longer that medicine would have languished there?

"Shall we toast?" I offered, uncorking the bottle and inhaling the faint medicinal scent. The liquid shimmered a light gold.

"Together then," Louis agreed, raising his glass. "After this, we hit the road together."

The choice of words left us momentarily speechless, drawing a collective sigh. To an outsider, our pact might have sounded more like a suicide pact than a shared journey towards healing.

Ah, the complexities of life with Grandpa Lance. Cheers, then, to unknown roads and uncertain health.

As they each took a sip of the light golden elixir, Louis, Dalton, and Bazel could feel its potent powers coursing through their veins. Almost instantly, the liquid began its miraculous work, knitting together flesh and mending bones. External wounds scabbed over and dropped away, while internal bruises faded, leaving them feeling rejuvenated. But with extraordinary remedies often come extraordinary side effects.

To their dismay, the trio discovered that their ears had morphed into pig ears. They frantically checked each other, relieved to find their noses and mouths untouched, thankfully no pig snouts or mouths had manifested.

"If it's just the ears, I suppose it's manageable," Dalton remarked, trying to lighten the mood. "We might just need to sport hats for a while when we're out."

"How are you feeling otherwise?" Louis asked, trying to focus on the positives.

"Better than before, definitely," Bazel replied. "The side effects, as Grandpa Lance warned, aren't severe. But tell me, Grandpa, you didn't come all this way just to witness our transformation into partial swine, did you?"

"I assure you, I'm not here just for that. I just wanted to make sure the potion worked. Rest here tonight and you can handle your discharge paperwork tomorrow," Grandpa Lance responded with a hint of mischief in his tone.

"And you, old timer? The guild misses you. Don't you want to return?" Dalton inquired, concern lining his voice.

"Not just yet, I have things to attend to. We'll see in time," Grandpa Lance answered vaguely.

"Okay then, Grandpa, since we're on the topic," Louis chimed in hesitantly, "we're actually a bit strapped for cash... Could you lend us some for our journey home?"

Grandpa Lance simply raised an eyebrow, a silent response hanging in the air.

Meanwhile, at seven in the evening, the bustling commercial street saw the addition of two unusual stalls. A purple baby dragon, barely reaching a person's height and dressed in a floral skirt topped with a colorful alpaca hat, was expertly preparing octopus balls, french fries. Nearby, the City Lord's eldest lady was busy handling transactions and packing orders.

A short distance away, two individuals in standard waiter attire were energetically promoting their wares. "Delicious and nutritious octopus balls, pack of fresh fries! One string for three silver promises, three for ten! Prepared by our adorable dragon chef who's been at it for 350 years! They're clean, healthy, and perfect for beauty and growth. Don't miss out!"

Parents buying ten strings were promised a small cup of a sweet and sour medicinal concoction beneficial for children's digestive health. Couples purchasing twenty strings received a tonic purported to enhance vitality. And elder couples who'd shared more than three decades together were offered a health elixir guaranteeing freedom from back pain for three months.

This curious mix of culinary and medicinal offerings drew a crowd, all eager to witness the young dragon's culinary skills and maybe, just maybe, benefit from the magical health promises of their unusual culinary venture.

The aroma of the young dragon's octopus balls wafted enticingly through the air, drawing a crowd from blocks away. Yet, the true allure for the youthful patrons was the complimentary small cup of body-strengthening liquid offered with each purchase.

For just six nuo silvers, anyone could get twenty strings of these delectable treats, a price well within reach for most. The scene really came alive when a pale-faced young man boldly purchased forty strings, consuming two cups of the kidney-strengthening and body-building liquid right there on the spot. His audacious display broke the ice, prompting other hesitant onlookers to follow suit.

As they downed the potent elixir, many felt an immediate easing of their bodies, a relaxing sensation that had them lining up for more.

"Hey, brothers, gather 'round!" Louis, now a stall owner, called out with entrepreneurial zeal. "If you loved that kidney-strengthening liquid, you're in for a treat. We've got something even more effective. But hurry, we've only got 100 bottles. Each goes for a gold coin, and our octopus ball customers get first dibs!"

With no money for their return journey, Louis, Dalton, and Bazel had thrown themselves into their work for Grandpa Lance. Meanwhile, across the street, Grandpa Lance himself lounged on the second-floor balcony of a quaint coffee shop. Sipping red wine and relishing a dessert, he enjoyed the sweet strains of music and the attentive service of a charming cat maid. For Grandpa Lance, indulgence was always a priority, especially when it was on his dime.

Below this serene scene, the young dragon princess seethed with indignation. Tricked into believing she was brought to the human world for a playful adventure, she found herself instead ensnared in labor, crafting culinary delights to line the pockets of the so-called evil dragon who employed her. Despite her royal lineage in the Farol Empire, here she was, a mere child, toiling away.

Internally, she cursed the dragon responsible, her fiery temper barely contained as she flipped another batch of octopus balls. "It was supposed to be my playtime, not his profit time!" she muttered under her breath, frustration bubbling.