

Harry is thrown into a timeline of the 4 axial realms of Lyotae to bring back his father,and save his planet, E23 from alternate destruction and pulverisation. He traverses the 4 realms unknown to any, will he save E23 as all odds are against him? Equilibrium & Balance gives EQUILLANCE.

deemahvich11 · Sci-fi
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4 Chs

Chapter 3


Dr Anderson stepped into the room. He stopped by the door noticing the scantiness of people in the room. Eight, he had counted. Two women, five men and an old man. They sat in this room, looking and murmuring between themselves.

"Good morning to y'all. I am Dr....

"Anderson." Two men completed. Dr Anderson looked at them and continued.

"So,you have chosen to save our planet from alternate destruction. Have any of you ever heard of what is called ' Dyne mystery '?" Dr Anderson asked as he wiggled his glance across the room side to side.

"Yes." He began with a weak voice.

"The Dyne is the rocky and seismic particles of the realms that have no constant movement within the portals of the realms." The old man dragged along.

"Hmm!" Dr Anderson nodded in professional admiration.

"Your name and your work,sir?" Dr Anderson required.

"Mr Halloway and I am a retired Dynologist at the Northern Planets Balance Agency." He said as Dr Anderson got even more impressed. But something was wrong, his age. Mr Halloway wasn't just fit for this.

"The risk of this is insurmountable. Do you know that?" Dr Anderson asked as he straightened his gaze showing how risky the risk really is.

"Sure,anything for the planet." A chubby woman whom Dr Anderson doesn't even think could run a hundred metre race said with the most determined look.

This selection session wasn't going good as expected. He wished these brave minds belonged to more fit people. What are the hopes in this travel? Dr Anderson adjusted his spectacles, he dipped his hand into his lab coat, out came a symmetrically folded paper. From it he read: We'll get back to you.

That was all. From the Dr Anderson's look, the candidates had already ascertained their fates.


T. S. A.

"Look what the so-called game changer has done!" Andrew, the flight scientist shouted.

"If it had gone right, you would still criticise him." Dr Anderson replied as he brought his palm over his face indicating disappointment and fatigue.

"So, let's hear Mrs Roosevelt give the proceedings." The Director of the Time and Space Agency,Bernard said.

"After we've gotten about ten fit candidates, the training starts. The portals only opens twice in a month. And it isn't constant as we all know it." Mrs Roosevelt said as she glanced through the paper she held in her hand.

"Okay, what about the drill." Dr Anderson asked.

"The training comes after the selection. Here, the candidates are taught all they ought to know. In due time, we pick the best three whom we would make sure has all three check words of our TSA." Mrs Roosevelt said as she adjusted in her seat.

"Thank, Mrs Roosevelt for... for the debriefing. This mission is of the highest profile and the the planet's hopes are on us. We all understand that these are really tense times. We are the ones to work with ease." Mr Bernard advised. Mr Bernard has really gotten many achievements to be proud of. He has been the Director since he was twenty four. He is now thirty five, young and alive.

"The registration ends next week, isn't it?"

"Yes.. Absolutely." Mrs Roosevelt confirmed.

"This type of mission is..let's say,suicidal." Bernard said.

True,who would have wanted to go on a kamikaze trip to death?

"It has never been done before." Bernard said as he surveyed the faces in the room. Andrew still wore a silly scowl on his face. He had always despised Mr Gardnan, the man who has put the country into this situation. Maybe because Gardnan had always had the most significance in the organization.

What do you expect? TSA is all about dynology.


Harry stumbled upon a book called ' Wanna travel through Dyne? ' when he rummaged through the his father's study. .

Something in this book gave him the ding. Dyne. Anything ' dyne ' is never to be hidden from him.

The cool shades of green in his eyes lanced through the hard and thick brown cover. He flipped it open, on its first page was a theory boldly written in full letters: KUNTZ

It was something pronounced as ' kyoontz '. This name added more ginger for Harry to quickly open it. Harry loved strange names. He had given himself a couple of names like; Wagnerder, Schydor, Zyeugan, etc.

Flipping through the pages carefully, he glanced and glanced until he came across a particular short paragraph marked with a star . The same thing his father tried working on.

The one thing that could bring everyone back home and restore the planet's lifeline. The Kuntz Theory.

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