

The morning sun shines so brightly and its rays lightened up the river and reflecting through the water. The fishes swam at the crystal clear river happily and the birds chirped at the nearby tree, making a melodious harmony.

Then a gloomy figure came out of the forest and directly headed to the river. Then he sat down at the riverside while throwing stones at the river.

"Haaaays" Clyde let out a deep sigh of disappointment.

"If I just passed the test to become a city warrior then I will have enough money to pay our debts." Then he keeps on throwing stones in the river.

Clyde's parents died when he was young and only his aunt and uncle are his only relatives. And since then, he was living with them.

But fortune was not at their side throughout these years. His uncle's salary was only enough to sustain their original family but when Clyde joined in, it was clearly not enough for them.

So Clyde was forced to work at a young age. Since they were considered as poor, they didn't go to enroll and study at the academy.

Many years ago, the city started a war with another city. Because of this war, the food became limited and its price also increased. This became a huge blow to Clyde's new family and they were forced to borrow money from a certain person.

This person is known throughout the city because of his viciousness and greedy. Although his interest is high, Clyde's family was still forced to borrow money for them to have something to eat.

Their debt increased because of the interest and also because they continued borrowing money from them. Now, their debt becomes increasingly large and they're totally unable to pay for it.

Because Clyde didn't study at the academy, he wasn't able to get any decent job with a decent salary. But there is still a chance for him to have a nice job with a big salary and it is for him to become a city warrior.

In times of war, warriors are the ones who decide how the battle continues. The more warriors a city has, the greater their chance to win, but also tactics decide the fate of warriors.

Clyde tried to become a city warrior but he failed the test. These tests are made to test out how strong a human was. If a certain testee has great speed and agility, he can be an assassin. If he has a greater strength then he can be a warrior. But unfortunately, Clyde didn't pass both tests.

Since young, he has a fragile body. He is literally weak compared to the others in his age. He knew that passing the tests to become a city warrior is impossible for him to pass, and yet he still tried.

He felt miserable. Their debt is big that it reached to the point that they weren't able to pay it any longer, but he wasn't able to do anything to lessen it. Even if he worked tirelessly, it was still insufficient.

He keeps on throwing stones at the river, making them skip. Then his vision suddenly went black as he felt that something hit his back. Then he fell to the ground, unconscious.

"One down, two to go and I will fulfill my task." A girl wearing a pink robe appeared right behind Clyde. Then she pulled a rope from a small bag and started to tie Clyde. After tying Clyde, she flew into the air while Clyde hanging there in the mid-air.


"Ugggghhh." Clyde groaned in pain as he slowly opened his eyes. He felt his nape hurts like it was hit by something.

He then felt restricted and as he looked downwards to check himself, he subconsciously screamed out of fear. "AHHHHH"

He was utterly shocked and afraid because he found himself flying. Then he looked upwards to see who is pulling the rope that was tied him.

Then she saw the face of a really beautiful girl that is around his age. The girl exuded a really nice fragrance that made him feel lightheaded as he sniffs in the air and said "So nice."

Then he suddenly remembered that he was abducted by this beautiful girl. "HEY! WHAT ARE YOU DOING? PUT ME DOWN!" He shouted at the girl.

The girl is staring at him for some time since he shouted in fear. When she heard the yell of Clyde, she suddenly let go of the rope she is holding.

As Clyde saw how she let go of the rope, he felt happy because he is now free. But he instantly remembered that they're actually flying and if she let go of the rope, he'll fell.

"EHH? NOOOOO!" He shouted as he fell nearer to the ground. He felt that it was now the end of his miserable life. His experience in life flashed back into him. He saw how hard his life before, he then saw his family and also he saw his mother and father extending their arms to him like they tried to get him.

He felt regret in his heart. The regret of not paying their debt before dying.

Then he now near the tip of the countless tall trees, he felt his body lift up again. Then as they continued on flying, his body keeps on hitting on the tree's branch.

"Will you shut up or we will continue like this?" the girl said to him. He instantly shook his head frantically and said 'No' in a hoarse voice and he lost consciousness again.


He slowly regained consciousness and he saw two other guys at his age tied up beside him. He sighed and said to himself, [Why I am so unlucky?] tears slowly fell down from his eyes.

