

In a world ravaged by the apocalypse, Lu Zhi is reborn, gifted with the elusive power of [Ancient Insight]. However, her second chance at life also brings forth [Space Manipulation], allowing her to harness the secrets of the cosmos. With her newfound strength, she embarks on a mission to safeguard her family and navigate the treacherous path of survival. As she meets familiar faces from her past life, hope and salvation become tangible, but so does the ever-looming darkness. credits to the original owner of the photo

redragon03 · Sci-fi
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29 Chs

Chapter 8: Shen Lian

"Sir, it's about the person you asked me to investigate," Su Ji, the secretary of the powerful man, reported in a trembling voice.

The boss's eyes sparkled with excitement as he ordered, "Give it to me!" Su Ji handed over the investigation report, and the boss perused it rapidly, his expression shifting from excitement to surprise, and then back to cold, tinged with a dangerous glint.

"She was kidnapped? And her whereabouts are unknown?" he uttered through gritted teeth. 'How dare they? Is this the reason why she said she lost her family because of her? Because they were busy searching for her in different places that they were not together when the apocalypse came?'

"Damn," he cursed, not even sparing a thought for his image or the shaken secretary before him. "Find her! Find her within this week!"

He issued the command in a commanding and loud voice that echoed through the room. Su Ji was taken aback by the sudden shift in mood and urgency. "But sir, I think she's no longer in City K because the Lu Family has already alerted the whole city..." Su Ji began to explain hesitantly.

The boss interrupted him with a sharp glare. "Yes, yes, boss! I will send an emergency report to all your subordinates and alert the entire country right away," Su Ji replied with newfound seriousness. It became clear to him in that moment that this girl was of utmost importance to his boss, named Shen Lian

The search for Zhizhi had now become a top priority for Shen Lian, and it seemed that the bond between them ran much deeper than anyone could have imagined. The journey to reunite with his lost companion in the midst of the apocalypse had begun, and little did they know, their paths were destined to intertwine once again.

Ring ring ring...

The ringing of the phone jolted Shen Lian out of his daydream, and he frowned at the interruption. When he saw the name of the caller, his expression froze, revealing a complicated mix of emotions. After a moment, he answered the call with a soft tone.

"Yes?" he said, his voice guarded and cautious.

The voice on the other end seemed taken aback for a moment, as if dumbfounded by Shen Lian's response. After a pause, it continued, "Why are you looking for my sister with so much effort now? If I remember correctly, when I called you last week, you said it was too much trouble and only sent one of your subordinates. But what has changed now?" The voice was cold and suspicious, belonging to Lu Zian, the elder brother of Lu Zhi.

Lu Zian was wary of Shen Lian, viewing him as a potential threat to his younger sister. Though they were technically cousins, as Shen Lian's grandparents had adopted Lu Zian's mother, they had little contact due to Shen Lian's aloof and distant nature. Lu Zian considered Shen Lian to be a wolf eyeing his innocent sister, and he was fiercely protective of her.

Shen Lian felt a pang of guilt as he listened to Lu Zian's words. In his previous life, he had refused to help Lu Zhi seriously and had dismissed her as a trouble. 'I suddenly didn't want her to know this,' he thought, feeling a mix of regret and self-reproach. But this time, things were different, and he was determined to do right by her.

"I have something to tell you all," Shen Lian finally said, his tone serious and focused. "I will also send Grandfather and Grandmother there. But before that, let's find her first."

Lu Zian hesitated for a moment, sensing that there was something mysterious and important about the situation that connected to his baby sister and this man. He reluctantly agreed, "Alright. Send me a message if you find her. I will go there first."

Shen Lian wanted to say that he wanted to see her first, to ensure her safety personally, but he held back the words. He didn't want to trigger Lu Zian's suspicions further. Instead, he simply replied, "Yes," and added silently, 'After I see her, after I make sure she's safe and well.'

The call ended, and Shen Lian slumped back in his chair, still holding the picture of the girl who had captured his heart. His mind was filled with thoughts of her, memories of their encounters in the apocalypse, and the determination to protect her at all costs. The complicated emotions swirling within him were a testament to the significance she held in his life, even though they were only connected by fleeting moments in the end of times.

He knew that finding her wouldn't be an easy task, and he was prepared to face any challenges that came his way. In his heart, he felt a sense of responsibility and love for the girl named Zhizhi, and he was determined to prove to her and to himself that he would not let her down again.