

During his training trip, Naruto is given a scroll which holds the secrets in how to seduce and ensnare women. A scroll he uses at first on the women and kunoichi around him but soon on the Shinobi... The NARUTO story is not mine all credits are to be given to the author Lemon Sage. Enjoy this Story.

phoebebrown · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
169 Chs

60: Target Karura

Mikoto sat up in the bed of the master bedroom that was found within the network of rooms that made up the Den. She stretched languidly sticking her hands in the air as she let herself bask in the feelings left over from the night of sex that she had enjoyed. She looked down at Naruto, who much like her was still tangled in the sheets from their lovemaking. Staring at his bare chest, she felt a desire to pick-up where they had left off, but her pussy having never received such a vigorous workout needed some time to recover. She also planned to go confess to Kushina everything that had happened, since although she hadn't originally intended for their night to end in such a way. Now that it had felt she needed to be the first to tell her friend.

She leaned down to kiss the young man who had shown her more desire and passion then she had received in thirteen years of marriage. Her eyes grew wide though when upon her lips touching his cheek, his arm wrapped around her and pulled her body tight against his. She smiled as he nuzzled his face against hers sleepily before beginning to snooze once more. Mikoto felt contentment in his arms and decided that she didn't necessarily need to rush off. Placing her head against his chest, she felt happy as he nestled his chin against the top of her head while his heartbeat provided the tempo which lured her back to sleep. Before she let sleep reclaim her, she ran her hand along the fox mark that Naruto had placed on her outer right thigh the night before and also felt a contentment from the connection she now shared with the other women that also wore his mark.


Temari had to push Tenten off of her chest as she figured it would be a busy few days for her. She could feel the new presence among Naruto's lovers and considering who he had been planning to spend the night with had little doubt it was Mikoto. Now with the one woman that her mother had gotten along with having succumbed to Naruto's charms, Temari didn't doubt her mother was going to be more hellbent than ever to prove he wasn't worth all the fuss. Therefore, Temari's goal was to not only aggravate her mother about her relationship even further, but to also interact with her lover until she was forced to acknowledge that there was something special about him.

The one hiccup in her plan was likely going to be none other than Naruto himself. She figured that the last thing that Naruto intended to do was take her mom as a lover for much the same reason he had been hesitant to add her. Therefore, Temari figured that she would need to get the two of them into a similar situation that Tayuya and Ino had created to force Naruto to take her. She shook her head as once more it was likely her brother was going to be the issue, since while Naruto had obviously been rather concerned about what his seducing her could have done to their friendship. She could only imagine how he likely believed his having to tell Gaara that he had also slept with his mother would go over. Temari believed though that Gaara was fully aware that putting Naruto and his mother together would likely end in such a scenario. In fact, she was nearly positive that he was counting on it, but in the off chance that she was wrong she would admit that she didn't particularly care since she was just tired of hearing her mom bitch about her being with Naruto. Knowing that experiencing his cock firsthand would help improve her mom's mood, Temari slipped out of bed looking forward to putting the first part of her plan into action, especially as it involved lots and lots of quality time with her lover.


Naruto stretched his abused back as he straightened from learning the Inuzuka fighting style. He smirked for a moment wondering if it might also be a little left over tenderness from the night he had shared with Mikoto. He would admit to feeling nervous that morning when it had occurred to him that he would have to tell his mom that he had taken her best friend as a lover. Luckily for him though that had been a conversation that Mikoto had wanted to have with her alone. Naruto had been willing to go along, but would admit that he was glad his newest lover had insisted he stay away during it.

It also had allowed him to keep his scheduled training session with Kiba, who upon noticing the smile on his face asked, "What's got you in such a good mood? I thought you'd be annoyed at getting your ass kicked by me all over this forest."

Naruto chuckled as he replied, "Well it is only the first day, it's only natural you'd have the upper hand." Giving his back one last stretch he added, "Besides, now it's my turn."

"Don't think it's going to be easy," Kiba retorted preparing to resume his Inuzuka stance.

Naruto noticing what Kiba was doing asked, "Don't you think you should ask me what we are going to be doing?"

"You already stated earlier we'd be training in taijutsu," Kiba said in surprise.

"True, but I said nothing about more practice using your family's style." Stepping across from Kiba, he raised his hand in the Seal of Confrontation by holding up his index and middle finger in front of his face. "I want you to fight me using only the taijutsu that we learned in the Academy."

"What!" Kiba exclaimed disappointed that weren't going to really mix it up for him to improve his skills, "Why would I want to use such a weak style? My Taijutsu is already way superior then that."

Naruto sighed before replying, "Hey when it was your turn to train me did I complain about you making me walk around all fours for an hour? I'm fairly certain you were just having me do it to see if I would, since you didn't begin to teach me the secret of Beast Mimicry until you probably got bored."

Kiba didn't respond as there was some truth to the blond's words since remembering how Naruto had taken instruction in the past he had wanted to nip it in the butt right away. He had been surprised when Naruto had immediately done as instructed and hadn't complained for the entire time. Feeling annoyed at himself that he had acted in a manner he had expected from Naruto said, "Sorry, but can you at least tell me what the point is? Back in the academy I couldn't wait till they let us use our family techniques."

Naruto dropped the Seal of Confrontation to reply, "Sure, back during the beginning of my training trip with Pervy Sage, rather than teaching me big flashy jutsu, the thing he concentrated on the most was the basics."

