

Over a thousand years, demons and humans have failed to coexist peacefully, plagued by discrimination and slavery. The year is 1850 A.S.H in Bellum Terra, where the Demon King has declared war on humanity. Can a reincarnated guy change this world and promote equality among demons, humans, and other races?" or is it

Kiryu_tomozaki · Peperangan
Peringkat tidak cukup
15 Chs


"It has been 10 months since I started attending the military academy. Right now, I'm in firearms training. The instructor is teaching us how to use and reload a musket rifle." "Okay, everyone, listen up. This is how you load a musket rifle: First, make sure that the gun is unloaded and the barrel is clear. Next, take the powder measure and pour the correct amount of black powder into the barrel. After that, take a patch and wrap it around the end of the ramrod. Push the ramrod down the barrel until it reaches the powder. Then, pull out the ramrod and put a round ball on the patch. Push the ramrod back down the barrel until the ball is seated on top of the powder. Finally, prime the pan by pouring a small amount of gunpowder into it, close the frizzen, and you're ready to fire. As the instructor fired the musket, there was a loud bang. Now, every line infantry soldier is expected to load 3 to 6 rounds per minute. Muskets were lethal up to about 175 yards, but were only "accurate" to about 100 yards, with tactics dictating volleys be fired at 25 to 50 yards. However, since you're a marksman with mana, you can transfer your mana to enhance your weapon and load a musket in just seconds. This process involves transferring your mana into the musket, which enhances its capabilities and allows it to fire without putting black powder in the barrel. Instead, you simply need to put a ball inside the barrel and fire. With this enhancement, a marksman is now expected to fire 20 rounds per minute and can shoot at far distances, making us a formidable force on the battlefield." "Now that you can fire a musket at far distances, you may still struggle to see your target because it is too far away. Fortunately, we have access to spells and magic, as well as skills that involve both magic and physical abilities. To address this issue, I will now teach you how to use the Enhance Eye skill."

To use the Enhance Eye skill, first, focus on your target and let the mana flow into your left or right eye, depending on your dominant eye. You can do this by closing your other eye and imagining the mana flowing into your eye, filling it with energy. As you do this, you should feel a heightened sense of vision and clarity.

"Now, all of you, try to aim at that bottle and focus on the target until you hear a voice that says 'Enhance Eye Skill Activated'."

"I aimed my musket at the bottle and focused on the target. Suddenly, I felt something flowing into my entire body. At first, I thought it was just my eyes, but then I heard the echo of a metallic voice in my head."

"Enhance eye skill activated. Demon Eye skill activated. Huh, demon eye? Magic Create skill activated. Instant Heal activated. Unlimited Mana skill activated. What is this? I thought it was just the enhanced eye skill to activate, but what are these skills? I can create magic now? I can heal instantly? And I have unlimited mana! This is basically a cheat. And why do I have demon eye? I thought only demons could use this skill!"

"Private Frederick, is everything all right? Do you need any help activating your skill?" the instructor asked.

"Thank you, sir, but I already activated it," I replied nervously.

"Now that you've all successfully activated your skills, it's time to aim and fire at the targets."

"Take Aim"

"Mark your targets"

"The enhanced eye skill is really convenient; it's like your targets are closer. But why do I have the Demon Eye skill?"


"I fired my musket at my target and successfully hit it. But only five of us hit the target: Alaric, Isabella, and two guys whose names I don't know."

"Good job, the five of you! The rest need to practice more. Training is now dismissed."

"I can't help but wonder why I possess the skill of a demon. As far as I know, I was born a pure human. Nevertheless, let's put my newfound abilities to the test. I focused my gaze on Alaric to activate the demon eye skill, and immediately a tab appeared with his details.

Name: Alaric Auclair


Race: Demihuman/dogfolk

Mana Capacity:20,000.

Skills: Enhance eye, Enhance Smell,

As I was engrossed in reading Alaric's information, I didn't notice him approaching me. Suddenly, he stood beside me, prompting me to turn my attention towards him. "Hey Frederick, is everything alright? You look a bit off," he asked with a concerned tone.

"Yeah, I'm alright," I replied nervously, wondering if he had any idea about my newfound skill."

Alaric looked at me with a furrowed brow, as if he could sense something was amiss. "Are you sure?" he asked, his tone still laced with concern. "If there's anything bothering you, you can talk to me about it."

I assured him again, hoping to ease his worry. "I'm really okay, Alaric. Just a bit tired from all the training we've been doing, I guess. Thanks for asking, though."

Alaric nodded, but I could still sense a hint of suspicion in his expression. I decided to change the subject and ask

"How about we go to the cafeteria to get something to eat? I am hungry,

"Sure, that sounds like a good idea," Alaric replied, his expression softening as he seemed to let go of his earlier suspicion. "Let's go grab something to eat, and we can invite Isabella as well."

