

Penulis: LogicalIy
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What is Eternally

Baca novel Eternally yang ditulis oleh penulis LogicalIy yang diterbitkan di WebNovel. Truly, in heart I hope there’s a day when man questions whether they are the animals. With the senseless wars they wage over power, can they truly be deemed as ‘man?’ Yes, we too have questioned ourse...


Truly, in heart I hope there’s a day when man questions whether they are the animals. With the senseless wars they wage over power, can they truly be deemed as ‘man?’ Yes, we too have questioned ourselves, to the very sense down to veins, we are animals, we kill to eat, we pillage to cause suffering, and we do all those things just so we can have our own happiness. So I ask you, are you the animal? Or are we? Cover art was found on Pinterest, with the combined images of users Cameliz and Trashy_Senpai

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"I love you baby, I will never do that please believe me" he said in front of me. I looked at him — the person I love — I was hurt because he was kneeling in front of me but not to ask me to marry him but to apologize for the sin he had committed against my brother. I wanted to stand him up but I couldn't do it because the pain of what he did made me see with my own two eyes how he killed my brother right in front of me. He kept crying and apologizing in front of me "Please baby ... Im begging ..." I cried even more because of her begging. I love him but what he did to my brother? Fuck him! I will never forgive him! Never! "Stand up Klein" I told him after I slapped him. He first looked up at me before he slowly stood up I could see the pain in his eyes but I strengthened myself so as not to be affected by the pain he was showing because it was more painful to lose a brother. I look at him, his staring at me full of pain, love and longing. I maintain my expressionless "B-baby ... p-please i-im begging d-dont leave m-me" he said while his tears are falling down to his cheeks. I laughed bitterly and I saw the pain that went through his eyes when I laughed. "What Klein? Are you dumb?! ... For all what you did to my brother .. Y-your still thinking that i wont leave you ?!" I shouted at him and my tears almost dripped again because I remembered my older brother again. "Of course Klein I.WILL.LEAVE.YOU.! Tangina who is the person who will not leave the person they love even if they have done something wrong? And worst when his loved one is still dead!" I looked at him badly. "B-baby ... I-i d-dont mean t-to do it" he said still crying and what? He didn't mean it? That's bullshit! "That's bullshit Klein! If you didn't mean it then why did you pull your trigger ?! Why did you kill my Beloved Brother ?! Huh ?! Why ?!" I shout at him he's really stupid "P-Please ... I LOVE YOU A-AMBER" he beg .. I glare at him as disbelief he still wants to call me by my name? How dare him! I smiled "Your unbelievable Klein, do you still have the strength to call me by my name ?!" i smirking said but the anger is at my eyes "Im sorry .." he said again but now there's no tears flowing from his eyes maybe his tears are gone "You must!" I shout and punch him hard i dont know how to punch but my instinc just say i must punch him "GET OUT OF MY SIGHT KLEIN! I DON'T WANT TO SEE YOUR FUCKING FACE ANYMORE! BUT IF OUR PATHS WILL CROSS AGAIN?" I smiled. "I'LL SURELY KILL YOU!" if I continue what I am saying and turn around and walk away "I'M LOUISSE AMBER SCHENDEL WILL NOW FORGET KLEIN SANTIAGO AND WILL GET A REVENGE FOR MY BELOVED BROTHER  ARIES NATHANIEL SCHENDEL,I WILL SURELY KILL YOU KLEIN ONCE WE MET AGAIN."

Jasminnniiieeee_21 · Seni bela diri
Peringkat tidak cukup
1 Chs

The Blackrose Empress

Kriss Blackrose, the Dark Empress and the last member from the Taboo family of black rose, decided to end her life on her last battle against the coalition from the empire and kingdom across the continent. In the moment of death, she found herself summoned to the dark space by the goddess who reincarnated her and change her gender to female!!! "So, how does your life have been?" "THE F**K WITH THAT LIFE!!!" Kriss shouted with all her might at the Goddess question. "You promise me an easy life without problems, great strength, and a powerful family to live. but instead, you give me a corrupted family who hated across the world and that shitty mission with their f**k up condition." she points her finger to the goddess with a trace of rage and Disgust appeared on her face. "But you enjoy that kind of life too, didn't you? You enjoyed the feel of corrupting innocent girls and break their mind until they pledge their loyalty to you and transform them to your liking, Right?" Kriss struck Frozen when she heard the goddess word. she looks up to the goddess who sits on her dark throne with her head leaned on her hand. "I know the real you brat. I know your desire, your weird-ass fetish for corruption, and how you view those heroes. don't you try to refute it and act like a hypocrite, you know better about yourself and why I choose you to do that Missions." The goddess suddenly vanishes from her throne just to appear in front of Kriss's face. she looks down and stared at Kriss. She lifted up her Chin to match up to her eyes with Kriss. "So, what are you gonna do? those thousand years of living as dark Empress has ended and now you are on the Verge of dea..." "Can I have a wish?" Kriss interrupted her before she was able to finish her words. the goddess gave her a stare with an annoyed look on her eyes for she disturb her when she was still talking. "What wish do you have?" "I want my compensation for my life that was ruined by you. while I can't refute what you said earlier, it doesn't mean that I'm an evil person. I kill those who stop and blocked me from my goal and repay those who are kind to me. and I'm not corrupting those women, they're the one who was willing to be corrupted by me and live as my servants and slaves." The goddess raised her eyebrows slightly, interested by what Kriss has just said. "So what wish do you have kriss?" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Kriss starts her journey in the world that totally different from her previous one, with a totally different power system, culture, and even she herself we're in a different world. Different World, Different girls to corru-- eh to Conquer. can she manage to survive in this world with The Twist of fate Played with her and Girls surrounding her. This is my first time writing a novel, while my English somehow limited but I still try my best for bringing enjoyment and perfect reading experience for me and for those who read this story. So, if you have any criticism and idea for my inspiration, I gladly accept those as a help for my improvement.dont hesitate to mock me and review to your heart content. *Later tag Will be added Along with how story' progress.'* A/N:" Please expect futa Tag later on the story. There Will be a good reason why and what Made her like that. but, it still long enough before that happen."

