
Ethan In The Omniverse

Ethan gets a lot of positive karma for inventing the cure for cancer. He gets OP wishes and is transported to Marvel. From there he travels around with his Girlfriend's in the. Omniverse.

SkullCrusherAsh · Filem
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25 Chs

Being Reborn as Neville Longbottom

Ethan replaced and sent Neville's soul into reincarnation. He was by no means a hero. He just did whatever made him engaged.

Ethan was now coming out of a dark cave filled with water towards the light. He could have just transported here but he chose this way.

Ethan came out of it. It was very bright but Ethan didn't feel anything. He just made a crying sound to seem normal.

His mother alice was looking at him with love. He also looked at her. He also liked her. His father and the nurse was close by. He was also smiling ear to ear.

His grandmother was also there.

" Why you look at that. He is a healthy boy" said his grandmother.

"What's his name Frank " Asked his nan.

His mother was first to reply " I think let's call him Ethan Longbottom. "

Everyone liked that name and that's what they decided on. Ethan also liked this. His mother, I think with her magical intuition thought he was Ethan. He never really had any parents in his previous world ether. Maybe one the reasons he chose this form to be born.

He still had all his power. He had seen what the actor playing Neville grew up to be. He was handsome. So Ethan also didn't change his face.He just wouldn't have any extra fat and would just be fully fit.

Ethan used his Omniscience to study and learn Every type of magic in evry universe. So his system gave him a title

[Omni level Magic God]. This includes the past, present and future. He also made an exact replica of The Elder wand and made it so only he could use it. Everyone else just thinks it as an ordinary wand when they see it. When he will go to Olliwander to get his first wand he will just make him think he gave it. It became an invisible tatoo on his arm.

Voldemorts purification of muggle born withes and wizards and also those who support them were now in full swing. Some time this year he will go to Godricks Hollow and kill Harrys parents. And Bellatrix Lestrange and some other death eaters would come to his house and torture his parents into vegetables.

Now Ethan didn't want to tamper with the canon very much but he would just use a Fedullius charm on his hoise and make them think there is no house.

Harry and Ethan were almost born the same time. So the profecy is not clear who will kill Voldemort so that's why they will try to come here.

-------------Time Skip 1 Year-----------

Ethan had already activated [Gamers Mind] so thatcno one can get inside his mind. Not that they could but just in case.

He also gave one to his father, mother and nan.

They also had [Ethan locator] in case of danger, they would teleport to him. They also had

[ Deadpool + logan regeneration.]

But they will grow old normally without illnesses. They also had [ Soul protection and Regeneration ] and [ Shielding], [DNA Lock], [Perfect Super Soldier Serum].

Ethan had all his powers and didn't need it but still added them. [ Danger Disintegration] where if an enemy when he isn't aware trys to kill him. They will instantly be erased with there attack.He also has all the powers he gave others plus the [Perfect super soldier Serum] that grows with him.

Ethan had already been a perfect baby. He had no extra fat and he almost looked three years old.

Today was his and Harry's birthday and they will come today. He had already shielded his and nans house. So they won't be able to get in.

" Dammit!!!!! Where are those blood traitors. They should be Tourcherd and killed.

Screamed Bellatrix.

" Clam down Bellatrix, I don't think this is the boy anyway. But they must have used the Fedelliois charm"

Explained an angry yet clam Lucius Malfoy,

" Fine let's go Lucius."

Ethan didn't want to kill them because he wanted nothing to change except his parents in this world don't become vegitables. Now for this to not affect anyone after this i have to make them not participate in active politics and other things and just focus on their Herd garden and business only.

Ethan was using Omni vision to see in real time what was happening.

Harry just like in the canon got saved by his mother using an ancient protection spell of self sacrifice.

Now he was seeing Severus crying over her now dead body. He really felt bad but didn't change it. If he did this world would still have Voldemort. He could have Erased him and his soul from existing, but he didn't. The magical community needs to face predicaments. Otherwise now or in near future they will try to take over the world.

Ethan was now seeing Sirius Black being chasing Peter Pettigrew. Just like in canon he escaped by sacrificing his finger for an all powerful

'Bombarda Maxima ' spell. It blew up the street. But was about to kill the people but Ethan stopped them.

----------One week later----------

All the death eaters got caught barring the wealthy ones like Lucius Malfoy. Barty Crouch Jr also got ratted out by Igor Karkaroff. And Snape got pardoned because of Dumbledore himself vouching for himself.

Dumbledore , McGonagall and Hagrid got harry into his aunt's house .They all were very sad to leave him here. Even Dumbledore. Even though he really manipulates people he was a good person. He and Professor X have very similar personalities. All for the greater good. They will do anything.

Now Ethan seeing them leave with his vision changed into an adult Neville like version and transported to the door. Even though the blood wards were there it was ineffective to him.

