
Evil Dragon and The Dragon Princess

In a kingdom riven by rivalry, Princess Lucia, defeated in her bid for the throne, fled her vengeful sister's coup. Before her escape, a dark mage cursed her, transforming Lucia into a dragon. Hunted by her sister's griffon-riding minions, she was captured by Lance, a formidable evil dragon with mysterious intentions. Initially fearing for her life, Lucia discovered that Lance's intentions might be more personal than predatory. As they grew closer, Lucia discovered he looked at weirdly. As she noted in her diary with trembling hand that Lance began to regard her not just as a protégé but as something more intimate, perhaps even as his wife. Meanwhile, Lance harbored his own peculiar obsession. He had recently rescued a young dragon, whom he intended to raise with a paternal affection. However, this dragon, none other than Lucia herself, who harbored grand ambitions of her own, dreaming of ascending to power once more. Despite her dreams, all Lance desired was to hear a single word from her: "Dad." #EVILDRAGON #PRINCESS #FUNNY #CAPTIVE #DRAGON

GothChick · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
80 Chs

Sleepy Black Tea!

As the region prospers, it's only reasonable to expect that taxes would be collected annually, isn't it?

The people seem only to beckon him home to bask in their newfound prosperity, yet they spare no thought for the cost of his return. Surely, they could allocate a portion of the yearly taxes to their Viscount, who endures hardships abroad. Knowing of his struggles, why withhold the transfer of a few gold coins that would grant him a more serene life? They surely don't presume their Viscount to be a man of such noble character that he views wealth as mere dirt.

Lance mulled over these thoughts privately, dismayed by his subjects' apparent lack of concern. As their lives flourished, why did they not consider assisting him financially?

The only plausible explanation for their reluctance to send funds must be the territory's own financial constraints. Developing the land, maintaining the knights, squire knights, and soldiers, all of these require significant financial outlay.

Funds are also needed for the upkeep of villagers' dwellings and roads, not to mention the enhancement of the town's overall ambiance. Moreover, the subjects had recently undertaken renovations to his mansion.

After covering these expenses, it remains uncertain whether there will be funds left over for savings.

Furthermore, should there be casualties under Grand Duke MacDonald's command, substantial pensions would be necessary.

Considering all this, Lance felt disinclined to return anytime soon.

The thought of his once gentle maid now resembling a pig girl did little to ease his mind.

If he were to return, he would inevitably need to devise new ways to generate income for his people.

Yet, as it stands, he remains akin to a black dragon, tirelessly seeking opportunities to amass wealth, though ideas are few.

He trusts his subjects to propel their own development, knowing that they will establish forges, armories, and granaries. They are not fools; if they can merely sustain themselves, they will surely enhance the prosperity of their land.

Nearly a decade has passed, and what was once tattered leather armor should now be sturdy metal, their tools transformed from primitive hoes and rusty swords to fine steel weaponry.

Without his direct intervention, his subjects' lives will only continue to improve.

"Isn't it wonderful? Can you still feel what it's like to be a king? If you grow weary of it, let me take over your throne. Hehe. Before becoming an emperor, why not try being a queen?"

"I yearned to be a viscount, reveling in the spoils of tax collection, but the reality has been far from glamorous."

"The human kingdom collects taxes from all its nobles, each ruling over their own lands."


The young dragon smirked, well aware of the evil dragon's disinterest in royal titles. He could adopt any guise in the human realm, save for that of a king or emperor.

He found the allure of power that captivated others utterly unenticing.

The young dragon envisioned the evil dragon soaring near the sea at dawn, relishing the freedom and spontaneity of life.

How splendid it would be if she, not bound by princess duties but truly a young dragon, could one day emulate the evil dragon's liberated existence, embracing the joy of living freely across various guises.

"When I ascend to the throne as emperor, I'll let you indulge in the luxuries of an emperor's life without the burdens," Lucia teased with a twinkle in her eye. "You won't have to shoulder any responsibilities; just revel in the splendor. What do you think? Do you see this young dragon you've befriended as a grateful one, who remembers kindness?"

