During his training trip, Naruto is given a scroll which holds the secrets in how to seduce and ensnare women. A scroll he uses at first on the women and kunoichi around him but soon on the Shinobi... The NARUTO story is not mine all credits are to be given to the author Lemon Sage. Enjoy this Story.
Naruto lay in his bed starring up at the ceiling, Hana whimpered softly as she rubbed her nose against his neck as if to fill it only with his scent and to banish any trace of Koreshige. He stroked her hair causing her to settle down, but despite his not being upset at her. The reason sleep alluded him was because he could not say the same for the man attempting to move in on his woman.
Hana had interrupted his birthday celebration with his mother something which he knew had bothered her, but she had relented upon seeing Hana's emotional state. Kushina had left them alone, and the door to her room had only just closed when the distraught Hana had confessed to being kissed by Koreshige and the desires it had caused within her.
Naruto didn't doubt Hana's feelings for him even though she did as a result of Koreshige's actions, but he understood that depending on how he responded it could mean the difference between tightening their bond or losing it. He believed that at the heart of his problem was that in a sense he had successfully only bound half of Hana's heart to him. The part that was his was the rational side which he had seduced putting him in the position where her Inuzuka lust had taken over. But that animal side of her had never fully given itself to him. Oh it had certainly recognized him as an Alpha male, but what had landed Hana in his bed was the recognition of the traits which while he found charming and beautiful was the reason Inuzuka men had kept their distance.
Koreshige on the other hand was making his appeal to her more wild nature. From how Hana had described the encounter, Koreshige had obviously thought out how he wanted it to go. He had secluded her in a smaller room where his imposing size and pheromones could awaken Hana's animalistic nature. An animalistic nature which wanted to be as appreciated and feel as needed as Hana's more rational side felt when she was with him.
His seduction of Tsume had gone the complete opposite way. Naruto had awakened her more animalistic lusts first and had claimed her that way, by making the animal in her submit to him. Therefore, when Tsume the woman had admitted her feelings for him by placing a collar around her neck, Naruto had little doubt that at that moment her chakra had become red.
Rubbing his fingers along Hana's jaw, he knew it was time for him to finish the job of making her fully his woman. He smiled as he closed his eyes as he knew that by the time the sun set the following day, her chakra would be as red as her mother's.
"Is everything alright Hana?" her brother asked while they waited for the clan meeting to start.
Hana nodded although she still felt uneasy especially as Koreshige laughed it up among some of the clansmen who supported him and his ideals. A group within the clan which had grown larger partially due to his crushing of Kiba, but now seemed to have grown twice as large due to the truth of the Uchiha Massacre being revealed to the rest of Konoha. Koreshige, who had already been trying to create a new coalition within the clan in order to assume leadership of it through preaching of the Inuzuka's superiority, had latched onto the fact that if a founding clan like the Uchiha could be destroyed. The same fate could befall any clan which those at the upper echelon of Konoha's power structure felt were a threat.
Hana felt the argument was utterly foolish since it discounted the fact that the Uchiha were on the verge of openly rebelling against the village. Not to mention the plan to eliminate them was developed by Itachi, which while being endorsed by the Konoha elders, was still the Anbu Uchiha's scheme to redeem his clan and to make it so that future generations would see Konoha as the entity in which to place their loyalties. Still, she did feel that by covering up the truth, Konoha had taken a legitimate military action to prevent a civil war from erupting, and had opened the doors for opportunists like Koreshige to give the truth a more sinister telling in order to further their own ends.
Hana looked to her mother, who looked like she was fighting back the urge to use Itachi's methods to handle her own clan's internal disputes. The younger female Inuzuka wondered how her mother would have handled Koreshige's advances in her stead. Despite her glum feelings, a smile did appear on Hana's lips as she imagined that she would have neutered him with her claws. It faded quickly though as she felt a tinge of jealousy enter her emotional spectrum as she wished her own level of dedication to Naruto matched Tsume's. At the same time she could understand why her animalistic nature was responding the way it was, as while Naruto had never treated her as such. She knew she had been an unintended addition in his seducing of Tsume, and although at the time her animal-like half had just been pleased not to be discarded in favor of her mother. Now that there was another male showing an interest in her, that side of her was considering it.
Hana hated that fact, since it was playing into Koreshige's plans in trying to wrest control of the Inuzuka from her mother. She had learned that the large powerfully built Inuzuka had asked for the assembly that was about to take place while she had been in Vegetable Country. She figured that Koreshige had timed his visit to her clinic so that she would submit to him and appear at the meeting on his side, further solidifying his Alpha male status to the rest of the clan by taking the current clan head's daughter as a mate. Hana had always been rather uneasy with her Inuzuka nature, especially as it became apparent that she hadn't inherited many of the physical traits of her clan. Many times she had felt it to be a curse to have such bestial instincts while looking so unlike the rest of her kin, especially as she knew that much like a show dog; it would be those physical characteristics that most potential mates would judge her by.
She had been happy to be bound to Naruto, since he had recognized her for her personality as well as found her physically attractive. Yet still, she recognized that her mother had been the ultimate goal and that she had simply been caught up in it. However, nonetheless she was happy with Naruto as a mate and angry at herself that the beast inside her was trying to tempt her away simply because Koreshige was trying to claim her in a similar manner as Naruto had her mother. Especially as it was transparent that she was simply a means to an end much as she suspected he viewed his other mates.
That was in essence one of the things that Hana disliked about her clan, which was highlighted by her current attraction to Koreshige, which was that they could tend to be perceived as mercurial. While very few would ever question an Inuzuka's loyalty since most who fought alongside them found them to be as true companions as their canine partners. That loyalty could shift depending on the actions and inactions of those they interacted with, and while that might be true for the other clans as well, it seemed to be the case more so for the Inuzuka. Hana attributed this to the fact that words held very little meaning in her clan; passion, strength, and actions were what mattered. Koreshige seemed to understand this concept better than most, especially as he was so brazen as to attempt to seduce her, the daughter of the woman whose position he desired and who had already physical destroyed him once. To his credit, that was something that Hana imagined fueled some of the desire for him that she was feeling.
Yet, it was also something that the more rational side of her found rather repulsive about the man, which was that his actions were all coldly calculated so that although he carried them out with passion. It was as if he was lying to the clan through them. For example, while he had made it clear that his challenge against Kiba had been solely due to people starting to treat him like an Alpha male in the same sense as Koreshige. Hana didn't doubt he had enjoyed it as a means of getting back at Tsume for his prior defeat. Furthermore, she fully expected him to bask in the rift that could have developed between her mother and her if he had seduced her.
Hana felt ashamed of herself again as Koreshige smirked at her and some color threatened to appear in her cheeks. It also stemmed from the fact that rather than drum up the courage to reject him, she had gone into work late and let an assistant deal with explaining the results of his canine's checkup to the man. She had little doubt she would soon be graced by the man's presence again since her actions showed that she had been affected by his presence.