"Come on man," Kiba said in disbelief, "What about that Big-Ball Rasengan you mastered?"

Naruto shook his head as he replied, "That was an accidental byproduct of some training Jiraiya had me do in order to try and break genjutsu." Sitting on a log the young Sage explained, "You see, the truth is that when compared to the primary goal of learning to use my Bijuu Chakra the training trip was a huge failure. We ended up weakening the seal, and it turns out during one of our attempts to harness it I lost control and Kiyomi nearly killed him. But, Pervy Sage always insisted that we also work on improving my skills in the basics. When my pestering him about wanting to learn powerful Jutsu became too much one day he explained it was because the bigger the foundation upon which a shinobi builds his skills. The more he will be able to branch out and surpass his previous limitations."


Naruto stood cutting the Inuzuka off as he said. "Look Kiba, you need to go on trust here. I'm not going to explain myself every time I tell you to do something. You came to me to get stronger, just like I turned to you. When it's your turn to teach I'll do what you say without question. I expect the same courtesy."

"You're right," Kiba said. He frowned after making the seal of confrontation which Naruto mirrored before each dropped into the basic academy stance. The reason for his frown was that his form felt extremely rusty since much as he had explained, once the academy had allowed the children from the various clans to use their family's styles he had quickly abandoned it. The frown deepened as he saw Naruto do likewise but unlike him, the blond man's stance was almost flawless.

Naruto waited a handful of seconds before charging. Quickly closing the distance he leapt in with a punch which Kiba blocked but stumbled back. It wasn't due to the power behind the blow, but due to his substandard footwork. Naruto followed up with several punches towards the face which Kiba blocked, but he gasped as he was hit in the side of his stomach below his guard with a knee. Naruto grabbed him by the nap of his neck and then tossed him causing Kiba to hit the ground on his stomach. But he recovered quickly turning it into a forward roll.

He turned expecting Naruto to have closed the distance, but the blond stood by waiting for him to get to his feet. Kiba stood while saying, "You don't need to go soft on me because of how horrendous my fighting is."

Naruto shrugged as he replied, "You took it easy on me. Besides, this is to help build up your skills not to rub your nose in your weaknesses." Naruto smirked though as he stated, "Although now it's my turn to kick your ass all over the forest."

Kiba chuckled before readying his guard which was the signal for Naruto to once more engage him.


Tsunade scowled as the Fire Daimyo's representative paced before her while stating, "I must reiterate that his lord the Fire Daimyo wonders if his orders were too complicated for you to understand Lady Hokage. He expressly stated that you were not to get mixed up in any of the conflicts happening along The Land of Earth's Western Border."

Tsunade kept a lid on her anger, but it was easy enough for all present to hear she was struggling to keep her tone civil as she replied, "Perhaps I didn't make it clear to you the first six times I have answered you. Konoha has remained away from the Western Border..."


"Naruto's recent actions in Paradise City were those of a man who had heard about the loss of a friend and chose to protect that which was important to him," Tsunade said speaking over the woman. "However, what troubles me is why did the Daimyo send our esteemed ambassador Lady Riyo here, rather than to the Earth Daimyo's court where she could protest it being discovered that much of the trouble being experienced in the countries along The Land of Earth's Western border could be laid on Iwa's doorstep most likely?"

"You're flattery rings falsely in my ears," the ambassador stated.

"Perhaps because I didn't mean it," Tsunade replied quickly.

The attractive dark blue-haired woman was about to fire a retort, but Koharu cleared her throat as she stepped in diplomatically, "Lady Tsunade, that is no way to address the representative of the Daimyo."

Tsunade frowned as the woman smirked while replying, "At least one of you knows how to address your betters. Do not forget that your village exists at the whim of the Daimyo. He has threated to destroy this village in the past when your bickering between the other villages has threatened the stability of the Land of Fire. I would hate to have to report to him how it appears that you are forgetting this simple truth."

"There is no need to make such pointless threats," Koharu stated calmly. "We exist to protect the Land of Fire as the First Hokage pledge to do in exchange for the land to build this village. Yet, while inelegant as it may have been. Tsunade's point is valid. Why are the Land of Earth's actions being tolerated? If it is simply because they are happening away from our own lands I find such reasoning to be folly. Iwa's actions in Paradise City prove..."

"They prove nothing," Riyo replied angrily. "I am aware of the rumors that Iwa has been causing the unrest in the region by sending shinobi to support terrorists and other such destabilizing forces. However, thanks in part to that genin's actions we have no proof of what their end goal was."

"Oh come on," Tsunade said incredulously, "Naruto caught them dead to rights trying to incite a civil war between Fang and Claw. It is also believed that an Iwa kunoichi was the one that killed his friend D. You would have me believe that they killed the man working to stop them..."

"They killed him because they had accepted a job from a group called the True Son and Daughters of Fang," Riyo said as she interrupted the Hokage. "At least that is what is being claimed, and since we have no evidence otherwise."

"Besides the fact that the group is denying it," Tsunade countered.

"Wouldn't you?" the ambassador replied with a dismissive shrug, "They are currently enemy number one in both Fang and Claw. Furthermore, the group is being hunted down by both countries samurai. Even if it isn't true, we have no choice but to accept them at their word which is why your genin's actions are so troubling. They are countering that Naruto's appearance in Paradise City was to prop up the alliance between Clan and Fang in order to create a new major country in order to draw more of Iwa's forces to the Western Border, thus weakening their defenses for an impending attack from a combined Kumo, Suna, and Konoha assault."

