
Chapter 1


"What the hell is wrong with you?", his father yelled at him for coming late at home again this time, and all that is just because he was in library preparing for his exams.

"too much! Too much is wrong with me!", he yelled back.

"that's how you talk to your dad?",

"I am done with you dad! You always try to control everything in my life. I was studying and I thought coming back home means all wastage of time when all that time you will keep checking on me and distracting me from my studies and I can't stand that",

"great! Now go to your room, I will call you for dinner!", his father said in cold way and turned to his phone.

Harry, as always distressed got to his room and lay on his bed.

"everything sucks!",


"so Harry! I want to talk to you about something!",

"since when do you need my permission? You always order!", I said eating my pasta.

"you are going to become a Psychiatrists an____"

"what the hell!! You always knew I wanted to work for the security purposes for like in FBI or some sort of cryptography but you! You eant me to be a psychiatrist!", and the fork fell into his bowl.

"thats what I am saying and its decided! You are going to this college and you will become a good psychiatrist!", his father said and dug into his bowl.

After that Harry left the table and locked his room. "wow now I cant even decide my own future wow dad so proud of you! You already ruined my life and now my whole future too!", he thought and looked at his study table, filler with all sort of detective novels, cryptography books and most of all DAN BROWN NOVELS.

Well the one of his favorite," digital fortress", the one book who developed his interests in cryptography.

" i want to be like those detectives, like doing secret works, breaking codes, working with some lethal equipments remaining undercover and not controlled by anyone", he said looking at those books.

But wait, if he wants me to go to that college it means I am no more gonna see my friends, louis, liam, zayn, niall and the most importantly Y/N, my best friend. No way, I cant do this. They all are my best friends who always help me with my stress every time my dad do these shitty things and now ughhhh.

A knock on his door distract him from his thoughts,


"its me Gemma!",

"ok", and he opened the door.

"Harry! I know that you____",

"if you are here to support dads decision, that the way out!", he said pointing at the door.

"I am not! I am with you and I really like that psychatry for you!",

"than why are you here!",

"you left the dinner, you must be hungry!",

"all my appetite is now gone by hearing his decision about my life", he said and sat on bed.

Gemma came along his side and placed her hand on his shoulder.

"well I know its hard but if you really want to do that you have to do a tough job!",

"what is it?",

"double courses! Psychatry and cryptography, like one on daily basis and other on weekend classes! Colleges are providing this facility specifically the one dad wants you to go!",

"you serious!",


"oh god Gemms! You are great!",

"thanks! But that will be quite tough!",

"I know, but I will do it, but I got one problem!",


"they are more than friends, they are my medicine!"

"I know but its for 4 years, you will be back to them!",

"yeah! But I am not sure they will be here for me!",

"they definitely will!",

"they will freak out when I will tell'em I am leaving the town for my dads fucked up choice!",

"definitely they will but they will understand you, they know our dad!",

"yeah! But I will miss them, and Y/N!",

"ohhhh! Yeah thats an issue",

"not just an issue! She is more than a friend and she is always here for me, always supporting me, helping me with everything she knows me way better than anyone else or I must say more than myself. How can I leave her its soo wrong, she will be hurt and I cant see her like that! ",

" you love her! ",

" noo! I dont. "

" you do! ",

" no! I like her way too much and she is so much important to me. You know what if I even call her at the middle of the stormy night saying that I need her, the next moment she will be at my door, she is this close to me and leaving her is the worst. She will think I just used her or I never worthed our friendship over such a stupid decision of my dad",

"Harry! If she is this close to you, she definitely will understand you more than anyone!",

"but I have to talk to her!", he said sadly.

"ok now grab your jacket we are going out for a walk and we will grab a coffee on our way too"


"no Gemms! Just hurry", she said and walked out of his room.

And the next moment, the siblings were strolling on the walking tracts with hot coffee in their cold hands.