

Harry is thrown into a timeline of the 4 axial realms of Lyotae to bring back his father,and save his planet, E23 from alternate destruction and pulverisation. He traverses the 4 realms unknown to any, will he save E23 as all odds are against him? Equilibrium & Balance gives EQUILLANCE.

deemahvich11 · Sci-fi
Peringkat tidak cukup
4 Chs

Chapter 4

Harry hurried towards the TSA. He was met by mixed glances as he crossed the lane heading for the TSA square. What is he up to again? Harry thought. Quickly, the guards at the gates recognized him and pointed to the swing doors in a welcoming gesture. Harry did expect that, now, he had hopes.

He swung the door open into the foyer, a massive room well lit by LED fluorescents placed on the far ceiling above. As he expected, glances and murmurs filled the room. Harry didn't pay attention to them. He went straight to the counter.

Behind the counter sat the receptionist, on his name tag was, Mr Rio. He glared at Harry as if he wanted to dive at Harry and rip his eyes out.

"Harry." Mr Rio called out with a distorted accent. Harry nodded.

"Any appointment?" He asked.

"No, I would like to see Mr Bernard. It's urgent." Harry replied trying to sound convincing but he wasn't even an inch close to conviction. Mr Rio stared at Harry with his excessively bulging eyes, with an indecisively long nose.

"You thing you could come in here and demand for anything." He asked banging his fists on his desk, this alerted the people in the room.

"Harry." A voice came.

"Come here." Mr Bernard said looking at the receptionist from the stairs that led up the upper floor.

"Would like to keep your job, Rio?" Mr Bernard asked with a stern look. The receptionist suddenly kept mute, he was afraid. Harry giggled as he followed Mr Bernard up the brown wooden stairs.

"Look, it's your brother on the news." Hader's coworker announced. Hader quickly headed for the flat screen. He flipped the visor of his helmet upwards.

"What a shocker it is! The child of the man who has thrown the planet into a chaos has showed up at the TSA. We still don't know why. But, surely, he didn't get a good welcome." The newscaster said as a short video clip popped up.

"You think you could come in here and demand for anything?" The receptionist said as he banged his fist on the desk. Hader folded his fist, he wanted to rip out the throat from that receptionist's neck.

"He didn't get a good welcome, isn't it?" Brent, Hader's colleague asked.

"Don't worry, good welcome or no good welcome," Hader paused and looked at Harry on the screen.

"He will get the planet out of this, I believe in him. That's all it takes to win all hearts." Hader completed as he got back to work.

"You guys are just big on courage." Brent acknowledged.

"Also big on wits." Hader muttered to himself as he dug his drill into a plank.


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