
Evil Dragon and The Dragon Princess

In a kingdom riven by rivalry, Princess Lucia, defeated in her bid for the throne, fled her vengeful sister's coup. Before her escape, a dark mage cursed her, transforming Lucia into a dragon. Hunted by her sister's griffon-riding minions, she was captured by Lance, a formidable evil dragon with mysterious intentions. Initially fearing for her life, Lucia discovered that Lance's intentions might be more personal than predatory. As they grew closer, Lucia discovered he looked at weirdly. As she noted in her diary with trembling hand that Lance began to regard her not just as a protégé but as something more intimate, perhaps even as his wife. Meanwhile, Lance harbored his own peculiar obsession. He had recently rescued a young dragon, whom he intended to raise with a paternal affection. However, this dragon, none other than Lucia herself, who harbored grand ambitions of her own, dreaming of ascending to power once more. Despite her dreams, all Lance desired was to hear a single word from her: "Dad." #EVILDRAGON #PRINCESS #FUNNY #CAPTIVE #DRAGON

GothChick · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
80 Chs

Future Aspirations!

"Squid Girl? Are you actually referring to that formidable creature as Squid Girl?" Lance exclaimed incredulously. "That's quite the daring nickname. If the other deep sea denizens heard that, it would stir up a storm beneath the waves!"

"And to think, I encountered you, Lance, all because of that creature. You make an outstanding partner, but had it not been for that beast chasing me into your territory, I might've ended up in its clutches instead," she recounted. "After you rescued me, you nearly had me grilled! Luckily, your better judgment prevailed and you spared me from becoming barbecue."

Lucia nodded solemnly. "Buying a squid leg from Squid Girl does sound bizarre, almost like some sort of underworld slang."

"Do the sirens and leviathans of the ocean depths also engage in commerce?" she mused with a laugh. "It's astounding. I imagined that sea monsters and mythical beasts only knew how to attack, devour, and vie for territory in the abyss."

Andrea continued thoughtfully, "Squid Girl must be quite the character, charming even, for you to have traded with her. And yet, here you are, generous even to the fledgling dragons among us."

As their conversation turned towards the dynamics of the deep sea, Lance shared, "In this domain, any creature that invades is potential prey. But it's not just about predation, it's about balance. The mightier monsters, those who could challenge the order, I deal with them personally."

"It was during one such encounter that I learned the true nature of our deep sea lord," Andrea recalled. "He's a colossal leviathan who presides over these waters as its sovereign, turning intruders into his sustenance, all in the name of maintaining ecological equilibrium."

Maintain caution to prevent imbalances in this maritime region.

The prowess of the Black Sea Monarch may have been too great, for Lance failed in his attempt to grill it entirely. Instead, he used an impressively lengthy barbecue grill to sever one of its tentacles.

Andrea too narrowly avoided being grilled herself by the fearsome black dragon Lance, all because she wished to feast on the severed tentacle of the Black Sea Monarch.

Lance, the black dragon, zealously guards his meal.

Should you dare to touch his provisions, be prepared to find yourself atop the grill.

To Lance, the formidable Black Sea Monarch is affectionately dubbed "Squid Girl."

Despite being a terrifying creature of the deep sea, Lance opted to bestow upon it a disarmingly charming moniker.

And occasionally, he even calls her "Whale Girl," an endearment that somehow amplifies her cuteness.

"Evil. Did the malevolent dragon almost roast you?"

Lucia stood in stunned silence.

A sea creature akin to a killer whale, poised to wed a nefarious dragon, yet nearly ending up as his roast dinner?

The voracious appetite of the evil dragon was indeed fearsome.

Considering the scale of these sea denizens, comparable to four or five turtles combined, it's bewildering to think that such a colossal beast could be roasted and consumed.

How many days would it take to devour such a massive sea creature?

If she were to partake in the meal with the evil dragon, surely it would take several days to finish?

"Yes, Lance admits he has a penchant for seafood. To him, I, along with the Squid Girl, are mere delicacies. But I'm not easily threatened. If he dares to come at me with a sword, I'm just as bold in my retaliation.