"That's ridiculous," Tsunade stated contemptuously.

"Is it," Lady Riyo asked arching an eyebrow. "Considering that the alliance between Claw and Fang is now tighter than ever, I wouldn't be so quick to dismiss the Land of Earth's fears. Also, let us consider the fact that Vegetable has recently taken in the Watari. Who are in the process of building a village."

"The Watari were granted clemency by Lady Haruna, besides they are merely taking the place of the Flower Village that Sora destroyed," Tsunade stated.

"Yet, are they not doing so under the watchful eye of a Konoha Shinobi," the ambassador countered. "It would seem to me that your jounin, although officially there to protect the Daimyo, could also be training the Watari in anti-Iwa warfare." Tsunade was about to deny it, but the woman quickly said, "Yes, yes, I'm sure she isn't there for any such purpose there's no need to deny it. But I'm sure even you can see my point that your genin's actions have made tensions worse between Earth Country and us, which is why the Daimyo forbid you from getting involved. Therefore, let me be clear. I do not want to hear of anymore little side adventures of your shinobi that end up inflaming the situation."

"Very well," Tsunade stated keeping clam despite her desire to send the woman flying in an attempt to set a distance record. "But let me just be clear if any of those countries reach out to us, I will be sending in my shinobi."

"Of course," the woman replied heading towards the door, "I'm not trying to tell you how to conduct your business matters. Only not to interfere in mine, now if you will excuse me, I must leave in order to prepare to head to the Earth Capital to try and smooth things over."

The woman moved for the door where upon opening it she nearly ran headlong into a woman that resembled Kiyomi, and who was being followed by Karin. Although the foxmark that she sported let the other women present know that wasn't the case. The collision was averted due to the graceful way the red-headed woman quickly stepped to the side, but she still managed to trip the woman with her foot. The Kiyomi lookalike grabbed the woman by the arm steadying her as she asked, "Pardon me. Are you alright?"

Lady Riyo ripped her arm free while responding, "You should watch where you are going."

"I apologize, I was afraid that we had missed our appointment with the Hokage. If you'll excuse me?" The red head stepped into the office after Karin and upon shutting the door behind her let out an unladylike, "Bitch."

Tsunade chuckled as her grandmother dropped her henge and asked her, "Is the seal in place?"

"Of course it is," Mito Uzumaki replied sounding vaguely insulted her granddaughter would suggest otherwise. "I've even improved Kiyomi's design so that instead of feeling that dreadful woman's presence with our foxmarks, we'll be able to track her locations using the map on this scroll as you requested." Mito produced the scroll from the sleeve of her kimono before tossing it to Tsunade.

The Hokage opened it up as she felt the flames of Kiyomi using the Hiraishin to appear in her office. Looking at the map that showed the elemental countries, Tsunade could see a green dot located over Konoha. "Excellent, I'll want you to teach that seal to all of us," Tsunade said rolling the scroll back up.

"It seems like kind of a waste," Kiyomi said taking a seat next to Koharu on the sofa, "marking a woman that Naruto has already expressed having zero interest in."

Tsunade looked at woman who wore her grandmother's face except with short red hair, "My goal with this seal is to try and determine just how our diplomatic and noble community move about and interact."

Shizune spoke up from behind Tsunade asking, "Are you suggesting that perhaps the Fire and Earth Daimyo already worked something out in regards to what is going on in the countries that border the Land of Earth?"

Tsunade shrugged as she answered, "At present I'm not suggesting anything. We have made excellent progress in uniting three of the five major shinobi villages and in such a short time span considering it has been only a little over two years. Sadly, we have almost zero influence among those that rule the countries that we owe allegiance too. Furthermore, due to her country's position away from the main continent Koyuki doesn't move in the same social circles as most of the Daimyo."

"Not to mention the fact that the Five Great Daimyo rarely chose to interact with the leaders of the minor countries tending to keep court among themselves," Koharu pointed out.

"Which is why it is all the more important for us to learn how those social circles work," Tsunade replied. "I've always found it rather strange how even after Three Great Shinobi Wars and numerous smaller ones it's never seemed to affect the relations among those that ran our countries. Sure tension boiled over and they ordered us to attack one another, but for all the fighting very little is ever resolved. Take the Last Great War; as soon as we began pushing into the Land of Earth after the destruction of Kannabi Bridge, word came down from the Daimyo that we were to cease all hostilities. Since both the Third Hokage and Third Tsuchikage were tired of sacrificing their men, a peace accords was quickly worked out. Yet, why wouldn't the nobles want to end the war as we rampaged across the smaller countries? Why would the Fire Daimyo wait until the war actually turned in our favor to force us to sue for peace?"

Karin frowned as she asked, "What are you suggesting?"

"I'm merely asking questions that have occurred to me," Tsunade replied, "Another that has recently begun to bother me is what if the Fire Daimyo is aware of what the Earth Daimyo is up to, but supports it because it may serve to further sour relations between us and Iwagakure. By expanding Earth Country out west it puts a greater strain on Iwa's resources actually making it weaker as now the area that Iwa must protect has grown. In the past when a country was put in a difficult position it responded with displays of strength against its neighbors. They would take missions which actively put them into conflict with other villages thus causing more bad blood between them, but serving the purpose of showing off their strength as only the best shinobi would be used."