"You're certainly a young dragon who dares to dream," came the reply.

Lucia flashed a defiant grin. That disdainful look from the evil dragon would change. One day, when she reigned over the Farolan Empire, she'd prove that she was no mere dreamer.

The notion that she was just a fanciful young dragon stung a bit, but she shrugged it off and reached for a bottle of the evil dragon's fruit wine, which tasted far superior to the finest red wine of the imperial capital.

"Tell me, why don't the affluent subjects in my territory send me some gold coins?" He pondered aloud, frustration lacing his voice.

"Perhaps they fear it might corrupt you, or that with wealth, you'd never return. After experiencing the thriving cities of the human world, who would willingly return to a modest countryside to rule as a mere viscount?" the voice suggested.

Lance considered the young dragon's words; they rang with an uncomfortable truth.

It's said in the human world that wealth can lead men astray.

Later, he texted his territory, [I'm tied up at the moment, but I'll visit soon.]

Back in his domain, the recruitment of a new, strikingly competent young female knight caught the attention of his advisors. [Sir Viscount, we've recruited a young female knight. She's strong, graceful, and might be nobility fallen on hard times. As an earl, you should have a guardian knight. She could be perfect for you. Return soon to secure her loyalty.]

Attached was an image of the woman in question: astride a horse, clad in shimmering silver armor, her gaze fierce and commanding.

The response from the evil dragon was cold and calculating: [Steady her, serve her sleepy black tea, and secure her. Ask if she's royalty from the Red Maple Kingdom.]

Her demeanor suggested a latent regality, perhaps a hidden prince. Securing her for questioning seemed an absolute necessity, given her sudden and willing entry into their ranks.

The subjects were naive to not see her potential motives for aligning with a reputed traitor.

As Lance read through the evil dragon's strategy, he nearly choked on his drink, taken aback by the audacious plan.

"Isn't the evil dragon supposed to be one of desire?" the young dragon mused with a hint of mischief. "Why not keep a lovely human maiden at your side instead of locking her up for interrogation?"

When the human subjects in the dragon's realm eventually responded, their message seemed almost dazed. "My Lord Viscount, the young woman was presented with the black tea by Ingrid. She hesitated but ultimately set the cup back down without drinking."

Such simplicity in their message. "How foolish," Lance muttered under his breath. "When speaking with your own Lord Viscount, shouldn't you exercise a bit more discretion?"

The follow-up instructions were clear: [Tell her that if she refrains from harming anyone, we can assist in restoring her country. However, if she commits murder, her life will be the price.]

[She claims to be the daughter of Grand Duke MacDonald.]

[Therefore, we are kin. Treat her kindly. Tomorrow, present her with a bag of our territory's specialty, dragon manure, then let her return to the capital. We stand firmly with Grand Duke MacDonald, as his loyal supporters.]

[My Lord Viscount, it grows late. We shall not disturb your rest further. We will update you on the morrow.]

With the messages exchanged, Lance secured the jade seal, confident in his subjects' competence with the female knight.

"Aren't you at all concerned for the safety of your people?" the young dragon asked, sensing a deeper unease.

"No, they wouldn't last in my service without a certain level of capability," Lance replied. "But despite this, I can't shake the feeling that something ominous looms over me."

"Perhaps it's time for some divination," he decided, pulling out a set of copper coins and a turtle shell. After a meticulous ritual, Lance gasped as he interpreted the ominous sign: "Loss of wealth."

Shifting the conversation, Lance mentioned a friend's book on an intriguing world. "Imagine traveling to a realm governed by auto chess. Every character has a number floating above their heads, which increases through dungeon raids, gifts, and bolstering their strength, essentially, their loyalty."

"All this time, I believed I was cleverly building trust, only to realize these numbers reflected favorability, not just loyalty. And now, the system announces that with full favorability, new content unlocks!"

"Amusingly enough, I assumed I was the puppeteer in this game, only to discover I'm more of a rogue with multiple allegiances!"

"And, wait for it, I've unintentionally assembled all the women who favor me into one formidable team!"