Tsume seemed to sense Hana's discomfort causing her to growl softly in the back of her throat. Perhaps hoping to let her daughter out of the presence of the man as soon as possible she stated, "Alright Koreshige, we're all here as you requested. Why don't you tell us why you called this assembly?"
Koreshige stepped to the center of the Clan House where the Inuzuka held their meetings. He turned to look at the assembled Inuzuka and Hana could tell that he was pleased those lining up to support him nearly equaled those that supported Tsume. Hana gauged those supporting Koreshige and found most to be around her age or younger. They also were predominately male with the few exceptions being those mated to the men of the faction. Hana supposed she could understand why his faction was composed primarily of men since his assuming the title of Clan Head would end the line Matriarchal Clan Heads which had existed since the death of the First Inuzuka. But his message of cutting ties with the other Shinobi Villages would likely also be the best avenue for them to prove themselves in battle, and while the Inuzuka weren't warmongers, at least not at present. They did hunger for the life and death situations that missions against the other shinobi villages often provided as they were the best way to distinguish one's self. Not to mention many of the young shinobi still had the bitter feelings left over from Pain's Invasion, and wanted a chance for some payback which the current alliance with Rain wouldn't allow.
She focused on Koreshige as he said, "I asked for this meeting of the Clan to discuss the recent revelation that Konoha was responsible for the destruction of the Uchiha. I think it proves beyond all doubt the folly of this recent push to work closer with the likes of Kumo, Ame, and Suna. If we can't even trust the alliance of clans that formed Konoha, how can we trust these other shinobi villages?"
Tsume growled angrily before replying, "Thinking isn't your strong suit Koreshige. I suggest you leave it to others."
The large man barred his fangs which Tsume quickly responded to in kind. Koreshige calmed himself though aware that challenging Tsume would give her the opportunity to destroy him, and all those present knew this time she wouldn't stop until his heart did. Hana felt some of the bestial desire she had for him fade as a result since it lessened his Alpha like standing in her eyes. She could also see a similar reaction in many of those who supported him as it made it apparent that he was trying not to challenge her directly. Which while technically smart, in a Clan like the Inuzuka, was not going to play well with his followers since a person could spout all the pretty words they wanted to hear, but if he could not wrest control of the clan from Tsume then they meant nothing.
Koreshige though pressed on by responding, "Then why don't you dazzle us all with your stunning intellect and explain why we shouldn't expect a similar betrayal from this so called alliance, when we've been lied to and betrayed by our own elder council."
"Maybe because that council took the steps necessary to prevent a civil war from breaking out in the village," a voice which made Hana's eyes go wide said from the entrance of the Clan House.
"Naruto," Kiba said surprised, "What the hell are you doing here?"
The blond chuckled as he said sounding slightly embarrassed, "Well I had wanted to see how you were doing, but nobody was home." Looking at all the assembled Inuzuka he said, "I guess that explains why most of the residencies in the district were empty."
Koreshige growled angrily as he asked, "Nobody invited you here."
"No one exactly said I couldn't stop by either," Naruto replied stepping further into the room. "If you didn't want company then you should have hanged a sign on the door."
"You aren't welcome here, Uzumaki," a man his age said from what Naruto guessed was Koreshige's faction. The blond recognized him as a classmate named Shinta by the two rectangular marks on his cheek. He recalled how the super competitive kid had often teased Chouji about his weight and blamed him for their losses when playing shinobi.
He wasn't exactly a fan of his either which was why Naruto replied, "Sorry, but I couldn't help but speak up upon having my sense of hearing assaulted by such inane bullshit."
Koreshige bristled at the comment as Naruto stepped past Hana close enough to graze her arm. The blond stepped before him and gave him an obviously appraising gaze before saying, "So you're the source of the crap I've been hearing recently. I thought you'd have more presence to get so many people to go along with it."
Hana noticed Koreshige's jaw clench at the insult. He struggled to remain calm once more, which again damaged his status with his followers. But Hana couldn't fault him this time since most everyone in the room recognized that if he did attack Naruto then he would likely be crushed. Still, Hana felt her bestial side quickly growing excited at her mate's presence. A part of her even hoped that he was there to beat Koreshige down for daring to encroach on his woman.
Koreshige frowned towards Tsume before inclining his head towards Aeris and Yuffie as he said, "It is bad enough we have to suffer the presence of these inferior bitches. But are you now going to let some outsider without ties to our clan interfere in our assembly?"
Yuffie was about to protest, but Aeris placed a calming hand on her and a growling Kiba's shoulder. Both calmed, even as Tsume said, "If the savior of the village's presence offends you that much then feel free to see him out."
Koreshige held his hand out towards the entrance as he said, "This debate doesn't concern you."
"Actually it does," Naruto replied ignoring the obvious invite to leave. Walking past the much larger Inuzuka to face his faction he said, "I can't fault people for being upset about learning that the truth of the Uchiha Massacre was being kept from them. But, trying to use it to score points in order to further your own goals... well that really pisses me off."
Koreshige shrugged as he countered, "I wouldn't expect a ward of the village to understand something like Clan pride or family."
Hana felt her hackles rise at Koreshige's statement. She calmed though as Naruto turned to face her while saying, "Oh I understand it perfectly well. After all, I see the sentiment that you are trying to spread as being dangerous to my family. Particularly, since I see the people of Konoha, Ame, Suna, and Kumo as being a part of it." She felt her heart speed up as he continued with it feeling like his words were meant for her, "You're a dog that doesn't realize it yet, but in your quest to be head of the pack you just fucking entered the wrong man's territory."
"Are you threatening me?"
Naruto began to pull off his cloak which was followed by the jacket and shirt underneath. Standing bare chested he answered, "Hardly. I understand how the Inuzuka Clan works, so I'm here to challenge you. Letting a fool like you do as he pleases will only cause my family headaches later on, and from what I've heard you're too chicken to face Tsume again directly so she can't properly put a muzzle on you." The blond appeared to look around for a moment as Koreshige stewed visibly on his words. Hana wasn't sure what he was searching for until his eyes landed on hers and they lit up. Stepping before her, he offered the clothes he held to her and asked, "Can you hold onto these for me? This shouldn't take long."
Hana nodded not trusting herself not to say something which would unveil their bond. But as she accepted his cloak and other items, he squeezed her hand affectionately beneath them letting her know that despite his words the reason he was acting so overtly was for her. Hana felt her bestial nature grow hot for Naruto as it understood that his actions were to maintain his claim as the Alpha male in her life.
The feeling only grew as Naruto stepped before the much larger man, who promptly said, "I refuse." Hana could see that it was a move which disappointed all of those on his side. But he explained his reasoning hoping to minimize the damage by saying, "I recognize that due to the beast you contain that in a straight up contest you would destroy me. Being a leader is about knowing when to back down."