"You're suggesting that armed conflicts between Iwa and the other villages are likely to increase," Kiyomi asked with a frown. "Considering the already legendary bad blood that exists between Konoha and Iwa that could make things problematic going forward."

"Not to mention Naruto's recently embarrassed them by exposing their scheme for Claw and Fang," Shizune said worriedly. "They'll no doubt see his interference as his picking up where his father left off."

"Perhaps," Koharu said standing and moving to look out the window of Tsunade's office, "For now though the Land of Fangs and Land of Claws will be keeping a wary eye on Earth Country. They are not going to want to end up like the Land of Noodles as a 'protectorate' of the Land of Earth. But, it would seem suspicious that the recent terrorist activity in the Land of Bears isn't sending any red flags off for the Fire Daimyo or his diplomatic corps."

"Yes, and sadly with the Hidden Star Village located there it is unlikely that they will ask us for help anytime soon. They likely don't want to admit that they are having trouble dealing with those One King Fanatics operating in their country," Tsunade said folding her hands in front of her face. "Plus I'm powerless to send people to investigate. We could send Haku or one of the other unaligned women but even if they uncover something related to Iwa, we wouldn't be able to do anything. Moreover, I don't think Naruto would remain out of it if he felt his presence was needed."

"Too true I'm afraid," Kiyomi stated, "That is why for now it is best to concentrate on where we can have a positive effect by interfering. I believe you are being pressured to do something about the bandit activity to the north. It would be prudent to send Naruto there I believe. It will give him something to do, and if I'm not mistaken he is friends with the Fuma Clan. If he can extend his influence into the Land of Rice Patties we should be able to access the Ports up there to allow for more of the Land of Spring's exports to reach us at cheaper prices since they wouldn't have to travel as far to reach the necessary markets in Land of Fire."

"That will have to wait," Karin said, "Naruto and Team Seven needs to attend the Grand Opening of the Whirling Tides Manor. There will be quite a few Daimyo from the minor countries attending. It should at least present an opportunity for him to expand his influence among a few of the Daimyo there. Both Daimyo Toki of Bird and Priestess Shion of Demon are going to attend. Furthermore, I want Naruto to be there so I can play up that we both hail from the same clan and to make the event a success so that I can purchase the Port that Gato built in Wave. The Daimyo of Wave is still a little hesitant to trust another shipping company so soon, but if I can access that port I can start underbidding the shipping companies that sends supplies to the Land of Water and Kirigakure. I'm sure a shinobi village that specializes in swords would be extremely interested in the metals we are purchasing from Kumogakure."

"When is this event?" Kiyomi said surprising a few of the women present since up till that point most had assumed she still had a hand in some of the day to day affairs of the company.

"Two weeks from now," Mito answered before adding with an amused tone, "I know you've transferred your duties related to the company to me, but you should still hold at least a passing interest."

Kiyomi shrugged as she replied, "I gave those duties to you so you wouldn't be locked up in the mansion all day long. My original intention was to become a recluse as a result of what this body's husband did. But sadly despite how well Karin is doing some old customers still insist on interacting with "Kiyomi" and since you want to be such a social butterfly I'll leave that to you. This allows me to concentrate on more relevant matters."

"Hey," Karin said sounding upset, "What I'm doing is plenty relevant. If everything goes as plan then soon we'll have an inroad into Kirigakure."

"I apologize if my words suggest that I don't think what you are doing is important," Kiyomi said quickly. "By relevant, I meant things better suited to my own set of talents and knowledge."

"Such as," Tsunade asked expectantly.

"Such as determining what exactly Tobi plans to do in order to recover from the blow to his ambition that we've dealt him," Kiyomi answered. "The knowledge that most of us Bijuu are free and no longer able to be sealed in the statue is currently limited to just those of us in Naruto's Harem. He has to believe that since there have been no sightings of we Bijuu or rumors of new jinchuriki that we are still locked up in the statue. Whoever Tobi is, he has been working towards the goal of using us to awaken the Ten Tails of that I have no doubt. Whether he is a descendant of Madara, who I believe was the Broker, or just someone that has inherited his will and plan, I also doubt he is the type to just give up. Therefore we must remain vigilant and prepare for when he next appears. I sincerely doubt his future plans will move as slowly as his last, not after coming so close to completing his goal."

"Agreed," Koharu stated for the other women, "Have you picked up anything particularly troubling?"

Kiyomi nodded as she answered, "Recently there has been word of a cult gaining traction called the Descendants of the Moon. They are pointing to the appearance of the Black Kyuubi..."

Kiyomi giggled for a moment causing the other women to look at her with Mito being the one to ask, "What's so funny?"

"Sorry," the Fox Bijuu said regaining her seriousness, "It's just rather ridiculous for me to be calling a Bijuu by a human description. Anyhow, the cult is putting forth that its appearance is a sign that the prophecy that they cling to is coming true."

"What is the prophecy that they are spouting?" Tsunade asked concerned that it would be related to an apocalypse of some kind.

"It's all rather murky since although the cult claims to have been around since ancient times it has only recently become relatively active. But basically it translates that with the appearance of the Black Kyuubi the avenue to an era when all people will be united under their holy mother is soon at hand."

