

"Well, I'll take that as a compliment. "

SELENOSION chuckle showing her deep wide dimple which was located on her right side.

Everyone on their feet, bowing their head with respect greeting 'Good Morning '. On the other hand, 4 newcomers were absent minded seeing the figure before them of the other side. But Aswad was quick witted he swiftly organised himself and followed the other leaders.

"UH~HUM..."Mohamad let out a sound.

Straight away other 3 remaining I.e. none other then Elsi, Alfan and Juliette come to reality from their day dream, I guess.....

"Good Morning my Lad...."all remaining three at the same time but before they could finish addressing her instantaneously "Let's get to the business" they were cut off in the mid way by SELENOSION.

"As your command" Abigor Abel utter these words and perch on his specific sit in addition all others followed the same.

As you all know the reason behind this meeting and I believe on your proficiency. we are not here for any utmost business topics, we are here to clarify and exhibit our ability to the world, " Who's the boss?". And to do this we have to commence with the ..."PURGE".

SELENOSION snigger in a mysterious way which highlighted her beyond perfect face .

"LET THE BLOOD BATH BEGIN " in her contralto voice (so catchy)she state her sentence with the smirk on her cheek revealing her dimple, beside her almond eyes which crystal clearly shows the decade hunger on her eyes in a sinful grotesque aspect.

"woah! wait a minute, what's with this purge.. and blood bath? I don't understand any of this shit." Before Aswad could finish...

"Yeah, is this even real? And what's with this taking over the world." Alfan couldn't believe what he just heard..

"wait! Is 'PURGE' even real ?"

Juliette in calm, with her breathy voice.

"But aren't we here for " NARCISSIST " ?..." Elsi the youngest in her high pitch voice questioned, blinking her thick black eyelashes.

"My lady as you say...." Mohamad replied ignoring the 4 so called newcomers.

Sir, Mohamad, Alfan incredulity pronounced, "I didn't expect that from you. I did know you belong to upper society than most of us here but how can you risk the billions of life just for this NARCISSIST as you had always been supportive to none power holders as one. what about the commoners? what about the children? what about others who are in still in hope for new day to take place ? sir!, you were always my ideal and still are, only because of you today I am who I am? Please, don't break my belief towards you. You were my only light back then and right now too in this big cruel world, sir.Moha.... " Before he could finish...

" This ain't no charity nor we're planning to, you are selected for who you're, there is no kindness so to make matters clear we don't grant any 'MERCY'. You might think, no! actually you had already thought we're Monsters...well, I don't want to destroy your reliance as a matter of fact we are! "Monsters"...ABIGOR in his husky voice with a simper making him the real wrongdoer..And as you are".

"what? what do you mean?sir Abigor..." Prior to Elsi could finish her pronouncement Abigor cut up in the central.

"Hold your tongue, not a single word...what do you think ha? you are here because of your talent, power, capability, wealth or your connection ha.."Abigor beautiful green eyes vast opened with annoyance turning light red~~tsk~~greeting his teeth like he's looking for his prey all ready to hunt.

"No, you're nothing and you'll never be". Now, he let out a short chuckle with satisfaction revealing on his masterpiece structured face.

"There are millions of people with capability not to mention the wealth or power, and few hundred of them were fitted for these vacant four seats too but they didn't had the qualifications that we needed, like 'I will RATHER DIE' Kind of guts or 'KILL TO SURVIVE ' Kind of vibes. But in you all four we found that and we are content for that."

"Sorry to barge in the middle sir.Abigor." Arshad lifted his face from his front file to face the Monstrous Abigor like a real Lion disconnecting his fear toward the Leaders who were currently leading the world .

"No, not at all go ahead " Abigor lay back in satisfaction.

"So, you mean to lacerate the Leaders of other countries." As thug nature as Arshad seems he is truly that, though the nature is not fake but the stuff he shows to the world are definitely fake otherwise how could he get selected in this "LILLUMINATE " the one that holds the authority to rule the leaders of each countries .