"Hey Isabella, would you like to join us in the cafeteria to grab something to eat?" Alaric asked.

Sure, I'd love to. It's been a while since the three of us ate together. Just give me a minute," Isabella replied.

"Great, we'll wait for you," Alaric said with a smile.

"One month has passed, and there's only one month left until I graduate from the academy. The instructors are giving us one final training or challenge," I thought to myself as I walked towards the training grounds.

As I approached, I saw my classmates already gathered around our instructors, who were explaining the details of the final challenge.

The instructor declared as he stood in front of us, his expression stern and serious. "We will be conducting a final training or challenge, and this time, You will be tested on everything you have learned so far"

"We will deploy all of you to the Dark Forest."

"Dark forest? Yes, it is known to be dangerous, as it's home to various kinds of monsters and creatures," the instructor replied, his tone firm. "But that's precisely why we're sending you there. This final challenge will test your ability to survive and apply what you have learned in a real-life scenario. It's a chance for you to show us what you're made of."

I swallowed nervously, feeling the weight of his words sink in. This was it. The culmination of months of training and preparation, all leading up to this final test. I could feel my heart pounding in my chest as I braced myself for what was to come.

He paused, scanning the group with his gaze. "Remember, this is not a game. The dangers you will face are very real, and you will need to work together and use all of your skills to survive. Good luck."

The instructor's words left us all feeling a mixture of excitement and fear. We knew that this final challenge would be no easy feat, but we were determined to prove ourselves.

As the instructor called for us to form a team with four members, I looked around at my fellow trainees, trying to decide who would make a good team. My eyes landed on Alaric, who was standing a few feet away, looking just as focused as I was.

"Hey Alaric, want to team up for this?" I asked, hoping he would agree.

He nodded in agreement. "Sure, let's do this," he said, and let's invite Isabella too.

"Good idea," I replied, nodding in agreement. "Isabella, do you want to join our team for the final challenge in the Dark Forest?"

"Yeah, that sounds great. Can I bring my friend Alice to join us?"

"Yeah, sure. That would make four of us now," I replied.

"H...H.....Hi, my name is Alice. I'm looking forward to meeting all of you," she said nervously.

"Nice to meet you, Alice," I said, smiling warmly. "I'm Frederick, and this is Alaric," I added, gesturing towards my teammate.

Alaric nodded in greeting. "Hey there, Alice. We're glad to have you on our team," he said, offering a reassuring smile.

"Don't worry, Alice. We're all in this together, and we'll make sure to support each other," Isabella chimed in, her friendly tone putting Alice at ease.

Alice smiled, visibly relaxed. "Thanks, everyone. I'm excited to be a part of this team and to take on this challenge together," she said, her nervousness dissipating.

With our team of four set, we listened intently as the instructor briefed us on the details of the challenge. We would be dropped off at the edge of the Dark Forest, with minimal supplies and only each other to rely on. Our goal was to survive for three days and reach a designated extraction point. Along the way, we would face various obstacles and challenges, including dangerous creatures, harsh weather conditions, and limited resources.

As we prepared to depart for the Dark Forest, I could feel a sense of nervous anticipation building within me. This was it. The final test that would determine whether or not we were ready to graduate from the academy. 


"The dark forest is so named because, once you enter it, it always appears to be night. Whether it is day or night outside, the dark forest remains dark, and it is home to various monsters. However, no one knows why there are so many dark forests that exist in Bellum Terra, the name of the continent where I was born. Bellum Terra is relatively similar to Europe based on every country's culture.

Sometimes, monsters venture out and kill any living creature that has mana, including humans, elves, demihumans, and even demons. This is because monsters are attracted to mana, and if a monster eats a creature with mana, they become even stronger. That's why every country sends exterminators, called adventurers, to kill any monsters that venture outside of the dark forest. I'm sure that the Empire of Gernmania sends us to the dark forest as final training, but the real reason is that they want us to exterminate the monsters in the dark forest because the Empire lacks adventurers due to many people knowing how dangerous this job is."

"As we walk through the dark forest, the eerie silence around us is broken only by the crunching of leaves under our feet. It is almost as if the forest is holding its breath, waiting for something to happen. Every step we take seems to be weighed down by an unspoken fear that something could jump out at us at any moment.

The darkness of the forest is absolute. Fortunately, we have enhanced eyesight skills that allow us to see in the darkness. Meanwhile, the other team are scattered throughout the forest, hoping to be the first to finish the test."

Suddenly, a twig snaps underfoot, and I freeze. I reach for my sword, ready to defend myself against whatever monster might be lurking nearby. I can feel the adrenaline coursing through my veins, and my breath quickens as I scan the darkness for any signs of movement.