"Well that doesn't sound so bad, at least as far as nonsense spouted by a cult goes. After all, those Jashin fanatics go on and on about how one day the skies will rain down with all the blood of those slain by their priests signifying the start of the last great harvest," Tsunade said. "Why have you heard of it when Konoha's intelligence units have not?"

"Oh I'm sure they have," Kiyomi answered, "But they probably have dismissed them as being a minor threat if any. Truthfully, this cult could be no more than just a crazy notion people are clinging to in order to explain a black furred version of me appearing. My presence used to be considered an ill omen after all, and so a new Bijuu with my appearance is likely to send quite few people into seeking guidance from those that claim to have the answers. It's possible this cult is nothing more than somebody trying to capitalize on that fact. Or it could be a legitimate cult which has been in hiding waiting for this exact moment as they claim. The few members that my sisters have questioned upon encountering them have all stated that the prophecy was given to them by their High Priestess. Who is supposedly a woman who has been running the cult for centuries. Naturally, no one but the highest ranked members have ever seen her, so it could all be hogwash. However..."

"I'm sorry to interrupt Kiyomi," Shizune said politely, "But since your sisters are looking into it can as well. Can we assume that you all find it a reason to be concerned for similar reasons? Are they the ones that brought their concerns to you?"

Kiyomi smiled impressed as she stated, "Very good Shizune." The woman beamed from the praise, but it disappeared as the Bijuu grew serious, "My sisters heard about the cult in their travels while delivering the goods they were protecting. I suppose one red flag has to do with the title of the cult, since as you all know the moon was where the body of the ten-tails was said to be stored after being created by my father. That information isn't common knowledge so any group claiming to be tied to the moon is something to be worried about, especially since they've recently become active and could be the new group that Tobi is supporting to further his own plans. Their mission of bringing peace to the world is also troubling as that was supposedly the goal of Akatsuki while under Tobi's control. We don't know how they intended to do this exactly, as the only thing Konan knows was that Tobi promised that with all the Bijuu collected he could create a jutsu powerful enough to impose peace onto the world. Nagato seemed to believe it was a destructive jutsu of some kind, but that was only his opinion."

"I'm guessing that their making the Black Kyuubi's appearance at part of their scripture also would seem to suggest a further interest in the Bijuu which is troubling," Tsunade stated causing the red-headed woman that wore the face of her grandmother to nod.

Kiyomi added gravely, "But what troubles me the most is the mention of this mother figure. My father very rarely referred to his mother, but she was called the Rabbit Goddess which as you know also is a reference to the moon. I've done some research on my own about her, and it says that while my father was the one to teach people the ways of chakra. She was the first to use it, and did so by ending all the world's conflicts. She gained this ability by eating a fruit from a mythical tree which also supposedly gave birth to the Juubi to reclaim the power that she had stolen."

"I'm not sure why that concerns you," Koharu stated, "wouldn't that make this woman your grandmother."

"It would, but what concerns me is that if this tree was the Juubi looking for its power back, then why do tales of only my father facing it exist? Wouldn't the Juubi have been active in my grandmother's time as well? More to the point, it is said that this woman who was called Kaguya Ōtsutsuki had ended all conflict in her era, that doesn't exactly lend credence to the rampages of a beast stronger than all of us Bijuu combined. Although my hypothesis is only based on the thinnest of evidence supported by the smallest scraps of ancient writings, considering that the moon links both Kaguya and the Ten-tails it's possible this cult prophecy is not something we want to see come to fruition."

"Agreed," Tsunade said, "I'll instruct Ibiki to begin looking into this these Descendants of the Moon. In the meantime we all have work to do, so let's get to it."


Temari sat in the soothing desert oasis themed pool that rested on Kiyomi's property. She had taken to using it more often lately, rather than the forested mountain hot-spring area that was the first one encountered when visiting the hot-springs there. It wasn't connected to the hot-spring directly although it was accessed by the grotto that connected all the different themed areas. The reason for that was since it was more of a pool then actual hot-spring as visiting a hot-spring in the desert would be rather redundant. The reason it had become her go to place to soak had to do with her feeling a little homesick for her desert village. Not that she was in a hurry to go back, since she was quite content to remain close to her lover while acting as the official liaison between Suna and Konoha.

A smile appeared on her lips as Ino, who she had recruited into her scheme to have her mother fall for Naruto, asked the newest harem member, "Already Mikoto spill it. How was your first night, was it hot and dirty or slow and romantic?"

Mikoto looked towards the blonde kunoichi as her cheeks colored from recalling the memories from the night before. The two blondes had run into her shortly after she had emerged from Naruto's apartment where they assumed she had been confessing to Kushina that she was now one of his lovers. It hadn't been a coincidence since Temari had also invited her mother to join them, and figured sooner rather than later her mom would realize the new fox mark on Mikoto's thigh signified her being bound to Naruto.

Her plan had worked a little too well, since as they had stripped in the bathhouse Karura's eyes had zeroed in on it and she had been upset to learn that the closest woman to her in the village had as she put it become the Uzumaki's whore. Temari could tell her mother had regretted her words almost as soon as she had said them as her gaze drifted to her. Temari had been about ready to explode on her mother, but Ino had proved her worth as she amusedly stated, "What's wrong with that? It's only natural for a woman to want to let herself go with a man she cares for. I'm sure you've done plenty of whorish things for your husband. You did give him three kids after all, so I'm sure there was lots of sex to be had in the Kazekage's household." Temari had forgotten her anger as her mother tried to sputter a denial, but Ino hadn't really paid it much mind as she walked from the bathhouse to head to the pool.

