

After entering the house, he immediately lied up on the bed. Even though it is still around 10:30 am, he felt extremely tired. The events that happened not too long ago are the cause of the pain he is now suffering.

While enduring the pain, he grabbed the bag that was given to him and checked it. The bag contains a bottle with 5 pills, a thin book entitled 'Cultivation' and a letter on it and 3 pairs of working clothes and casual clothes.

The first item he checked is the letter. He opened it and read it's contents.

"Welcome to the Flowing water sect. This letter is just an introductory letter about the Flowing water sect and the contents of this bag. Grandmaster Bruno has built the Flowing Water sect a hundred thousand of years ago. Skipping that long history, Sect Leader Sinuim is the current leader of this sect.

"The Flowing Water sect has more than one hundred thousand members. It has conclave members, elite members, ordinary members, and Mortal members. Well, you clearly belong to mortal members. Your job is to work hard. By training your body, the absorption of natural energy will be faster. Well, unless you are talented, you can skip physical training."

"You are not allowed to go out here unless you became an ordinary member to ensure that the existence of this sect won't leak to the mortals. So for the contents of the bag, there are only two things here I need to explain. The bottle with 5 pills is a Grade 1 Pill extracted from a medicinal plant and is called the Spirit nourishment pill. It has the natural energy you needed for enhancing your senses towards the natural energy of heaven and earth around you."

"As for the Cultivation manual, it only has the manual Spirit-Body cultivation stage. You will eventually get the higher manual in the sect. For now, you first need to reach the first level of the Sprit-Body stage."

"It also has the list and description with visuals of the different medicinal plants and fruits scattered between heaven and earth."

"So keep Cultivating towards the pinnacle, good luck."

This is what the letter contains. Clyde nodded satisfactorily as he finished reading the letter.

He then put away the letter and grabbed the bottle that contained the pills. He then opened it and fresh aroma gushed out.

This aroma made his head feels light and his mind calmer.

"So this is the Natural Energy of heaven and earth!" his smile was big and he looked like an idiot. Many thoughts rushed in his head as he imagined what things he is able to do in the future being an immortal.

As he grinned idiotically a sudden knocked on his door pulled him back to his senses.

He then tidied up his clothes and opened the door.

"What do you….." before he finished his sentence, he saw a girl wearing a black robe with an angelic face. He has never seen such a beauty in his whole 17 years on earth.

"Hi, I am Frean, I live right next to you." Then Frean pointed out the house not too far from Clyde's.

"ohhhhh" Clyde subconsciously said. His eyes were glued at the face of this cute girl in front of him.

"Sir? Sir?" Frean said while shaking Clyde.

"Huh?" Clyde lost his rationality for a couple of seconds.

"I've been talking here and you're just….." Then Frean's cheeks slightly turned red.

"Just what?" Clyde curiously asked.

"You're staring at my.... face." Then she looked down while blushing.

Clyde was taken aback by what the girl said. [Your beauty made me look like a pervert for a couple of seconds.]

"Sorry, my bad." Then Clyde apologetically said while scratching his head and at the same time cheeks blushing red. After regaining his composure, he then asked, "So what is your business with me, miss?"

"Ohhhh. I was the one assigned to take you and look to around the village so you can decide what work you'll gonna do." Frean replied casually as she played with her hair while looking down avoiding having an eye-to-eye contact with Clyde.

Frean was actually captivated by Clyde's presence. Clyde was a handsome and tall fellow. Even though he had a bad status in the city he came from, he was famous there especially to the girls because of his physical features. Thus, men with high status in the city envied him so they gave him a hard time.

Seeing this, Clyde just let out a dry awkward laugh. He then agreed to the latter. Then, they started to walk shoulder to shoulder. As time goes by, Frean increasingly felt tensed.

[Naaaaah Forget it, he's an untalented weak idiot who won't even reach the first level of Spirit-Body Cultivation.] Frean said to herself. What Frean said is not impossible to happen. Spirit-Body cultivation required the cultivator to enhance the body by any means. A cultivator can do workouts, temper the body using various equipment and to temper the body in a destructive environment. And all of these are impossible for Clyde's weak body that will crumble anytime soon.

Frean regained her sense of rationality after consoling herself. She then started to tour Clyde around the village and introduced to him the various jobs he can take.

After checking all of the jobs available, he picked the mining job as a miner. Digging ores and carrying them will make his body sturdier. This job, for him, will allow him to reach the 1st level of Spirit-Body Cultivation faster.