After a few tense moments, my heartbeat slows as I realize that the noise was just a small animal scurrying away. I let out a sigh of relief and continue walking. However, I know that I can't let my guard down for a moment in this dark and dangerous place

As we venture deeper into the forest, I can feel the weight of its darkness pressing down on me, and the sense of being watched intensifies. It's hard to shake the feeling that we are being followed, even though there's no sign of any creatures around us.

"I notice that Alice looks tired." Hey Alaric, we should rest and set up camp for now."

"I agree with Frederick, Alaric. We should rest for now. We've been walking for 5 hours,"

"Okay we will rest and set up camp in that giant tree over there because I'm tired also,"

"We have arrived at an unusual giant tree that looks like it's a thousand years old. The tree is emitting red and white lights from its leaves, which I'm fascinated by. Alice spoke about the tree and said it's called 'Baum des Schutzes,' or the tree of protection. No monster will go near this tree because of the unexplained phenomenon."

"So, Alice, does that mean we're safe as long as we stay close to this giant tree?" I asked.

"Yes, Frederick, we are safe as long as we stay near this tree."

"It seems that Alice knows a lot about trees, plants, and the terrain of this dark forest. I'm glad that she is a member of my team; it makes it easier to get out of this forest."

"We put down our equipment. 'Okay, guys,' I said, 'I'll check the area to see if there's monster or other team who might need help, and Isabella and Alice can set up the tents. Alaric, could you please check our supplies to make sure we have enough food, water, and other essentials?'

"Okay, guys,' I said, 'I'll check the area to see if there are any monsters or other teams who might need help, and Isabella and Alice can set up the tents. Alaric, could you please check our supplies to make sure we have enough food, water, and other essentials?''

"Frederick, are you sure you're fine going alone? It's dangerous, you know, to be alone." Isabella Asked

"Yeah, I will be okay as long as I have my sword and musket."

"Frederick, I'll go with you. It's dangerous to be alone in the forest. There are so many monsters," Alaric said.

"No, Alaric, you just stay here and protect Isabella and Alice. If there's a monster that comes near this tree, we can't rely on the Tree of Protection."

"Well, if you insist, but you promise you'll make it back alive?"

"I promise. Well, I'm going now."

"Wait before you go, Frederick, I have something to give you," Alice said.

"What is it Alice?"

"Here healing Potion I made it"

"You can make potions?"

"yes, I can make potions. My family are the ones who make potions for soldiers."

Thanks for this potion, Alice. I appreciate it.' 'Well, I'm going now.''

"Ok Frederick, take care."

"As I walked through the forest, I saw a bunch of goblins. It looked like they didn't notice me, so I might as well sneak up on them."

"I decided not to let Alaric accompany me because I didn't want him to know about my unusual skills. I just wanted to try out the new skill I unlocked, which involved creating magic. 'Well, this is the perfect place to try it out. No one can see me.''

"I opened my skill tab and found the 'Magic Create' skill. Based on what I had read in books, Magic Create is a rare skill that allows you to create spells and magic based on history. Only one person is known to have had this kind of skill: the hero who freed humanity from slavery."

"So does that mean I am a hero? No way, it's impossible. Maybe I have unusual skills like demon eye because I was Isekai'd into this world, like what I read in light novels and manga where the main character is overpowered,

"I shot the goblins with my revolver and killed three of them. They encircled me, but that was not enough to stop me. One goblin managed to get close to me, but I deflected its attack with my sword. Okay, four are left. My wounds healed instantly, so I don't have any problems. I shot two more goblins and sliced the remaining one with my katana. The last one ran away in fear."

"Okay, that was a tough fight. Well, it's time to get back. I've been fighting for two hours. Oh, I need to hide these weapons. I made an Item Box spell where I can put my things - a hole in space that is connected to a small pocket dimension that can store objects like a Bag of Holding, just like what I read in Isekai manga and light novels., the old world is still the best Videogames, Music, Manga, I miss the old world Sometimes I think about how Hana is doing. I hope she is safe. I'm sorry that I couldn't bring justice to Ishida."

"Before I go back to the giant tree, I'll hunt an animal that we can eat. I shot a wild boar,

Okay, that settles our dinner. I'll get my pocket watch to see what time it is. Since it's always night in this place, it's 6:20 pm outside of the forest."

When I get back at the giant tree I saw alaric reading a book at the tree I approach him is everything alright in here alaric while I'm gone?

Oh!, it's you, Frederick. You startled me.

nothing happened while you were gone. Isabella and Alice are sleeping in the tent. It seems they're tired from walking for 5 hours."

by the way how's the supplies?

"It seems we didn't have enough supplies for two days. I suggest that we should leave this forest by tomorrow."

"Well, from what I saw on the map, we are near the exit of the forest. Maybe the other teams have already completed the final test and left the forest in just one day. Let's aim to finish this test tomorrow so that we can move on to the next challenge. By the way, I caught a wild boar while I was out exploring, and I thought we could cook it for dinner tonight. Would you mind helping me prepare and cook it?"