Coming back to the present, Temari listened with half an ear as Mikoto spilled some of the details about how she had slept with Naruto in the bathroom of the club that they had visited. Temari frowned as her mother stated, "I'm sure his mother was thrilled to learn her friend slept with her son."

Mikoto frowned since although when she had talked to Kushina she had said that she was happy for her. The Uchiha had detected that her friend's words had seemed forced. She was about to articulate as much when Ino said, "I wouldn't worry about it, she'll be joining us soon enough. I don't think she had a problem with it, only that her friend is getting in on some of the action that she herself wishes to experience."

Temari had to admit that even she looked at Ino as if she had grown a second head, which she couldn't exactly explain especially considering her plans for her own mother. Yet for whatever reason she felt that the same rules didn't exactly apply to two women as they would to a mother and son. But, her mother let her opinion be known on the subject quickly enough as she said, "What you've just suggested is disgusting. No mother should desire her child in such a way."

Ino shrugged obviously unaffected by the other woman's opinion as she countered, "According to you, your daughter is a whore to the Uzumaki simply because she loves a man who is loved and cherished by multiple women. Never mind the fact that he has shown each of his lovers' the same type of devotion that I'm sure your far purer one on one relationship must have had. If Kushina desires Naruto, I for one can certainly understand why. I mean she had a ring side seat for her son pleasuring all of his lovers." Temari was about to point out how Kiyomi had created barriers to prevent such a thing, but Ino waved her hand as she seemingly read her mind, "Oh I know there was supposed to be a barrier, but think about it. How often do you think Naruto is getting laid by one of us?" She moaned seductively as she added, "And he's always giving a hundred percent." Temari nodded as did the recent addition Mikoto while the Yamanaka continued, "But that's not all there is to our relationships with Naruto. So even if she never strayed from the barrier, which is a very big if, since if it was me I'd probably, have to step out the first time he lasted over an hour just to see what it was like. But let's say she did, she's still there watching as he remembers every anniversary, birthday, or just the simple touches that shows he cares like you coming home to your bed to find your favorite flower sitting on it."

"Or Harishining to Suna to bring you your favorite meal when you're feeling homesick," Temari added remembering how Naruto had done so for her.

"Or explained to a complete stranger that you were stronger than you gave yourself credit or taking the time to help an ostracized woman feel welcome in a place that doesn't want her," Mikoto added.

Ino's smile grew wider as she stated, "The question isn't how could Kushina develop feelings for her son. It's how she couldn't? Sex is a physical means to express feelings between two people and what we have with Naruto is so much more than just great sex."

"Really great sex," Mikoto stated shivering as she recalled having more orgasms in a single night then throughout all her years of marriage.

Ino nodded in agreement before leveling a gaze at Karura as she stated, "I feel sorry for people that feel that love and sex are things that have to come with restrictions like it can only be expressed between two people or two consenting adults can't express their physical desire for each other simply due to their being related. To my way of thinking as long as the people in a relationship are content then what right does the outside world have to complain? It isn't like we are trying to force our beliefs on anyone, and every woman bound to Naruto has joined of their own free will. Well that Fuuka woman is an exception, but she doesn't count as she tried to suck out his chakra so did it to herself."

"Living in a civilized society means living by its rules," Karura stated heatedly.

"Well excuse me if I feel that society doesn't have a say in what happens in my bedroom between two or more consenting adults," Ino replied just as passionately. "I care for your daughter almost as much as Naruto does, and have shown my feelings to her physically any number of times." Karura looked shocked at the Yamanaka who smirked as Mikoto turned red as she added, "And I can't wait to get me a taste of Mikoto's pussy. Both of these women are now a part of my lover's family and by extension my own. I have as much right as Naruto does to say that you need to stop acting like there's something wrong with Temari or even Kushina for wanting to be a part of it, except I'm not going to be as respectful to you as he is and remain quiet. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to avail myself of that pussy I mention just a second ago."

Karura turned beat red as she looked like she wanted to let the Yamanaka know what she thought of her statement. However, she saw that the Konoha kunoichi wasn't bluffing about her intentions for Mikoto as she approached the nervous looking Uchiha, who weakly protested, "I... Ino, I'm still a little tender down there from Naruto."

"Don't worry, I'll kiss it to make it feel better," Ino said huskily before lowering her face in the water.

Karura quickly turned away as Mikoto straightened and let out a moan as Ino's tongue began to dance over her flesh. The Suna kunoichi pulled herself out of the water muttering, "Hmph do as you will. Come along Temari."

She didn't get a response causing her to look back and see the sight of her daughter kissing Mikoto. Ino rose up out of the water sending the older Suna kunoichi an amused look at spotting her open mouth stare. She then pulled Temari into a kiss who moaned from tasting Mikoto on her tongue. Breaking apart she said, "Delicious isn't she? Why don't you try it from the source so I can spend some time drinking from her lips while I catch my breath?"