Naruto scoffed causing the muscles of Koreshige's arms to tense. Hana's mate mockingly replied, "Oh that is certainly true in the larger scheme of things where the subordinates of a leader are at risk. But in a personal matter as this, they sound like the words of a coward." He look towards Kiba before facing the man towering over him as he continued, "You attacked Kiba because you felt he was a threat to your own rise in status, but also because you were certain you could win. That doesn't sound like any Inuzuka that I'd ever want watching my back. I don't know if Kiba thought he could beat you or not when he accepted your challenge, but hearing you degrade his mates I certainly know why he did it. He did it out of pride sure, but that pride wasn't just in his own status, but in the pride he took in having those two as lovers. You on the other hand try to rationalize cowardice as being somehow noble. Luckily, I came prepared for that." Naruto dug into his pocket before pulling something out and affixing it to his chest. Hana couldn't see what it was, but she could feel his chakra suddenly cut off despite still feeling his presence through her foxmark. He grinned up at the bald man as he said, "There now my chakra is sealed, so are you going to accept my challenge or prove to everyone that you're a sheep in wolf's clothing."
"This is just some sort of trap," Koreshige replied, "There nothing to be gained by beating a defenseless man."
Naruto rolled his eyes as he said, "What the fuck does it take to make you happy? Look, if you want I'll go develop a tag that will let me dial in just how much chakra I can use, okay. Then I'll come back and we can debate about how much is too much or too little. Or you can just man the fuck up right now and accept my challenge. Because I'll let you in on a little secret, I'm a far way from being defenseless."
Koreshige growled having enough of Naruto's taunts as he pulled his vest off to bare his powerfully built upper body. Glaring at the jinchuriki, he shouted, "I'm going to make you regret ever being born." Activating his Beast Mimicry Jutsu, Koreshige's muscles bulged even more before he dropped down to all fours with a snarl.
Naruto dropped into the stance he had been learning from Toka in how to combat the Sharingan. He knew that he was at a disadvantage still, but he was confident with his taijutsu and the training he had done with Miya that he would come out ahead. The reason being was that Miya despite undergoing Kiyomi's painful treatments to increase her chakra never seemed to use it against him in their spars. When he had inquired why, she had explained that her target was Kisame and his greatest asset was his ability to steal chakra. Therefore, she had decided to train in order to increase her proficiency without it, but since in most fights shinobi relied on chakra almost subconsciously to move quickly or increase their leaps she knew she would need deep reserves still. Naruto had quickly decided to follow suit during their training in the Hidden Eddy Inn's training room as his past experiences had taught him that most shinobi tended to underestimate those with their chakra sealed.
Koreshige was no exception as he launched at Naruto swinging his clawed fingers for the blond's throat. Naruto dodged just enough to avoid the strike before repositioning himself to face his opponent. Koreshige yelled as he charged Naruto again this time rising up to two feet as he began swinging wildly at him. The whiskered man backpedaled as he occasionally blocked the wild attacks that he wouldn't have been able to completely avoid. Seeing an opening, Naruto dashed forward suddenly slamming his elbow into his opponent's sternum. He then used the same arm to smash the back of his fist into Koreshige's nose breaking it and as the man stumbled back he dropped down into a crouch to swipe him off his feet.
Koreshige hit the ground, but flipped backwards onto his feet. He dropped back to all fours and shot forward barely missing Naruto with his fang over fang. The man angled around again with the jutsu, but Naruto was prepared. He once more waited until the last second to dodge to the side letting the man pass by him. Koreshige came to a halt facing Naruto, but although the Inuzuka was growling and appeared ready, the jinchuriki from his sparring with both Tsume and Hana knew a lot of it was for show as they still needed a few seconds to regain their bearings from the spinning. The blond took advantage by quickly closing the distance and kicked the crouched Inuzuka in the chin. The blow lifted the man up into the air and as his belly was exposed to him, Naruto smashed his fist into it sending Koreshige towards his would be followers. The men he would have landed on caught him, but the enraged Inuzuka pushed the men away as he roared before barreling down on Naruto.
Naruto's calmness in front of his opponent's rage was the greatest sign of just how in charge of the match he felt. Not to mention the fact that Koreshige had failed to score any significant blows, his latest charge proved no different as Naruto easily avoided several swipes of his opponent's claws before slipping beneath one and scoring a punch to the man's ribcage. Something broke free causing Koreshige to shout out which was cut off as Naruto chopped the man's windpipe. Gasping for air, he still managed to scream out as a kick to his knee shattered it and the pain was further amplified as he fell to it. Koreshige's world went dark as Naruto stepped behind him and lashed out with a kick to the back of the skull which sent it careening into the ground.
Naruto waited a few heartbeats to make sure Koreshige was down for good, before dropping out of his stance. He slowly walked towards Hana accepting back his cloak which he put on leaving his glistening chest exposed. Turning towards Koreshige's group he said, "This village and the shinobi world at large don't need idiots trying to stir up old resentments for their own gains. What happened with the Uchiha was a tragedy, but one born of people feeling superior to the very civilization they felt ostracized from and deciding if they couldn't be accepted by it, they should rule it. The words are different but that is the same path that Koreshige is offering to take you down. Just don't be surprised when it brings you similar results. It's only been as a unified village that we have managed to beat back the forces that have tried to snuff out our will of fire." Pointing to the symbol on his forehead protector he added, "This is a symbol of pride in everything that we have built together. But it shouldn't be used as an excuse not to reach out and achieve similar greatness with those outside our walls. That's all I really have to say on the matter, but I hope you all someday can see things the same way I do someday."
Hana watched her mate make his way to the entrance before stepping out. In his wake she could smell the scent of female arousal as most of the unattached females would have happily leapt into his bed if invited. She could still smell his scent as well and realized she was still holding his jacket and shirt. Her eyes drifted to her mother, who looked like she would happily drop down on all fours to be mounted by him in full view of her clan. Tsume tore her eyes from the door and seeing the unspoken invitation Naruto had left said to her daughter, "You should probably return those before he gets too far away."
Hana didn't smile but nodded obediently before leaving the building. She could hear the amusement in her mother's voice as she said, "Is there anyone else that would like to take up Koreshige's argument?" The door closed behind her before she heard anyone respond, but she doubted anyone volunteered.
Mikoto heard the shower running while she visited with Kushina. Her imagination was running wild especially as it centered on Naruto, who had appeared in his apartment's living room. The image of his bare chest and stomach as he took off his cloak had quickly transported her back to some of the fantasies she had entertained about him. He had stood in such a state as he answered Kushina about where he had been. She smiled as Kushina was still grumbling about her son challenging someone to a fight with his chakra sealed.
"Honestly, he so reckless," Kushina said sending a worried look towards the bathroom.
Mikoto shrugged as she said, "Well, he said it was something he had to do. I doubt he would have if he didn't really feel that was the case."
