

Truly, in heart I hope there’s a day when man questions whether they are the animals. With the senseless wars they wage over power, can they truly be deemed as ‘man?’ Yes, we too have questioned ourselves, to the very sense down to veins, we are animals, we kill to eat, we pillage to cause suffering, and we do all those things just so we can have our own happiness. So I ask you, are you the animal? Or are we? Cover art was found on Pinterest, with the combined images of users Cameliz and Trashy_Senpai

LogicalIy · Fantasi
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5 Chs


How much does a vampire suffer when faced with the same eternal death as man? It'd most likely be the same, no matter how long they've lived, to die so suddenly, with no one they love around them, with nothing to comfort them as they left the world. It's a sad fate.

[Matthew: "Hush now, it'll be over soon. It'll be fine."]

Her own killer, having to comfort her, when there was no one else around, as mortifying as that may have been, I hope you have found peace.

Sherlock was in a questionable state, as while he was deprived of blood, it was not that he would die, the vampire must've not had enough time to drain the best amount.

[Matthew: "Sherlock, I'm going to go somewhere else for now, I'll call the officers over to bring you to a safe location."]

I exited the mansion, taking the body of the vampire with me, intruding a horse drawn carriage.

[Driver: "Ah—! What—what is that?!"]

I pointed the revolver at his head.

[Matthew: "Drive."]

[Driver: "W—Where?"]

[Matthew: "...Whitechapel."]

The scene of the mansion felt so broken, the beautiful building had been stripped of its beauty, a murder was committed there, by none other than me, perhaps it was self defense. But when she was incapacitated, I still brought my own fingers to pull the trigger, and I felt nothing. I only pondered at what could've been. In my mind, it had all been necessary.

Whitechapel wasn't like the other districts, it was place that had many narrow alleyways. In a sense, it's perfect. I know of a place, a place that produces coal, and if you have enough money, they'll let you burn anyone, alive or dead.

[Matthew: "Here's the money for ride."]

[Driver: "Thank you."]

The Driver tipped his hat, and rode off. I made my way down one of those narrow alleyways, arriving at an old burned down factory. I knocked on the door.

A set of eyes peeked out from the gaps, eyeing me, upon seeing the dead body, he opened the door.

[???: "Hundred pounds."]

[Matthew: "Done."]

I slid him the plump paycheck of a hundred pounds, and in acknowledgment, he took the body, and opened the door, tossing the girl into the fire.

[???: "Hope to do business with you again soon, Matthew."]

[Matthew: "Yes...I believe we will."]

I breathed in the first taste of snow, the two days given to me by Victor had passed long ago, yet eternal night hasn't settled.

If I kill Victor, will this all be over?


Splendid. This is what I wanted. That tingling sensation, oh what a wonderful sight! A little boy being corrupted by the writhing worms of tyranny!

I let out a silent laugh, the boy who had only two days had managed to extend it to months. The last victim, the eight had been a fail safe. She was supposed to attack in two days, but then she'd be found out immediately, wouldn't she?

Then, my sweet little pieces of ecstasy, wouldn't have had to sully their hands, and become these pieces of art. Beautiful, so beautiful. They have attained...beauty!

I felt my own hands shiver at the sight. To turn these pieces of art into a perfection of pandemonium! It will be my life's greatest work. It will be something to be respected! To be adored...! Yes, it shall be so wonderful!

Only a chuckle was heard on Whitechapel, as the first pieces snow started fall, blood began to freeze over.


[Sherlock: "Hand me the knife Sydney."]

[Sydney: "You still can't do it by yourself."]

[Sherlock: "It's just fruit, Sydney."]

Just because I've been incapacitated, with a minor inconvenience of being lightheaded, doesn't mean I can't peel an apple on my own.

[Sherlock: "I'm a grown man, give me the knife."]

[Sydney: "You're not much older than me you seventeen year old idiot."]