Temari smirked and didn't look back to see if her mother was watching as she lowered her head beneath the water and began to stick her tongue inside Mikoto's cunt. She was driven to run her tongue inside her further as she heard the Uchiha moaning hoping to make them louder so that even if her mother was retreating from the pool area she would be haunted by the sounds that her daughter was bringing out of her friend's throat.

She decided to add Ino's to the mix as she began to finger the kunoichi not surprised to find her insides as wet as the Uchiha's. Even as she busied herself with the task of bringing both women to orgasm, she began to plot the next stages of her plan. Ino had given her mother several targets to try and attack in order to prove Naruto wasn't the man that his lovers believed him to be. Now it was just a matter of anticipating how she would go about it, and being in a position to give the slight push needed when the man she loved showed her mother exactly why he was worthy of her daughter's devotion and if everything worked out, hers as well.


Kiba hit the ground hard as Naruto tossed him again, this time using a basic throw taught to first year students. "Done so soon," Naruto asked, but then his stomach growled as he realized that it was almost lunch time. "Never mind, that sound means it is Ichiraku time."

"Hey let's go one more round," Kiba said straining to stand.

"Nope, since my mom has come back she's tried to stop me from eating only ramen. I'm giving her dinner and breakfast, but lunch is strictly for Ayame."

Naruto helped Kiba off the ground, but both their attentions were pulled towards Tenten as she said, "Naruto hold up."

The blond let go of Kiba, who struggled to remain upright under his own power. He wondered where Naruto's boundless energy seemed to come from since despite being dirty from the few times Kiba had managed to score a decent hit, the blond hardly seemed worn down in the least. A part of the Inuzuka wondered if it was his night time activities that had helped him to build up such godly stamina. He let a soft smile appear on his face as he vowed to step up his own, but it disappeared as Tenten informed him the smile also was rather debauched in nature, "What perverted thoughts are you thinking Kiba?"

Naruto chuckled as he said, "He's probably thinking that the reason I'm not tired is because I have to keep all of my lovers satisfied at night so have built up a lot of energy. He's probably planning not to lose to me in that regard either."

Tenten smirked as she kissed him hungrily before stating, "Well good luck with keeping up in that regard. Tonight he's going to be training quite vigorously while you look like you will barely be able to keep it up."

Kiba was about to retort, but Naruto said, "I don't know about that. Perhaps, Yuffie will like to take you up on that challenge. She's radiating quite the hostile feelings towards me for beating up her lover. I don't think she appreciates you talking down to him either."

"D-don't be stupid," Yuffie said dropping down from the trees, "I... I was just collecting this idiot because Aeris made lunch for him."

Although Naruto knew that she had been watching much longer than that, he didn't call her out on it. Instead he said, "Kiba, we'll be continuing on this training for the next few weeks. Are you going to need to rest tomorrow? If so I would still like to continue my own."

Yuffie was helping Kiba stand as he answered, "I'll be ready tomorrow. You better be prepared because I'm going to be twice as tough on you since I know you can take it."

"Good," Naruto said, "It wouldn't be training if I wasn't pushed."

Naruto placed an arm over Tenten as they made their way to the barrier. The both smiled at each other as they listened to Yuffie berate Kiba for allowing Naruto to knock him around and leaving him in such a state. She often stated it was because now, Aeris was going to be worried about him, but both of them imagined her talking about herself every time she mentioned her teammate.

Tenten wrapped her hands around his torso as she asked, "You did do a number on Kiba. Going forward maybe you should hold back a little."

"Holding back during training isn't in my nature," Naruto replied, "I guess it comes from having a teacher that thought throwing his student off a cliff was a good way to teach him summoning."

Tenten giggled while considering getting into a competition for whose teacher had the most eccentric training methods. She didn't doubt she would win since some of Gai's had nearly killed Lee on a number of occasions as well. However, instead she asked, "Still it is pretty clever of you to train him using the academy style. I'm guessing you got the whole, this style was developed by the Third Hokage speech as well."

Naruto looked at her with a smirk, "I thought only problem children heard that speech."

"Or those that got tired of losing when they let the clan kids start using their family techniques. Clan girls that I had been dominating before were suddenly taking me down or giving me a run for my money. Naturally I immediately blamed the academy style, which is when my teacher gave me the speech. What about you?"

Naruto chuckled as he answered, "Well while I wasn't anywhere near Sasuke's league or any of the other kids really. Once they let Sasuke use that Interceptor Fist style of his, he became untouchable. I demanded that Iruka teach me something that could counter it which is when he told me the speech. Jiraiya pretty much confirmed for me that it was true since he based his entire fighting style around it as well."

"Really," Tenten said surprised.

"Yep, one of the things I wanted Jiraiya to teach me was a style to counter Sasuke's so I could bring him back. Pervy Sage told me I had learned everything that I needed to do that in the academy. I didn't exactly believe him which is when he told me that the Academy was the Third Hokage's pride and joy. Therefore, he took it upon himself to develop the Academy Style which is the basis for his own and what ultimately led to him taking the First Hokage's title as the God of Shinobi."

"Come on, you're pulling my leg right?" Tenten said since while she had used a lot of what she had learned from the academy in developing her in close fighting techniques. She still had a hard time picturing it as the basis for the fighting style for the man whom many considered the strongest Hokage of all time.