Mikoto heard the shower cutoff and resisted the urge to look towards the bathroom as the door opened. She looked at her friend and found her looking away as if faced with a similar dilemma. Seeing Kushina was looking away, Mikoto quickly snuck a peek to see Naruto walking towards his room while toweling his hair dry with another one wrapped around his waist. She heard the red-head shift on the couch once Naruto stepped into his room so quickly looked back. She had to shift her weight herself as she squeezed her thighs together sending a pleasant tingle through her core. Changing the subject, although she still intended to lead it back towards Naruto, she asked, "Have you talked to Tsume since your official return?"
"No," Kushina answered, "Not outside that grilling we received from the Clan Council."
Mikoto giggled softly as she said, "Come on Kushina, you can't honestly have considered that a grilling. Not with over half the council being aware of the true circumstances of both of our returns."
"I suppose not," Kushina conceded reluctantly, "But Hiashi sure made up for the pass we received from the others." Not really wanting to think back to the time spent answering the Council's questions, although the true reason had more to do with her getting bored with the proceedings about midway through so her mind had decided to conjure a waking dream for her. She recalled her shock as her daydream had ignored the presence of the male councilors as the women tied to her son had begun to have their way with him in the council chamber. It had been far more tortuous to watch the likes of Ino, Tsunade, Yakumo, Koharu, and Tsume enjoy themselves with Naruto then it had been to answer the councilors' questions. But it had been far worse when Yoshino, who unlike the men present hadn't been unaware of Naruto pleasuring their colleagues, had broken down as well quickly stripping off her clothes and joining in. It had been a few heartbeats later that Mikoto had begun walking towards him which is when she had been called back to reality.
Similarly to how she was as the Uchiha said, "True, but considering that the rivalry between the Hyuuga and Uchiha nearly matched my clan's with the Senju. I can understand his reluctance to see my return."
"I don't think Hiashi necessarily feels that way, but he probably had to be harsh to satisfy his clan's elders," the red-head replied. "But why were you curious if Tsume and I have talked?"
Mikoto shrugged although her questioning had to do with trying to figure out the Uzumaki's thoughts on one of her friends sleeping with her son. "I just find it strange that in all the time you have been around she never approached you. Do you think she's nervous about how she is one of Naruto's lovers?"
Kushina laughed before replying, "Hardly, I doubt Tsume would have cared even if I had been around to raise an objection. By the time I appeared she was already with him."
"But still..."
"Besides," Kushina said stopping a moment to see if Mikoto was going to continue, "In truth Tsume and I drifted apart after you and I became friends. I think she viewed it as a betrayal since you two had such a bitter history."
"Yeah," Mikoto said downcast, "But she spent time around us."
"Which became less and less the closer we got," Kushina said, "But then we were kunoichi with busy careers and she was leading her clan so it just seemed like we never had time. The truth is though that we just didn't make it."
"I'm sorry," Mikoto said sadly, "I did treat her as if she came from an inferior clan throughout most of our time in the academy."
"I'm not," Kushina replied surprising her friend, "If you and I didn't become friends then you might have still been an Uchiha with a stick up her ass, and we wouldn't be enjoying each other's company right now."
"We're able to do that," Mikoto said with a slight smile, "Because Itachi's aim was a quarter inch off of his blade running through my heart, and you were placed inside your son like some kind of Bijuu instruction manual."
Kushina shrugged as she said amused, "I didn't say it was a straight line to this point." Both women began laughing until they noticed the door of the apartment opening. Hana quickly closed it, likely trying to avoid running into Kurenai. She stared at the two women for a moment holding Naruto's shirt and jacket.
She appeared nervous by Kushina's presence, but her desires which brought her there were too powerful to ignore so with a quickly muttered, "Excuse me," she then swiftly made her way to Naruto's room.
Both women watched the door for a moment more than aware as to what was going to happen behind it. Mikoto having heard the cries of women being pleasured by Naruto in Kiyomi's mansion, had upon moving into her new apartment found she missed them. Primarily as they had helped fuel her fantasies in regards to him. She was tempted not to call attention to it and to wait for them to appear, but since she figured that should that happen she would soon find herself fingering herself to those cries was about to offer to move their conversation down to her apartment.
Before she could, Kushina fearing the same thing stated, "I...it might be best to give them some privacy."
Mikoto nodded and although they appeared to be in agreement, neither woman moved until the soft moans coming from his room seemed to morph into a siren's call beckoning them to enter. Yet, resist they did as they moved to Mikoto's apartment, although their dreams ended up being haunted by their choice.
Hana found Naruto lying naked on his bed with his eyes closed. She didn't bother with the pretense of returning his clothes which she dropped on the floor as she approached his bed. Reaching the side he was closest to, she prepared to lower her mouth to his groin, but was pulled onto the bed suddenly. Before she knew it she was kneeling on the bed with Naruto pressed up behind her. Wordlessly he buried his hand in her shorts and began fingering her pussy which had been drooling excessively since his victory of Koreshige.
Hana whimpered as his index and middle finger worked themselves inside her. Feeling the wetness he said, "It seems my little display had the desired effect of making you hot for me once more."
"I...I'm sorry..."
"Shh, none of that now," Naruto said before licking her neck and nibbling on her ear. Pulling the zipper of her shinobi vest down he added, "You did nothing wrong. You came to me with what you were feeling allowing me to make my own for you clear. It also afforded me an opportunity to smack around the asshole who hurt my friend."
Hana nodded as she spread her legs out more to give her mate more room to work his magic. Moaning deeper as he took the hint she said, "B...But I shouldn't have let my Inuzuka desires tempt me. I knew he just wanted to use me."
Naruto shook his head as he said mildly reproachfully, "Hana, you have every right to feel tempted when a person makes their desires known for you. My own tactics weren't that much different from his when you look at them. You are a gorgeous Inuzuka woman, who had another male sniffing around for some tail. It's only natural that you would react. As your mate, it was my job to make sure he knew his advances were not appreciated."
Hana giggled softly before groaning in pleasure as Naruto's thumb began stroking her clit. She turned her face into his neck licking it affectionately as she stated, "Mmmm, you certainly did that."
Naruto shivered from her lusty tone as much from her tongue over his skin. Sounding rather possessive he said, "Then I trust there's no question as to whose woman you are."
"None," Hana moaned into his neck as her hips began writhing against his hand.
Naruto grinned timing his next question with her quickly approaching release, "And whose mate are you?"
Hana stiffened as he stroked her clit triggering her climax as she shouted, "Yours!!!!"
Naruto held Hana close as she shook in his arms while riding out her release. Pulling his hand free of her shorts as she relaxed to catch her breath he brought his fingers to his mouth to suck her juices from them. Moaning in delight from her flavorful nectar he felt her shiver as he stated, "Then it's time I believe I claimed what's mine."