"Lacerate would be defective, to tell you the truth. We are here to entirely hang them up from their sit to their long begun history until they bid farewell to this so called 'KIND WORLD' which they made." Sasha as bold as she seems to, her words were even bolder without any drop of a pity or any emotions human being could find.

"Therefore, this all 'NARCISSIST' is forgery then." ELSI unzipped her lips which was zipped for quite of time.

"Not Completely". Nycto who was shut suddenly opened his mouth expressionless. "'NARCISSIST' has long history even longer than most of the powerful king dynasty, to ease your doubts NARCISSIST is real and the promises,...benefits, which were planned will definitely be placed as always but just with the little change. "

Everyone widen their ear like rats and eyes without blinking like a Owl in night. Excluding the three I.e.ABIGOR, sasha and Mohamad.

."Along with NARCISSIST there will be purge and as the idem goes 'NO DISCRIMINATION' whether you are politicians or commoners it doesn't matter, rules will be equally applicable to all as one." Just like that Nycto plainly ends his words.

~~tee-hee~~SELENOSION giggle in low voice facing them directly and as a matter of fact everybody focused on her slipping from their discussion with pin drop silence.

" I guess everyone's question has been answered so, let's get to the work which will begin from tomorrow straight away and every details that you need are in this precious file." By saying this she land her wine on the table.

"Is Purge just the beginning? "Alfan asked with his sickened face from all these discussion which he had never expected ...I guess others didn't too.

" No, it hasn't just begin ...".Abigor titter as well tilted his head gazing his one and only SELENOSION." Actually it had long....beguned from history to history but it had been kept hidden for the mankind. Thus, it is not beginning it's just we are following our ancestors will of making this world dirtfree from dirts. "

~~chuckle ~~

"Alfan Scholz ..." SELENOSION with smiling face which can stab millions of hearts in less than a second, putting her left hand on her left cheek slightly bending..

"YES,....My lady....."Alfan instantly replied.

"You are kind, you are true and you believe in goodness or may I call it kindness as you were raised in slums but we both know the truth of this so called society which is made by none other than us so, only we hold the power to destroy or rebuild it but we are not here for building, we are here for breaking. Don't show me your goodness in the end only that ..which is inside you can scatter it. Hence, choose wisely... I'm going to grant each and everyone this chance in the form of purge which you can get only once in 7 years as 'NARCISSIST' ."

SELENOSION gave a hand signed to butler and slowly a wheelchair came near to SELENOSION inwhich she placed herself on it with the help of butler, before she turned her back she again utter few words.

"Whether to throw it or keep it's totally upto you ..." with a blank expression smirk... "but to get out from this heaven it's upto me ".

she greet her teeth with pleasure residing on her beyond perfect face.

"WECOME TO HEAVEN"..my Angels.

SELENOSION in a way to leave with her butler who was pushing the wheelchair slowly, but suddenly...

"Who are you? "JULIETTE curiously looked her for the reply whose back was shown to them ..

"Who knows?"... SELENOSION once again chuckle without turning back leaving them behind and everyone who were on their feet bowing looked Juliette.

"What?" Juliette in confuse manner...

"Listen kids, i have already told you all don't try to realize her name, you are not worthy enough to know her name yet ...but you can and you three can too as long as you all proved your worth."

~~tsk~~Abigor in annoyance head out with the file, with following step Nycto without showing any action he quietly left expressionless.

"Madam sasha, why you all are bowing towards her..is she even greater than you all?"

Elsi as her nature innocently questioned.

"•~hiss~~move from my way meeting has ended and I'm not here to reply your each questions." with burning gaze sasha leave them.

"You all might be wondering which I'll not be able to give you an answers but I'll say these for your own good, she is wonder of wonders, the more you try to reach her the more she will fade. 'As the saying goes it's better to watch than to reach' ."

with full wide smile on Mohamad face he leaves the newcomers in daze.

●Writer Note●