Now Ethan Looked at him. Eventhough he was like a cute little baby. Ethan saw harry had enormous talents. But he didn't have any means to do anything. The blood wards were taking a toll on his magic. So Ethan just Erased his blood wards. He Then gave a similar effect that like shield around him that automatically protects him. But this doesn't way down his magic.

Ethan then proceeded to destroy the soul that stuck inside Harry. It was bonded on a very deep level. But he erased it's conscience and integrated all the knowledge magic and Parsel tounge and magic into Harry. He now has complete access to Voldemorts Magic and didn't have any side effects.

He then used [ Supreme Heal ] and healed all his wounds and even regenerated his affected soul.

The scar is now gone and he made everyone think it erased with time.

He also gave him [ Deadpool +Logan Regeneration]

Without immortality and also gave him [Shielding]

And [ Soul protection & Regeneration] .He also gave him [ DNA Lock].

And Finally He have him [ all martial arts mastry, Weapons mastry] and also [perfect super soldier serum] that will grow with him.and reach perfection at 15 years. He also gave him [Gamers Mind and Body] . So he can exercise and practice magic with no limits. He also gave him a mind Palace to integrate and slowly learn all the knowledge from Voldemort when he will be 5 years old. He now will not be affected by the three unforgivable spells.

He has a perfect brain so rest is up to him. What height he wants to reach. He also gave him all the basic etiquettes of a noble family and the do's and don'ts of Magical world. And all the basic knowledge in it.

He also gave him a personal library inside his mind that has acces to all the past present and future magic to be invented inside it. He will have access to it when he is five. And he also increased Harry talents to the top of the world making him an equal to the founders and Merlin level talent in magic.

He then went inside the Dursleys house and then made them love Harrys family. He changed their minds and made them love magic. And also made them love Harry the same us their own son.

Now harry would grow up knowing exactly who he is. Ethan then went to OliveWanders and then took the twin Phenix Feather wand and made it exactly the same as Elder wand but retaing the shape.

He also made it only bond with Harry and made it into a invisible Tatoo in his arms. He then gave him the Wanda knowledge at 5. He made him have

Infinite mana or magic so he never gets tired.

Now that Harry won't be mistreated he just checked if there are any house elves bonded to Harry's house. There was one Named blinky in their ancestral Peveral home. So he took her and bonded her with Harry and made her take care of him and their old house. Ethan also made a change that all of Harry's financial were handled by Blinky. And he gave her all the relevant knowledge of all their business and homes.

Ethan also repaired the Godricks Hollow one to its former glory. And also gave blinky [ Perfect Management] skill to look after all of Harry's assets. He made sure Dumbledore was not harrys legal guardian . He also took the Invisible cloak and made an inventy for Harry and kept it there. It was limited only 20 slots . And made harry have the knowledge at five and how to use it.

The Goblins now could not take any money or assets or anything from Harry. And the Dursleys will love him. But not to affect anyone he made harry have the same values as the original one when he grows up.

He rang the bell and went away. The lights were now on and Ethan went back home.

He first changed back and went inside the crib.

Ethan also had a house elf named Tommy.

Ethan also made sure Sirius is well fed and not have anything affect him in azkaban and regularly keep him updated with newspaper and books and stuff. He also has his wand with him. If he wants he can escape any time. But he chose not to go out because of guilt that he suggested Peter Pettigrew to be the secret keeper. So he chose self imprisonment until he finds out Peter is alive .in Harry potter third part.

And just like that nothing notable happened

And 10 years passed.

------Time Skip 10 years Later-------

Ethan now was holding a letter from an owl that read

Dear Mr . Ethan Longbottom

You have been accepted at Hogwarts School of witch craft and wizardry. You have been asked to join the School on August 1.

Attached below are the curriculum and the items that are needed in the course .

If yes sent a reply at the earliest conforming your acceptance.

PS: First Year students are not allowed to bring their own broom. Parents please note the same.

Yours sincerely

Minevra McGonagall

Vice principal and

Head of Grifindor


Albus Percival Wulfric Brian


Ethan was very happy . It was always his dream to do get this letter. So he waved his hand and framed it and kept it in the inventory.

He also just created all of the finest silk uniforms and everything needed for his school life. He also made everyone think they went shopping and got the stuff.

He had packed his books, crucible and wand was already there and all the other stuff. His trunk was similar to Newt Scamander. It had all the types of dragons , waters beats and all the magical animals that he liked inside it

It also had many phenix that bonded with him and thunder birds and all type of magical animals. They are automatically cared for and they have all the food and fun they need. This was just like a mini world inside.

He made sure that only he can open it and only. He can see it. If someone sees him open it .it's just a regular trunk for them. He then put it in his inventory. His inventory has no restrictions and can keep living animals.

