
Everlasting Bond

Under the twilight stars, pair boy and girl running together to grab happiness. After losing many things, they supporting each other in despair. In their will and promise, never shall they separate. Even fate said otherwise, even destiny against them. This a story about a pair of boy and girl. They aren't Heroes nor Villains. Yet, their life full of wonder, fortune, and misfortune. This is a life story of him and her. Dragged in many strange incidents, meeting with various people. Gained and lost many things in their long journey. Weaving strong and beautiful bonds with people they met in the way. This is their story. This is their life. This is the story of Arc and Misha in Everlasting Bonds. =================================================================================================================== Note for reader: To every reader, note that I'm not an English native, so there may mistake in my writing. Need to know this story will release irregularly. For the genre, it would increase as the story goes on.

Oiltumpah · Fantasi
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56 Chs

Chapter 37 – Visiting the Foreign Race Caravan      

Human is such tough creature.

Despite the big commotion that caused many people died a few days ago, the people seem like have forgotten it and continued their daily activities like usual.

As expected of human nature. As long there isn't continuation wave after the big incident, people eventually will move on. And it isn't any different from a certain group of children.

Peace returned to Myrd City.

Like always, the city still full hustle and bustle of people. Man went to work, merchants selling their wares, people buy necessity, and nobles busy with paperwork. A big incident couldn't stop people from doing their daily needs.

However, today, marked an unusual event for Myrd City. Not in bad way, but certainly unique, as it something rarely happen or seen.

In the market section of Myrd City.

People gathering, observing the unusual foreign guest.

In the midst of crowd, a certain girl followed by three boy and girls, strode thorough over the sea of man. She got the news about these unusual guests, and immediately went to them.

Of course, Misha has told her family before going out this time. She didn't want get another house arrest.

Under the shadow, the boy saw several familiar people following them. Their number seem increasing again, he thought.

"What you seeing Arc?" (Misha)

"Nothing." (Arc)

"Hurry up, everyone, or the crowd will too much for us." (Misha)

"Looks too late for that." (Arc)

The market section already too crowded.

Since they walk, the children already bumped with many people. Because of these unusual guests, the market section filled with people. It's already difficult to stride forward, even with their small body.

"Uuhhh…" (Herlin)

"Watch out Herlin." (Arc)

Arc pulls Herlin who almost swept over by crowd.

"T-Thanks…" (Herlin)

"…" (Raina)

"See." (Arc)

"Don't give up yet, Arc. Didn't we come here because of that?" (Misha)

"I'm not really sure if it really them." (Arc)

"?" (Raina)

"We come to confirm that, isn't it?" (Misha)

"Right." (Arc)

With that, they resuming their step.

After with difficultly strode thorough the see of human, the children arrived at their destination.


The crowd raised their voice as they saw the unusual guests.

Misha looking at them.

They are group of handsome and beautiful man and woman.

However, they aren't human. They are group of elves and beastmen, the races that rarely seen in Myrdiana region.

Like a regular another world story, this world also has races beside human resided in.

Myrdiana is human kingdom. There are several races beside human reside in Myrdiana, but they seldom going out from their territory.

This group of elves and beastmen are from faraway land judging from their attires.

Since this group too unusual, people gathered to watch them, yet afraid to approach them, especially for the elves. For most people, it's the first time they see elves and beastmen, and elves look inhumanly beautiful and noble.

More than half people got their heart stolen by elves.

But Arc and Misha different. They had met elves before, and it's quite happy yet wry memory.

As Misha observing them, she found an acquaintance among them.

"Let's go." (Misha)




While Misha's group strode through crowd, the Elves and Beastmen conversing.

"Ahh, I don't like this!" (Elf Man 1)

"Move your hand, not your mouth!" (Elf Woman)

"Could you be gentler!? At least, praise me not exploded being watched by these humans!" (Elf Man 1)

"No way!" (Elf Woman)

"Hahaha, you two really close." (Elf Man 2)

"Are you blind!?" (Elf Man 1 and Elf Woman)

Three elf men and woman conversed as they moving their wares.

"Tsk, why we should come to this place anyway?" (Elf Man 1)

"Idiot. Are you forgot we're here to investigate the unusual mana wave in this region?" (Elf Woman)

"I know that Emerald, but we have been around this region for months yet found nothing." (Elf Man 1)

"Calm down, Ares. Didn't we already find the clue?" (Elf Man 2)

"Yes. The presence of foul mana we felt several days ago come from this city." (Cat Woman)

Chimed a cat woman in. Pulled into the conversation.

