

In a world ravaged by the apocalypse, Lu Zhi is reborn, gifted with the elusive power of [Ancient Insight]. However, her second chance at life also brings forth [Space Manipulation], allowing her to harness the secrets of the cosmos. With her newfound strength, she embarks on a mission to safeguard her family and navigate the treacherous path of survival. As she meets familiar faces from her past life, hope and salvation become tangible, but so does the ever-looming darkness. credits to the original owner of the photo

redragon03 · Sci-fi
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29 Chs

Chapter 6: Her Powers

"[crown of wisdom]" Faster than a second, a computerized window interface popped in front of her.


Name: Lu Zhi

Level: 4

Race: Mutated Human (Reborn)

Status: Blessed by Time-Space [COSMIC CHRONOMANCY]


[ANCIENT INSIGHT] -- the ability to realize hidden and different powers from myths, legends, and ancient civilizations. [Lvl 3]


[titanic resilience]: acquire the near-invulnerability of the mighty titans of old.

[crown of wisdom]: don the crown worn by ancient sages to gain boundless wisdom and insight.

[primal beast mastery]: control and summon powerful mythical beasts from ancient times.

[temple guardian's gaze]: possess the ability to petrify or paralyze foes with a mere look.

[labyrinthine knowledge]: navigate complex labyrinths and mazes with ease, discovering hidden treasures.

[primordial gaia's blessing]: gain the favor of Mother Earth, granting control over flora and fauna.

[serpent's gaze]: hypnotize or charm others with the mesmerizing gaze of a mythical serpent.

[tome of arcane secrets]: access an ancient grimoire containing forgotten spells and magical knowledge.

[eagle's soaring grace]: gain the agility and keen senses of an ancient, revered eagle spirit.

[divine mandate]: acquire the authority and power bestowed upon chosen champions by the gods.

[harmony of nature]: command the harmony of nature to calm or unleash the forces of the wild.

[pyramid of knowledge]: access and share a vast repository of forgotten knowledge from ancient times.


[SPACE MANIPULATION] -- the ability to realize different powers related to the galaxy and storage. [Lvl 1]


[soul container]: store various items, plants, animals, and even living beings, depending on their level of existence.

[moon's embrace]: harness the power of lunar cycles for enhanced magical abilities and transformation.]"

"This is the power you unlocked through experimentation, but some of these powers were forcefully locked by me to prevent any unintended consequences. Your original level may not have been sufficient to control them properly," Little zhizhi explained sadly. It worried about its master's well-being and wanted her to grow stronger cautiously.

"It's alright. If I became too strong too quickly, I might have attracted more trouble in the first year of the apocalypse than I could handle," Lu Zhi replied with a calm demeanor. She understood the importance of balancing her strength and responsibilities.

"Indeed, you are right, master!"

Lu Zhi absorbed the information, her mind processing the vast potential of her newfound powers. With each unlocking, her strength grew, and she was one step closer to fulfilling her goals in the treacherous world of the apocalypse.

"Little zhizhi, what does this [moon's embrace] ability mean? Can I absorb the power of the moon?" Lu Zhi inquired earnestly. The power of [SPACE MANIPULATION] was still unfamiliar to her.

Little zhizhi explained, "[moon's embrace] is an ancient power that draws its strength from the cycles of the moon. In various cultures and mythologies, the moon is associated with mystical forces and believed to have a profound influence on magic, emotions, and transformation. This power allows its wielder to tap into the energies of the lunar phases, granting enhanced magical abilities and facilitating transformative experiences. It particularly seeks the Enternal Eclipse, which occurs for one week in a month during the apocalypse."

Lu Zhi nodded in understanding. A Eclipse was a rare celestial event where the moon temporarily align with the sun, resulting in a en extraordinary surge of celestial energy. During solar eclipse, the moon comes between the earth and sun, obscuring the sunlight. And when the [moon's embrace] power reached its peak, allowing the user to draw upon heightened energy surges, magnifying their abilities beyond what they could achieve during a regular full moon. Under a the eclipse, the wielder could undergo a profound metamorphosis, potentially accessing an even more formidable and celestial form, reaching the pinnacle of their power.

"[But as cosmic forces are known to be unpredictable and potentially dangerous, the master needs to be careful when using this ability.]" Little Zhizhi advice.

"Yes. I don't want to die before I found those people zhizhi." Lu Zhi smile to comfort her.

"[That's good but master the reason why those zombies become even more powerful may after the Eternal Eclipse baptismal. The concentration of the moon's magical energy during that time is intense,]" Lu Zhi remarked. "Not to mention the malevolent red rain that mutates ordinary things."

She recalled the third year of the apocalypse, where the levels of the zombies were unimaginable. Even experimental subjects turned into test subjects for zombielization. Food had become scarce within the first year, and even she, who had scammed many people, found herself hungry at times. The harsh reality of survival in the end of times weighed heavily on her.

In the depths of her heart, Lu Zhi felt an unyielding determination to protect her family, aid her newfound companion little zhizhi, and confront the sinister forces that lurked in the shadows. The journey ahead was fraught with challenges, but with her [ANCIENT INSIGHT] and [SPACE MANIPULATION], she was prepared to embrace her destiny and carve her path amidst the chaos and uncertainty of the end of times.

Her level was base from adding the levels of her two powers.

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