Ok I'll help

"We finished cooking dinner, and Isabella and Alice woke up to help prepare the food. We ate and talked about our lives, laughing and enjoying the moment. However, we knew that after we finished this test, we might be deployed to the battlefield."

After finishing our meal, we decided to get some sleep to prepare for tomorrow. However, I found it difficult to fall asleep. Perhaps it was because I wasn't used to sleeping in this kind of environment. At least I didn't have to worry about the danger of monsters. So I decided to step out of my tent and take a deep breath of the air. I could hear the sound of crickets chirping in the distance. It was a peaceful moment, but then I heard a sound and saw Isabella stepping out of her tent."

having trouble sleeping too?" I asked

Isabella nodded in agreement.

"If only we could stay like this, there would be no war, slavery or any other conflicts, just peace.

"Yes, it would be nice if we could stay in this peaceful environment without any wars or slavery. Unfortunately, the world is not always like this. That's why I joined the military despite being a high noble, to help my father achieve his goal of abolishing slavery and to use my rank once I graduate.

"After talking with Isabella for a while, we eventually decided to head back to our tents and try to get some sleep. Although I still had trouble falling asleep, the conversation had helped me feel more relaxed. I closed my eyes and tried to focus on the sound of the crickets outside. Eventually, I drifted off into a peaceful slumber, ready to face whatever challenges the next day would bring."

After we got some sleep, we immediately walked out into the forest. So far, we didn't encounter any monsters while we were walking. Perhaps the other team had already killed them. However, we did come across some dead bodies of our comrades."

"While we were walking, Alaric suddenly stopped." What is it alaric?

"Shissh," Alaric stood still, listening carefully to the sounds of the forest. "Do you hear that?" he asked. "Someone is coming towards us."

"ROOOAAAAARRRR!!!!! What the hell is that?" I exclaimed. I used my demon eye to identify what kind of monster it was.

Name: unknown


Race: Monster/Goblin General

Mana Capacity:200,000.

Skills: Unknown

"The Goblin General brought 40 goblins. I don't know if we can fight them all," I said, feeling a bit uncertain "I don't have a choice. I need to use my weapons," I thought as I brought out my item box to retrieve my weapons.

"Why do you have a sword from the East Empire and what kind of weapon is that gun?" Alaric asked.

"Right now is not the time for questions, we must focus on the enemy. Everyone stay close," I commanded, trying to keep my team focused on the battle. The goblins encircled us and we needed to be prepared for their attack. I gripped my sword tightly and readied my gun, getting ready for the impending fight.

"Alaric, Isabella, Alice, you guys focus on the goblins. I'll take that big Goblin ."

"Get ready, they are charging toward us."

"I charged at the goblins in order to kill the Goblin General. Meanwhile, the others are fighting defensively. It seems the goblins are trying to use their own bodies as shields to protect the Goblin General."

"I shot at the Goblin General, but it seems he can use shield barrier magic. Not bad, it seems this creature is not stupid at all." I kept shooting, but my bullets were not hitting the Goblin General at all. "Is he trying to close in on me?" I thought to myself. Suddenly, the Goblin General managed to hit me and send me flying, hitting a tree.

"Aughhh! That attack could have broken my bones. Luckily, I transferred my mana to my body. You want a close combat, huh? Then I'll give it to you. I transferred even more mana to my body, increasing my physical strength. Now, come!"

"The Goblin General immediately attacked me without hesitation. I managed to deflect his big wooden weapon and break it." "Now that you don't have a weapon, what will you do?"


" Oh, you still want to fight?" He used his fists to attack me. "Okay, that's enough!" I hit my sword into his arm and cut off his right arm. Then, I cut off his left arm. Now you can't use your shield barrier Well Good bye 

"After I managed to kill the Goblin General , I helped others to kill the remaining goblins, despite feeling exhausted from the long and tiring fight."

"Okay, that's all of them. We should rest for 10 minutes and then continue walking because we are near the exit. While I was resting, suddenly Alaric spoke to me."

"What is that gun, why do you have a sword of the East Empire, and what is that spell you used?

"I will tell you this, but don't tell anyone else. Luckily, Alaric was the only one who noticed that I had this type of weapon, while Isabella and Alice did not."

"I explained to Alaric my skill and how I created the weapons and spell, but I didn't tell him that I have a demon eye."

"Okay, as your friend, I will keep this secret for the rest of my life."

"Well, thanks. We should continue walking now because we are near the end of this test."

"We continued walking and managed to get out of the dark forest. There was a military unit waiting for us, and they congratulated us. After they confirmed that there were no other people left in the dark forest, we learned that only 10 teams had survived out of the 50 that started the test."