The Squid Girl, however, isn't so fortunate. With a remarkable ability to regenerate, she frequently becomes the first choice when Lance craves seafood.

Squid Girl is formidable, little dragon. You'd do well to steer clear of following Lance, lest you find yourself on the menu as well."

"Ah, so Squid Girl is that formidable?" Lucia asked in surprise. "Can Lance truly not best her in battle?"

"If Lance could have overpowered Squid Girl, she'd have been roasted on the grill long ago," she reasoned aloud, understanding the dynamics at play. "But the dragon isn't invincible here in the deep sea."

She pondered further, "If the dragon could simply dominate this realm, he wouldn't have to worry about legendary or epic heroes challenging him. It's a delicate balance of power down here."

"Squid Girl is undeniably powerful, and Lance is no weakling himself," she continued. "But it's not worth it for him to risk injury over a mere meal."

Reflecting on her bond with the dragon, Lucia added, "Lance has been so nurturing to me as a young dragon. If he were to get hurt just because I fancied some grilled squid, how could I ever repay his kindness?"

She didn't know how Lance treated others, but she knew well how kind he had been to her. "He's taught me the dragon language, administered healing herbs, and guided me through physical training. To accelerate my learning, he even transferred some of his own memories into my mind."

Although it was only their fourth day together, and despite her lingering fears, she couldn't bear the thought of him getting hurt on her account. "It would be utterly unconscionable to let him be harmed just for a snack," she declared.

Feeling a shift in her perspective, she suggested, "You know, suddenly grilled squid doesn't seem so appetizing. Lance, why don't we head back? You mentioned you could fish, right? Let's go fish for our meal instead."

"If you find that Marly brand of bait isn't effective, we could try the dragon brand occasionally. But please, make sure I'm not used as bait by the sea beasts," she half-joked.

Realizing the sacrifices Lance would make for her, she found a new resolve. "If Lance is willing to risk battling the formidable Squid Lady for me to enjoy a bite of grilled squid, then I, as a young dragon, should also be prepared to face risks for him. It can't always be about me enjoying his kindness without giving back. Even if it means being bait occasionally, I owe him that much."

Marly continued survival is a testament to her resilience, leading her to believe she could one day return to the imperial capital to claim the throne. "No, I'm not afraid," she asserted confidently, dispelling any traces of doubt.

"If I end up being used as bait, I might just have to drag Marly into the fray with me," she mused with a hint of mischief. "After all, aren't there two hooks on this fishing line? It's perfect, one for me and one for Marly."

With Marly's seasoned guidance at her side, she felt a bit more secure. "Maybe, just maybe, I won't end up in the jaws of a sea beast."

Lance chuckled at her bravado, "For a bite of food, you're ready to become bait. Young dragon, you're fortunate to have crossed paths with me. Had a human princess taken you under her wing, she might not have been so capable."

He was inwardly amused by her fearlessness, despite the evident terror. "You're quite the courageous one, aren't you? Afraid that the squid mother might snatch you up?"

After just four days of companionship, the dragon cub had already begun to tug at his paternal instincts. "Ah, she's already making me feel protective, like a father, or at least, as an elder black dragon should," he corrected himself with a cough.

"If I raise her for a few more decades, maybe even a century, perhaps she'll start calling me 'Dad'," he pondered with a hint of anticipation.

The thought of being cared for by his adopted cub wasn't so bad after all. "Skipping the dating scene and going straight to raising a cub has its charms, it seems. And once she's grown, she could help me look after any future dragon cubs i have."

He envisioned a future where, with his adult dragon Lucia's help, he and his future mate could travel the world. "This dream might actually become reality," he thought optimistically.

Lance harbored two hopeful dreams for the future:

1. To hear the young dragon he rescued call him 'Daddy.'

2. To have this grown dragon assist in raising his future offspring.

Indeed, the prospects for their dragon-kind appeared incredibly bright.