Naruto laid her back on the bed, before pushing her vest from her breasts. Leaning down he captured one of her hardened nubs between his lips before nipping it gently. Hana cried out softly from the pleasurable feeling which grew louder as he began to suckle on her tit. Her hands weren't idle as one buried itself in his hair to pull him harder into her breast, while the other sought out the pillar of flesh she hoped would soon be buried inside her. Naruto groaned into her flesh pillow as she made contact with his cock and began tugging it gently.
Naruto licked across the valley of her breasts to give her other nipple some attention while he began to rub her pussy through her drenched shorts. Once, he had brought the nub to a similar point of hardness as he had its neighbor he adjusted his position so that he was between Hana's legs. Grabbing the hem of her shorts, he waited for her to raise her butt off the bed to pull them down her thighs and free of her feet. Once the garment was discarded she quickly spread her legs for him displaying her trimmed bush which was matted with her prior release.
Naruto took a moment to commit the scene to memory before pressing his cock against her entrance. Lowering his lips to hers, he kissed her hungrily and slid his dick inside causing her to moan into his mouth. Naruto hammered her cunt furiously causing Hana to break the kiss and howl in pleasure as her womb was prodded over and over.
Hana's body was overcome with pleasure causing her to wrap her arms and legs tightly around her mate as if to hold on for dear life. Naruto finding her tight grip rather hard to fight against changed the angle of his attack as he leaned back pulling her from the bed. Gripping her ass, he pulled her up and down his cock nearly frantic to cum and mark her insides with his seed. Hana feeling the familiar pressure of release building bit down on Naruto's shoulder. The sudden pain caused Naruto to erupt. Filling Hana's womb nearly to the point of capacity as the Inuzuka shrieked into his flesh while her pussy milked his shaft for the last few spurts of his cream.
They clung to each other as they basked in the feeling of being connected. Naruto was pulled from the white world of pleasure as he became aware of Hana licking the bite mark she had left. Naruto pulled back to look into her eyes as he rested his forehead against hers. A pleased smile rested on her lips as she softly said, "I love you."
Naruto smiled widely as he replied, "And I you." Naruto kissed her lips again as he raised her back up his shaft to show her once more.
Kurenai noted that both Mikoto and Kushina seemed to be less than rested as they joined the other residents of the Hidden Eddy Inn in the shared dining room. She had been a little surprised the night before when coming back from her nightly run she had encountered Hana outside the building. She had inquired as to what had brought her there and learned about Naruto's taking care of the person that had hurt her brother and the jounin's student.
Kurenai had been pleased to learn the news and had been more than mildly impressed to hear that Naruto had managed to do it without his chakra. She had been questioning Naruto about why he had decided to challenge the man during breakfast, but his answer had been a simple shrug and cryptic smile as he had stated it was just something he felt had needed to be done. Still, as Kiba's teacher she couldn't help but wonder how her student was feeling in the aftermath of Naruto's victory. To her surprise, she was given an opportunity to find out as Kiba's voice called out, "Hey, anyone here?"
Kurenai noticed that for the first time since living there she noticed that some of the kunoichi seemed embarrassed about their choice in wearing skimpy shirts and panties to breakfast. But, as if aware that they couldn't just go scamper off to change lest she question why it was okay for Naruto to see them in such a state they relaxed with Ino calling out, "We're in here."
Kiba threw open the door and his eyes grew wide for a moment, but before he could comment on the scene, Sakura asked, "What brings you here so early Kiba?"
Kiba's gaze moved to Kurenai briefly before saying, "Sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt any..."
Ino already seeming at ease with his presence said, "It's only breakfast. Why don't you join us?"
"Sure," Kiba said taking a seat between Kurenai and Miya. He appeared a little unsure of what to say so busied himself with adding food to the plate he had been given. Some of which he began to wolf down before commenting, "Man, this is really good."
Kurenai noticed that Miya seemed pleased by the statement but then her cheeks began to color as Naruto stated, "It's fitting you think so since it was thanks to Miya's training that I was confident enough to face Koreshige without any chakra. Both her and Toka's actually." Kurenai watched the usually calm Senju's cheeks colored as well, although far more noticeably than the landlady's. "She traded her training for some help with cooking, even though we've all said it's great. I'm sure she's glad for an outside opinion."
Kiba pushed his plate away as he said, "That's why I'm here actually."
Naruto arched an eyebrow as he asked questioningly, "Cooking lessons?"
"What no," Kiba said annoyed especially as it had been hard enough to work up the nerve to ask, "I came here today to ask that you help me with my training."
Naruto was obviously shocked by the request and began to reply, "Kiba, I'm no..."
"Naruto, it's not the time to be humble," the Inuzuka said seriously. "Look man, I freely admit that I messed up. Because of my challenging Koreshige and losing, it had tied my mom's hands in dealing with him. If you hadn't of stepped in, it might have allowed his influence to grow to the point where things could have spiraled out of control."
Naruto waved off Kiba's point as he said, "Tsume wouldn't have let that happen."
Kurenai had been a little surprised by Naruto's familiarity with saying the name of Kiba's mom. She was about to inquire about it when Naruto began wincing as Kushina twisted his ear while saying, "Don't you think you should speak of a member of the council with a little more formality, Naruto?"
"Ow, ow, ow," Naruto said after his mother let go. Kurenai had the sneaking sensation that the comment had been more for her benefit than anything else, but Naruto seemed to comply as he said, "Sorry, I meant Lady Tsume wouldn't have let things reach that point."
Kurenai joined in with some of the giggles that rose up from around the table as she found it hard to believe the same boy that had called the Third Hokage, Old Man could be made to speak in such a manner. She looked at his bare chest as he was only wearing his orange pants and found herself commenting mentally that he certainly wasn't a boy any longer.
"That's not the point," Kiba said getting back to his request, "The point is that it didn't and the reason is because you had the strength to back up your boasts. Despite what Koreshige thought, I know it isn't what was sealed inside you which makes you strong. Hell, I remember when you were the dead last of our class. I guess what I'm hoping is that now that it appears that I'm the dead last of the Rookie Nine that maybe you can help show me the path to becoming strong like you."
Kurenai smiled at her student, marveling at his own growth, especially in maturity. She was aware of how hard it must be for him to ask a person that he had viewed as a rival since his defeat in the Chunin Exams for help. Naruto also seemed to appreciate it so made it a little easier for him by stating, "Fine, I'll help. But you need to help me with my own training."
"What can I help you with?" Kiba asked incredulously.
"Well, on my last mission I... struck a deal with my Bijuu. It gave me an improved chakra form, but after speaking with my mom and others knowledgeable in the subject, there seems to be a more powerful Tailed Beast form that I can access. But, I don't have any experience fighting in a four legged manner so that is where you come in. You help me learn how to fight like a fox, and I'll help you in your training." Holding his hand out, he asked, "Deal?"
The Inuzuka grinned appreciatively as he said "Deal," while shaking it.
