

In a world ravaged by the apocalypse, Lu Zhi is reborn, gifted with the elusive power of [Ancient Insight]. However, her second chance at life also brings forth [Space Manipulation], allowing her to harness the secrets of the cosmos. With her newfound strength, she embarks on a mission to safeguard her family and navigate the treacherous path of survival. As she meets familiar faces from her past life, hope and salvation become tangible, but so does the ever-looming darkness. credits to the original owner of the photo

redragon03 · Sci-fi
Peringkat tidak cukup
29 Chs

Chapter 5: Little Zhizhi Knows Her the Most

"[Master, there is no need to apologize because it was not your fault in the beginning. You simply placed trust in the wrong person and had to make difficult decisions to protect the most important people in your life. If it were someone who had been alone in the end of times and suddenly given a chance to be with their loved ones, surely they would have done the same as you did]," Little Zhizhi replied with a hint of sadness in its voice. It had observed its master's struggles every day, donning the disguise of a man and smiling like spring to shield herself from those with greedy eyes and ulterior motives.

In the bleak world of the apocalypse, girls and children were the most unfortunate, facing the dark fate of becoming livestock or playthings for the wicked. Even those who appeared to be friends might betray and harm you just for their own survival. Little Zhizhi knew that Lu Zhi's only weakness was her family, and if they could be saved, they would become her strength and her greatest support, especially with the evil laboratory lurking, eyeing its master.

It also understood the pain its master endured when they couldn't communicate. "[By the way, master, the man who triggered the [COSMIC CHRONOMANCY] with you may be the one connected to the space symbol in your head. Why not try contacting him now? Hehe]" Little Zhizhi chuckled playfully.

"What?!... And why are you laughing like that? You sound mischievous," Lu Zhi retorted, her cheeks turning red.

"[What the ----?! Are you blushing, master?!]" Little Zhizhi was taken aback. It was a rare occurrence for her emotionless master to blush. Countless strong, handsome, and beautiful individuals, both men and women, had tried to win her heart, only to receive the same gentle rejection from her.

Lu Zhi's responses to these confessions were consistent and filled with melancholy: "Sorry, I can't accept your feelings. I don't deserve you; you deserve someone better. I am merely a wanderer who changes bases whenever I encounter trouble, and I don't want to burden you." When someone expressed their desire to follow her wherever she went, she would respond, "No, no, no. I can't allow you to put yourself in danger because of me. Even your slightest pain may put my heart in twisted agony. Please, don't endanger yourself for my sake."

Each time, her admirers would retreat, convinced that she was simply distancing herself to protect them. Little Zhizhi knew it wasn't their fault for being unaware, as even the bosses of different bases were scammed by her for food. Even those who attempted to imprison her for their own gain were not spared. The laboratory's deception was a puzzling feat.

"He may not remember me..." Lu Zhi whispered softly.

"[Well...]" Little Zhizhi couldn't help but think that maybe he was already searching for her. As someone who had spent a year with him, little Zhizhi understood his thoughts. Even without knowing she was the same person he had encountered in the laboratory, he followed his heart and freed her.

As the bond between Lu Zhi and little Zhizhi grew stronger, the pieces of her past and the puzzle of the apocalypse began to fall into place. Guided by the wisdom of her [crown of wisdom] and the friendship of little Zhizhi, she would continue her journey to uncover the truth, protect her family, and confront the malevolent forces that sought to control the world.

In this turbulent world, Lu Zhi found solace in knowing that she had someone who understood her the most—a loyal companion who would stand by her side, providing guidance and support in her pursuit of freedom and survival. Together, they would forge a path towards a brighter future, their hearts united against the darkness that threatened to engulf them.

"Well, let's forget it. When I see him again, I will help him with his difficulties. If he wants to become a base leader, I'll eliminate the current one for him. If he desires Level 10 nuclei, I'll take down the Zombie King for him," Lu Zhi declared with determination, not even considering the dangers she might face.

"[And if he wants your heart, master?]" Little Zhizhi asked cautiously.

Lu Zhi was taken aback by the question, her face showing confusion. "Why would he want my heart? If he did, he should have taken it in my last life when my life was merely flickering like a candle flame."

Little Zhizhi was left speechless. "[Never mind.]" It realized that its master's thoughts were complex, and there was much it didn't understand about her. 'Master's admirer seems to have a long road ahead of him if he wants to chase after her.'

Little Zhizhi thought agaiin 'Well, Master is just 16 years old right now. And who knows, he might have to contend with those five brothers who are enamored with their sister. Not to mention her sweet-looking mother, who can be quite venomous when provoked, and her father, always keeping a close eye on anyone making advances towards her at school. Hehe. I'm curious to see how that tsundere will handle all that.'

"Little Zhizhi... little Zhizhi..." Lu Zhi called, her voice tinged with suspicion.

"[Huh? Yes, master]?" Little Zhizhi replied nervously.

"Are you up to mischief again?" Lu Zhi asked, playfully accusing her loyal companion.

"[N..no. No, of course not, master.]" Little Zhizhi's response was filled with feigned innocence.

Heh, Lu Zhi ignored her and looked at the floating screen before her with a serious expression, a smirk playing on her lips. Then she whispered.

"[crown of wisdom]"