"True. There also rumor about its appearance in this city." (Emerald)

"Tsk, whatever… Hmm?" (Ares)

Ares spotted four small human jumps out crowd, approaching them.

"They…" (Elf Man 2)

"*Sigh* Human really curious creature." (Emerald)

"Let me handle them." (Cat Woman)

Before Cat Woman could take a step, the human little girl yelled.

"Uncle Ares, long time no see!"

The elves and beastmen's sight landed on Ares questioningly after heard the yell.

Ares groaned, acting as though getting headache.

"It's really them." (Ares)

"You knew?" (Emerald)

"Well, you know something I was entrusted from her?" (Ares)

"…So, these humans are? They're younger than I imagined." (Emerald)

"Oh, it's them." (Elf Man 2)

"I curious what kind human that befriend with her." (Cat Woman)

"Hurry up, meet them." (Emerald)

"Argh, why they are here!?" (Ares)

Misha and Arc's group arrived.




"Uncle Ares!" (Misha)

"Hello, Uncle Ares." (Arc)

"Stop calling me uncle, you rude human. I'm still young!" (Ares)

The elf man, Uncle Ares snapped at Arc and Misha way to call him, even though he knew they just teasing him.

He's not old. Now way he accepts to be called uncle.

Uncle Ares is an elf acquaintance they made in one of their incident adventures. Misha smiling widely meet with this dishonest elf man.

"Really? Aren't you already 70 years old?" (Arc)

"I'm just 66 years old, and it's young for elves!" Ares couldn't take Arc's teasing.

That's old enough for human, you know.

Arc inwardly said.

As though he could perceive his thought, Ares shot Arc a glare.

"Pfft!" (Emerald)

Emerald's cheeks puffed, holding her laughter hearing the conversation. Ares shot another glare to her.

"*Sigh* I really didn't want to meet humans like you two." (Ares)

"Ha-ha-ha. You unkind like always, Uncle Ares." (Misha)

"You could just be more honest, Uncle Ares." (Arc)

"Could you two not behave like we're close? And stop call me Uncle." (Ares)

""Nope, Uncle Ares.""

"Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!" (Emerald)

Blue veins popped on Ares's head.

Emerald can't hold anymore, she loudly laughing. It's funny for her to see Ares getting flustered like this.

Ares pretending not see her, and looks toward Herlin and Raina.

"There new faces. Who are them?" (Ares)

Ares pointing at Herlin and Raina. This the first time they meeting.

"Uh… Scary…" (Herlin)

"…" (Raina)

Overwhelmed by Ares's demeanor, Herlin went hiding behind Arc. Raina silently standing behind Misha.

"It's okay, Herlin. He actually kind." (Arc)

"This is Herlin, our friend. This Raina, my new personal servant." (Misha)

Misha introduced them.

Ares nodded, then felt someone tugging his shirt. Turning around, he saw Cat Woman stared him.

"Introduce us." (Cat Woman)

"Tsk." (Ares)

"Don't clicked your tongue!" (Cat Woman)

Reluctantly, Ares introduced them.

"The silly Cat here is Shirl. That old man is Hermey." (Ares)


Misha taken aback by his short and rude introduction. His party didn't have aby particular reaction, seemed already used with his conduct.

"And the funny woman that laughing on the ground over there is Emerald." (Ares)

The children saw the elf woman still laughing loudly. The surroundings people also watching her. Her laughing images hurting the vision of noble elf in people mind.

"Shup up already, Emerald!" (Ares)

Couldn't tolerated anymore, Ares yelled up to shut the elf woman.

"Ha-ha-ha-ha. Sorry. I couldn't. Ha-ha-ha!" (Emerald)

"…" (Ares)

"...…." (Everyone)

Ares felt his vein twitching.


"Uncle Ares, what are you doing here?" (Arc)

Felt the situation a little unbearable, Arc attracted the attention.

Everyone decided to ignore the laughing elf.

"...We're here came as traveling merchant." (Ares)

"Traveling merchant? Did you just said traveling merchant!?" (Misha)

Misha asked excitedly. For a curious person like Misha, a traveling merchant akin her best friend. You could obtain stuff that didn't exist around her home.