Sydney seemed tired of arguing with me, and just silently peeled the apple. The door opened for god knows how times today, and in stepped my brother.

[Matthew: "I'm glad to see you're doing well Sherlock."]

[Sherlock: "You've got many cuts on your face, sure you don't want to get that checked out?"]

I could tell he switched to a new set of clothing, the smell of soap was...vibrant.

[Matthew: "I'm fine."]

[Sherlock: "So how does it feel? Arresting a criminal for the first time."]

He hesitated before answering.

[Matthew: "She...had to be shot Sherlock."]

So that's what it was.

[Sherlock: "Well, with everything that's going on, it's to be expected."]

[Matthew: "What do you mean?"]

[Sherlock: "Isn't it obvious? It means we've both killed someone before now."]

[Matthew: "is this normal?"]

[Sherlock: "Sadly, yes. I would take them in if I could, but some things have to handled differently. So you did nothing wrong."]

[Matthew: "Oh...I see. I'll go and see how Mother is doing."]

[Sherlock: "It's a bit late, so be careful. Give mother my regards."]

[Matthew: "I will."]

I ate the last bits of the apple, down to the bitter core, and threw it back in the platter. Going to sleep in frustration, it's a feeling I haven't had in a long time.


Turning the key was like turning a hand on the Big Ben, it had rung perfectly in sync with the key unlocking the door. It was late, not so late as to have Mother sleeping, so I brewed green tea, her favorite.

[Matthew: "Mother?"]

[Mother: "Matthew, what kept you from coming home? Was it that lousy teacher again? I told them they should've fired him."]

[Matthew: "No, it's nothing of the sort, I was just having a drink with Sherlock."]

[Mother: "Where is Sherlock?"]

[Matthew: "He got into a bar fight, and he's at the hospital now."]

[Mother: "again? I told him not to be so reckless."]

Mother, I don't want to you to be so worried about us, you need to recover.

[Matthew: "I brewed some tea, green, your favorite."]

[Mother: "is something bothering you?"]

I saw concern on her face, I had forgotten to control my facial expression. One look in the mirror my mother kept at her bedside showed that my face was contorted, showing sadness, instead of the smile I wanted to show mother.

[Matthew: "I'm sorry Mother, just please don't worry anymore."]

[Mother: "You're both my sons, I worry about you all the time, if I had it my way, you would've never left the house."]

[Matthew: "I...Mother, I did something horrible today..."]

[Mother: "Come here, tell me about it."]

[Matthew: "I was helping Sherlock, with his case. I thought I could catch him."]

[Mother: "it's alright if he got away, you're safe, that's what matters."]

[Matthew: "No...Mother."]

I felt tears come down from my eyes, grazing my cheeks, I could taste the salty flavor.

[Matthew: "Even though I caught him, I don't know why, but when he knocked out Sherlock...I thought I had to...I—!"]

[Mother: "It's alright."]

[Matthew: "I shot him...I shot him, I thought it was the right thing to do! I wanted to save the people of London, by bringing justice to the criminals! Not kill them! I'm not better than the murders are! I threw away my very code, the thing that held my dream together! The thing that even gave it purpose! But...it's useless now."]

[Mother: "Did you have a choice?"]

[Matthew: "I did..."]

[Mother: "Then you must've done it for a reason."]

[Matthew: "he was already incapacitated, Mother, I killed him, I chose to."]

[Mother: "He did horrible things didn't he? Drove you to the brink, pushed you do something so horrible."]


[Mother: "It's not your fault, you had to do it."]

That's right, it's Victor's fault.

[Mother: "But it's alright, Mother still loves you."]

Yes, mother still loves me, so it's alright.

[Mother: "Just hold still."]

[Matthew: "Mother?"]

I looked up at my Mother, and pushed her away.

[Mother: "Are you alright, Matthew?"]

Those features...two fangs, and blood red eyes.

[Matthew: "Mother...no...!"]