He saw that these two has also scratches in their body and leaves and twigs on their hair. He remembered what happened to him and concluded that it also happened to both of these unlucky guys.

Then not too far away from them, he saw a village. The village was not big but he can see people chopping trees, people coming out the mine carrying loads of minerals, and other people doing different jobs.

Then they slowly drifted down and then they landed. The two unconscious guys beside him slowly regained consciousness.

Then the girl in pink robe gets the knife that is hanging on her waist and untied the three of them.

Clyde and the other 2 fellows managed to stand up despite the heavy injuries they have.

"Curious about why I abducted the three of you?" the girl spoke out of nowhere. The three fellows who are checking their injuries instantly gazed back at her, waiting for their question to be answered.

"If you're thinking that you are unlucky then you are definitely wrong. Very very wrong. Why? Because I abducted you." The girl said while a smile appeared on her face.

"Huh?" The three of them are confused. Their faces looked constipated as they stared intensely at the girl in front of them. [This girl must be nuts], Clyde said to himself.

Seeing the reaction of the three, the girl in pink robe involuntarily laughed.

"I'm just joking. Seriously you are indeed lucky. Because you are on your first step to becoming an immortal." The girl proudly said while she floated in front of them like a deity.

The three of them, including Clyde, have their faces filled with excitement as their eyes shone brightly. Immortals are really famous legend for them. Although they idolized the stories about how immortals lift up the mountains and stir up the sea with their power, they still found it too good to be true.

"This is the Flowing Water sect. This sect is filled with immortal practitioners like me. We cultivate the energy of heaven and earth inside our body and slowly purify and rebuild our body." She said proudly as she emits a powerful aura.

"We will give you a manual. If you reached the 1st level of Spirit-Body cultivation, then you can proceed to the main sect. But in the meantime, you will work hard here like chopping trees, mining minerals, plowing fields, planting crops and more. And if you are unable to reach the 1st then, you will just die here out of age." The girl in pink robe explained.

The three of them felt excited but after the last sentence of the girl they woke up to reality. If they are not able to advance to the 1st level then they will just rot here in this place.

"Ohhhh. By the way, my name is Alexandra but you can call me Alex." Then Alex immediately flew away.

The three of them are still dazed. The first to be an immortal is such a dream for them. Who doesn't want to be an immortal? Don't you want to live longer while being stronger?

Then a man walked towards the three dazed newcomers that looked like idiots while smiling while staring at the sky.

"Ahem." The man intentionally coughs to gain the attention of the three dazed newcomers.

The three of them startled and then after seeing the burly man, they regained their composure.

"I am Valdo. I am the assigned personnel to manage you all and ensure you won't escape." Valdo introduced himself and his position.

"I am already at the 5th level of Spirit-Body Cultivation. The girl, who brought you here, is only at the 4th level. You can't even escape from her so don't even think about escaping from me." He explained.

The three of them nodded in agreement. They really neglected the thought of escaping. Why would they run away from the treasure right in front of them?

To reach the 1st level of Spirit-body Cultivation is better than being a commander of the army or even greater than being a city mayor.

"You will live in the houses here. Just find some vacant houses there and settle yourselves. Here, take this bag. It has the cultivation manual the Alex mentioned and other necessities you needed. You need to work so that you can have food. Understood?"

"Yes, Sir." The three of them said in unison.

Then Valdo left. The three of them stared at each other.

"I am Clyde Feltron. How about you guys?" Clyde is the first one to speak and he introduced himself right off the bat.

"My name is Kyle Reynolds" a skinny youth aged below 20 spoke.

"And I am Arnold Flutz." A burly man around 20 spoke.

"Let's try to live near each other because we are from the same batch. What do you think?" Arnold suggested.

"Nice idea you got there, Mr. Arnold." Clyde said.

"How old are the two of you? I am 20." Arnold asked.

"I am just 17." Clyde said.

"I am already 18." Kyle said.

"Let's call each other by seniority of age. I am the Big brother, while you Kyle is the 2nd brother and you Clyde is the 3rd brother." Arnold said.

"Yes, Big brother." Kyle said while Clyde just nodded in agreement.

Then the three of them wander around the village and found 3 houses that are vacant and only 50 meters apart from each other.

Then they bid farewell and entered their houses.

Clyde entered his house full of smiles and his blood that is boiling in excitement and then he said, "My life starts from here."