"That's right, Little Miss." (Hermey)

"We brought many stuffs from our journey. There some exotic items you can't find here." (Shirl)

"Could you show me!?" (Misha)

"Wait a moment, we still setting up our place." (Shirl)

"Is that so?" (Misha)

Behind, Arc inwardly frowned. He felt they hiding something. Arc decided to ignore them since it's not his business.

"By the way, Uncle Ares, since you here, is there something from her?" (Arc)

"!!! Right, I really forgot that! Uncle Ares!?" (Misha)

"I said stop calling Uncle, I still young!" (Ares)

"Ha-ha-ha!" (Emerald)

Everyone treating the loud laugh like a breeze.

"There is. She entrusted this letter to me." (Ares)

Ares took out a letter from nowhere.

Arc and Misha saiw it. Uncle Ares didn't possess a Spatial Pocket, but he could directly connect with spatial room with magic to store his possession.

"Here." (Ares)

He gave the letter.

"Thank you, Uncle Ares." (Misha)

"Thanks." (Arc)

"Hmph!" (Ares)

Arc and Misha smiles at Ares deliberate attempting to look displeased. They could hear snickers come from behind Ares.

Ares's face reddened.

"Hmm?" (Arc)

Herlin tugged his arm.

"That letter… whom…?" (Herlin)

Herlin tilted her head cutely. She slightly curious with the letter that come from elves. Arc glanced Raina have similar reaction.

"Oh, this letter from a friend we made half year ago." (Arc)

"…Is he an elf?" (Raina)

"Yes, she an elf." (Arc)

Raina felt there something wrong with their conversation, then noticed it.

"She? A girl?" (Raina)

"Yes." (Misha)

Like Arc and Misha described, the friend they made in an incident half year ago is an elf girl. Their meeting could be descripted as coincidence and outrageous.

Not every child could have precious encounter in prison.

Misha recalled Sylph's appearance.

Outwardly, the elf girl at that time looked just a little girl like them, but she actually a 20 years old elf. Elves need twice of human age to mature, and their appearance frozen at their most beautiful state. Elf is eternal youthful race.

Sylph also quite dishonest elf like Uncle Ares.

Misha can't contain her smile whenever she recalled Sylph desperately denied her desire. Her expression really a cute one. Especially when she teased by Arc.

"Arc, save this." (Misha)

"Do you not intent read it here?" (Shirl)

The cat woman asked, she little curious as to what written on letter.

"No. We'll open it in our room." (Misha)

"That's pity." (Shirl)

"…" (Arc)

"Hyaa!" (Shirl)

Suddenly she let out a cute scream.

Herlin and Raina widened their eyes at Arc that grabbed a black cat tail.

Not just a cat tail, but Shirl's cat tail. Watching the tail swinging before his face tempted his to grab it, and he really did.

"You rude kid. Don't just grab a woman tail!" (Shirl)


"Argh!" (Arc)

Arc got cat scratch on his face as revenge for his rude act.

"Arc!" (Misha)

"Master!" (Raina)

"Arc!" (Herlin)

The little girls gather around him. Misha immediately heals his face, then sighed.

"What are you doing?" (Misha)

"Sorry, I unconsciously did that." (Arc)

Misha exasperated with him.

Arc apologize as soon he was healed.

The cat woman snorted. Shirl then detains him, taught Arc how precious beastman's tail is.

"Did you hear me!" (Shirl)

"Uh…" (Arc)

"Grab beastwoman tail considered as sexual harassment." (Shirl)

Her sermon very long. Arc regretted his deed.

"Miss Misha, I suggest we take a small trip. I'd take some time for Shirl to finish when she preaching someone." (Hermey)

"I take your suggestion, Umm…" (Misha)

"You could call me Uncle Hermey." (Hermey)

"Okay, Uncle Hermey. Let's go Raina, Herlin." (Misha)

"…Okay." (Herlin)

"*Nod*…" (Raina)

They're not hesitate abandoned Arc since it's his fault to begin with.

As Arc getting sermon, the little girls guided by Hermey touring the elves and beastmen caravan. She also introduced to other elves and beastmen. This first time Misha got touch with so many people from another races.

By the time she, Raina, and Herlin return, the sermon has finished. Weird enough, Shirl the one got exhausted.

And their first trip in elves beastmen caravan ended with weird ending.

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