
Everlasting Bond

Under the twilight stars, pair boy and girl running together to grab happiness. After losing many things, they supporting each other in despair. In their will and promise, never shall they separate. Even fate said otherwise, even destiny against them. This a story about a pair of boy and girl. They aren't Heroes nor Villains. Yet, their life full of wonder, fortune, and misfortune. This is a life story of him and her. Dragged in many strange incidents, meeting with various people. Gained and lost many things in their long journey. Weaving strong and beautiful bonds with people they met in the way. This is their story. This is their life. This is the story of Arc and Misha in Everlasting Bonds. =================================================================================================================== Note for reader: To every reader, note that I'm not an English native, so there may mistake in my writing. Need to know this story will release irregularly. For the genre, it would increase as the story goes on.

Oiltumpah · Fantasy
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56 Chs

Chapter 37,5 – The Elf’s Letter      

Date: Vermay (4th day) 28 Cometrith (11th month) 1986

To: Dear Misha (and Perverted Servant)

Hello, Misha, are you good? Is that Perverted Servant still with you? Are you not teased or molested by him?

I don't know when or will my message would reach you, but I happy if you could read this message.

When I write this letter, I'm already in my hometown, Symphonia Kingdom Capital, Ygg City. I thought I need months before reach my home, but that old m–sorry, my father suddenly appeared before me and transferred me home.

My home as always calm and peaceful. There nothing happened here. I don't why but feel it's so boring. No explosion, no weird food, no random monster, thief or bandit encounter, or whatever similar, unlike your place.

I have been wondering since I'd live for two months with you, are human life with full excitement like you and your servant? I had asked my human acquaintances, but seemed not any them life full with various event.

When I told my family my experience when I living with you, they all laughed, tell I was too tired or daydreaming or something. Was I wrong? They think I just exaggerating my story. Told my story just straight out of fantasy.

Is it really impossible for non-awakened man to kill a First Rank Monster alone? Is there no way for an ordinary man to face directly with ranker monster and win? If that really true, what the hell is that Perverted Servant is? Could you tell me! That man's annoying smug keep appear in my mind, even haunting me in my dream!

They even questioning my hairpin. They wouldn't believe me when I told it was something that Perverted Servant bought off for me from random stall. Just what the hell this hairpin anyway? I overhear it some-artifact kind treasure. Could you believe that?

The most annoying about my family is they wouldn't believe my story about your strength. They said impossible there a Middle Stage First Rank Magist child under 10 years. The youngest Magist awakened known is 10 years old.

Could my family just put a damn-belief in me, even slightest!?

My family also really unbearable lately. They become very kind to me after my story, but I could see they saw me with eyes full of sympathy. They even attached maids around for whole time to guard me. It's very irritating! They invaded my privacy! You wouldn't believing they wouldn't leave me alone even in toilet!

Don't peak my privacy did!

When I report this to father, he lightly dismissed my complaint. He said they also my guard to prevent another kidnap against me. I can't be fought back because it's concern of my safety from my father. Especially he saw me with those eyes. His eyes reminded me with that perverted servant.


So annoying!




(The next pages filled with long complain)

"She wrote so many." (Misha)

"She cheerful like always." (Arc)

"You only said she cheerful after reading this letter? You truly a man, Arc." (Misha)

"A-ha-ha. Oh, we finally arrive at the important note." (Arc)

"She sure pended a lot frustration there." (Misha)

They read the fifth letter.




Finally, I have to tell you this.

After you receive this, I might already leave my hometown, caused I'll leave after the turn of the year. I got invitation to learn in Alicia Village.

Did you know what's that mean? I'll under tutelage of heroes!

Alicia Village is place where old heroes and strong people spend their retirement life. The hero of elves, Saffrina Soiland also there, and I'll become her apprentice!

This will open my path to become elf hero like her. Like what I have dreaming.

Now I has told everything I could.

You didn't need to send a reply. The place I'll go very secretive, your letter wouldn't reach there.

But don't worry, I'll keep send letter.

At last, thank for everything you did back then.

Also, Perverted Servant, if you read this, then read this carefully.

Thank you, Arc.

Don't misunderstood!!

I write that because you also greatly helped me back then! No other meaning!

Good bye!

From: Sylph Symphonia




Arc smiling at the word 'Thank you'.

"Seems this the last." (Arc)

He put down the letter.

"She sure wrote so much." (Arc)

"Most of them is her complain, though." (Misha)

"That style very much of her." (Arc)

About four papers is about Sylph's complaint.

"But, Symphonia, huh…" (Misha)

"She really a member of royalty." (Arc)

"You can't see that from her usual behavior." (Misha)

Arc glanced at the letter and found something.

"Hmm? There seem more on the back last paper." (Arc)

"What was write?" (Misha)




Ps: Misha, is your bad luck somehow transferred to me? Since I returned, my room has been several times rained by magic misfire.

Pss: Perverted Servant, when I finish my apprentice, I'll come to you and get all my revenge for all teases you put on me!

Psss: Pervert, rouge, lewd beast, lowly man, scum, thief, peeper, bastard man. I swear I'll got you for everything you did to me one day!!




"…" (Arc)

"…" (Misha)

A strange silent permeating between them.

"Seems like she hates me…" (Arc)

"…Is it? I saw you both pretty close." (Misha)

That's the end of letter from Sylph the elf.