Kurenai sent her own appreciative look towards Naruto for making the matter easier on her student as Kiba returned to his food, and felt her own cheeks begin to color as he gave her a wink in response.
Mikoto stood in front of the Memorial Stone and although it had only been a few days since the last time. She found her resolve to remain true to the pledge she had made then severely strained. The reason being that she had been shopping in the market having offered to help Miya with some of the household chores and as a result she had encountered a couple of hostile jounin, who had commented about how it was foolish of the Hokage to let a known traitor live inside the village. Looking at the others who were present for the exchange, she saw it was a sentiment that most of them had shared. Mikoto hadn't replied, instead quickly leaving the story without the groceries she had already grabbed and without a particular destination in mind had soon found herself in front of the stone which had Itachi's name chiseled in it.
She sighed in frustration wondering if it was even worth the effort to try and earn the village's trust again. After all, she had tried to maintain her loyalty to it and instead had been repaid by having her clan slaughtered. The fact of it being Itachi, who had planned and carried it out, was the only thing she felt had kept her from slicing open the necks of the jounin that had mocked her about it. She supposed that since it had been an Uchiha that had passed judgment on the clan; she was more accepting of it then if the Elders had sent in squads of the Anbu Black Ops.
Her mood suddenly shifted as another reason she was willing to bear the village's hate shouted, "Hey Mikoto! What are you doing here?"
She turned to smile pleasantly as Naruto jogged up to her as she responded, "I could ask you the same thing."
Naruto chuckled indicating his team with his thumb while explaining, "Kakashi-sensei scheduled some training for us today, but remaining true to his usual antics, he's probably going to be hours later than he told us."
"I imagine it must be frustrating for your team to wait around for him constantly."
Naruto chuckled as he said with a shrug, "We make do."
Mikoto licked her lips as she imagined some of the ways Naruto and the women of his squad found to pass the time. "I can imagine," she said as her body responded to her imagination. "I should get going."
She began to walk away, but Naruto gently grabbed her arm asking, "Is everything alright? You looked rather upset about something."
"It's nothing," Mikoto said with a forced smile.
Naruto easily spotted it so said gently, "Hey, you can tell me, or my mom if you prefer. Although, I'm a pretty good listener or if listening isn't required, I'm pretty proficient at ass-kicking too."
Mikoto's smile became more genuine as she said, "So I've heard. But it's nothing; I simply had a run in with a few individuals who expressed their anger over their Police Force planning to take over their home. To be honest, now that I've calmed down it's rather easy to understand their anger. Regardless of how we felt we were being treated by those in charge of the village. Our rebellion could never have worked as we would have ended up betraying the trust of those we were charged with protecting."
Naruto nodded, but then smiled as he said, "What you need is a night out in which you can forget your troubles. Let me be your guide for the evening."
Mikoto shook her head as she commented, "I'm afraid it isn't that simple. Especially as my troubles are related to the blood that flows in my veins."
Naruto's smile widened as he said, "Hey what good is having a couple of false personas in your back pocket if you can't use them to help a beautiful woman help forget her troubles for a night? I'll pick you up at eight tonight." Before Mikoto could respond, Naruto quickly reversed course to return to his teammates to wait for Kakashi. Mikoto turned back towards the Memorial Stone feeling as if the rays of the sun had cut through the gloomy clouds her thoughts had been filled with moments before.
Mikoto laughed joyfully as Naruto spun her before pulling her back against his body as they danced in the crowded club Mikoto had wanted to visit while they were henged in the personalities he used to date his various lovers. She nearly purred as her back was pressed up against his chest as they swayed with the music before the song came to an end. Mikoto found herself swaying a few more moments with Naruto before reluctantly pulling away. Heading back to the table, she giggled as he said impressed, "Wow, you might not have been able to practice while you were imprisoned, but you certainly aren't missing any steps."
"Dancing is all about moving with the music," Mikoto replied, "and doing what feels right along with it."
"Is that an unknown power of the Sharingan," Naruto countered teasingly.
"If it is, you certainly didn't have any trouble keeping up," she replied sitting down on the stool she had been occupying before pulling Naruto onto the dance floor. Feeling much better than she had that morning, she said, "Thank you, Naruto. This is just what I needed." Looking around as she took a sip of her drink she added, "The club sure has changed since I was here last."
Naruto finished his drink, before raising an eyebrow, "Really, you came here before?"
Mikoto although wearing the face of the Snow-nin she was pretending to be, had opted to keep her normally long raven black hair. Tucking a few strands behind her ear, she nodded as she answered, "Your mother and I use to come here a lot with our future husbands." Reading the surprise on his face she said, "Hey we weren't always adults you know."
Naruto laughed as he said, "I know, I'm just surprised that's all. I mean this place just doesn't seem to be the type of place that a clan as isolated as the Uchiha would have enjoyed."
"It wasn't for me at first, but your mom had ways of forcing me out of my shell," the Uchiha replied. "She used to drag me here kicking and screaming. It was only later that I began to come with Minato and Fugaku, although my husband never enjoyed it. Sometimes I felt he only tagged along to keep tabs on me, since he always complained afterwards about how it wasn't the proper way for an Uchiha to act." Naruto picked up on the bitterness in Mikoto's voice which he attributed to the actions her husband would eventually take. The Uchiha woman provided further evidence as she added, "Not a proper way for a Uchiha to act. It was that stupid unwavering thinking that led our clan to ruin. I should have done more... maybe then..."
Naruto reached out and placed his hand over hers as he said, "Hey, you did what you thought was right. You're stronger than a lot of people would have been when faced with the same choice. Certainly more then I think any of the other members of your clan were, including Itachi."
Mikoto looked at him in surprise as she countered, "No I'm not. I..."
The blond cut her off saying, "Mikoto, you alone tried to straddle both worlds. You alerted the village to what your husband was planning while remaining true to your clan. When push came to shove you sided with your family, I can't fault you for that and truthfully I don't think anyone who honestly thinks about the position you were in would. I know for a fact that if anyone, even an organization I should be loyal to put me in a situation where I had to choose between it or my family. My family is going to win every time." Naruto squeezed her hand reassuringly as he added, "Currently the village is celebrating a man who up until a couple of weeks ago they were cursing. The reason is because now they know his actions were for their benefit, as well as Sasuke's. But, it doesn't erase the fact that they weren't necessarily the best ones. In hindsight we tell ourselves there was no other choice, but we can't be sure if the Third might not have achieved better results if he had been given more time to negotiate. Yet..."
"Yet, I didn't come out here today to talk about it," Mikoto said gently. "I understand what you are saying Naruto, but the truth is Itachi likely did take the best actions available. I've made my peace with that, now is the time for me to look out towards the future."
Naruto nodded in agreement as he asked, "So what does the future hold for you?"
Mikoto stood again and pulled Naruto onto the dance floor as she said, "Right now, I don't want to think about it and just want to do what feels right."