After Frean introduced him to the available jobs, he goes straight home. There, he waited for his brothers to come to discuss things with them.

After waiting for a while, his brothers come back.

"Hey, third brother!" Arnold and Kyle waved at him as they walking towards him.

Clyde also waved back at them.

"What are you planning to do third bro? I'll take the job as a woodchopper." The big brother Arnold said.

"For me, I'll work as a hunter." The Second brother Kyle proudly said.

"I'll gonna be a miner." Clyde said while looking downwards.

"Pfffft" Kyle and Arnold covered their mouth as they held back from laughing.

"Just laugh." Clyde sadly said.

"Are you really taking the job as a miner? With your frail body? Try to reconsider and I can help you if you want to be a hunter." Kyle said.

Just by looking at Clyde's body, you can say that he is indeed weak. His body seems to be malnourished. This is also the reason why he didn't pass the examination to be come to a city guard.

"I'll try my luck there. With this job, I can make my body stronger and sturdier. And unlike another job, as long as I can reach my quota, I can mine for myself. The ores I got there will help me grow stronger." Clyde excitedly explained to them.

Kyle and Arnold shook their heads and accepted Clyde's decision.

"If you ever change your mind, just come to me and I'll recruit you to be a hunter. Being a woodchopper is also a bad decision, right, big bro?" Kyle said.

"Yeah, just become a hunter if you can't take the job being a miner." Arnold said out of concern.

Clyde understood what they felt for him. He really has a frail body. He can't even lift heavy things. But this job will be a challenge for him, if successful.

"Thank you, second brother and big brother, I'll go home and start cultivating and reach the 1st level soon." Then Clyde started to walk away heading to his house.

Seeing this, the duo sighed. They also wished that Clyde would be able to temper his body.

Clyde entered his room and sat down on his bed. Then he grabbed the cultivation manual out of his bag and read it. All it said is just when absorbing energy; one must store it in the naval area where the energy is the strongest. It explained and introduced the various medicinal plants that can be used in cultivating faster.

After reading it's content, Clyde grabbed the bottle with 5 spirit nourishment pills. These pills are extracted from Spirit nourishment stalks.

He slowly opened the bottle and energy gushed out from the bottle. He felt calmer again for the second time. Then he grabbed one pill and put it on his mouth. Then he swallowed it.

When the pill reached his stomach, it dissolved and energy flowed in his body through his veins. The energy cleansed the impurities out of his body. Black smelly sweat came out of his pores. These black sweats dyed his body and shirt black.

Then he controlled the energy within his body and stored it in his naval area. It became a ball of light that is as large as a bean in his stomach and the energy continued to flow in his body and then came back to his naval region. It is like how blood flow and come back to the heart and then flow again.

Seeing his progress, Clyde smiled. He felt his body feels stronger and lighter. "My body seems full of impurities and that made me feel weak. Now, I feel I can temper my body slowly."

Then he immediately tried to do some push-ups and he reached 20. This progress made him really happy because he can't even reach 10 when his body still filled with impurity.

"So this energy will slowly cleanse my body. I can temper my body slowly but surely." Delight filled his face and he really felt amazed about this energy of heaven and earth.

When his body fully cleansed, he can ascend to the 1st level of spirit-body cultivation.

He then grabbed another pill and swallowed it. It quickly dissolved and it flowed to his veins and cleansed his body again. Although it only cleansed smaller impurities compared to the first time energy flowed in his body, the result is still evident.

"Ahhhhhh. It really feels great cultivating the energy of heaven and earth." He is filled with smiles.

Then he took a bath to cleanse his body. He also washed his clothes and changed to new clothes that he found inside the bag.

Then he comes out of his house and headed to the village canteen where they will eat. Because they are just recruited recently, they are allowed to eat for free. But tomorrow, they'll have to work so that they'll have something to eat.

After eating with his brothers, he goes straight to his house. He again grabbed a spirit nourishment pill and swallowed it, but this time, he removed his clothes and now he is naked.

The bean-sized energy in his stomach grew larger and impurities came out from his body but only in small amounts. As time goes by, the impurities he needed to expel from his body will be harder and harder. And thus, he needed to accumulate greater energy from heaven and earth.

This process is like water washing a tube if there is only a small amount of water how can it cleanse the tube? So to cleanse his body, he needed to accumulate larger energy.

"I'll do my very best to reach the first level as soon as possible and enter the main sect."