Steelrod_Immortal · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
5 Chs


Charel Cesario Ramosa, menganggap bahwa sebuah pernikahan tidak penting. Baginya untuk apa membuang waktu bersama orang yang hanya membutuhkan pengertian atas ketidaksempurnaan. Charel selalu berpikir bahwa tidak ada gadis sempurna yang bisa bersanding dengannya. Dirinya bahkan sudah muak melihat gadis-gadis anak konglomerat yang selalu berusaha mendekatinya, Charel mengibaratkan para gadis itu seperti vas bunga kosong, terlihat mewah namun tak ada isinya. Memangnya apa yang para gadis itu bisa lakukan selain memakai pakaian seksi dan bersikap manja? Sungguh merepotkan!!! Dan ya, satu lagi, Charel tidak percaya bahwa cinta bisa mengubah pandangannya. Namun keputusan kakeknya yang terlihat depresi setelah neneknya meninggal beberapa bulan yang lalu membut Charel harus berurusan dengan makhluk yang paling dihindarinya, yaitu wanita. "Kakek akan menyerahkan seluruh harta kekayaan keluarga Ramosa padamu, tapi kau hanya memiliki dua pilihan. Menikah dengan Casandra atau menikah dengan wanita pilihanmu, tapi untuk opsi kedua kakek hanya menberikan waktu dua minggu. Jika lewat dari itu maka bersiaplah untuk menghabiskan sisa hidupmu dengan Casandra." Casandra adalah wanita yang paling Charel hindari di dunia ini, wajah cantik dan tubuh seksinya justru membuat Charel muak. Dan jangan lupakan, Casandra memiliki otak bodoh di atas rata-rata wanita bodoh. Dia hanya sangat beruntung menjadi putri dari keluarga kaya yang hartanya tidak akan habis tujuh turunan, delapan tanjakan, dan sembilan tikungan. Tapi untuk memilih opsi kedua, Charel rasanya tidak bisa menemukan wanita yang akan membuatnya jatuh cinta secepat itu. Tapi, cinta bukan menjadi syarat utama terjadinya sebuah pernikahan bukan? Carla Moria, gadis dengan mimpi besar yang selalu percaya bahwa suatu saat dirinya akan menjadi penari balet terkenal. Balet adalah seluruh hidupnya. Namun ternyata mimpi besarnya tidak di dukung oleh kondisi keuangan yang membuatnya sempat mundur dari angan-angannya. Dia hanyalah seorang gadis yang dibesarkan oleh tantenya yang sudah dia anggap seperti ibunya sendiri, sedangkan omnya hanyalah pensiunan TNI. Setelah lulus SMA Carla nekat pindah dari Bandung ke Jakarta dan mendaftar di Namarina Ballet School, sekolah balet terkenal dan tentu saja mahal. Mempertaruhkan uang asuransi peninggalan ayah dan ibunya yang meninggal dalam kecelakaan pesawat waktu dirinya duduk di bangku SMP. Carla berpikir hidup semudah itu, sekolah balet sangat menyenangkan. Sampai akhirnya uangnya semakin menipis dan dia masih memiliki malu untuk meminta sokongan dana dari om dan tante. Namun kemudian Andra muncul, menawarkan solusi yang mungkin akan mempermudah hidupnya. "Aku ingin menawarkan pekerjaan padamu, hanya saja ini mungkin terdengar aneh," ucap Andra setelah muncul secara tiba-tiba di depan sekolah balet Carla. "Aneh? Tapi sepertinya itu menarik." "Kau yakin ingin mendengarnya?" Carla mengangguk yakin. "Pekerjaan ini memiliki gaji yang tinggi, kau bisa mendapatkan ratusan juta dalam sebulan." Carla membetulkan posisi duduknya, terlihat sangat tertarik. "Tuanku membutuhkan seorang istri, dia harus menikah sebagai syarat untuk bisa mendapatkan seluruh kekayaan dari kakeknya. Dan aku pikir kau cocok untuk pekerjaan ini." Carla mendengus, sejak kapan menjadi istri dijadikan sebuah pekerjaan. Namun, ternyata otaknya bekerja lebih cepat dari itu. Jika dengan bekerja menjadi istri maka itu bisa memenuhi impiannya untuk melanjutkan pendidikan baletnya di perancis, maka itu adalah harga yang pantas.

pcyeoja61 · Sejarah
Peringkat tidak cukup
2 Chs


  • Rata-rata Keseluruhan
  • Kualitas penulisan
  • Memperbarui stabilitas
  • Pengembangan Cerita
  • Desain Karakter
  • latar belakang dunia

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