Kushina watched the henged Naruto and Mikoto dance together from a balcony on the second floor. Watching her friend dance with her son filled her with envy especially as she felt the roles of their youth had been reversed. Kushina remembered how Mikoto used to complain about how unfair it was that she had the freedom to choose who she wanted to be with, while the leaders of the Uchiha had settled on her future husband the day she had been born. Yet, now here she was watching from afar as her friend danced energetically with the man she likely wanted to be with.
Kushina tried to look away feeling foolish for following them, but she had been unable to refrain from doing so upon learning that they were going out. Despite her friend's insistence that Naruto was simply taking her out to help her feel better about a run in she had, Kushina couldn't shake the feeling that while Mikoto might have actually felt that way. It didn't mean her feelings would remain as pure as the night progressed.
Still, that really didn't explain her need to keep tabs on them, other than the fact that she decided that she must enjoy torturing herself. Watching them leave the dance floor, Kushina felt annoyed as Mikoto hooked her arm with Naruto's and rested her head on his shoulder as they returned to their table. Watching her friend, she noticed that as the night grew longer the signs that Mikoto was attracted to Naruto became more pronounced which she attributed to the dancing and alcohol. Sighing in frustration she watched Mikoto get up to head to the ladies room and considered confronting her friend about her behavior. But she was sure that would tip Mikoto off about her own less than pure feelings for Naruto since in the past she had shown few reservations about letting the Uchiha dance or get flirty with Minato when Fugaku had been a stick in the mud. Kushina supposed she hadn't been bothered since she knew at the end of the day Minato would be leaving with her, while this time she'd be watching the man she desired leaving with Mikoto.
Mikoto sighed in frustration as she wanted to hurry back to Naruto, but as if it was the entrance to a VIP section the line to the woman's room was nearly back to the dance floor. Mikoto rolled her eyes wondering why her fellow women did this to themselves rather than handling what brought them to the bathroom much in the same manner as the men did. As if to prove her point, the door to the men's room opened as someone stepped out and Mikoto saw that it was devoid of any other users.
Fearing that if she didn't take matters into hand, her enjoyable night would come to an end as her bladder failed her. She stepped out of line, proceeding to a quiet corner of the club she ducked behind a pillar and when she stepped out the other side was someone new. Someone who could use the current unoccupied men's room.
Stepping inside she moved to the end stall, and dropped the henge as she began to return the liquid she had consumed. Sighing in contentment as her bladder thanked her, she fought back a curse as suddenly there was a run of men in search of the same release. She cursed her luck since she figured she'd have to wait until the stampede ended before exiting. Soon enough the bathroom became a ghost town again, but just before she reapplied her henge another two people entered.
One of the two stated, "Hey I know you. You're that guy with the crazy girlfriend right. The one that thinks she is a bunch of different people."
She smiled as Naruto's disguised voice said, "Well if I was, do you really think you should be describing her like that to me."
"Sorry, sorry," the man said drunkenly obviously missing the point, "I've got to ask though. How can you deal with it? It seems like a lot of work for just one piece of ass."
Naruto tried to ignore the man, but after he kept pressing, even moving over to the urinal next to him, he finally explained, "I doubt you could comprehend it, if that's how you look at it. But what makes it worthwhile is the women themselves. Each of them is unique and beautiful and my life is better for having them in it."
"But it's the same woman," the man said obviously clueless.
Naruto rolled his eyes wishing his bladder would empty faster so he could get away from the man. But he nonetheless said, "Look, to you they might look the same, but to me each personality is a different person. Take the woman that I'm with tonight. She's not actually into me, but she needed a friendly pick me up. She's also a lot stronger than she gives herself credit for, and has proven herself a loyal friend. I'm lucky to have met her."
Naruto's luck also seemed to extend to the man losing interest in the conversation as he finished his business. "I don't get it," he said with a shrug before leaving the bathroom.
Naruto shrugged as well glad to be rid of the company, before tucking his one-eyed snake away. Washing his hands, he was about to head back to the club, but heard a soft knocking at one of the stalls. Confused, he detected some movement so asked as he approached it, "Hello, is anyone there. Did you choose a stall with no toilet paper? I've done that before, I'll..."
The door suddenly flew open before slamming closed after he was pulled in. Naruto was pressed up against the stall door and felt a soft pair of lips pressed against his. Although fearing he was being kissed by a very feminine man, he had enough experience to recognize that likely wasn't the case as a result of the softness pressed against his chest. His eyes finally focused on who was kissing him and to his shock found it was Mikoto. The woman pulled away before saying, "You were wrong about one thing. I'm very much into you."
She pressed her body and lips back against his before releasing his henge. Mikoto was a little worried Naruto would reject her advances, but suddenly his arms were around her as his tongue began to engage hers. After breaking for air, Naruto said, "I'll Hiraishin us..."
"No don't," Mikoto said breathlessly, "I always fantasized about doing something crazy like this. You don't mind do you?"
Naruto gave her an amused grin as he replied, "I'm in a bathroom stall with a beautiful woman, who says she wants me. I don't see any reason to complain."
Mikoto smiled seductively as she dropped down to her haunches as she stated, "Let's make sure it remains that way." She rubbed his groin with both hands as she enjoyed the sight of his pants tenting from his awakening cock. Pulling his fly down she cooed happily as she saw in person the monster that had haunted her dreams. Mikoto kissed the tip of his cock before licking along the side of it. As she returned back the ways she came she slipped underneath it to run the tip of her tongue along the underside of his shaft. She then teased the sensitive spot under his cockhead before taking him into her mouth.
Mikoto felt a thrill as she did so since, sex with her husband had been such a boring affair. While he hadn't refrained himself to only touching her in order to procreate, he hadn't put much thought into her pleasure or needs as in his opinion it had been a part of her wifely duties. As such sex had mostly been in the missionary position as it allowed him to set the pace which was always short and sweet before he'd return to his own sleeping mat. Any foreplay had been on her part in order to get him ready.
That was why Mikoto found it to be such a thrill to be sucking off Naruto in the bathroom of a crowded club as it was the farthest thing she could imagine from the typical venue she would normally be engaged in such an act. More to the point, Naruto proved to be a much more engaged lover as he pushed the straps of the blue dress Mikoto had bought for the night free of her shoulders and began fondling her breasts as she bobbed on his length.
Mikoto's pussy began to flood her panties as the door to the bathroom opened and several men entered to piss. She tried to keep her sucking from attracting attention, but Naruto didn't make it easy on her as he teased the diamond hard nubs of her breasts. She returned the favor as she began to cradle his balls in her hand. The newest arrivals soon concluded their business and as soon as they left Naurto's hands moved from her breast to the sides of her head. Mikoto nearly gagged as he began pumping his dick into her mouth, but soon relaxed as she simply enjoyed the feeling of a man desiring the pleasure of being sucked to completion by her. She began to moan, as she brought her hands to her pussy and began rubbing herself through the silken panties she had chosen for the evening.
