
Chapter 2

"Mom! I am leaving and maybe I will get late home cuz exams are ahead and Harry and I are studying together", I said

"ok sweetie! Good luck!",

"love you mom!", I said and kissed her on cheek and she gave me back.

I had my breakfast and left my house.

I got into my car and drove to the college, the place that I love just because of the people I am surrounded by.

"hey Harry!!", I said as I took seat beside him.

"Harry!!!! Haroldddd !!! Hazzzzaaaa!!!! H!", I said and kept wavering my hands in front of him but he is lost in somewhere.

And than the only solution, I faked to fell to the ground from my chair and scream a little like it hurts.

"ahhh!!", I fake cried and the next moment he jumped from his seat.

"oh gosh! Y/N! You alright, how did this happen oh my! You are crying. Let me help you get up it must be hurting!", you can just imagine the care in his eyes and his voice.

That's his caring side that I crave for honestly from my best friend, he will do anything to protect me.

"back to earth Harold! I am alright!", I laughed and he took a moment to understand what happened.

"why you always do this? Dont get yourself hurt I am not gonna help you everywhere and everyday!", he said in quite furious way that I could not get it.

"H! What happened?",I said

"nothing!", he shrugged, definitely hiding something from me.

"definitely something is wrong! You never talked to me like that!",

"calm down its nothing!",he yelled but not raising his voice too much.

"tell me or else I am never gonna talk to you ever! EVER!",I said pointing my finger.

"ok! Alright nothing is hidden!",


"ok I will tell you but after the college cuz it's deep!", he said in low sad voice, it means its his dad.

"ok!", I smiled at him and then hugged him tightly, the thing that helps him alot with his stressful conditions and I love hugging him, he is so soft and cuddly and when his cologne hits my nostrils, ahhh heavenly sent.

After the college time, we are sitting in a near coffee shop enjoying the hot chocolate."so tell me what did he do this time?", I said

"way to much worse",

"but still what?",

"you will be mad at me!",

Then silence accompanied us for a while but then I decided to break it.

"as far as I know all that is because of your dad not you so why would I be mad at you?",

"Y/N!! Dad wants me yo be a psychiatrist and go to that college which means leaving this town, and I don't want to! You know my dreams my passion and so do he but still he decides to be a bossy father and not respecting my decisions!", he said and I almost frooze what he said.

Means he will leave this town, we will not be together in same college our dreams, our conversations everything will be ended. I than no longer will remain his best friend, what if he found another good friends, what if he forgets about me. I can't spend a single day of my life talking to him and now he is telling me that he is going to leave this town.

"Y/N!!!! What are you thinking??", he brought me back to life by shaking my shoulder.

"huh!! Yeah!! I___ I was___",

"I know! I expected the same reaction!",

"H!! Do you know what that means?? We are not gonna see each other, laugh together, enjoy together and we cant even study together. You will leave, me and all guys. You know I have no friends other than you, what will I do. I can't stay like that.", I said and my eyes are getting glossy.

" I know! I don't wanna go! ",

" than stand for yourself Harry! Thats the time. If you dont now, you will regret your whole life! ", I said now holding his hands in mine.

" I know but its still hard! He is impossible, you already know. But Gemma told me the solution but still it includes leaving the town and becoming a psychiatrist alongside by different studies of cryptography! ",

"but that would be soo hard and it will take all of your strength!", I said

"yeah!! And I don't wanna leave you and guys, but specially you Y/N!! You are my best friend!", he said and now he recoiled his hands from mine.

And it felt like my whole world is drawing away from me. It's a samll gesture but still it felt like a stab in my heart.

" ok get up! Dont be sad! If doing double trouble study for making your future your best than you are going to burn this oil by your own! And if your dad is impossible than you ate going to avail this opportunity!!! And I am goubg to support you through all this! ", I said , though I know I am lying because I cant live without my best friend but I have to do this for his best.Thats what best friends do aren't they! I know how much he loves all that coding decoding stuff and if its best for him, I can sacrifice few years in our friendship for his good but still I know its gonna be so hard for me.

" you serious? ", he is in complete shock.

" want proof! Now get up we are heading to library and we have to pass this exam! ", I said and chugged him up from his stool, put my arms around his shoulders and drag him out, on our way to library.

We got to the library and started study, but all the time my mind way thinking about all this scenario. I couldn't study a single word, because I got frustrated by thinking all this that Harry is going to leave after these exmas which are definitely our finals. But seems like our friendship's finals.

"Y/N!! Are you crying?", he said while he pricked his ballpen in my head.

"eeezz!! H!! What! Why? No I am not just thinking!", I said and tried to cover up.

"what?", he said.

"nothing just exams! Because I don't want to study right now!", I said making a baby face.

"come on!! I know a place where we can go before it the sunsets!", he said and stood up and after that we drove to the place he wanted to.