

what?: (random 1)

"Yes, you hear correct."(random2)

The biggest names which we only hear on internet or see in magazines, they are coming today..... here,

' AH' I feel blessed, Thank You God. (random3)

"Shut up" fix your posture ...Or else today's gonna be your last day here.(random4)

No, no...I don't want that i have worked so hard just to be here in this company. All my years of efforts will go on vain and this high salary where will I get. hiss~~~ok girls be in your position Let's show those mighty creatures our almighty capability. (random3)

Okay, "Fighting"....(random4), All in together with same enthusiasm.

Black expensive cars with above the price of New York penthouses, all arrived total in 8 in a grand monstrous way which shows the power of wealth and brain.

Of course, first arrived none other than our mighty "NYCTO WHITE" with custom made "Black cashmere suit" which the logo holds of "Leo" the leading brand around the world which only few can get hold but our NYCTO Is in different level so, it can be understandable.

2nd one was the "MOHAMAD KHATUN" in his late forties who holds the power of mining which had been leading the business market from centuries. In addition to his character bold and strong with voluminous muscles still in his age. He is what he seems, and don't afraid to speak his mind.

3rd was "ASWAD MOHAMED" just like his name he hold the power of military's around the age as same as NYCTO I.e.27. Among other things he loves to be full of himself whether you're or not, in other words 100%narcissist .Not only his strength but his scissors like mouth is also pretty much sharp with along side his high IQ .

As the saying goes devil got the looks , it truly does apply on him.

4th one was "ELSI ROSIE" the one with the history of luxury brands of clothes from ancient times . Actually she is the youngest one in this business meeting I.e.19. Along with her biggest brand her beauty that resemble such like of an archangel is also more or less out of the world. Short reddish hair which reaches upto her broad shoulder and straight body shape which was far incomparable to any supermodels with higher cheekbones and fuller lips, what's more was her fair skin which were twinkling in the daylight thanks to the help of sunlight....

5th one was "JULIETTE ABREO" leading around the world with her biggest power company I.e."JULIEO ELECTRIC".Not only her name but her ego is also big as her company with same age as "SELENOSION WILLIAM " I.e. 24. She purely resembled the "Godess Aphrodite" , Godess of the gods of beauty with hourglass shape and heart lips plus her light blonde straight hair which reaches upto her middle back. In conjunction with her unimaginable beauty her weapon was her keen mind with her cunning ability as like of fox.

6th one was "ALFAN SCHOLZ" in his early twenties making him 2nd youngest I.e.20 with the wealthy business of cars and many other big brands vehicle.Overall it was the total powerhouse of powerhouses. 'A young Adonis' with oval face and longer lashes with well cut buzz hair making him the definition of perfection. As beautiful as untouchable flowers but as evil as satan which were out limit for the people like the board sign with "ONLY TO SEE NOT TO TOUCH".

7th was "SASHA ABAKUMOV" in her early fifties consisting famous exclusive business of aircraft building and ofcourse weapons. If others beauty resemble Godess or an archangel, she bear a resemblance to "GODESS ATHENA" who holds the wisdom of reasoning and intelligence making her a unique being with unfathomable popularity among mankind's . She was bold from the beginning and still is and just like she says; "always will be till time apart her from her body."

Last but not least "ABIGOR ABEL JOHNSON" the one who owns the company in which the meeting is taking place. He is the third youngest one I.e. 22. He is the 4th leading largest and wealthiest company around the world I.e. "KALMART" and ofcourse he holds the power of government as his father and grandfather were prime minister and president still and his mother also holds the authority of government as she is running for the next president sit. so pretty wealthy....hum....

All biggest media around the world were outside the gate as the leaders of powerful houses of different countries were gather. Billions of people were desperate for the glimpse of such powerful people so the media were on next level as their livelihood depends on it. well, it does but today's case was different, actually this extravagant meeting only occurs in once in 7 years of time so, today was totally in chaos.

Everyone arrived and with their greet and meet, meeting was taking place. Dark smooth black room with totally skyish space and with a daylight, it was in another level.It clearly resemble the power and wealth and the deeds which was going to take place.

Except for the eight, others were not included whether it was bodyguards or secretaries or personal assistance, none were welcomed.

High technology camera to floor to even chair were all made in latest technology with the safest security method by making sure the information within doesn't get leaked out.

10:30AM in the morning . Everything went silent inside and outside of the meeting cabinet, with pin drop silence even the breath were getting louder.

"Let's start" breaking the silence....Abigor Abel thrown the black file to each and everyone which looked top secret by just taking the one glimpse. It was covered in red satin blanket with black cover which was surely made of bone, by just looking they can guessed it.

No way don't tell me this is made with what I think of?...Elsi Rosie wide open her mouth in shock, both hands on her flushed cheek.

what? isn't it just bone with some high expensive black paint. Aswad Mohamed tilted his head while touching it.

Yes, you are correct it is what you think so, just open it.and try to shut your mouth unless you want to get kicked out from this business world. Abigor glare them with domineering aura as the declaration of "SHUT THE F***" your mouth.

Both remained silent for a second but Elsi once again break the silence by saying;"but how to?"

Because of her curious manner she can't hold to shut so...

Put your middle finger ring on it along with your middle finger. sasha who resemble the "Godess Athena" from her looks to way she sound it was so majestic to let people themselves surrender under her embrace.

No way ...Alfan touching his head in ..aww...with latest buzz cut on his head, shocked alongside with respect.

"Yes way!" There is nothing SELENOSION can't do Nycto in his soft dreamy voice opened the file staring only in it .

Elsi and Alfan were captivated by the beauty as they have never seen such perfect as him in their whole life from his posture of physicality to appearance not to mention his bewitching voice. Truly a "Goddess of Beauty" if there was for a male.

Who is SELENOSION anyway? Literally, I'm impressed. Juliette nodded her head in embracing the truth what Nycto told.

No, don't there will gonna be more...Sasha crossed her leg and focus on T.V which was right in front of them. Without moving her head from that rigid position she told them; "I can understand your urge to know that name but I will make yourself clear know your place".

ohhh! okay, but when will that person arrived?

We are already here yet we 4 are new but we all know the importance of this meeting and as far as I know there should be 9 members but,.... Alfan curiously lifted his head directing towards Sasha.

"Right now." with a small devilish smirk on Mohamad Khatun face who was silently observing the conversation until now suddenly opened his sealed lips. Everyone surprisingly followed his head direction with silence except for the Nycto, Abigor and Sasha who were already fixed on T.V. ahead of them, Nycto whose gaze was mysteriously fixed on T.V. as he was waiting for someone.

Suddenly that big T.V.almost as the size of hall opened and in a second there was the girl who was sitting in her maroon wolf like couch with glass of wine on her left hand and in front of her, there lay a same file as theirs and behind her there was butler standing like a statue who seemed to be in his mid sixties with well build body and smile on his face. Slowly the dark room turned into light white which wholly reveal the beauty hiding underneath the dark.

Everyone jaw dropped in less than second as soon as they meet their eyes on T.V. excluding Nycto, Abigor, Sasha, and Mohamad. Because....their eyes were already fixed on her!

"What The...?" Aswad broadly shout out in disbelief.

"who is she?" Juliette in her high pitch voice, widely open her big grayish eyes .

She must be the god of devils....Alfan vigorously stand in his feet panting nonstop...

"Holy Shit" .... Elsi closed her mouth with her hands breathing heavily .