Naruto chuckled feeling a little nostalgic as he had basically stated as much to Jiraiya when his teacher had told him the story. "Nope, I'm completely serious. The Third knew that kids like us would be at a disadvantage against kids from the Clans since we would enter the Academy without prior training. Therefore, he poured a lot of thought and energy in making his own style teachable to us. Granted it is stripped down to the basics, but that was so we could build on it and improve it to our own strengths. The Gentle Fist, Interceptor Fist, or Beast Mimicry of the Inuzuka are all techniques that require certain bloodlines to master. Heck even the Nara, Yamanaka, and Akimichi have styles that revolve around their abilities. But the Sarutobi Clan doesn't have any real bloodline abilities to speak of. They tend to be accomplished Fire Jutsu users, but that's about it. Therefore, I guess the Old Man felt a certain kinship to people like us that didn't have such abilities to fall back on and wanted to ensure we could stand with the shinobi the clans produced. No, truthfully I think he believed we could surpass them in ways that the Clans couldn't match."

"Really, why do you think that?"

"Well, if you think about it, the Clans are all kind of set in their ways. Take the Yamanaka, Nara, and Akimichi for example. Those three clans have always been allies, and have always worked together which is why they still to this day form teams with all three members. They can be strong individually, but it is as a team that they truly show off their abilities. But at the same time that means their styles are rather static and not prone to change. The same is true with the other clans as well. You can get strong individuals sure, but there really aren't a whole lot of barriers left for them to breakdown in order to improve it. Kiba might never grow stronger than Korehige using the Inuzuka style, because they have both already learned the limits of that style. It's unlikely at this point Kiba is going to suddenly become faster or stronger since he already has trained himself in these areas and still came up lacking. Therefore, he needs to develop something new for himself, and the Academy style was developed for just sort a purpose. Its potential is truly limitless since it is meant to be built upon to fit the shinobi, not to make the shinobi fit the style. Plus, having now trained in Beast Mimicry, I believe it will help Kiba improve his Inuzuka style as well."

"Do tell sensei," Tenten said seductively like an eager schoolgirl.

"I'm going to have to have you call me that tonight," Naruto stated bringing his hand down to squeeze her ass.

Tenten smirked as she said, "Oh I will, I'll even wear the outfit to match if you want."

Naruto was tempted to have her start now, but figured that since he always had a private lunch with Ayame or his other lovers present, he could hold off until they reached the restaurant. Where he could enjoy his favorite food, while having Tenten suck him off since she was in such a playful mode, but seeing the privacy barrier approaching, he figured he'd finish his explanation before needing to break apart to appear to be just friends. "Beast Mimicry has you channel chakra to a part of your brain which heightens your senses, reaction speeds, and even aggression. That part of the brain is also responsible for your more animal like reactions to stimuli like pain and such. Think of it as like a limiter that is being bypassed for a period of time, but with that limiter off you aren't really strengthening yourself so much as what you already had to work with."

"I get it," Tenten said, "When Kiba trained using it since he's already in a boosted state he's not growing stronger, he is just learning how to fight better during that period. That is why having him improve without using Beast Mimicry should have a vast improvement on his skills. You are a genius."

She smiled as Naruto turned red from the compliment. It was simple things like that which continued to affirm for her why she loved him since with the number of women he had charmed already, he never grew conceited by it. Naruto proved his humbleness by reminding her, "Not really, that second part only occurred to me today. I figure Beast Mimicry is a lot like opening the Eight Gates in that it only boosts what is already there which is why Gai-sensei and Rock Lee push themselves so hard." Naruto changed the subject by asking, "Why was it you came looking for me for anyway? I doubt it was to hear me talk about how I'm training Kiba."

Tenten couldn't believe she had nearly forgotten so pulled away to step in front of him before they dropped the barrier. Holding her hands out she summoned a wooden box from the seal in the palm of one of the gloves that Naruto had bought her for their two month anniversary. Holding the long box out to him with both of her hands she said, "Tonight is the night that I first became one of your lovers. I know it's not a special anniversary like a year but it is the Year and two month anniversary which is special to me in its own right because it was one year ago that I realized I love you. I wanted to give you something special like you did for me on this night."

Naruto cupped her cheek as he said, "You gave me your heart, I don't need gifts."

"I know, but please accept it anyway and use them to build on your own style," Tenten said causing Naruto to accept the box from her.

Pulling the wooden top off, he saw a pair of fighting sticks inside. Tenten said, "I know you've been training with those chakra blades, but due to your wind nature if you use them, you're pretty much going to kill anyone you use them against. The other option is to limit yourself by not channeling your chakra into them. These sticks should allow you to fight opponents who are armed even with chakra powered weapons, but still be able to do so without needing to kill or maim them. They are made from the same tree that the chakra paper comes from or Suna uses to craft puppets. By channeling your chakra into them you can harden them, but they also they vibrate in such a way as to make them capable of shattering stone."

"They're perfect," Naruto said pleased with the gift before pulling her into a kiss. Ending it he stated, "But I thought you said you didn't want to exchange gifts tonight."

Tenten smiled as she replied, "I just didn't want you to spend a bunch of money on a gift for me. Don't worry though; you'll be giving me what I want tonight."

Naruto chuckled as he placed the lid back on the box and tucked under his arm. He gave Tenten one last kiss before bringing the barrier down and with her by his side began heading to Ichiraku where after lunch he intended to give her the first of many installments of what she craved and that she would be enjoying for the rest of the day.