Staring up into Naruto's eyes, the desire for her that she saw reflected in them drove her arousal through the roof. Naruto leaned his head back against the stall's door as he stated, "I'm going to cum." He groaned appreciatively as Mikoto without any prompting from his hands buried in her hair began working her mouth over the portion of his length that she could comfortably take with renewed vigor. Mikoto's dark eyes grew wide when he jammed his length back against her throat. She eagerly swallowed the warm thick fluid as it flooded her mouth waiting until the last drop hit her throat to let him slip free of her lips.
Naruto stared down at Mikoto as she crouched before him with a face of ecstasy as she savored the taste of him. She swallowed his load and then began licking the end of his cock affectionately as she searched for more traces of his seed. Giving up her search after a few moments she sat back on her calves and showed him the darkened patch on her panties where her fluids had stained the material.
Pushing her legs further apart, she said with a softly pleading tone, "Naruto, I need you. I want to feel..."
Naruto pulled the Uchiha to her feet before attaching his lips to hers while fondling one of her soft breasts. She was pushed back up against the stalls wall before Naruto began to kiss down her body. He placed a kiss against her stomach as Mikoto watched him with hooded eyes eagerly anticipating his reaching her needful pussy. Gazing up at her, he hooked his fingers in the sides of her underwear and slowly pulled them down her shapely legs. Mikoto stepped out of them and blushed as Naruto stared hungrily at her silken pussy while sticking her panties in his pocket. Licking his lips, he leaned forward and licked the nectar from her cunt before probing her tunnel for more.
Mikoto gasped, unused to the feeling of a tongue against her pussy as her husband had only ever gazed upon it to stick his meager dick inside her. Naruto though was more than making up for his neglect though as he expertly teased her pussy with his tongue. She felt something building within her causing her moans to increase in volume. A moment later though, she was tasting herself on Naruto's lips as the bathroom door opened once more as another person needed to relieve themselves. She kissed him hungrily as he continued pleasuring her by fingering her furiously. A moment later while grasping onto his clothes, she came all over his hand as she moaned into his mouth, while the man that had entered whistled to himself.
Naruto pulled back while she caught her breath while they waited for the man to step out. She watched him lick her juices as the bathroom door once more opened to let the unaware patron leave. Naruto kissed her once more softly, giving her another taste of herself before asking, "Are you sure?"
The Uchiha pushed off from the wall before exiting the stall. Walking towards the bathroom door she locked it and then moved towards the sink across from the stall he was occupying and placed her hands on the sink. She watched in the mirror as Naruto approached while slowly fisting his cock and enjoying the sight of her pushed out butt and straight legged stance. She gasped as he grabbed the checks of her ass and rubbed the tip of his cock against her drenched cunt. They both moaned pleasantly as he slowly slipped inside of her. Naruto drove her mad as he dragged out the feeding of his cock into her, and held her in place so that she couldn't push back against him. When only half of his dick was inside, he shocked her by suddenly jamming the rest fiercely into her. Her eyes rolled up into the back of her head as she began to shake and realized that Naruto had made her cum simple by entering her.
But she didn't have long to bask in the feeling as she was soon reaching new heights of pleasure as Naruto began to slide along the nerve endings inside her. Mikoto seemed unwilling to quiet her shouts so Naruto reached up towards her face to cover her mouth with his right hand. The Uchiha woman began to moan even louder against his palm as his powerful thrusts hit deeper inside her then her husband had ever been able to reach. Naruto then reached his left arm across her chest and roughly squeezed her hanging tit as his hips slapped into her ass.
Mikoto was on her way to heaven as she felt pressure building inside her once more. Once she reached her limit, Naruto pushed her past it as he squeezed the nipple of the tit he was enjoying. Mikoto arched her back as she screamed against his hand, while her pussy worked his shaft relentlessly to receive his seed.
Naruto resisted the urge to cum as Mikoto's knees buckled from her climax. Naruto easily held her up as he pulled free of her quivering quim. Spinning her around, he grabbed her by the ass and lifted her feet off the ground before pulling her back onto his dick. Mikoto's world went white again as she once more came around his dick. She tried to wrap her arms around his neck, but lacked the strength so Naruto carried her back in the stall they had started their tryst in and set her down on the toilet while still pumping away inside her.
Mikoto's back was pressed up against the tank of the porcelain throne while her knees rested on his arms as he held her by the waist. Naruto felt the familiar pressure telling him of his own end, desiring to give his newest lover one last climax he began thrusting with wild abandon while pressing his lips to hers. She ended the kiss as she felt him swelling inside her, hoping to urge him on she said, "G...give it to me. I've never felt this good. Y-you're amazing... please give me your CUM!!!!!!"
Naruto stopped holding back as he flooded Mikoto's womb and passage with his seed. Both of them shivered and shook as Naruto pumped a few more times trying to force his cock as deep inside her as possible. Eventually Mikoto sagged exhausted while Naruto stood back using the wall for support. He felt his dick try to lurch to life as the woman looked like a disheveled goddess. She looked up at him adoringly as his cum began to leak from her freshly fucked passage and drip into the toilet. She smiled up at him seductively as she ran her finger along her slit to pull his jizz into her mouth. She moaned at their taste and then leaned forward to begin kissing his dick. Naruto felt it begin to stir again as she began to clean it of their combined fluids.
Someone began banging on the door, so Naruto reluctantly stepped away to ask, "I think we need to find a new location before continuing."
Mikoto nodded reluctantly but said, "I want to dance some more before we fuck some more. Give me a moment to get my strength back and I'll meet you outside."
Naruto stepped out of the stall which Mikoto closed behind him. Quickly making his way out of the door with a muttered apology, he moved to a deserted spot while he waited for his new lover to join him. As he waited he began to wonder how his mother would take the news that he had added her best friend to his list of lovers.
Kushina had wondered where Naruto and Mikoto went especially as she had noticed a line of men forming near the hall where the bathrooms were located. She saw the henged Naruto appear after a moment as the stampede of men tried to rush past him. A couple had taken the table they had occupied throughout most of the night so she watched as Naruto waited near a pillar close to where the entrance to the washrooms was. A moment later a man appeared, who walked behind it and then the Henged Mikoto appeared on the other side. She spun before pressing herself against his chest and wrapped her arms around his neck before kissing him deeply. The two began swaying with the music as it became apparent to the red-head Uzumaki that her friend was now a woman bound to her son.
While she tried to adjust to the emotions the sight brought up in her a man approached her asking, "Hey there, let me by you a..."
He trailed off and quickly made himself scarce as Kushina looked at him with unamused eyes and her hair began waving behind her. She calmed down as she reminded herself that she should be happy that her friend found happiness, but as she turned away she couldn't deny that for the first time in her life she was jealous of Mikoto.