

In a world ravaged by the apocalypse, Lu Zhi is reborn, gifted with the elusive power of [Ancient Insight]. However, her second chance at life also brings forth [Space Manipulation], allowing her to harness the secrets of the cosmos. With her newfound strength, she embarks on a mission to safeguard her family and navigate the treacherous path of survival. As she meets familiar faces from her past life, hope and salvation become tangible, but so does the ever-looming darkness. credits to the original owner of the photo

redragon03 · Sci-fi
Peringkat tidak cukup
29 Chs

Chapter 9: Her Moves 


Lu Zhi was awakened by the sound of the door slamming open. It was the second day of her rebirth, and in that short time, she had managed to adjust her memories from her previous life. 'Great,' she thought to herself, 'since they're all gathered here, I don't need to exert any effort finding them one by one in the house.'

"Stand up! We're leaving now!" an angry voice barked at her from the door.

Lu Zhi followed the man's instructions and stepped out with her hands discreetly untied behind her back, making sure to hide her freedom from her captors. The man with scars in his eyes was satisfied to see her obedience, unaware of the mischievous smile she hid from his view.

As they reached the garage, she saw that there were already five more men waiting. These men had tanned skin, piercings, and tattoos covering various parts of their faces and bodies. 'These people don't look like professionals,' she noted. 'How can they possibly hide their whereabouts?'

While observing them, she decided to employ her [harmony of nature], a potent ability that allowed her to connect with and command the fundamental forces of nature. This power enabled her to influence and balance the natural world, either calming its chaotic aspects or unleashing the untamed forces of the wild. This time, she chose to use the power to connect with the earth and influence geological phenomena, subtly shifting the position of every camera that could capture her every move.

With that accomplished, she stood in a relaxed pose, acting as if she were just one of the kidnappers. The sudden calm demeanor caught the attention of the five men, who became more vigilant.

"You!" one of them shouted, pointing his weapon at her as he saw her free hands. "How did you do that?!"

A wicked smile formed on Lu Zhi's face, and her voice turned sweet, sending shivers down their spines. "Do you really think you can scare me into submission?" she asked. "Now... Tell me who plan all of this."

The leader tried to act tough, but inside, he was quivering. "We won't tell you anything!" he retorted.

"Heh," she chuckled softly, "you don't have to tell me anything. I'll find out on my own." In an instant, she dashed towards the first kidnapper and delivered a powerful punch to his clavicle, incapacitating his arm movements. She then disarmed the second kidnapper with a swift and precise maneuver, and repeated the process with the remaining three.

Before they could react, she delivered crushing kicks to their knees, aiming to break their bones and leave them disabled. The five kidnappers were now on the ground, unable to run or fight back.

"Now, I'm going to take what I want," she said, her smile resembling a piece of art in a museum.

Having the [titanic resilience] power made her moves even more efficient. This formidable ability granted her near-invulnerability, emulating the legendary resilience of the mighty Titans from ancient myths and legends. With this power, she became extraordinarily difficult to harm or defeat, capable of withstanding tremendous amounts of physical and magical damage.

Lu Zhi admired her handiwork, looking as though she was merely an innocent exhibit in a museum. In contrast, the five kidnappers trembled in fear, astonished by the stark contrast between the young missy of the Lu family they had underestimated and the devilish force standing before them.

'How is it,' one of the kidnappers thought in terror, 'that they said the young missy of the Lu family was innocent and sweet? This is clearly a devil in disguise!'

With a smile that seemed to radiate both warmth and an eerie intensity, Lu Zhi approached the kidnappers, her silver eyes which she didn't notice gleam with an otherworldly glow. To them, it was as if a mythical serpent had descended from the heavens, casting a chilling aura that sent shivers down their spines.

As she activated her unique ability, [serpent's gaze], her gaze intensified, and a captivating allure filled her eyes. The mesmerizing quality of her stare drew in the five kidnappers, their gazes locked onto hers, unable to look away.

In the depths of their minds, a trance-like state took hold, rendering them open and susceptible to Lu Zhi's influence. The power of her Hypnotic Enchantment began to work its magic, weaving its spell over their consciousness.

"Who's plan was it to kidnap me?" Lu Zhi asked calmly, her voice resonating with a commanding authority.

The kidnappers' resistance crumbled under the influence of [serpent's gaze], and one of them stammered, "It... It was... our boss's plan."

Lu Zhi's eyes narrowed slightly, her focus unwavering. "Who is your boss?"

"It's... It's the Han, Han family," another kidnapper confessed, his voice trembling.

Lu Zhi's mind raced, trying to recall if she had any connection to this Han Family. She had encountered numerous people in her past life, and it was possible that she had crossed paths with them in the past. Nevertheless, she maintained her composure, unwilling to show any sign of vulnerability.

"Thank you for your cooperation," Lu Zhi said, her tone softening slightly as the effects of [serpent's gaze] began to wane. "You will forget about this encounter, as if it were a distant dream."

She didn't make them mental disable because she already broke their legs. How can she forgive them easily? So they need to suffer under the apocalypse.