He had earlier when Harry was five Gave a phenix to Harry and that phenix now named Hedwig had bonded with him and his decentents.

It was very similar to Dumbledores. He made them all think Harry was special.Ethan looked into Harry life from time to time and saw that he was living very well. He didn't face any problem and the Dursleys cared for him like there son. And he has no problems. Harry was also not arrogant and just like humble and caring person from the cannon. But he was intelligent in the ways of the wizard World. And he was practising magic regularly.

And also exersiseing. He didn't have a malnourished body and didn't need galsses.

Now Because he has a phenix he didn't buy The real Hedwig the Magical pet store. So Ethan bought it and named her Pearly. Ethan also gave her the pet deal that he gave to his dog. Now she was very stong and powerful. But this was for self protection. She would remain in his trunk world. Not affect the real one.

Ethan really liked her and bonded with her. She was what Ethan will publicly display.

Now Ethan had everything done and he had already replied to Hogwarts with the school Owl whom he fed.

Now nothing happened. After a few weeks Ethan with his parents Frank and Alice went into

Platform 9 and 3/4 . From the regular platform.

He just chose a seat and sat down.

"Ethan Honey , Don't forget to write Every week"

His mother was reminding him. His father was also smiling a little and waving at him.

He had already seen the iconic. Hogwarts express and sat down .

"Don't worry mother, i wont "

Ethan said. Now he had grown to love his family. Even his nan who also spoiled him with whatever he wants. He also had a perfect toned body due to having no fat and perfect super soldier body. He wasn't at all Chubby like in the canon.

Just before the train started a well built Harry came inside his carrage after knocking and then asked Ethan permission to sit.

" Excuse me , Could. I sir here please the other carrages are all full."

Now in this time harry didn't have any scar, was not at all malnourished . Instead he had a toned body. And he also had very good muggle dress. It was not at all baggy.

Ethan had already saw the Derslys crying sending harry off . They loved him and didn't hate magic

.Ethan checked Harrys mind. He didn't bully anyone and he was very powerful wizard now. He could do all the magic voldemort could and also had all the knowledge inside his library learned.

Harry was also updated on the daily working of the wizard World and he also knew how his parents died.

So he never slacked off and learned everything with the help of his library. He also was very good at muggle studies and he learned all the subjects like maths, science till the PhD level.

Because of his mastry of martial and mind arts he would partice regularly in his backyard and he would constantly vimprive himself.

He had already bonded with his wand and phenix.

He thought it was an ancestral wand that bonded with him. Blinky had all his affairs in order and he knew everything with all the business he owns.

He also had complete control over all his property.

He also claimed the Heir ring and he had it with blinky.He was now technicall Lord of the ancient and most noble hous of potter.

Ethan had already made a perfect replica of Slytherin Locket , Gryffindor sword and Rawencrow crown, and Huffelpuff cup using his Omniscience and kept it in his inventory.

He also had the Invisible clock and resserection stone and also the gaunt ring too . And last thing Ethan collected was the Philosopher's Stone.

He then put it all inside.only the perfect replica that he created not the originals with Voldemorts soul inside it.

Now Ethan saw Harry and Smiled. He was always his fan. And he liked him very much. So he gave him all this power .

"Please keep it inside. ,My name is Ethan Longbottom. Nice to meet you"

" Oh hi , thank you . My name is Harry. Nice to meet you too. I heard that our parents were good friends before the war"

"Yes my parents they told me. It's a. Pleasure to meet you too."

Ethan and harry shook hands. Now harry was really surprised. He was never really arrogant but whenever people saw him they call him their saviour and then flipp out. Even when he came to buy all the stuff for school with his uncle ,aunt and Hagrid. But now he calls them mom and dad. They love him the most in the world.

Even a little more that their own son because he had lost his parents. He also loved them very much. He had all his work related to the magical world done by Blinky so he never really knew how much they worshipped him . Until now that is.

Now normal people liked to kiss up to him . He didn't feel that way with Ethan. Just felt like a normal person. And he liked that very much.

He saw that Ethan was reading a muggle book.

Not even a magical one. Now harry knew that he had many gifts like knowing all the magic and he could now even do it without a wand. So he didn't need to study. But when he saw Ethan also didn't care that much and was reading a fiction Love And War . Wow.

Then they both talked about how they were living. Ethan talked about his life. And they quickly became friends. Harry didn't really make many friends in the muggle world because he was always busy learning and Ethan didn't really care.

Now Ron was trying to come in to see the saviour but Ethan just made him change his mind .

He didn't like Ron and his selfish and Jealous personality. So Ethan just made him think of having only a normal acquaintance relationship with Harry in the future and nothing else.

As they were talking they heard a sudden knock..

He knew who this was . This was someone he came to this word for.