

Truly, in heart I hope there’s a day when man questions whether they are the animals. With the senseless wars they wage over power, can they truly be deemed as ‘man?’ Yes, we too have questioned ourselves, to the very sense down to veins, we are animals, we kill to eat, we pillage to cause suffering, and we do all those things just so we can have our own happiness. So I ask you, are you the animal? Or are we? Cover art was found on Pinterest, with the combined images of users Cameliz and Trashy_Senpai

LogicalIy · Fantasi
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5 Chs

Dreams of Children are made to be shattered.

[Sherlock: "Does it truly matter what they say?"]

[Matthew: "It does, Sherlock."]

[Sherlock: "Why, Matthew? Can't we just be brothers?"]

[Matthew: "Not until I finish my work here."]

[Sherlock: "Then I'll help you, I'll make your dream come true. We'll deprive London of its criminals, we'll make it peaceful again."]

[Matthew: "...I don't need you."]


I can feel my heart, trying to break free of its cage, nearly bursting through my chest, as my breathing became rugged. Victor jerked his head one way, and placed his finger on his chin.

[Victor: "Well, you can't resist it completely, I suppose."]

Vampires, they exist, not in the way folklore had made them out to be, not the pale hunters of night, soaked in blood, but blending in with us completely, even possessing a power to make feeding easier.

[Victor: "Our Lord, is a gracious man, he supplies us not with fresh blood, but a different sort of meal. It brings me joy to see him cast upon us a so called tyranny! It makes me shiver with ecstasy."]

[Matthew: "You...you're just as bad as your bro...ther."]

[Victor: "What would you mean by that? The Delgare family showing our devout, everlasting, and fanatic love towards his majesty? Surely you jest."]

This is mad, I can't breathe, the man is insane for this 'Lord.' What could've possibly drove him to this extent of fanaticism? Or this is just pleasurable to him? The Lord's oppressive attitude is the part that makes him so...unstable.

[Matthew: "If you have what you want, then...why—"]

I—I can't hold my breath any longer.

[Victor: "Oh dear, what were you going to say?"]

Victor once again snapped his fingers, and the world returned to what it once was. I had moved an inch from my original position, I wasn't even choking on the ground, everything was perfectly stable, and no one payed us any mind, continuing with their day as if nothing ever happened.

[Matthew: "What did you do? How is this possible?"]

[Victor: "You aren't daft by any means, you just haven't witnessed any of our abilities yet. Merely an innocent, oblivious child, as is the rest of London."]

[Matthew: "You won't harm us?"]

[Victor: "...no, not yet, we won't be able to until the seven bloodstones of the former king are sealed into place."]

[Matthew: "Why are you telling me this?"]

[Victor: "To make up for that one question, this information won't do you any good, you need not know the location or the means to rip it from our clutches."]

I don't know anything. I'm a child. Innocent, and ignorant. Oblivious to everything, to the true terror that lays within London, it was never the criminals or the masterminds. It was just them, the ones we could never find, all the unsolved murders, all the disgusting pieces of human flesh being hung on the streets. Them, all them.

[Victor: "I see something I haven't seen before, recognition. Recognition that you truly were clueless, I like that. But where will you go next? Your home? To hide from this unavoidable mess? Or find us and change it? The clock is ticking, you have two days to find us before eternal night comes to fruition."]

[Matthew: "Then...?"]

[Victor: "You will live for now, because I adore what I see in your family. Tyranny. I want more of it, and whenever I can get something I want, I will be true to myself, and take it."]

Victor stepped into alleyways and seemingly integrated into the shadows. I had been standing this whole time, but when Victor left, I felt my knees give away, dropping my entire body into the pavement, it felt like the whole world come down in top of me, and the truth hurt more than the pavement ever would.

I can't do anything to stop this can I?

But...I'll be damned if I don't try.


[Sherlock: "Any news on the man who was murdered on the bridge upon the river?"]

[Sydney: "The one just down Main Street?"]

[Sherlock: "yes, that one."]

[Sydney: "Nothing yet, but we heard Smith was having some trouble with one of the gangs, he says they've been extorting him for money."]

[Sherlock: "Then we'll investigate that one first."]

I slid the office key into my trench coat pocket, and left along with Sydney to East End, where Smith was waiting.

[Smith: "Oh, Sherlock! You won't be able to imagine my happiness now that you're finally here, these thugs have been extorting me for money for months! Months I tell you!"]

[Sherlock: "Do you have any definite evidence? I can't do anything without it if the officers around here are bribed."]

[Smith: "Er—well, not exactly, but I know where you can get it, one of the gang members, Arthur, he's got a nasty scar over his face, he's part of the East End gang, don't know what the official name is, but you couldn't miss him, you really couldn't his entire face is riddled with—"]

[Sherlock: "Shush!"]

I put my hand over Smith's mouth.

[Smith: "W—What is it?"]

[Sherlock: "Is that Arthur?"]

A man with a grizzly scar across his face had appeared and was no more than 20 feet away from us.

[Smith: "oh, oh no! This is the day where they came to beat me down if I didn't have the money!"]

[Sherlock: "Smith!"]

I tried to reason with him, but to no avail, Smith ran down from his shop to another area.

[Sherlock: "Damn it!"]

[Arthur: "You one of Smith's lads?"]

[Sherlock: "Not necessarily, perhaps we could sort something out for you to leave him along, and we both move along with our day?"]

A spitball landed next to my foot.

[Arthur: "You know the chances of the big boss saying yes to your proposal?"]

[Sherlock: "fifty-fifty?"]

[Arthur: "Zero, and I get to bash your skull in."]

[Sherlock: "Why did I know this was going to happen?"]

I picked up a chair to protect myself from the brass knuckle wearing gangster, and his few friends.

[Sherlock: "Sydney? What do you think of this?"]

[Sydney: "I'm considering leaving you, Sherlock."]

[Sherlock: "No, no! Don't say that!"]

[Arthur: "are you done flirting on the streets?!"]

A left hook came and went, I also went, down to the ground.

[Sherlock: "Maybe, you just take Smith?"]

[Arthur: "little late, I believe."]

As Arthur was about to deal the finishing blow, someone behind him grabbed his arm and twisted it, breaking it. Arthur let out a bloodcurdling scream, and clutched his arm with the other remaining one.

The figure continued to dismantle the other gang members using dirty tricks, putting his trench coat over the poor victim's head and chocking him until he fainted, and the just beating the other two in a few punches with the brass knuckles he took from Arthur, leaving a bloody mess on the streets of London.

[Sherlock: "Matthew?"]

This wasn't the Matthew I knew, his eyes were frantic, but somewhat dead, a solemn face greeted me, instead of one ready to challenge me, it was the face a man who gave up, a man who was forced to give up.

[Matthew: "Sherlock...I need your help."]